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Threads (82):
File: haruko1_5a.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] It's been a long time cummin' Anon 3452334 Thanks for the all the [P] and [H], boys. >> [_] Anon 3452344 >tfw never played hentai flash why you remind me what i missed out
File: [Zone] Haruko - FLCL.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Anon 3429747 >> [_] Anon 3429758 Definitely one of my earlier zone faps. He even has a demo for it.
File: HARUKO.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Got to bring it out Anon 3285796 >> [_] Anon 3285804 >2008 it barely feels like a decade ago >> [_] Anon 3285849 at first i wonder about the apparent lack of a forehead-option. then i click finger.
File: [Zone] Haruko - FLCL.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Anon 3283931 So it is the big [H] that you desire? >> [_] Anon 3283955 >2008 this sucker is almost 10 years old, it's crazy
File: [Zone] Haruko - FLCL.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Anon 3248594 Post [H] for consolation
File: 32 - Haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Anon 3111072 >> [_] Anon 3111156 kids need mustard >> [_] Anon 3111180 Excited and hopeful for season 2!
File: haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Porn) [_] Anon 3055190 >> [_] Anon 3055212 oi op, did you hear that flcl season 2 is announced? >> [_] Anon 3055256 >be me 12 >watch fooly cooly first time >instant love >sad that there is only 6 episodes >make up random mary sue character that is literally invincible in headcannon fooly cooly world >haruko is my space queen as we go on to conquer the universe in place of atomsk and his bullshit N-O gravity nonsense mfw i still love the shit out of haruko >> [_] Anon 3055257 season 2 has been confirmed GET HYPE >> [_] Anon 3055261 >># >># Some things are best ended on a good note. not everything needs endless sequels and reboots until the source material is soiled I.E.:FATE/dragonball/many movie series. >> [_] Anon 3055272 >># if you lads want to have a laugh, let the meter hit -100 by staying on the stop button.
File: 32 - Haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] >you will never watch FLCL for the first time again Anon 3035795 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3035801 >># We'll never do anything we've done before for the first time again, fuckhead. Even knowing this, it does feels kinda sad, I guess. >> [_] Anon 3035806 >># I haven't watched FLCL why should I feel sad that I didn't watch it? >> [_] Anon 3035817 >># What kind of question is that? Just watch it; you'd probably waste your time while doing something else anyway. >> [_] Anon 3035823 >># looks like garbage and the plot sounds terrible I'll give this a pass >> [_] Anon 3035838 People who can meditate and quiet their minds/memories can almost enjoy things in a pure way again. Just takes practice. >> [_] Anon 3035849 >># That sound impossible considering my lifestyle and my fragile mind >> [_] Anon 3035850 >># That is probably correct but if at a later point in your life things get better you may be able to rediscover it then. >> [_] Anon 3035856 >># I don't know how much FLCL would touch me if I stop being a manchild. But my life might get better without me maturing. >> [_] Anon 3035867 >># sure thing oh wise master of the east >> [_] Anon 3035868 >># The animation is fucking superb and the plot could be better, though the whole thing's an analogy. >> [_] Anon 3035884 >># If you can distill your desires then you can enjoy everything purely. Knowing why you like something is empowering. >> [_] Anon 3035959 >># FLCL is terrible tho. >> [_] Anon 3035963 >># >opinion expressed with "tho" >"tho" is the new :^) >> [_] Anon 3035964 >># Thats objectively untrue though since many people enjoyed watching it and if someone enjoys something then "for them" it was good. Infact enjoying or not enjoying something is literally the only relevent thing when it comes to determining if a person enjoyed something or not. I never understand people who feel that their own opinions on something somehow matters more then others or is "fact" when the opposite is true. I suppose if "most people" dislike something then you'd have more of a leg to stand on but FLCL has an enormous number of people who liked it. Obviously there are things that are very popular which I despise so I don't wanna act like something being popular means its good but the golden rule of good/bad being on an individual sense ruled by if a person likes it or not doesn't go away. Criticism with actual reasons is ok I guess but its annoying sometimes when you see a chill thread about some popular content and some guy drops in just to say "hurr this shit is for autists you guys are le cancer kekeke" and then either leaves or sticks around to help convert the thread fully into a shitpost thread or a flinging shit back and forth thread" etc...
/ > /fap/ > Thread 8283 Age: 18.12d Health: 32% Posters: 14 Posts: 22 Replies: 21 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 26806 [G] While we wait for the next flash. In 2020. [IMG] FLCL ZONE.swf (3.78 MiB) 550x400, Compressed. 3093 frames, 30 fps (01:43). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 26822 one of his shittier flashes if you ask me. >> Anon 26825 >># That's true. But it's still a lot better than most stuff other hartists have done. I'm looking at you, Bato! >> Anon 26835 >># Man,fuck bato,that guy is a dick. >> Anon 26837 >># Agreed! >> Bato 26851 >># >># >># >># Retards, you should be glad I even give you the privilege to view my work >> Anon 26852 Rekt by the autist himself >> Anon 26858 >># Nigga,you quoted somebody who wasn't even talking about you,the fuck is up in your head. >> Anon 26860 >># if you're going to rip off Zone's animations, at least use other facial cum animations other than the FLCL one all the time >> Gentleman 26861 >># Oh my! It's Bato! I know this because that's his displayed username! And we know users are always honest about their names. To think the great Bato would grace us with his presence, and berate some Anon users is incredible. Please, Bato, which I'm sure that's who you are, since lying is unheard of around here, give us more insightful commentary on your work. I await your response with much anticipation! >> Anon 26863 >># Careful man,if you sarcasm too hard you're going to be stuck in sarcasm mode all the time. >> Gentleman 26869 >># I'll be fine. But thanks for caring. ;D >> THE ACTUAL ZONE GUYS SERIOUSLY FOR REAL 26871 >># >># hey fuck u man >> Anon 26872 FLCL was so good, that fucking soundtrack man >> Morgan Freeman 26882 >># Don't belive this Gentleman, that defenitly is the real Bato. *gains a freckle* >> Anon 26884 >># I think it's better than his new stuff which is mostly just loops with next to no interaction. >># >># >># Holy shit, all these people gathering here of all places. Are we lucky or what? >> Anon 26887 >># Agreed. Some of his older works I enjoy more than his newer ones. Ones I really liked was the kim possible one and the natsume ones. Higher quality animations doesn't lead to a higher quality game/animation. (yeah that sounds weird) >> Anon 26897 >># Yeah,i think he's lost his drive,can't blame him,he's been doing it for quite a while. >> Your mom 26912 Hello son >> Anon 27041 Anyone have the Ghostbusters Extreme previews he recently posted to the site? >> Anon 27043 >># yes >> Anon 27057 >># Holy shit... M-mom... that you...?
File: 32 - Haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] FLCL The Most Honorable Genghis Khan 2971264 Best Anime tenouttaten >> [_] Anon 2971372 i love zone >> [_] Anon 2971413 >non Futa Haruko I can't fap to this :\ >> [_] Anon 2971414 the fucking sounds she makes is annoying
File: Zone - Haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] but who was phone? Anon 2940140 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2940156 >># All the music in this flash is too damn good. Sauce? >> [_] Anon 2940171 >># band is The Pillows >> [_] Anon 2940174 >># Thanks >> [_] Anon 2940179 >># During the sex scene, the song is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCM_Fj3U 1kM >> [_] Anon 2940192 >># >not knowing the pillows >asking for sauce all these levels of newfaggotry >> [_] Anon 2940306 I would fuck haruko so hard you don't even understand. You don't even understand. >pillows Kills my boner. Must mute.
File: [Zone] Haruko - FLCL.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] bringing out [H] Anon 2903604 >> [_] Anon 2903647 based zone
File: [Zone] Haruko - FLCL.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] [H] it is Anon 2889962
File: [Zone] Haruko - FLCL.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] YEAHHH!!!! anonymão 2856800 >> [_] Anon 2856879 I was convinced this was a troll OP was not a faggot today >> [_] Anon 2856923 >># >finger >alright, ill try it out to get things rolling >??? >fucking metal! >> [_] Anon 2856925 >># >nice pleasure 100% >penetrate > woah woah woah. hold the fucking phone here. > too awesome to fap to.
File: [Zone] Haruko - FLCL.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Anon 2847048 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2847195 wow, this is awful I played through it twice >> [_] Anon 2847197 >># Why not his horn, why not the horn, Zone-shit?!
File: 32 - Haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Enjoy Anon 2365406 >> [_] Anon 2365409 >Actual Zone >> [_] Anon 2365411 >># Want more? I got more. >> [_] Anon 2365414 >># That would be cool. >> [_] Anon 2365420 >># Coming right up. >> [_] Anon 2365425 I just finished watching FLCL again last night. Good timing.
File: Haruko Haruhara - FLCL Hentai Flash Game.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] /r/ inside /r/inside 2239838 does anyone have the flash of the guy wearing his daughters legs after cutting her up for being a furry? >> [_] /r/inside 2239844 /f/ please your my last hope >> [_] Anon 2239848 I was about to comment on how I never fap to FLCL anime out of love for the show. Then I read the OP's text. Wat. >> [_] /r/inside 2239853 please /f/ just this one time be useful >> [_] Anon 2239856 >># i know the flash youre talking about as i thought the daughter was hot before her legs came off but i never saved the flash >> [_] /r/inside 2239860 >># she was ok but i wanted to hear the dialogue the guy cutting her legs off gave >> [_] Anon 2239861 bump because what >> [_] Anon 2239866 >># what the fuck >> [_] Anon 2239885 sorry op wish i knew that one also what >> [_] Anon 2239909 l2google http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6ihgyTC1 h4 OP is a faggot. Nothing new. >> [_] Anon 2239913 >># holy shit if i could suck your dick i would thank you
File: 42671.1.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Anon 2229431 >> [_] Anon 2229452 Retarded ass name It's Zone FLCL
File: Haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Flip 2223368
File: haruko1_5a.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] for /co/ Anon 2202187 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2202346 what did i just watch >> [_] Anon 2202405 This was funny if anything. Little Busters got me all pumped up.
File: Haruko Haruhara - FLCL Hentai Flash Game.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 2125692
File: 32 - Haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Anon 2087831 >> [_] Anon 2087978 Hilarious.
File: FLCL - Haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Anon 2070764 >> [_] Anon 2070778 He seems to be lacking testes. >> [_] Anon 2070785 because zone has no balls >> [_] Anon 2070787 >># But that fact has nothing to do with this. >> [_] Anon 2070803 >what the hell is that coming out of his forehead oh right >flcl >> [_] Anon 2070858 Why is this so hilarious
File: Haruko Haruhara - FLCL Hentai Flash Game.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] /r/ing mother3 flashes Anon 2069065 in return, [h] >> [_] Anon 2069080 bump >> [_] Anon 2069116 Eh, we need something new. Like that Queens Blade: Queen's Hunt flash. >> [_] Anon 2069119 We need something new like that one Queen's Blade: Queen's Hunt flash. Now that's some variety. >> [_] Anon 2069134 >># Sounds like fun >> [_] Anon 2069183 just waiting for the little busters oooyeeeh damn, gotta listen pillows now
File: Haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] NOAH!!!!!!!!! the_ghetto_bener 2045559
File: Haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Anon 2011271 >> [_] Anon 2011437 >Giant-ass finger the size of a black man's dick in the anus is foreplay. Geezuz, Zone, how much of a slut do you think Haruko is?!
File: Haruko Haruhara - FLCL Hentai Flash Game.swf-(3.78 MB, 550x400, Hentai) [_] Anon 2001833 >> [_] Anon 2001835 Great >> [_] Anon 2001861 Can someone post that best sisters ever flash and its source?
File: zone_haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, Hentai) [_] [Zone] Anon 1927851 >> [_] Anon 1927881 does zone web site give a virus? >> [_] Anon 1927890 >># it give all the viruses >> [_] Anon 1927903 >># You're retarded. >> [_] Anon 1928015 wow
File: haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, Hentai) [_] furi? kuri? FLCL! Anon 1911611
File: [ZONE] Haruko.swf-(3.78 MB, Hentai) [_] It's the End. Have some [H] Anon 1836710 >> [_] Anon 1836796 Looking back on it, I think I have her to blame for my love of pink hair and yellow eyes.
File: haruko 1.1.swf-(3.78 MB, Hentai) [_] Best flash Anon 1828798 >> [_] Anon 1828835 I love you >> [_] Anon 1828962 lold uncontrollably >> [_] Anon 1828963 never fapped harder >> [_] Anon 1828986 expecting a hood >> [_] Anon 1829005 I still think her ass should look like minced meat afterwards. >> [_] Anon 1829007 FAIL -100% >> [_] Anon 1829026 Fuck yeah man I had no idea they made one of her, love you bro.
File: haruko1_5a.swf-(3.78 MB, Hentai) [_] More ZONE. Anon 1820556 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1820626 My childhood.... What did you do OP? You bastard! >> [_] Anon 1820632 Neat one. >> [_] Anon 1820705 I opened it just to listen to the song, didn't bother playing with her.
File: haruko1_5a.swf-(3.78 MB, Hentai) [_] MOAR ZONE Anon 1810379 MOAR ZONE
File: haruko1_5a.swf-(3.78 MB, Hentai) [_] Haruka - ZONE-SAMA Anon 1792586 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1792587 Haruko* woops. >> [_] Anon 1792675 >># oh jesus this is just to perfect >> [_] Anon 1792714 fucking lost it when I clicked finger lmfao
File: Haruko Haruhara - FLCL Hentai Flash Game.swf-(3.78 MB, Hentai) [_] Anon 1785446 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1785559 This is like cancar for you compute i mean >> [_] Anon 1785569 horrible horrible game >> [_] Anon 1785724 I especially like how her buttcheeks bounce. you know, assuming this is the real deal.
File: haruko 1.1.swf-(3.78 MB, Porn) [_] Anon 1779059 >> [_] Anon 1779095 Do you know what [H] even is? >> [_] Anon 1779173 How classy of Zone >> [_] Anon 1779184 What the flying fuck? >> [_] Anon 1779185 >># From an awesome anime, where when the boy is sexually aroused robots and stuff grow from his head.
File: haruko_haruhara_-_flcl_hentai_flash_game .swf-(3.78 MB, Game) [_] Anonymous07/10/12(Tue)22:09No.1717205 >> [_] Anonymous07/11/12(Wed)10:45No.1717371 thats probably one of her better ones actually >> [_] Anonymous07/11/12(Wed)11:02No.1717374 i wish i was the girl
File[haruko-sex-game.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [G] Anon 1679170
File[haruko 1.1.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1641176 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1641222 Mmm >> [_] Anon 1641243 so whats so 1.1 about it? >> [_] Anon 1641292 >># .1 >> [_] Anon 1641362 you are a gentleman >> [_] Anon 1641390 the only thing this flash has done is given me an urge to listen to The Pillows
File[haruko 1.1.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1638777 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1638779 what is different from v1? >> [_] Anon 1638808 God, this is made really well and all, but she's just not sexy >> [_] Anon 1638813 Pillows music give everything A+ >># I have met alot of people that thought Haruko was hot >> [_] Anon 1638844 >># Don't insult my waifu like that. Its rude. >> [_] Anon 1638866 >># Your waifu is a bitch that almost destroyed a town, no, the fucking world, for some ass that probably dosen't care for her >> [_] Anon 1638957 >># Kinda like every woman on earth? Also whats the title of the song playing in the menu screen?
File[haruko1_5a.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] enjoy Anon 1600848 >> [_] Anon 1600963 sweet
File[Zone - Haruko.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1584892 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1584925 Gotta rub dem pirroz. >> [_] Anon 1584927 this shit is gay >> [_] Anon 1584957 for some reason i thought this was sakura, i am disappoint >> [_] Anon 1584959 watch your epic animooz and learn your names! Hara Hara Haruko >> [_] Anon 1584961 PROTIP: To get past the first stage quickly, press finger, and when the Slow/Fast menu comes up, press Fast repeatedly (not TOO fast). Every time you hit it the pleasure will go up by 1 instantly, so you can just mash the thing to get on with it. >> [_] DtDust !Aicf8Py.hg 1585072 Dude, anyone who doesnt realize that Haruhara Haruko is the sexiest character to ever not exist doesnt deserve to fap
File[zone22(haruko).swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [G] flcl hgame Anon 1567084 derp
File[haruko 1.1.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Zone Anon 1556278 This one's kind of funny
File[Haruko 1.5 by ZONE.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] /f/ really does suck tonight Anon 1494025
File[Zone - Haruko.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1469380 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] drawnon !!NenRUnBEBZz 1469579 bumb
File[22 - Haruko - FLCL.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Zone - Haruko Anon 1467094 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1467225 For Zone...this wasn't bad. >> [_] Anon 1467227 >># zone is pretty good on average but other people put zones name and load screen on their crappy flashes to piss us off >> [_] Anon 1467237 Anyone else having issues with the sound bits cutting the audio out?
File[Zone - Haruko.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1463082 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1463282 sauce on that song?
File[haruko.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] rule34 Anon 1460824 >> [_] Anon 1460914 SAUCE >> [_] Anon 1460915 >># A tv show named FLCL >> [_] Anon 1460967 the song is Lil Busters By The Pillows >> [_] Anon 1460971 wtf face hand? >> [_] Anon 1460988 >># >># do ppl really not know about Furi Kuri??
File[Zone - Haruko.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1454815 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1454855 Why has nobody commented on this? Zone is amazing, and your a hero for posting his.her work! >> [_] Anon 1454859 >># Because this is old and we've seen this like a over 9000 times. Also don't samefag just to save it, just say bump like normal people. >> [_] Anon 1454943 anyone know the name of the song on the title screen
File[haruko.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1435851 /f/ needs more [H] >> [_] Anon 1435940 music sauce
File[22 - Haruko - FLCL.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] /f/ needs moar [H] Anon 1431206 >> [_] Anon 1431238 love you OP!! >> [_] Nos 1431306 Post the Juri one, Because wont let me ; /. >> [_] Anon 1431325 fuck yeah FLCL >> [_] Anon 1431378 this has been the the best one from zone yet!!!! OP is amazing!
File[haruko.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1425537 Moar zone >> [_] Anon 1425540 Do you have Bloo? >> [_] Anon 1425542 >># I do but unless they removed the 4 posts limit I can't up anything else. I could rapidshit it for you? >> [_] Anon 1425543 I am all for that. >> [_] Anon 1425544 >># http://rapidshare.com/files/433580596/fr ankie.swf >> [_] Anon 1425546 Thanks much. >> [_] Anon 1425547 Why does she keep making sounds like a sick goat? LOL
File[Zone - Haruko.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] flcl zone Anon 1361672 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1361677 thx man >> [_] Anon 1361679 >># Don't believe it for a second. >> [_] Anon 1361693 /r/ing menu song >> [_] Anon 1361694 >># Nah, it's legit. Someone /r/'d it. >> [_] Anon 1361696 >># band - the pillows >> [_] Anon 1361703 >># Little Busters- The Pillows >> [_] Anon 1361716 The fact that it opens with the pillows just makes this awesome >> [_] Anon 1361893 I love this work of Zone, it's the closest thing MOST of us will see to the ACTUAL COMPLETE 12 FLCL EPISODES THAT WERE RELEASED. Sadly, Gainax pulled the whole 12 episodes, and edited it down to 6. the original 12 were all an hour long, and only aired once. i had the pleasure of owning them, then lost them all when my external hard drive DIED. One of the WORST fucking days of my life man, wish I could find them again. i'd give my left nut for all 12 episodes again, seriously. Some of the craziest sex scenes ever in an anime, and fanservice of namimi and haruko abound. PLUS, the mutiple rapes of Naota at the hands of Haruko, and once by Kanti made this series the most fucking epic thing I've seen in a LONG time. >> [_] Anon 1361916 >># Pics or it never happened
File[Zone - Fooly Cooly - Haruara Haruko (1.5a).swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Because somebody asked for R34 of Haruko Zone - FLCL 1336389 read the subject >> [_] Anon 1336438 Protip: If you want to get to part 2 quickly, click finger, then press the Fast button over and over with a slow rhythm, letting one full insertion between clicks. If you do it correctly, it should go by a lot faster. >> [_] Anon 1336442 why the fuck do threads last like only 3 hours today on /f/? >> [_] Anon 1336483 >># You can also turn the quality down. >> [_] Anon 1336500 >># Of course, that too, but this is a trick to get the most speed out of the game even after that. It's important if you want to see all... What is it, 4 good endings? Also, make sure to turn down the quality with the number buttons, not just right clicking and changing it manually, because it starts on a high quality that has extra visual effects that don't turn off unless you use the numbers. >> [_] Anon 1336526 media player classic. click to play scenes. >> [_] Anon 1336592 Best way is to just switch to another tab. >> [_] Anon 1336660 Srsly, best R34 in a helluva long time >> [_] Anon 1336695 /r/ing the name of the song in the menu >> [_] Anon 1336705 I'd thank you if I hadn't known about this for years.
File[22_-_Haruko_-__FLCL.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1318749 Haruko zone >> [_] !!OesoERs4YQF 1318783 think the drill would hurt eh? >> [_] Anon 1318830 wow, i thought it was too good to be true, but it turned out that it wasnt some gay ass prank shit >> [_] Anon 1318842 wtf is wrong with his head >> [_] Anon 1318879 >># you've never seen the show faggot >> [_] Anon 1318885 >># jea, mee too. Once in a while its actually what it sez
File[22_-_Haruko_-__FLCL.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] h Anon 1298953 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1298996 lol ass drill >> [_] Anon 1299032 I miss Z0NE. >> [_] Anon 1299098 Scuse me but WHAT THE FUCK. >> [_] Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 1299121 i loled at rub >> [_] Gyro !Amorw9dlQ2 1299122 eerr finger >> [_] Anon 1299182 ITT: fags who have never watched fooly cooly
File[haruko1_5a.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] /r/ing nicolas cage wants chocolate cake Red fox !ozOtJW9BFA 1294508 wooooo >> [_] Mr. Mumbles !AmaZing6tE 1294515 Which FLCL song plays at the intro, before you hit start? >> [_] Anon 1294554 >># what is this, trivia? it's LITTLE BUSTERS >> [_] Anon 1294581 Think its going to be a while before anyone has your /r/ buddy. :\
File[haruko1_5a.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] req HKG5 1.1a Anon 1287759 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1287768 seconded >> [_] Anon 1287846 and now i have to go watch FLCL >> [_] Anon 1287876 bump for HKG5 >> [_] Anon 1287892 That is fucking sweet >> [_] Anon 1287893 >anus drill WHHHHHHHHHHHAT >> [_] Anon 1287897 >># I coulda done without that, but the rest was crazy excellent. >> [_] Anon 1287907 http://rs551.rapidshare.com/files/395752 314/SH_Zone_-_Hentai_Key_Girl_5_1.1_Full. rar This might be it >> [_] Anon 1287912 >># That's probably 1.1. Someone confirm the a. >> [_] Anon 1287914 >># exact same filesize as 1.1 >> [_] Anon 1287934 1.1a, not fucking 1.1 >> [_] Anon 1287959 There's a 1.1a version now? What are the updates? >> [_] Anon 1287960 >># Why not just go to his site and find out? >> [_] Anon 1287968 >># It exists, I got it in another thread. Gotta see Anus 3, completely /d/ right there >> [_] Anon 1287971 >># He didn't ask if it existed, he asked what the updates were... *** UPDATE *** 10th June 2010 Version 1.1a now available. Cum is visible in the internal vaginal climax scene again. The debug console will no longer return 'null object reference' errors. >> [_] Anon 1287975 Well, where is it? >> [_] Anon 1287982 It was a megaporn link, as I recall >> [_] Anon 1287985 >># We need posts, not recollections... >> [_] Anon 1287993 Seriously, guys. You haven't learned by now that it's already up on swfchan? http://swfchan.com/18/85200/?Zone+-+Hent ai+Key+Girl+5+%281.1%29+{Full}.swf >> [_] Anon 1287995 >># you best be trolling all i see is 1.1 which is not what I want >> [_] Anon 1287996 >># I don't see an "a" after the 1.1 so I am assuming it's not what was requested. So seriously guys, when will you stop spreading outdated versions of shit? >> [_] Anon 1288000 Still in need. >> [_] Anon 1288019 >># Still... >> [_] Anon 1288020 TIG OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL' BITTIIIIIIIIES. Unrelated to flash. >> [_] Anon 1288022 >># Well, hers are pretty large. >> [_] Anon 1288025 >># ...so people are going crazy about the fact that there's cum? What the fuck? >> [_] Anon 1288026 >># 1.1 has no cum...and 1.1 adds more to 1.0, which has cum...so 1.1a is the only complete version now. >> [_] Anon 1288035 >># You know, cum being there again doesn't justify ignoring all the 1.1 downloads and constantly bitching about the absence of 1.1a links. >> [_] Anon 1288048 >># Since I have 1.1....yes, it does.
File[22_-_Haruko_-__FLCL.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1282582 heres a gift. now follow my example, oh and btw its the full version >> [_] Anon 1282593 You know...It's funny... The anime was about growing and going through puberty. >> [_] Anon 1282594 Oh COME ON. A DRILL??? >> [_] Anon 1282595 It must be a very non-lethal drill. >> [_] Anon 1282691 lol, robosex >> [_] Anon 1282751 >># *insert obligitory Gurren Lagann joke here*
File[haruko-1.5a.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] GENTLEMEN WitnessX !!danMsLweUxt 1214180 I PRESENT TO YOU MORE ZONE Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1214184 Whats the difference from 1 >> [_] Anon 1214191 >># same question here >> [_] WitnessX !!danMsLweUxt 1214198 >># >># I BELIEVE this is a fixed/debugged version. When I saved them from /f/, I seem to recall there being discussion about debugging. Don't quote me on that, though. >> [_] Anon 1214204 WHAT IS FOOLY COOLY? >> [_] Anon 1214208 >># End yourself >> [_] Anon 1214223 >># i lold >> [_] Anon 1214227 I think version 1 only had the dp orgasm scene, as opposed to the full run 1.5 has. >> [_] Anon 1214228 >># for cryin out loud, it was even on adult swim like 2 years ago. >> [_] Anon 1214286 PROTIP: To get through the initial scene as quickly as possible, click finger, then when the options of slow and fast show up, tap fast repeatedly. It will continually restart the fingering and give +1 pleasure each time, so you can zip through it FAST. >> [_] Anon 1214292 >># フリクリ = FLCL = Furi Kuri = Fooly Cooly >> [_] Anon 1214307 How does I drilled vagina? >> [_] Anon 1214309 >># It still is, technically. That's a quote from it, though, so you're probably taking it the wrong way.
File[haruko-1.5a.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] WitnessX !!danMsLweUxt 1192769 >> [_] Anon 1192877 bump >> [_] Anon 1192990 Shut the fuck up, WitnessX
File[22 - Haruko - FLCL.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] cause im 10 away from gfto Anon 1133562 http://www.e2esoft.cn/webapp/invite.asp? r=v&f=drewski&p=vcam&lan=en and no its not the sauce but click anyway Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1133628 gasgahgashahs I came. >> [_] Anon 1133661 Fuck, weasel, etc. >> [_] Anon 1133669 I helped you. What do you get after those clicks? >> [_] Anon 1133673 >># free serial for the program its really good if you broadcast from your pc >> [_] Anon 1133692 Reported for linkspam. Enjoy your permab&.
File[haruko1_5a.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] /f/, two years ago (Haruko Zone full) Anon 1124615
File[haruko-sex-game.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Whats the Name of this menu song Psycho mantis 1084683 I cant seem to find this song name anywhere >> [_] Anon 1084694 bump T_T >> [_] Anon 1084696 Pillows -- "Little Busters" >> [_] Psycho mantis 1084700 >># Thank you so much man >> [_] Anon 1084710 Oooo! I found a glitch! You can keep clicking on the Fast button once it appears in the pre-penetration portion of the game after clicking Finger, which causes the first initial penetration segment to play over and over as you click, letting you get up to 100% much quicker. >> [_] Anon 1084715 >># that glitch sucks balls dude >> [_] Anon 1084720 >># Not if you want to get to stage 2 several times quick to see the endings. >> [_] Anon 1084851 lfktiojgdrs yes, robotsex!
File[zone-34(haruko).swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Zone flash Anon 1072118 >> [_] Anon 1072319 awesome! one of the better ones
File[zone-34(haruko).swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] /r/ inside Anon 1047926 /r/ing miko miko nurse. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1047954 google dawg >> [_] Anon 1047976 swfchan is your friend >> [_] Anon 1048064 >># >># >># >> [_] Anon 1048187 something tells me the anal would be painful >> [_] Anon 1048193 ›49338601048187 i assume women enjoy power tools in their anus.
File :[haruko.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 986407 >> [_] Nekohentai !pGt6/pVDLk!!msucwnxjEam 986439 wat >> [_] Anon 986544 This is wrong. >> [_] Anon 986551 LOL. The animation befpre "Finger" is amazing. lol >> [_] Anon 986564 Not Haruko... :( >> [_] Anon 986565 >> [_] Anon 986580 flcl is made of win >> [_] Anon 986584 what's the song in this shit? >> [_] Anon 986617 >># Little Busters - The Pillows >> [_] Anon 986631 (\__/) (='.'=) (")_(")
File :[22 - Haruko - FLCL.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Haruko FLCL Anon 979047 >> [_] Anon 979111 This is now my favorite fucking Zone flash but that robot just came, wtf >> [_] Anon 979115 Pillows in my [H]? Awesome. >> [_] Anon 979122 What track is it that's used in this again?
File :[22 - Haruko - FLCL.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 973644 Moar [H] >> [_] Anon 973880 wtf i huh mmmmm *gurgle* llllmmmm.....oh well fapfapfapfap
File :[haruko.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] FLCL hentai game THE haruko 937404 :3
File :[Zone - Haruko.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Request inside Elle Lowel 925820 I need the song sauce, ost or the title.. it's too damn hauntingly good Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Elle Lowel 925822 Oh fuk I unintentionally double posted >.<.. I didn't look before I posted.. I fucking fail! >> [_] Anon 925827 the pillows music is so cool The little blasters is my favorite song >> [_] Elle Lowel 925828 I meant the song while the Haruko is being sexed.. that song. >> [_] Anon 925871 STALKER by the pillows >> [_] Anon 925951 /r/ing zone hentarella 1 or natsume 1 please :( >> [_] Elle Lowel 925969 >># My thanks, Anon. And gimme a bit for your req 925951 >> [_] Anon 925980 well, my mind, and one of my favorite things, just got raped, and in ususal fashion, i hung around and watched >> [_] Anon 925989 >># don't you mean little busters? >> [_] Anon 926070 MANFACE!
File :[haruko1_5a.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 910778 /r/ing the 'Blue Balls' video it had this big blue puppet talking about blue balls in return delishus ZONE hentai
File :[Zone - Haruko 1.5a.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] ...I'll give you more! Anon 906846 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 906914 em... what the fuk? >> [_] Anon 906929 What's different about this from version 1.0? >> [_] Glaciod !!FIKs9rk6k0M 907033 ...drill would mean death....I mean I' not assdrillologist but I'm sure I have that one figured out. >> [_] Anon 907044 Odd, but i love FLCL. MORE FoolyCooly STUFF ! ! ! ! ! ! !
File :[haruko-sex-game.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] this is for yooou anon Anon 900357 lawl >> [_] Anon 900373 what is the song at the start of this? >> [_] Anon 900390 >># The Pillows - Little Busters >> [_] Anon 900391 http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/16 39771/878204/ The Pillows Discography if you liked that song, you'll love everything else they've done >> [_] Anon 900408 >># not true. I think their early stuff sounds like shit. later stuff is good though. >> [_] Anon 900455 super >> [_] Anon 900609 Win.
File :[zone22(haruko).swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Taking /r/'s on anything Anon 886075 Post requests here, I have everything zone and pretty much all the classic loops and games. Anon will deliver. >> [_] Anon 886076 I /r/ you to stop posting. >> [_] Anon 886078 http://mirrorchan.uuuq.com/zone/ I have learned enough! :D >> [_] Anon 886088 you got zone's new johnny test flash? >> [_] Anon 886090 AAUUUUNNNGHHHHH >> [_] naksiloth !6xqjXqgnW. 886091 >># see >># >> [_] Anon 886093 mmk i /r/ a translated version of this : http://hentaifromhell.net/games/bleach-f lash-hentai-game there was one on /r/ earlier but it was only partially translated >> [_] Anon 886094 you have dancingcat1,2, and 3? and there was this one loop about 2 anime chicks doing the booty bounce thing where you can control which way their butt's move. >> [_] Anon 886179 >># DO NOT WANT! >> [_] Anon 886193 >># /r/ this >> [_] Anon 886194 >># Facepalm.jpg Look at what I said here >># >> [_] Anon 886211 Is there a zone flash about the zone flash girl avatar girl? I want to fucking rape her mouth. >> [_] Anon 886245 >># this going to be updated at all when new ones come out?
File :[haruko-sex-game.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] /r/ moar [H] Sageru !CG03kSBtf2 873740 /r/ moar [H] >> [_] Anon 873747 is it wrong to call you a newfag purely for what you called this flash. because you are. >> [_] Sageru !CG03kSBtf2 873762 im pretty straightforward with what i got. its a sex game, involving haruko.... i dont see the problem here >> [_] Sageru !CG03kSBtf2 873763 unless you're some kid hiding your pr0n from ur mum... in which case... you deserve a ban you fuckwit >> [_] Anon 873764 >># no, just because new/f/ags cant zone >> [_] Anon 873767 >># Bitches don't know about my Zone-Archive >> [_] ButtercupSaiyan !zYWrhqMVos 873772 Yeah, seeing the name on this one saddened me just a little. >> [_] Anon 873784 >># >mum Oh god, you're British, aren't you? >> [_] Anon 873811 Is it wrong that I ignored the porn game altogether and just minimized it so I could listen to the music? >> [_] 7 !Gv599Z9CwU 873829 i wish that said haruhi i would fap like a mad man >> [_] Anon 873833 moar? >> [_] !amYdLFo5nA 873908 >># hey, what about making more flash instead of lurkin on /f/? >> [_] Anon 873927 >># no lol that song is better than sex >> [_] Anon 873950 >># Fuck yeah. The Pillows is awesome.
File :[zone-ism-flcl.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Zone-ism Zone Citizen 853432 Zone's really a genius, this one is my fav, there should be a religion where the god is zone, it will be Zone-ism, oh god please grant us more of your creations. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 853434 oh god i should have known, it was this one, the anime is a work of art and so is this zone >> [_] Anon 853535 sauce on menu music? >> [_] Falcon 853543 its The Pillows - "Little Busters" >> [_] Anon 853627 >># no. Fap and get the fuck out. >> [_] Anon 853731 any of yall niggers got a rapidshit on some zone stuff >> [_] moar AnonPRon 853745 Need more Zone, on a dling craze. Help me out ya?
File :[HARUKO.swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Needs moar [H] Anon 840416 >> [_] Anon 840492 Neato. What's the title screen music from? >> [_] Anon 840506 >># Little Busters by The Pillows if I'm not mistaken. >> [_] Anon 840512 Damn, that Zone always makes me laugh. This one was good.
File :[zone22(haruko).swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Zone FLCL flash Anon 827271 Robot sex GET. As /r/d by the person wanting more [H] >> [_] Anon 827272 LOL wow that was a fucking funny flash. Sound and video >> [_] Anon 827293 >># Agree'd.
File :[zone22(haruko).swf] - (3.78 MB) [_] [H] Anon 825360 >> [_] Anon 825405 I lol'd at robot drill penis >> [_] Anon 825525 sauce on the song in the beginning. >> [_] Anon 825544 >># The Pillows - Little Busters
File: zone15(umeko).swf-(1.29MB, 550x400) [IMG][_] Anon 4 [IMG] So...do we need another Zone flash thread? >> [_] Anon 9 YES for the love of all that drips, squirts or bleeds YES >> [_] Anon 10 10 get, also yes! >> [_] Anon 11 File: zone02(kim).swf-(730.22KB, 600x700) [IMG] Alright then. I'll upload all the ones I have. >> [_] Anon 12 File: zone04(natsume).swf-(1.17MB, 500x670) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 13 File: zone11(sakaki).swf-(1.63MB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 14 File: zone16(umeko2).swf-(1.81MB, 550x400) [IMG] Second Umeko. >> [_] Anon 15 I still don't know how to open the flash files in the rar file that I downloaded yesterday. Is there a special procedure? >> [_] Anon 16 File: zone20(aisha).swf-(5.24MB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 17 File: zone19(reiko).swf-(1.15MB, 550x400) [IMG] 1st Reiko. >> [_] Anon 18 File: zone21(reiko2).swf-(1.92MB, 550x400) [IMG] 2nd Reiko. >> [_] Anon 19 Does anyone have a download link for the new Kagura flash? >> [_] Anon 21 File: mini-04(kagura).swf-(0B) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 22 File: mini-04(kagura)1.swf-(869.54KB, 550x400, mini-04(kagura).swf) [IMG] >># >> [_] Anon 30 >># This one doesnt seem to work. >> [_] Anon 33 OP~ Here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0w9m32tx Now someone else can upload the rest. >> [_] Anon 43 File: ZONE%20-%20midna_v1.0.swf-(5.16MB, 550x400) [IMG] >># better upload: http://rapidshare.com/files/134704873/Zo ne_Flash.rar.html also this is the latest version of the midna flash >> [_] Anon 45 FUCK. Oh well, that was pretty awesome. Old meme is oooooooold... and still win. =D I came anyways. >> [_] Anon 46 Also, would anyone happen to have the REAL full midna one? >> [_] Anon 60 File: natsume2_preview2.swf-(575.89KB, 550x400) [IMG] Is there a full version of this one lurking somewhere? >> [_] Anon 61 File: rukia1.swf-(1.06MB, 550x400) [IMG] Rukia >> [_] Anon 63 >># Scarred for life. >> [_] Anon 66 >># Lol'd heartily. >> [_] Anon 67 FUCK I WAS PLAYING ONE OF THESE AND MY GRANDMA CAME IN SAW FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT >> [_] Anon 94 Heh... so I guess I won't post mine then. >> [_] Anon 96 I guess I wont post mine then... >> [_] Anon 127 >># WHO WAS GRANDMA!?! >> [_] Anon 129 >># oh btw that actually is the latest version of the midna flash, zone just likes to mess around. and yeah there's like a billion things that can happen. no idea when bcs and zone will actually get off their lazy asses and complete it for real. >> [_] Anon 137 >># Holy mother of lol how many rolls in this are there? >> [_] Anon 140 >># And that, kids, is the right way to do a Rickroll. >> [_] Anon 143 >># I'd like to know, too >> [_] Dr.Anon 159 >># ROFL. That's just too funny. >> [_] Anon 176 >># You made my day. Thank you. Haven't seen that in a while. >> [_] Anon 183 >># god damn it >> [_] Anon 203 >># I WISH I WERE A BIRD! >> [_] Cyberkain69 210 File: Zone - C18 Cell.swf-(3.15MB, 550x400) [IMG] I know that Zone did some DBZ flashes but did he ever do any where you could choose the sex scenes like the Aisha and Liru flashes or Biker Girl Reiko? Ive seen the dress up flash, the Cell rape, Krillian busting a nut on her face and a BJ vid. Also i hope the flash I posted works...^-^; >> [_] Anon 243 >># theres no full version of this, it's unlikely zone will ever complete it >> [_] Anon 284 >># Do want full version ;_; >> [_] Anon 288 >># BJ one? >> [_] Anon 300 >># this. Been waiting for the full version since the demo came out months ago. Not quite as into Midna porn as I was then but I've been waiting for too long to not care. >> [_] Anon 301 For some reason, I can't view the midna one. >> [_] Anon 347 What exactly is Natsume from, anyway? If she isn't an original or something, I need to find MOAR. >> [_] Anon 365 File: kristalx.swf-(1.39MB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Cyberkain69 382 >># Yeah, but the one I have is in video format so i dunno if it'll work. Got it from that RAR upload a while back. >> [_] Anon 436 >># yes >> [_] Anon 439 >># Go get Snosh, foo >> [_] Anon 461 >># Seconded :/ >> [_] Anon 521 >># thirded. 404 >> [_] Anon 535 >># Yah, if you have Windows you right click, select open with and pick your internet browser. >> [_] Anon 583 anyone else unable to extract? i've tried like 1000 times and it acts like it extracts them, but there's nothing to be found anywhere. =/ >> [_] Anon 661 >># I counted 9 rolls: Manticore Sonic "No Way! No Way?" Hood White and Nerdy Best Day Ever CatRave Jem RickRoll Gutsman's Ass >> [_] Anon 740 >># Did you try clicking the filename ABOVE the flash symbol? Worked for me. >> [_] Anon 741 >># /r/ song >> [_] Anon 746 File: mokotosexgame.swf-(1.98MB, 500x550) [IMG] No one has posted this one yet >> [_] Anon 778 requesting song of above zone flash,the motoko one >> [_] Anon 781 >># It's the theme song of Ghost in the Shell. >> [_] Anon 911 >># more specifically, the song's name is inner universe. i downloaded it a while back gus its a good song. im sure you can find it somewhere try www.filestube.com >> [_] Anon 914 gendou.com all the anime music you could ever want, direct downloads >> [_] Anon 949 File: demospiceandwolf.swf-(712.89KB, 550x400) [IMG] Found this preview. Fake? >> [_] Anon 1027 >># Holy fuck, Midna just dropped a rung on my todo list >> [_] Anon 1028 >># DAMN YOU PLAY BUTTON YOU TAUNT ME WITH YOUR LACK OF FUNCTION >> [_] Anon 1030 >># I didn't know you were making Midna, anonymous. >> [_] Anon 1060 bummmppp >> [_] Anon 1061 We need MOAR >> [_] Anon 1064 >># no, i'm not making it, i meant WISH list >> [_] Anon 1127 >># >># >>EveryoneElseWaitingForMidnaFlash New update on Zone's site says full version is Imminent in next few days. Form an orderly queue. >> [_] Anon 1130 Need the Yoko one >> [_] Anon 1132 File: Zone Mini Loops - Yoko.swf-(884.46KB, 550x400) [IMG] >># >> [_] Anon 1147 zone quote "This is a heads up about the Midna flash. We are working very hard to make it available as soon as possible. The game is about 95% complete with only minor animations and debugging left to do. However this flash is massive compared to any previous ones and debugging and testing takes much longer in this case. We are still aiming for an August release but if we don't make it, you can rest assured that it will only be a day or two late. We want to ensure that the game is absolutely solid and hopefully have no need for a point release in order to fix bugs. We have tried to include as much fun stuff as possible in this flash, it certainly is the most ambitious project to date. There are some fairly huge easter eggs to find as well so make sure to play it more than once. We appreciate your patience. The wait is almost over." >> [_] Anon 1153 >># Thank you good sir, that was great, always had a soft spot for redheads with glasses. Oh BTW, someone may want to take the new one on the front game af flash and put it in here. >> [_] Anon 1156 I provide some teaser pics of the full midna flash I found http://datachan.505.ru/b/res/55.html >> [_] Anon 1157 >># was made by anon, but the guy abandoned it, he said. >> [_] Anon 1169 >># I hate you. And also love you. >> [_] Anon 1173 Now all we needs is a natsume 2 just as expansive as Midna >> [_] Anon 1177 >># Need this fuckin song, any help? >> [_] Anon 1181 Someone should sticky this thread so the direct links we all have saved won't get lost. >> [_] Anon 1185 >># Zone - Music to fap to vol. 1 also, he needs to make vol. 2 too sometime... >> [_] Anon 1191 >># Zone had confirmed it as fake, sorry. >> [_] Anon 1194 current release date for midna and a mini is the 8th >> [_] Anon 1201 >># God damnit :( >> [_] Anon 1207 File: 200131 - Legend_of_Zelda Link Midna Twilight_Princ.swf-(757.84KB, 825x2625) [IMG] This is a heads up about the Midna flash. We are working very hard to make it available as soon as possible. The game is about 95% complete with only minor animations and debugging left to do. However this flash is massive compared to any previous ones and debugging and testing takes much longer in this case. We are still aiming for an August release but if we don't make it, you can rest assured that it will only be a day or two late. We want to ensure that the game is absolutely solid and hopefully have no need for a point release in order to fix bugs. We have tried to include as much fun stuff as possible in this flash, it certainly is the most ambitious project to date. There are some fairly huge easter eggs to find as well so make sure to play it more than once. We appreciate your patience. The wait is almost over. *** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash just reached release candidate status. This means that unless we find some extremely large bugs, it will most likely be released later today. >> [_] Anon 1208 >># (btw right click and zoom in)! NEED THIS NOW! >> [_] Anon 1212 My constant refreshing isn't helping! D: Between this and that fucking cloud in Braid, I'm not doing well with stuff that takes forever. >> [_] Anon 1217 ngggggggggh impatient holding off on beating off specifically for this (what a glorious day) >> [_] divine truth 1220 *** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash just reached release candidate status. This means that unless we find some extremely large bugs, it will most likely be released later today. >> [_] divine truth 1221 oh wait... >># >> [_] Anon 1222 Hellz yes. This will be epic. >> [_] Anon 1223 >># If it would finally come out. I'd be happy if it did in the next half hour. >> [_] Anon 1224 It's gonna be posted here, correct? >> [_] Anon 1225 >># Damn it, I knew it was done! They've been holding back and fapping to it by themselves for hours! And then laughing at us being so impatient. >> [_] Anon 1226 can it be posting time now plz? >> [_] Anon 1227 not done yet check zone's site more often >> [_] Anon 1228 fuck, it's already later today. hurry up, zone! we need to fap >> [_] divine truth 1230 with our luck, they "[found] some extremely large bugs" >> [_] Anon 1233 only 2 more hours till tomorrow >> [_] Anon 1234 OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG MUST...HAVE....THAT...NOW >> [_] Anon 1235 IT'S OUT! GO GO GO, ANON. DELIVER!! >> [_] Anon 1236 GOD DAMNIT ANON!! YOU HAVE NEVER FAILED ME BEFORE DON'T FUCK UP THIS TIME!!! >> [_] Anon 1237 it's out!!!! >> [_] Anon 1238 *** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section*** UPDATE *** 2nd September 2008 The Midna flash is finished and is available in the movies section >> [_] Anon 1239 DAMNIT, I HELD OFF ON FAPPING FOR TWO DAYS WAITING FOR THIS. DELIVER NOW, ANON. DELIVER NOW. >> [_] Anon 1240 I'm pretty sure that several people canceled their subscriptions waiting three fucking months! I'm going to wait an hour, but then I just might succumb and fall back into the fold. >> [_] Anon 1241 http://cgi.4chan.org/f/res/819235.html dunno if it's fake or not, it's just been posted, over 7 megs, and /f/ is fucking slow. >> [_] Anon 1242 I'm trying to get into the 4chan one now. Will post before long. >> [_] Anon 1243 dammit, have patience. anon is not always on time, but anon always delivers >> [_] Anon 1244 It seems the 4chan link won't even load up for me. Guess all I can do is wait here. >> [_] Anon 1245 fuck fuck fuck fuck >> [_] Anon 1246 If this is another bloody fake, I'm going to make a pencil disappear. >> [_] Anon 1247 almost loaded >> [_] Anon 1248 Its real, I'm uploading to rapidshare. >> [_] Anon 1249 people are confurming and a http://rapidshare.com/files/142203899/ZO NE_-_midna.swf dont know if it works tho >> [_] Anon 1250 ITS SO FUCKING REAL IT HURTS. >> [_] Anon 1251 psssst, anon delivers http://rapidshare.com/files/142203899/ZO NE_-_midna.swf >> [_] Anon 1252 I fucking love you, anon. This is an epic day. We will break the record of most people fapping to one thing at the same time. >> [_] Anon 1253 real one >> [_] Anon 1254 Anybody find any easter eggs yet? >> [_] Anon 1255 >># SATAN GUIDE MY COCK!!! >> [_] Anon 1256 >># should I tell you? tell me how to spoiler and I'll tell you what I found >> [_] Anon 1257 Damnit, I can't see my screen. >> [_] Anon 1260 >># just fucking tell us. If they don't want it spoiled, they shouldn't look. >> [_] Anon 1266 >># Either fail at the first stage (rubbing), or the second (fucking), that'll show you wolf link, click on him, and it will take you to the hidden scene. Also, fail twice and zone will call you an idiot (not rly, but it does say wtf) and there will be 2 choises, retry or not. If you click no, it will take you to a black screen, and it's all over. Also, the flash has an ending for almost all of the poses, and there's even a cameo of the adult midna at the good end (if you didn't turn into a furry). Also, don't try to run it full-screen. >> [_] A.K.A.!tFj8DP0Frs 1270 I fucking forgot how to work these after you save them, SOME ONE HELP >> [_] Anon 1272 Open them with your browser. >> [_] Anon 1283 >># >I'm a failure at life, SOME ONE HELP fix'd >> [_] Anon 1290 I am in no mood for downloading. Someone post the full Midna flash. >> [_] Anon 1295 File's too big, or else I would. Stop being a lazy fuck. >> [_] Anon 1300 God exists. Also, this flash rocks tits. >> [_] Anon 1341 needs to be on front page because of fappage. >> [_] Anon 1366 bitchin' >> [_] Anon 1375 Really great work and great technology.....but I'd rather fap to adult Midna. >> [_] Anon 1377 >># The ending suggests you can unlock Adult Midna somehow. I've been trying but i think my version is the older, buggy one they replaced. >> [_] Anon 1378 Protip: Fail once, then click the screen for a hidden scene. >> [_] Anon 1379 http://rs435.rapidshare.com/files/142499 041/midna_1a.swf not sure if it's legit yet, but this may be the updated one. >> [_] Anon 1381 My full version on rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/142998766/Mi dna.swf Zone Collection (Just the ones I liked {Lulz}): Coming soon! >> [_] Anon 1383 Zone compact: >># http://rapidshare.com/files/143000622/Zo ne.rar (It includes the minda flash) >> [_] adult midna Kyle 1386 someone tell me how to get adult midna.......i failed once and retried but no good........... >> [_] Anon 1405 how the hell? i cant open it with anything >> [_] Anon 1422 >># Same here. It won't open. >> [_] Anon 1423 "how the hell? i cant open it with anything" >># Are you referring to the that? Swf should open with adobe flash player... Rar should open with WinRAR >> [_] intellekt!s8.09fucK. 1425 FAIL. you have turned into a furry. >> [_] Anon 1429 >># Just don't do anything at the start that how >:P >> [_] Anon 1430 >># who... is that? Must know.. Need more of her.. >> [_] Anon 1457 Character from manga/anime Azumanga something or other. >> [_] Anon 1458 That's Kagura from "Azumanga Daioh". I've never seen any other hentai flash of her. >> [_] intellekt!s8.09fucK. 1459 >># /r/ name of song on Cat Rave? >> [_] Anon 1460 >># namefaggery + emailfaggery ??? >> [_] Anon 1478 GOD DAMN IT! IT WONT WORK FOR ME >> [_] Anon 1499 To get it to work, save as its normal format but open it in firefox >> [_] Anon 1505 >># What if we don't have flash player? >> [_] Anon 1519 >># choose the <-- --> option, let it max out, and eventually she gets bored, "Not enough to do it for you, Link?" And she goes adult. >> [_] Anon 1522 File: Naruto-key.swf-(1.21MB, 500x600) [IMG] Couldnt see this one here >> [_] Anon 1526 >># I love you man. >> [_] Anon 1534 >># after how much time exactly does she get bored? I wasted some time waiting for the adult version, but nothing >> [_] Anon 1546 I call shenanigans on you good sir! >> [_] Anon 1553 >># Confirming that ver 1.0 has no adult version playable. I've just skipped through all the frames. >> [_] The Invisible Mage!IMJGDsxfxg 1554 >># Well Bugger. You can still get Wolf form Link, though. >> [_] sehnsucht!0WsIEmknHQ 1556 File: Meednaw.swf-(7.47MB, 550x400) [IMG] wat? >> [_] Anon 1575 >># oh god >> [_] Anon 1581 >># what? what im a missing here? >> [_] sehnsucht!0WsIEmknHQ 1585 >># i posted the midna zone. bitch. >> [_] Anon 1587 >># I LOVE YOU. >> [_] Anon 1588 the midna flash was amazing. best one yet. oh, and even though many others have probably posted this, what happened to Natsume 2? >> [_] akigawa!FXugyjic5M 1604 >># I wanted it...so badly. goddamn manticores... >> [_] sehnsucht!0WsIEmknHQ 1607 >># enough to suck me off? >> [_] Anon 1610 >># almost >> [_] sehnsucht!0WsIEmknHQ 1611 >># cant blame me for trying. >> [_] Anon 1695 1. Bump for great Justice 2. Wolf link is not worth the wait >> [_] Anon 1696 backwards penis much... >> [_] Anon 1701 >># Yes. And this is from the original poster. >> [_] Moko 1771 >># Pfft, you should see Umeko, the first one. Now I know I'm looking at a penis, but those balls look DAMN inert. IF they are balls.. >> [_] sehnsucht!0WsIEmknHQ 1779 poast moar zone! >> [_] Anon 1801 So which of the midna flash versions listed here allows access to the adult version? >> [_] Anon 1802 Decompiled. Even with the 1.05 patch the adult midna is not included. >> [_] Anon 1803 how does one get these videos to work cause id really love to see zone sama's work, when ever i try to play one it just stops after loading >> [_] Anon 1805 >># just wondering, while I make myself go insane trying to get the damned play button to work, the song has been taunting me and I must know what it is. >> [_] Anon 1811 File: raven2.swf-(3.87MB, 550x400) [IMG] Didn't see this one here yet >> [_] Anon 1815 Raven being pwnd by Slade....not that great. Good animation, but first Raven is badass >> [_] Anon 1817 >># Thank you good sir! >> [_] King Of Idiots!qMH.WZ/6NI 1818 mmmmmm, zone. rule 34 at it's finest. >> [_] Anon 1820 I feel retarded, but how to you save flash videos to your computer >> [_] Anon 1828 >># Rightclick, saveas. >> [_] Anon 1835 i don't see any ghostbuster kylie flashes. If possible can we have all of plz. she is goddman HAWT. >> [_] reply to 1828 Anon 1843 BAD ASS.. thank you >> [_] Anon 1879 so wolf link is the only "egg" on there, or am I missing something...that damn message at the end is starting to piss me off heh >> [_] Anon 1900 >># requesting full. Does anyone have it? >> [_] Falcon 1918 Yes the wolf scene is the ONLY hidden scene a guy on 4chan decompiled midna 1.a and there was no others. The adult midna was zones way of getting attention (which is working). I hate the midna flash for that reason that they didn't put her in. not even an internal view window. WORST FLASH GAME LETDOWN EVER >> [_] Anon 1920 >># seriously. It's a good flash and all, but they better make one with adult midna or I might panic. >> [_] Haxx 1964 Does anyone know where these "huge" easter eggs are in the midna flash? >> [_] Anon 1977 >># Yes, it's the fucking real one!!! I came. >> [_] Anon 1993 hmmm I'm gonna have to test this with a decompiler but I'm pretty sure that if you store the extra frames inside a movieclip inside of the main time line in a swf it would not show up on a decomiple right? confirmation? >> [_] Anon 1996 anyone got an account they would like to share with the rest of us? >> [_] Anon 2007 >># 2nd this also Stop looking for adult midna, it's not there. If it WAS there someone would have found it by now and it would be everywhere on the net. (sane) people don't put easter eggs in things that require you to break shit down into tiny bits to find it. >> [_] Anon 2031 >># Hats Off to Eight Nineteen >> [_] Anon 2058 >># Oh look, adult midna http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/2802/ adultmedinamx2.jpg >> [_] Falcon 2075 >># And that is all she appears.Thats why I urge everyone to yell ay zone for taking forever on Copywrited CRAP. And the only way to redeem him/herself is to make a HUMAN flash. We dont want imps. I personally want a Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop. Anyone else agree? >> [_] Anon 2079 >># No, fuck you. >> [_] Anon 2084 >># second >> [_] Anon 2097 >># Third! >> [_] A.K.A.!tFj8DP0Frs 2109 >># FAYE IS OBVIOUSLY A NIGGERSLUT NO ONE WANTS TO SEE HER NAKED she's too... normal. not a chan's love sight. she's one of the shits you get on one of those fake porn sites that lead you in a never ending loop. ZONE is somewhat like a chan, simply because of midna. no one could have seen that coming. not even link. we need another unexpected person. liiiiiiiiiiike.... shit, iunno. >> [_] Anon 2118 File: flclH.swf-(2.14KB) [IMG] GENTLEMEN. I'll just leave this here. >> [_] Anon 2119 >># godfuckingdamnit why didnt it work. Retry in a minute. >> [_] Anon 2120 >># Ok, I can only save it as a firefox document. Anyone got any tips on how to get the flash itself? Here's the link btw. It's from Moid if you're familiar. http://moid.org/ed/1d887d291135e406fbebe 81a97ab1759.swf >> [_] godfuckingdamnit Anon 2136 >># I suck cocks. Can't get it to work. But the URL still stands. I give 5 internets to the person who succeeds in getting that flash. >> [_] Anon 2139 File: Haruko1.swf-(3.78MB, 550x400) [IMG] >># >># Couldn't grab it from the website, but I already had it saved anyway. >> [_] Anon 2142 >># Very nice. You, sir, win 5 internets! >> [_] Anon 2147 >># I lol'd so hard >> [_] Falcon 2149 >># Then explain to me why after making Reiko 2 Zones work has started to suck? Got any better ideas im all for them.(except imps damnit) >> [_] Anon 2154 Zone just released a new mini with ryoko from tenchi muyo >> [_] Anon 2157 >># Single greatest thing I have ever seen. I have not laughed so hard in a while./ and first time I found myself fapping to rick astley (even if just for a moment.... aw who amI kidding, He is one hot motherfucker) >.< >> [_] Anon 2194 how do you turn link into a wolf? >> [_] Anon 2240 >># nothing/loose the game. >> [_] Anon 2249 Come on guys, Ryoko was posted afew days ago, so where is it? >> [_] Anon 2275 bumpers >> [_] Anon 2287 must bump >> [_] Anon 2302 lolbump >> [_] Anon 2361 I will never stop bumping this. >> [_] Anon 2382 bump >> [_] Anon 2397 bump >> [_] Anon 2404 File: Zone_-_HentaiKey_Girl_3.swf-(945.10KB, 550x400) [IMG] I have some... So... Here ya go! >> [_] Anon 2405 File: Zone_-_HentaiKey_Girl_4.swf-(1.29MB, 550x400) [IMG] and another! >> [_] Anon 2439 Bumpy doo >> [_] Anon 2475 bumping freom page 7 so some idiot doesn't create another zone thread >> [_] Anon 2483 >># >># Nobody wants your fucking reposts you worthless cunt, and also WHERE THE FUCK IS THE RYOKO FLASH ALREADY? >> [_] Anon 2484 File: zone_ryoko_mini1.swf-(368.70KB, 550x400, zone_ryoko_mini.swf) [IMG] >># nevermind, took me less than 5 minutes to find it elsewhere. Here you go you undeserving fucks. >> [_] Anon 2486 >># http://img.7chan.org/fl/res/1719.html#i2 203 It's here, but i can't delete this post, so fuck me. >> [_] Anon 2487 >># http://img.7chan.org/fl/res/1719.html#22 03 Fucking full thread doesn't let you delete anything does it? FUCK I HOPE THIS BITCH DIES SOON. But it's not like i'll look stupid on this now complete shithole of a chan amirite? >> [_] Anon 2518 I wonder what Zone is working on right now >> [_] Anon 2548 Moar >> [_] Anon 2556 bamp because it brings meaning to my life >> [_] Anon 2562 >># there is no more bumping for this thread, thanks for trying though faggot >> [_] Anon 2634 >># But why not? It's the best thread in the board. >> [_] Anon 2659 >># Because full threads don't bump, they slowly work their way to the last page and then die, regardless of additional posts. >> [_] Anon 2754 >># rly? >> [_] Anon 3198 So how bout that Jet Set Radio flash? >> [_] Anon 3203 bump >> [_] Anon 3213 Hello thread, my old friend, Ive come to talk with you again, Because a vision softly creeping, Left its sage while I was sleeping, And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of last page. >> [_] Anon 3272 bump [Return] [Entire Thread] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts] |