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This is resource RR2EVDT, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/1 -2017 06:39:46

Ended:5/1 -2017 20:51:35

Checked:5/1 -2017 21:11:12

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 140.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: BLM Torture.swf-(3.69 MB, 192x320, Other)
[_] Black Lives Matter Torture Mentally Challenged Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)00:36:56 No.3197401

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)00:41:03 No.3197403

  Fuck black people.
  Torturing the mentally challenged is MY job.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)00:48:01 No.3197404

  only niggers would be stupid enough to record themselves doing it and then post it on the internet

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)00:54:28 No.3197411

  Fuck niggers.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:12:33 No.3197415

  And trying to make it appear that this kind of thing represents all black people isn't racist at
  all, nope.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:13:39 No.3197417

  Welcome to 4chan, buddy

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:13:52 No.3197418

  Like white people never did worse to black people, without even having the benefit of a good

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:14:57 No.3197419

  I don't care if I'm on 4chan. I have to call this shit out wherever I see it.

  You should not be posting or watching this video. This might give some stupid rednecks some bad

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:15:50 No.3197420

  Holy shit this guy might go all the way!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:16:27 No.3197421

  Eh, your point? Doesn't make what they did justifiable and it also doesn't make it not an
  indicative sign of a toxic culture within the American Black ethnicity.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:19:02 No.3197422

  If there's a toxic culture in the American Black ethnicity, it's white people's fault. There's
  absolutely no denying that. And things like this are going to keep happening until the REAL
  toxicity, namely white "I got mine, fuck you" culture, is changed.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:19:06 No.3197423

  And those aren't good, either.
  But there's a problem in the black community when, nowadays, many of them would defend this.

  It's a hate crime, and we all need to recognize that.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:19:37 No.3197424

  I don't know what you're talking about pigfucker.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:20:27 No.3197425

  How is it white's fault?
  White liberals are completely against "I got mine, fuck you" culture, so I don't see your point.
  By the way, white liberals are nearly half of all whites.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:20:35 No.3197426


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:26:53 No.3197429

  So, having moral principles makes me a libtard?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:27:26 No.3197430


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:28:28 No.3197431

  >implying you have moral principles

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:30:36 No.3197432

  We must be in topsy turvy world-- speaking out against racism is immoral! And killing all blacks
  is just A-OK, amirite?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:31:01 No.3197433


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:32:03 No.3197434

  >implying morality isn't subjective

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:34:59 No.3197436

  That's human nature friend. Sorry western culture is the only non-religious unifying force on the
  planet, at least we let them have lives and opinions still, we'd be better off without them. If
  you don't like it leave your cell phone and your shoes at the door.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:36:19 No.3197437

  >BLM represents all black people.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:37:40 No.3197438

  >Black people committing a hate crime
  >"White people are worse"
  >"It's white people who are at fault for the black community being toxic"
  >"I have moral principles because I ignore what I want and I blame white people!"

  I wanna believe it is bait but you can't even be sure nowadays.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:41:01 No.3197440

  These replies are making me laugh harder than when Hillary lost the election

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:41:41 No.3197441

  /pol/ please leave.
  and stop samefagging to get the hate and arguing going, it's pathetic.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:41:50 No.3197442

  niggers gonna nig

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:43:48 No.3197443

  >First amendment

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:45:28 No.3197444

  Alright guys, you heard him. Let's go over to /pol/ and post this video as a beautiful .swf file!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:49:17 No.3197446

  >28 replies
  >10 unique IPs
  Hahah, this guy is serious isn't he.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:50:29 No.3197448

  You say it like killing blacks was wrong at some point.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)01:51:10 No.3197449

  >it's "white people's" fault that jews, arabs, and other niggers sold poor afrcan peasants to the
  rest of the world
  hahaha yeah totally

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)02:03:30 No.3197453

  I'm not even surprised by these replies

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)02:31:26 No.3197464

  No, however going full cuck/whiteknight for the niggers does make you a libtard

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)02:43:40 No.3197467

  oh boy i thought this board was safe from CTR

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)02:49:13 No.3197469

  This proves one of /pol/'s core principles and gives it legitimacy:
  Around blacks, never relax

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)02:50:26 No.3197470

  typical nigger shit, nothing to see here

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)02:52:40 No.3197471

  i mean, what do you expect

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)02:55:56 No.3197472

  you're right, it doesn't represent all black people. it only represents like 99% of them.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)02:57:30 No.3197473

  Not even post it on the internet. They did it LIVE.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)02:59:56 No.3197474

  I had no idea they were BLM members until checking 4chan.

  Reddit claimed the retarded guy was a trump voter.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)03:09:49 No.3197475


  lol nice bro..

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)03:39:50 No.3197476

  Behavior like this isn't exclusive to black people. The KKK would lynch minorities. Japan did the
  rape of Nanking. The Crusades and Inquisitions resulted in horrible atrocities. The torture,
  mistreatment, dehumanization, and disempowerment of people has been a long running moral issue
  for the entire human race, not just black people CUZ THEY JUST DUM NIG NOGS. Every group of
  people has their own niggers that are responsible for shit like this.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)03:46:11 No.3197478

  >Every group of people has their own niggers that are responsible for shit like this.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)03:46:58 No.3197479

  wtf lol

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)03:53:42 No.3197482

  >First that 12 year old who hung herself on livestream
  >Now this
  Oh man, this year is going to be FUN!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)03:56:03 No.3197483

  I don't get why this has so many replies.
  Also, if they feel the need to make him say "fuck Donald Trump", it implies that they fear him.
  I dunno, I think this is a good thing. It's like a Casus Belli.

>> [_] Former Ryder Club Vice President !T/nuP8UdCs 01/05/17(Thu)04:05:30 No.3197485


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)04:08:29 No.3197487

  your point? let them kill each other. less of both worlds of idiots

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)04:13:58 No.3197489

  You're clearly not old enough to be here, or white.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)04:16:04 No.3197490

  Drumpf is a threat to all blak people

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)04:23:35 No.3197491


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)04:36:32 No.3197497

  This is a good post.

  When I see shit like this flash I almost feel helpless because these people are human too and
  they need to make their own mistakes and learn from them, but I don't think they're the type to
  improve or ever seek more than what they see as okay.

  I've seen my share of bad times and that's a type of empathy that's invaluable to me but...

  Tell me /f/, how do we instill moral ambition into the human race?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)04:42:53 No.3197498


  >give humans morality

  Life is going to be painful for you.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)04:46:43 No.3197499

  Please, this question is obviously hypothetical.

  I mean, assuming that either someone has much to learn or they've already accepted the world as
  it is is a dead end at best.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)04:51:45 No.3197500


  Well for hypotheticals sake, i think trauma would be the easiest way to not only introduce the
  concept and ergo the lesson and "mentality" of it.

  Additionally it would serve as a "prediction filter" of sorts. (in addition to probably just
  traumatizing kids from an early age but heck with the internet being what it is its not like they
  have long to last before that happens anyway just looking up pictures of their favorite
  afterschool shows

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)05:09:11 No.3197506

  So you might be saying that beating your children is the easiest way to instill a sense of
  consequence unto their actions, and thus one for anyone they know?

  Children do not need to understand the problem to know there is one, they're almost like some
  sort of cat in that sense. I've seen a quite a few parents who wish to be nice to a child and
  completely remove themselves from the punishment process.

  Can we teach them better by being angry and firm?

  btw not sure what you mean by prediction filter

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)05:09:48 No.3197507

  Hang all blacks that are in this video.
  No wait, remove their arms and legs and let them live without it.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)05:11:13 No.3197508

  damn Famiel, back at it again with the black Democrats

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)05:11:20 No.3197509

  Go home /pol/

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)05:18:31 No.3197512

  THIS is why shit is falling apart.
  Fucking niggers RUIN EVERYTHING.

  THIS is why bullets were invented, they need to be used.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)05:22:48 No.3197513

  I feel ya... let's go find a Safe Space

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)05:25:07 No.3197515

  99.9987%, to be exact

>> [_] Rabbi Goldstein 01/05/17(Thu)05:57:24 No.3197517

  Oy Vey! Delete this right now goy! I'll have you know those Nuclear Physicists dindu nuffin. They
  were obviously defending themselves from that dangerous cracker in the corner! Just look how
  scared they are of him! #BlackLivesMatter #DeathPenalty4Austin #FreeThoseNuclearPhysicists

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)06:05:07 No.3197518

  this is bullshit, i am sick of those barbaric niggers

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)06:08:42 No.3197519

  People act like this is a new thing. It has been going on for ages.
  The media just doesn't see a profit in it.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)08:13:24 No.3197533

  but using a specific situation of obvious hate against whites as
  >but black people STILL have it worse
  is immoral.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)10:22:17 No.3197550

  CNN being cucks again by not even mentioning the fact that they where screaming Black Lives

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)10:23:18 No.3197551

  >The KKK would lynch minorities.
  Yes, those accused of violent crimes, particularly against women.

  It's not right, but they weren't running around lynching random disabled black children, you dumb

  The Crusades were a response to an entire history of unchecked Islamic expansion into Europe. It
  was defensive, not offensive.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)10:25:37 No.3197552

  Why the fuck is this allowed on 4chan? Isn't racism against the rules?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)10:26:52 No.3197553

  Not if it's educative.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)10:41:12 No.3197556

  I only hope you klaxon kids are right, and white people are being genocided-- you're continued
  existence isn't worth tolerating.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)10:43:06 No.3197557

  Black people can't be racist though.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)10:46:33 No.3197560

  No, I'm talking about the white kids reacting to it and assuming that all blacks are the same as

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)10:46:56 No.3197561


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)10:48:15 No.3197562


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)10:52:58 No.3197564

  >not all klansman lynched black people, stop pretending like that represents klansman
  >not all neonazis gasses jews, stop pretending like that represents neonazis
  >not all BLM """activists""" shoot cops, loot stores, burn cars, and torture disabled white
  children, stop pretending like those things represent niggers

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)10:56:06 No.3197565

  Shows how dumb the average white racist is. It was the NAZIs who gassed jews, not the NEOnazis.
  The NEOnazis just WANT to gas the jews.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)10:56:49 No.3197567

  Stop assuming we're all white.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:10:15 No.3197568

  >Shows how dumb the average white racist is.
  >Attributing qualities to a group of people based on the actions of said people is only bad when
  other people do it!
  >When I do it, I'm a progressive tolerant liberal!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:10:47 No.3197569

  thanks pol

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:11:02 No.3197570

  these type of recordings will be more and more common in the future.

  at least we can look forward to more sweet videos of female soldiers being violently raped

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:13:43 No.3197571

  Being racist IS stupid anon. I'm attributing qualities to a group of people based on... qualities
  of that group of people. QED.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:14:58 No.3197573

  you know just as well as i do that there are only three rules that are enforced on the site:
  1) don't post cp 2) keep loli on /b/ 3) no porn on blue boards

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:15:21 No.3197574

  They should just implement an expedited death penalty for any violent crime. Then these fucking
  bipedal apes might stop howling and thumping their chest.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:18:57 No.3197578

  No, importing the entire population of Africa and the Middle East into Europe is stupid.
  German police targeting people of "north African" and "Arab" descent prevented the massive gang
  rapes that occurred last year, despite being "racist".

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:21:49 No.3197581

  And in that Germany gave up their right to exist as a nation. We CANNOT tolerate racism in any
  shape, and there's no excuse for it, especially not in the most privileged societies on earth.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:23:59 No.3197584

  You realize that most whites hate you right? You think they can be your friend, but they really
  just can't. At all.

  They want you gone. There is no other end game for white political maneuvering.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:25:13 No.3197585

  Violent crimes are worse than certain forms of racism, for example racial profiling.

  That is definitely an excuse.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:25:32 No.3197586

  the thing about the death penalty though is as soon as someone gets executed and then afterwards
  is proved to have been innocent we are all murderers

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:26:19 No.3197587

  >Violent crimes are worse than certain forms of racism
  Says someone who's never been discriminated against.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:28:12 No.3197588

  They're still standing as one of the ONLY financially profitable EU Nations. If they 'gave up
  their right to exist as a nation' shit-fucked places like Greece, Portugal, and Italy would go
  under in an instant. Tolerance is fine, but a line must be drawn. You're just a fucking idiot if
  you think that blanket acceptance is the way to go.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:30:04 No.3197589

  >You're just a fucking idiot if you think that blanket acceptance is the way to go.
  You're a horrible person if you think otherwise, and I'm done stooping to your level to speak
  with you. I hope that some day you'll change your mind... But I also kind of hope someone stabs
  you for saying some shit someday. It will be richly deserved.

  Fuck off.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:30:29 No.3197590

  Say's someone who has never had a family member beaten into comatose.

  Seriously? Your feels have been hurt and it handicapped you?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:31:35 No.3197591

  Pfft. I've had eggs thrown at me and called a "fucking chinky, go back to where you came from"

  I'm not particularly ok with that, but I'm surprisingly still all for having police do higher
  searches on black people to stop violent crimes happening.

  There are different levels of racism; lynchings is wrong since it's a violent crime and people
  are being hurt. Name calling and shit is bad, but it's not going to kill anyone but the most
  tender hearted souls who suicide after getting bullied at school.

  Police profiling is nothing compared to rape and murder - that's a perfectly ok trade until the
  significant numbers of rape and murder are no longer carried out by a minority.

  All of it should be phased out, of course, but I'll stick with the ones that keep more people

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:34:48 No.3197592

  When you are actually the victim, then we'll see how far your 'blanket acceptance' goes.

  I hope you apply your 'acceptance' when your kids are the victim to similar bullshit. ~Still a
  fuckin idiot

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:38:17 No.3197593

  Why don't you do it pussy? You need someone else to do the dirty work you WANT done? Some
  'accepting' kind of faggot you are

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:41:19 No.3197596

  I have broken bones for less than you have said to me in this thread. If you aren't immediately
  getting what you deserve, it's only because I don't know where you are, and you're probably too
  far away for me to really bother with it. You're way too much of a chicken shit to reveal
  yourself anyway, so there's no point. Unless you live in the middle of your white-bread utopia
  (and hah! if you are-- white people have the unique ability to build soulless, boring, worthless
  communities), you'll get yours one day.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:44:52 No.3197598

  >I have broken bones for less than you have said to me in this thread. If you aren't immediately
  getting what you deserve, it's only because I don't know where you are, and you're probably too
  far away for me to really bother with it. You're way too much of a chicken shit to reveal
  yourself anyway, so there's no point. Unless you live in the middle of your white-bread utopia
  (and hah! if you are-- white people have the unique ability to build soulless, boring, worthless
  communities), you'll get yours one day.
  Look out, we need some racial profiling, a black/white/other person is threatening someone on the
  internet! Look at this clear sign of racial tensions indicative of racial profiling being correct!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:46:19 No.3197601

  Look, I'm not saying violence is justified, just that you should be able to understand it when it
  happens. But it's kind of hard to understand anything from an ivory tower, isn't it?

>> [_] the 100th poster 01/05/17(Thu)11:47:52 No.3197602

  hey look im the 100th poster

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:48:48 No.3197603

  >Look, I'm not saying violence is justified, just that you should be able to understand it when
  it happens. But it's kind of hard to understand anything from an ivory tower, isn't it?
  What you're saying is names and racial profiling is worse than rape and murder.

  It's hard to take anything you say seriously from that point.

  You are correct that names and racial profiling is undesirable, but at the current imperfect
  world, the racial profiling part is saving people's lives. And most people are still trying to
  get rid of the name calling anyway. There are still worse things than both, and trying to say
  otherwise - THAT is where even the most racially sensitive people are going to stop listening.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:53:08 No.3197604

  >What you're saying is names and racial profiling is worse than rape and murder.
  And you're speaking from a position of privilege. People who have violence committed against them
  generally receive justice, their grievances are heard, and they are taken seriously by society at
  large. They GET REPAID.

  Racism, by definition, is justified as correct by society, so it never gets repaid. It just keeps
  building and building forever.

  I'm successful, I beat the odds. But I still fucking can't stand you whites talking as if you
  deserve all the rewards and treats you get WHEN YOU DIDN'T DESERVE THEM.

  > the racial profiling part is saving people's lives.
  It's your fault it got bad enough that you think you need racial profiling to "save lives".

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)11:54:28 No.3197606

  Don't spend all of your 100get in one place, champ.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:04:48 No.3197608

  -How do you call a racist who hates whites?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:05:34 No.3197610

  >It's your fault it got bad enough that you think you need racial profiling to "save lives".
  Sure, blame the chinese person. That's not racist at all!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:13:56 No.3197612

  Are you still crying because Hillary lost?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:16:10 No.3197614

  I'm not crying... I'm preparing

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:31:45 No.3197621

  Oh good, it looks like the "Liberal Shithead Spokesperson for All White People" has gifted us
  with his presence.

  Now fuck off.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:34:40 No.3197623


  What the media ignores about racial profiling is that is works. Period.

  It saves the lives of even the people who are being "racially profiled".

  We already saw in Baltimore what happens when you replace racial profiling with NOT racially

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:35:44 No.3197625


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:40:53 No.3197627

  Racial profiling can't be said to work when it leads to a civil war.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:42:04 No.3197628

  >Racial profiling can't be said to work when it leads to a civil war.
  Yep. Good thing current racial profiling hasn't lead to civil war yet, has it?

  let's see if it does

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:43:02 No.3197630

  By "civil war", you mean nignogs doing more of the exact same shit that gets them racially
  profiled in the first place.

  How many other races do you think would unironically side with African Americans if a "race war"
  actually broke out?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:47:27 No.3197631

  Unfortunately this does not fit with the jurisdiction of hate crime since it does not apply to
  political ideology.

  hopefully these niggers get some type of punishment.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:49:37 No.3197632

  I doubt it.

  Cutting someone's scalp down to their skull isn't a crime of it's black on white.

  They'll probably all receive full scholarships for Harvard due to their live action art piece on
  deconstructing whiteness in a post-colonial society.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:53:12 No.3197635

  honestly fuck all people of any race who have the nigger ideology. nigger is no longer a word
  that was born from the actions of one race, i can say it's a global term that can accurately
  describe all the trash of any race.

  fuck all niggers of this """human""" race. fuck /pol/ for making us look stupid by calling every
  fucking black person a nigger. any human can be a fucking nigger.

  what my point is? fuck niggers.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)12:57:59 No.3197637

  drumpf will put blacks back in chains he must be stopped

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)13:02:04 No.3197638


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)13:02:34 No.3197639


  Even /pol/ differentiates between the two.

  It's the radical left who dehumanizes all black people by treating them as mindless automatons
  which are completely controlled by their """environment""", therefore never responsible for their

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)13:11:33 No.3197640

  Fucking niggers

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)13:25:58 No.3197649

  >But I also kind of hope someone stabs you for saying some shit someday.
  Won't ever happen because my country has a strong immigration policy.
  Fuck I love being white!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)13:32:38 No.3197650


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)13:39:40 No.3197653

  Alright mr privilege poster, just some questions from someone from a great country with almost no
  black people.
  If every white person left the US, how do you think the country would fair?
  If every black person left the US how do you think the rest of the country would celebrate?





  enter .


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:01:10 No.3197658


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:03:41 No.3197659

  That kind of behavior is what separates civilized people from uncivilized people.

  >say nigger to a black guy
  >he kills you

  >say "fuck Muhamm*d" to an arab guy
  >he kills you

  >talk some shit to a white guy
  >he walks away

  Civilized people do not attack others over words and reserve acts of violence only for the most
  extreme of situations.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:10:25 No.3197661

  Fuck Niggers, and their libshit enablers.
  We need and end to all of this.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:12:43 No.3197662

  after 6,000,000 years of slavery they have a right to be mad

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:15:12 No.3197663

  or too old

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:15:22 No.3197664

  >Civilized people do not attack others over words and reserve acts of violence only for the most
  extreme of situations.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:16:39 No.3197666

  >implying this doesn't qualify as an extreme situation

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:19:20 No.3197669

  I'm implying day of the rope.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:20:00 No.3197670

  Well, for us, it really doesn't. Throw them in jail, let em stew. Potentially give the death

  But if there's no immediate harm, then frankly there's not a need for violence. If they resist
  arrest, sure. If you've got an armed force on hand to stop torture going on, sure, go in full
  force. But retributive violence after the fact just means more black people are going to try to
  shoot up cops.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:22:45 No.3197671

  Wow this is a long thread
  Even long for /f/
  And even more it's not just literal shitposting

  Anyway, how does this end. Do they legit torture him to death brutally or what? I don't do well
  with this kind of stuff enough to continue watching.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:28:35 No.3197674

  I think they stuff his head in a toilet

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:30:47 No.3197675

  Yeah I just looked it up, that's about the worst that happened.

>> [_] smugfu 01/05/17(Thu)14:36:54 No.3197678

  oh wow over 100
  been a while

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:44:17 No.3197679

  yeah last time that happened was the guy from germany who committed suicide

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:46:35 No.3197680

  I was wondering when the chimps would start their noise up, saying this is justified.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)14:48:39 No.3197682

  1. Kidnapped a special needs kid
  2. Beat the crap out of him.
  3. Held him for 48 hours.
  4.Listened to Kanye while doing it.
  5.Cut a piece of his skin off, showing his scalp.
  6. Starved him for said 48 hours.
  ....Yep, totally justified.
Created: 5/1 -2017 06:39:46 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 09:25:56 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:09:16