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This is resource E3A3FFT, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:18/1 -2017 10:18:53

Ended:18/1 -2017 18:51:11

Checked:18/1 -2017 19:07:23

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1


File: fembot2.swf-(3.24 MB, 640x480, Loop)
[_] The Future is Now Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)04:17:46 No.3203493


Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)04:25:06 No.3203496

  Jesus christ that is creepy

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)04:26:18 No.3203497

  Defiantly very basic.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)04:26:59 No.3203499

  You have been living under a rock if you for one second believe that feminism has not won and got
  you by the balls.

  They have been going at it for so long that average men don't dare to talk to children in fear of
  being seen as a pedophile, meanwhile women working as teachers in elementary are fucking the shit
  out of our children. They control that entire narrative. How about violence? If a bitch starts
  stab at you with the kitchen knife and you punch her in the face and she calls the cops, who do
  you think goes to jail? They have infiltrated the judicial system, the government, the media and
  the sciences. At this point they've already won, they're just going at it for the lulz to see
  what more they can take: Like sexism in videogames, manspreading and triggerwords. What will you
  say when you have to walk on eggshells in the future? If you even dare to speak out against them
  legions of SJW, manginas, whiteknights, femininsts, your own parents and your friends look at you
  in disbelief and disproval. Yet you dare come here and deny this.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)04:32:32 No.3203501

  >your own parents
  My Mom reprimanded me when I rolled my eyes when she was talking about how preferred pronouns
  will be put on the registration forms at the hospital she works at. Felt weird.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)04:35:05 No.3203506

  It's not feminists who've done this, it's men being soft.
  I admit it if a cute woman asked me to do something, I'd probably do it.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)06:22:22 No.3203529

  not all women even like neo feminism.
  the world isn't all california, tumblr, and reddit. or /r9k/.
  I don't even understand why you gave that reply to the anon calling the robot creepy. It is
  creepy and it has a long ways to go, unless your issue was that you assumed he thought the idea
  was creepy. you should have saved that reply for someone discussing the ban of sex robots like
  some self proclaimed feminists want done.
  I'll agree that too many modern human rights movements have been hijacked by bitter, hateful
  people who wish to indoctrinate others into their madness under the guise of equality, a good
  comparison would be MLK and his talks of peace vs BLM.
  loosen the tinfoil hat a bit and step out of the /r9k/ echo-chamber more often.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)07:09:01 No.3203537

  How did that talk of piece work out for MLK ?

  Or better yet, which one is still alive and kicking and making the news in the last year and
  doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon ?

  Oh, sorry was that a little too hard and straight to the point ?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)07:23:48 No.3203541

  which "piece" of my post do you even think you're arguing with?
  at no point did I argue the effectiveness of MLK's peace talks.
  please try reading posts and applying basic comprehension before frothing at the mouth



  are formatted

  like reddit

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)07:30:43 No.3203544

  good, now it just needs more mobility, intelligence enough to were it can: raise children, having
  a meaningful conversation with, cook food, clean house, and needs to be able to learn and adapt
  its behavior to better suit my tastes. also needs to be passed the uncanny valley after that,
  I'll take a dozen, and live happily ever after
  thank you

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)07:41:58 No.3203547

  you seem to know a lot about "reddit formatting" for the regular anon, you're always spewing this
  bullshit around the board

  It's only for ease of readability, new-friend

  your troll attempts are pifious

  and I'm not even the guy you replied to and don't even know you're arguing about and haven't
  watched the swf and will not

  your troll attempts are a total display of amateurism


>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)07:51:50 No.3203548

  So is this robot taking it or giving it?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)08:42:33 No.3203556

  Glad someone else is calling out people for spamming the enter key. Hate that shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)08:58:38 No.3203560

  "What is my purpose?"
  "you pass trufflebutter"

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)10:31:03 No.3203581

  there is no need to type double enter to every new sentence

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)11:55:48 No.3203611

  fuck this is disgusting!

  Also any of you lads can tell me how to download SWF, been trying to do it and when i play it
  once its download i get like a second audio track playing 1 second behind the original!
  Any fixes?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)11:57:20 No.3203612

  The virgin is strong in this comment.There's a reason normies laugh at you.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)12:02:00 No.3203613

  >Also any of you lads can tell me how to download SWF
  >when i play it once its download
  Sounds like you already know.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/18/17(Wed)12:48:31 No.3203622

  why not just buy an onahole?
Created: 18/1 -2017 10:18:53 Last modified: 18/1 -2017 19:07:26 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:31:35