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This is resource C7551CD, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:31/3 -2017 01:50:47

Ended:31/3 -2017 10:04:04

Checked:31/3 -2017 11:38:30

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 26.
Discovered flash files: 1


File: gondhome.swf-(2.96 MB, 618x350, Loop)
[_] It has been a long week :v 03/30/17(Thu)19:49:00 No.3230017

  I'm stuck out in BFE just waiting for people to get their shit together so I can just go home
  >I should have never agreed to this :((((((((

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/17(Thu)21:23:41 No.3230045

  I feel ya M8

>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/17(Thu)21:53:52 No.3230052

  What's BFE?

  I understand that Gondolas pain, when nothing sounds appealing at all so you just sit there and
  slowly let the existential pain set in.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/17(Thu)22:18:05 No.3230063

  Stands for Bum Fuck, Egypt. Or Butt fuck, what have you.

  Sounds like Anon is waiting for people to sober up so he can gtfo of a fucky situation.

  I feel you, Anon. Been there a lot recently. Makes me wonder why I even bother trying sometimes.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/17(Thu)22:32:52 No.3230067

  I second this.

>> [_] :v 03/30/17(Thu)22:33:00 No.3230068


  thank /f/rens

  You are correct

  It's unfortunately bit more complicated than that... but I did end up in that exact situation a
  when I would agree to go out with friends

  This was/is a work related thing and now I'm sitting in an airport waiting for a new flight...So
  now I'm hanging out in a coffee shop drawing Gondola and the one place I want to be right now.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/17(Thu)22:39:58 No.3230070

  Shit m8, sorry to hear that. I've never been a fan of airports myself, got stuck for 3 days
  waiting for a direct flight.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/17(Thu)23:02:12 No.3230074

  It is pretty close to hell for me, I just want a shower and some quiet.
  I think we are going to just get a hotel room for the night so that's a new level of closeness to
  my coworker I'm not thrilled about.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)00:34:16 No.3230100

  Are you gonna fuck him?

>> [_] :v 03/31/17(Fri)00:56:03 No.3230104

  Lol no, I have my own room.
  >Maybe I'll buy a hooker just like my fav manga

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)00:58:50 No.3230105

  Sorry you're having a shit night OP :(

>> [_] :v 03/31/17(Fri)01:05:16 No.3230108

  Thanks /f/ren I hope you are comfy in my place

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)01:09:38 No.3230109

  Wow this hit me hard.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)01:10:17 No.3230110

  Don't do it, you will end up disappointed like your fav manga

>> [_] :v 03/31/17(Fri)01:25:47 No.3230114

  e v e r y goddamn day
  Yeah.... not to mention I can't stand the thought of touching another human right now.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)01:49:43 No.3230120

  I really like the song here, anyone give me a hint at least?

  Also hope shit pans out OP, get some french toast to feel better.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)01:55:59 No.3230122

  ever try looking under the flash?

  Cheer up :v, you could always get a few littlee bottles of airplane tequila and pass out with a
  heavy buzz and a lame cable move.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)01:59:29 No.3230123

  I might be the kind of person that has such a shitty life that I get way too invested in other
  folks' lives, but I'm glad to hear from you after such a long while. And delivering another very
  comf flash too.

  Sorry to hear about your situation.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)02:19:04 No.3230125

  whats the song

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)02:20:34 No.3230126

  Resize the window
  It's in the flash under the animation
  Do this before you ask for sauce

>> [_] :v 03/31/17(Fri)02:21:18 No.3230127

  I can never eat when traveling I usually just snack on stuff and drink lots gatorade, thankfully
  I don't travel often.
  But French toast def sounds good when I do eventually make it home.

  Bad motel porno check, overpriced room service booze check

  Maybe your just empathetic? Nothing wrong with that

  The people in the room adjacent to mine have been going at it for hours I can't tell if it's
  crying or fucking or both at this point.
  Normally I'd be annoyed but honestly it's pretty funny. I tried to record it but it just isn't
  coming through.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)02:48:05 No.3230135

  Can you give us a review of the porno/room service later?

>> [_] :v 03/31/17(Fri)03:03:08 No.3230136

  Both leave much to be desired.
  The porno was a mess of cougars dressed as typical porn trope stuff, and this booze is pretty
  weak and the ice smells like eggs

  But hey at least I'm tipsy

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)03:30:16 No.3230144

  Stay safe /f/ren
  Hope you find your way out of whatever hellhole you're in soon

>> [_] :v 03/31/17(Fri)03:30:49 No.3230145

  Thread is kill soon,
  Goodnight /f/rens hopefully by this time tomorrow I'll be home.
  Stay comfy

>> [_] Anonymous 03/31/17(Fri)03:49:03 No.3230148

  props for using proper dark tomorrow theme for the 4chins
Created: 31/3 -2017 01:50:47 Last modified: 31/3 -2017 11:39:20 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:19:56