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This is resource BGEMVW2, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:9/5 -2018 17:38:53

Ended:10/5 -2018 04:41:26

Checked:10/5 -2018 05:44:18

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: Dang Tolarence.swf-(9.23 MB, 1920x944, Loop)
[_] link to new flash inside. Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)11:33:39 No.3334550

  4chan won't let my upload it, so I'll just link it instead: (
  DoubleDouble.swf )
  Have another flash too.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)11:35:36 No.3334552

  If anyone wants the .fla too, let me know.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)11:53:07 No.3334554

  well this was a waste of time
  so they build a huge castle then they start asking nonsensical questions about some river and a
  sea, then they proceed to build a simple construction above it where they build another castle
  and ask even more nonsensical questions about a river and a sea then they just say fuck it and
  leave while the sea level rises and destroys the castle as the screen fades to white
  Did you make the animation OP?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)12:15:33 No.3334556

  >Did you make the animation OP?
  no. But I watched some of it as it was coming out. (in real time)
  >even more nonsensical questions about a river and a sea then they just say fuck it
  That's meant to be a hint about when/where it's set. Check the sauce.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)17:30:13 No.3334600

  Fuck off randall

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)20:08:23 No.3334638

  Whoever made that flash probably used the uncommon compression (lmza I think?), /f/ and swfchan
  don't recognize those as valid flashes.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)20:27:46 No.3334646

  Cool, I'll try and fix that. Does DEFLATE work?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)20:39:03 No.3334650

  isn't this just compressed flv? when it could be a flash with simple vector graphics that would
  be like 3MB large because 90% of that would be the song

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)20:44:34 No.3334653

  The flash I posted in this thread was a sequence of images I reframed to all have similar sizes,
  converted to png and optimized to 256 colours and compressed.
  All but the gondola image were compressed losslessly, which was stored as jpg to reduce size.
  I don't know how to check how much space the embedded fonts take up.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)20:48:50 No.3334656

  just post the fla will you?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)20:50:59 No.3334658

  For which one?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)20:52:46 No.3334659

  well I was talking about the DoubleDouble.swf
  what were you talking about?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)20:56:45 No.3334660

  >what were you talking about?
  The one in the OP.
  DoubleDouble.swf is a two converted gifs, and a song converted to a wav.
  I didn't do much with it other than tweak the compression settings on one of the images. I am not
  very good at flash.
  I'd appreciate pointers, my dude.
  Here's the .fla file:

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)21:04:07 No.3334662

  well there are around 1000 frames in the original comic in this flash, that are about 14KB large,
  so that will be way over 10MB limit unless you'd just cut only the moving parts which are the two
  characters and add on to the castle, like they do, which will drastically drop on the filesize
  but that's insane amount of work for such a little payoff

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)21:05:26 No.3334663

  I flicked through my all of my gifs and webms for source material and it's the first thing that
  caught my eye.
  Other than all of the gore, I mean.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)21:14:52 No.3334668

  holy shit it is frame by frame
  I thought you just videocaped it with obs or whatever and convert it to flv

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)21:18:13 No.3334669

  No, flvs are awful for space.
  The worst I've ever done is get mpv to screenshot every frame, and then use ffmpeg to stitch it
  back together, without compression. I have to deal with a few >100MB files during the process,
  but it doesn't slow it down much.
  If I made this out of the still images I have of the comic, I could have made it smaller, and
  take more time to play, but I don't have any information on how long to wait on each frame, and I
  certainly don't have the time to edit that all in manually.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)22:41:07 No.3334688

  Was about to reply here before I noticed OP just got it working >>3334649
Created: 9/5 -2018 17:38:53 Last modified: 10/5 -2018 05:44:28 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:05:07