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Threads (11):
File: anon_partyhard298.swf-(884 KB, 550x400, Loop) [_] Anon 3455831 ny tellefån
File: anon_partyhard298.swf-(884 KB, 550x400, Loop) [_] Anon 3245835
File: anon_partyhard298.swf-(884 KB, Loop) [_] Anon 1744996 Anyone got a link to the song? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1745001 >># http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z558uMHfD cw the part in the swf is at light 45 or so >> [_] Anon 1745003 >># >Not the Dubmood remix >> [_] Anon 1745005 Resize the flash and look for it yourself, dumb motherfucker >> [_] Anon 1745009 >># *facepalm* You obviously have some problems with reading comprehension, don't you? >> [_] Anon 1745011 >># No, it's very, stupidly simple. You resize the flash, type in the words into google, add "Dubmood," and voila. If you don't have the internet skills to take it from there, that's your problem. >> [_] Anon 1745015 >># Oh, and I'm already looking at three working links, but I'm not giving them to you, because you are a lazy, incompetent dumbfuck >> [_] Anon 1745021 >># >># sigh... I KNEW WHAT THE FUCKING SONG WAS, HOW TO FIND IT, BUT ALL I GOT WAS A FUCKING AUDIOSURF VIDEO WITH THE GAME NOISE ALL IN IT. Can't believe I needed to put this in caps. >> [_] Anon 1745022 >># Try scrolling past the first few links **facepalm** >> [_] Anon 1745027 >># >still nothin' I can rip from. >> [_] Anon 1745030 >># I can't help you then. No one can. It's amazing that you still manage to operate a computer. >> [_] Anon 1745035 >># It's amazing that you're butthurt over someone unable to find a song with NO DL LINKS WHATSOEVER, and also barely exists according to the Internet. Have a good day. >> [_] Anon 1745039 >># Out of severe pity for your inability to overcome your disability, I shall provide you with the link you would have found, had you navigated past the first page. http://swfchan.org/19/ Hopefully, you have learned something from this ordeal. >> [_] Anon 1745041 >># I already saw that earlier today; torrent had no seeds (which was expected). >> [_] Anon 1745042 >># Click the actual link. The one with the .mp3 on it. >> [_] Anon 1745046 >># Well, shave my tits. >> [_] Anon 1745181 Its conversations like these that remind me why I love this community. >> [_] Anon 1745265 I already searched for this song waaaaaaaaaaay before you maybe 6 months ago except for one game on youtube that uses it as background music its absolutely no where on the interwebz and the people who made this song wanted it so *slow clap* for getting rid of the song off the face of the interwebz >> [_] Anon 1745281 swfchan.org/19/Svenska_Akademien_-_Vakna -Dubmood-data-remix.mp3.torrent This works :p
File[anon_partyhard298.swf] - (904 KB) [_] [L] /r/ inside... 1117111 1382976 Can someone please tell me where to find this sog? It's "Svenska Akademien - Vakna (Dubmood Data Remix)" >> [_] Anon 1383035 http://www.mackanzoor.com/-/Svenska%20Ak ademien%20-%20Vakna%20%28Dubmood%20Data%2 0Remix%29.mp3
File[anon_partyhard298.swf] - (904 KB) [_] [L] Anon 1292229 Vilka här tänker rösta på Piratpartiet? Upp med en hand! >> [_] Anon 1292266 Is this norwegian or swedish? Dem chiptunes >> [_] Anon 1292271 Sauce is needed. >> [_] Anon 1292284 Svenska Akademien - Vakna (Dubmood Data Remix) >> [_] Anon 1292285 >># I would if I could. Sadly, I don't live in Sweden. >> [_] Namefag 1292288 I loves me some chiptunes. Also, on most of the anon_partyhard flashes, you can resize the window to reveal a strip with the sauce on the bottom. >> [_] Anon 1292333 *räcker upp handen* >> [_] Anon 1292338 Link to the song. http://dubmood.wordpress.com/2008/02/08/ svenska-akademien-vakna-dubmood-remix-bon us/ >> [_] Anon 1292445 I truly like my privacy on the net but no fucking way that I'll vote on a single-opinion party just so that I can download freely. >> [_] Anon 1292473 How to get sauce on party hard flashes: Resize the window. Summer. >> [_] Anon 1292494 Jag vill hellre rösta på Piff och Puff från Miljöpartiet!
File[anon_partyhard298.swf] - (904 KB) [_] [L] Post APH Anon 1233246 >> [_] Anon 1233249 so...how many of these things exist? >> [_] Anon 1233284 >># over 9000 also sauce >> [_] Anon 1233449 >># 350. http://www.anonpartyhard.com/
File[anon_partyhard298.swf] - (904 KB) [_] [L] Anon 1210215 let's get a party going /f/riends >> [_] Anon 1210275 sauce on this fuckwin song >> [_] Anon 1210278 lets get a party going nya~ll >> [_] Anon 1210313 >># PROTIP: Shrink the width of the window you're using to view the flash until you can see the artist and title. Enjoy! >> [_] Anon 1210353 get the party going! >> [_] Anon 1210453 Svenska Akademien - Vakna (Dubmood Data Remix)
File[anon_partyhard298.swf] - (904 KB) [_] [L] Chiptunes. Shit year. Namefag 1086821 >> [_] Anon 1086844 Fuck yeah, dubmood. >> [_] Anon 1086861 Damn that whiteboy can't dance. >> [_] Anon 1087037 WHAT SONG IS THIS
File :[anon_partyhard298.swf] - (904 KB) [_] [L] PIRATPARTIET 2009 Anon 995125 Glöm inte rösta pirat i EU-valet den 7 juni, dvs NU PÅ SÖNDAG. Få bort övervakningen. Om du undrar varför du ska rösta på Piratpartiet så frågar jag varför i helvete inte? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Doomzzg 995150 För många faggots som röstar på ett parti som bara har en tanke på sig. Orka rösta då TBH >> [_] Anon 995168 I'd be much more inclined to vote the Pirates if they weren't such obnoxious, annoying fucktards. >> [_] Anon 995195 >># do you honestly believe it makes any difference? >> [_] Anon 995241 >># en viktig tanke. det är ändå bara eu-val, då man ju se hur bra de är i praktiken, kanske hur de tänker i andra grejer. >># Du har bara träffat fel människor. >># Nja, inte egentligen. Men man måste försöka. Detta är det enda vi kan göra, om inte systemet fungerar måste ju folket börja döda de som sitter i styret och det känns lite gammalt. Jag hoppas inte det ska behöva komma till det. >> [_] Anon 995263 >># You had me at killing the establishment ^^; I all ärlighet, jag tror PP har rätt goda chanser att få ner nån till EU, mestadels som en ren reaktion till raden av omåttligt impopulära lagar som tvingats igenom på senare tid. Tror Svenska folket fått nog på det justietiemord som Bodström startade av integriteten i dagens Sverige. >> [_] Anon 995314 mp3 of this pls cant find it on google >> [_] Anon 995333 >># jag tror det också, bara inte alla pirater glömmer bort att gå och rösta. alla är så slacker ;P
File :[anon_partyhard298.swf] - (904 KB) [_] [L] Vakna! Anon 921615 För helvete, Moderaterna förstör vårt land. Rösta Piratpartiet, först nu till EU-valet 4 juni 2009 sedan i Riksdagsvalet 19 september 2010. >> [_] Anon 921624 NEJ SVERIGEDEMOHRATERNA >> [_] âââANONâââ !!aQOO8wE1EA/ 921643 Är det inte enklare att kasta ut allihopa och sätta in nytt? >> [_] Anon 921652 >># nej för då måste vi göra en kupp :/ men det skulle verkligen behövas, inte en jävel där byr sig om vad folket tycker. och folk som inte tror på internetövervakning tvingas rösta ja av sitt parti. systemet är verkligen trasigt. >> [_] name 921726 Vad heter låten? >> [_] Anon 921765 >># det är en remix på Svenska Akademins "Vakna" av lilla Dubmood: Svenska Akademien - Vakna (Dubmood Data Remix)
File :[anon_partyhard298.swf] - (904 KB) [_] [L] the best aph Anon 840545 >> [_] Anon 840681 Sauce is required >> [_] Anon 840688 holy shit, i came >> [_] Anon 840742 whats the name of that song? i want it. >> [_] Anon 840779 >># >># >># obvious trolls/newfags are obvious >> [_] Anon 840780 Svenska Akademien - Vakna (Dubmood Data Remix) >> [_] Anon 840785 >># you're a cocksmoker >># thank you :) >> [_] Anon 840808 >># And you're a newfag, just like >># said. Otherwise, you'd know that resizing the flash would make the sauce appear. |