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This is resource BZUD0B0, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/1 -2017 08:45:57

Ended:5/1 -2017 17:46:06

Checked:5/1 -2017 22:29:33

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: smooth sailing.swf-(7.03 MB, 768x384, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)02:45:03 No.3197468

  My first flash attempt... are there any tools out there that are less shittier than adobe animate

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)05:31:59 No.3197516

  I like the pixel art, but the music sux.

  >any tools out there that are less shittier than adobe animate cc
  You should be using CS6, mah niggah

  Keep at it, you'll be a MemeMaster one day.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)08:48:40 No.3197536

  >black bg
  >sauce under the flash
  9/10 the filesiye could be smaller but this is better than every other first attempt flashes

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)09:17:28 No.3197538

  it's shit but at least it's OC

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)10:36:13 No.3197554

  Looks fine. Sauce on pic?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:21:23 No.3197580

  >smooth sailing.swf
  >airport shown
  i dont care if the song's name is smooth sailing, it breaks my mind.

  i never liked flashes that are named after the song title in the first place but this time i
  dislike it a little extra

  other than that, well done. i assume that the song repeats, i guess you have the whole thing due
  to the big file size and i didnt bother to listen to all of it.

  the music is very loop-friendly, the flash could probably be 2 MiB or less

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:23:32 No.3197583

  wait it just looped, that's good. but there's a glitch in the audio right before it repeats.
  maybe the start of the next track on the cd. that's not good, especially since it's a "relax song"

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:45:06 No.3197599

  I'm with this anon

  for example smooth_landing.swf would make much more sense
Created: 5/1 -2017 08:45:57 Last modified: 5/1 -2017 22:29:44 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:24:21