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Threads (3):
File: jaiden_flash_anim.swf-(92 KB, 1280x1007, Other) [_] idk what this is Anon 3397794 >> [_] Anon 3397796 ok bro >> [_] Anon 3397797 well that escalated quickly >> [_] Anon 3397808 >click button >click dick >right click >forward >forward >forward >> [_] Anon 3397828 i like it. how old is this? >> [_] Anon 3397831 it was just a fantasy >> [_] Anon 3397833 sh_anim_hack.swf >> [_] Anon 3397857 I wonder what wtdinner is up to now that he's done with ssmash a pokegirl.
/ > /fap/ > Thread 13328 Age: 134.96d Health: 0% Posters: 27 Posts: 34 Replies: 31 Files: 1+3 >> ???? ???? 59925 jaiden_flash_anim Here's a flash by WTDinner I found from 4plebs. Also, this flash has some trouble working. So you might need to right click to get through the scenes. [IMG] jaiden_flash_anim.swf (94.5 KiB) 1280x1007, Compressed. 6 frames, 42 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Video: <METADATA> [find in archive] >> ???? ???? 59926 Holy cow! I finally uploaded a working flash! >> Anon 59927 >># congrats >> Anon 59930 Ay that's pretty gooood >> Anon 59935 This is fucking hot. >> Anon 59950 Can you edit her to give her a penis please? >> Anon 59962 nice >> Anon 59963 >>P6R4 NO >> ???? ???? 59978 >># No I can't and if I could I probably wouldn't. >> Anon 59990 >># >Green texts instead... >GTFO newfag! >># why not? :( >> Anon 59994 Cause he's straight? >> Anon 59998 Damn, when's the full version coming >> ???? ???? 60001 >># You don't know if I''m a guy or girl. :P I might not even be human. >> Anon 60003 >># That's a pretty gay answer, OP. >> Anon 60005 >># heyyyy I'm fine with either one of those ;) >> Anon 60041 >># it's the number followed by , not the post counter seriously, just check literally every other reply here, before typing your own So far I've discovered 1 scene with cum, 1 without and 2 stills that are likely not finished. >> Anon 60107 i feel semi retarded but can't find anything but the handjob and completion. what am i missing >> Anon 60110 >># It looks like you can force ahead with Right Click > Play >> Anon 60115 >># Please no furry shit >> Anon 60118 It would be hotter if the guy on the right was labelled as her boyfriend. >> 781021 60121 >># no >> Anon 60241 Humans spotted initiating conversation subroutine. >># >I might not even be human. GTFO faggot >># >It would be hotter if the guy on the right was labelled as her boyfriend. That's gay as hell cuck. >> ???? ???? 60248 >># nah >># I'm not a furry >> Anon 60261 Plz I really want her to have a penis please! >> Anon 60275 I want to see this be completed, really wish there was a way to know how it's progressing but the /aco/ Jaiden threads get infected by diaperfags thus killing them which is why there aren't gonna be Jaiden threads anymore. >> Anon 60290 >># What's gay about a cuck? Sure if you personally WANT to be one I kinda would understand the gayness. But what about labeling the guy on the right anything makes this gay in some way? Is cuck=gay permanently carved into your brain already? >> Anon 60293 >># >cuck What if I want to be the guy who cheats? There is nothing more exciting than fucking someone's else girl. >> Anon 60294 >># Only fucking your own >> Anon 60301 >># kys >> Anon 60833 >># > Is cuck=gay permanently carved into your brain already? faggot >> DinDin 61485 Hello. I made this. I'm not working on it rn. Just wanted to do something special for my /aco/mrads. In case you were wondering if I was still working on it or not. Who knows, maybe some other time. >> Anon 61497 >># Bullshit. >> Anon 62329 >># We don't look kindly upon talent here. I suggest you go whence you came from >> Anon 62341 >># Are you that guy who got butthurt about nobody praising that PurpleMantis animation you uploaded?
File: jaiden_flash_anim.swf-(92 KB, 1280x1007, Porn) [_] Jaiden Animations W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 3336108 Airplane >> [_] Anon 3336114 >># Neat. Is there any way to advance other than right click forward? >> [_] W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 3336116 >># Those are just wips lol I was going to leave them out but I left them in for shits n giggles. >> [_] Anon 3336117 >># can i do anything besides hit the red button? >> [_] Anon 3336118 >># there's a hidden scene with a threesome >> [_] Anon 3336125 >># Click red button then on jaiden. Now right click and click forward. >> [_] Anon 3336127 too bad she looks like a troll IRL >> [_] Anon 3336128 I laughed >> [_] Anon 3336131 I cried >> [_] Anon 3336134 I came >> [_] WGM 3336135 >># 0: Do tell >> [_] Anon 3336164 >># this is amazing, I laugh my ass off when I first hit the button, top kek 10/10 flash. >> [_] Anon 3336175 >># Not sure if making fun of the flash or not. >> [_] Anon 3336178 >># how hard it is to program buttons that just take you to the next or previous scene? I mean come on OP, step up your game >> [_] Anon 3336196 >># Maybe the intention was NOT having you look at the concept shit unless you want to look at it? I mean, it IS unfinished art. Do you also get upset when zone doesn't tell you how to look up the extra concept art as well? >> [_] W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 3336198 >># Sorry anon but the extra stuff is just extra stuff. Like I said, I wanted to remove it to begin with and kind of forgot to remove it. Next time I'll leave them out, alright? >> [_] Anon 3336203 solid work, you should finish it. >> [_] Anon 3336204 >># no I'm not making fun of it, it's funny as fuck. I rated it a 10/10 didn't I? >> [_] Anon 3336209 >># no there isnt >> [_] Anon 3336210 you adding a bj scene or any scene from first person perspective? facials are awesome >> [_] Anon 3336213 sh_anim.swf Apparently there are six frames? >> [_] W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 3336216 >># Sure. Sounds like fun. >> [_] Anon 3336233 >># >># don't listen to that nigger. leave the extras in. >> [_] Anon 3336244 >># >TFW you can skip forward in scenes by right click forward but how the fuck do you do it naturally? >> [_] Anon 3336247 >># right click with "feeling" >> [_] Anon 3336252 >># that's five you fucking idiot. |