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Discovered:23/6 -2022 15:09:27

Ended:25/6 -2022 02:23:08

Checked:25/6 -2022 19:23:11

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[_] How are you liking the new Berserk? Anonymous 06/23/22(Thu)09:08:08 No.3484494

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/22(Thu)13:03:34 No.3484501

  You mean Berserk 2016? Or did the successors to the manga continue the passed legacy.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/22(Thu)15:20:39 No.3484509

  New berserk chapters out.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/22(Thu)15:28:43 No.3484510

  this, explain yourself OP

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/22(Thu)15:30:16 No.3484511

  >tfw you can't leave a tab open for 8 minutes...
  is somebody making up the story or did they find his notes or something?

  i dont think it's right to already continue the manga after his death. it just feels... i dunno,

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/22(Thu)20:14:47 No.3484530

  Best friend of author was told major story points before author died. Artists under author
  generally know how to draw in the style. Best friend said author would probably give him shit if
  he didn't continue it.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/22(Thu)20:23:18 No.3484531

  sounds like best friend could just make up whatever he wants

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/22(Thu)20:59:20 No.3484535

  Possibly, but apparently it seems pretty legit. Theyve known each other since berserk was first
  being written.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/22(Thu)21:29:30 No.3484539

  or so we assume. whether legit or not it'll be interesting to see how right i was, i think Guts
  will go join up with that wizard person. er, i had more predictions but its been a while since i
  read now.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/22(Thu)21:44:35 No.3484541

  It seemed like it was starting to wrap up. They were about to meet the Elf King, receive
  something (information, training, artifacts) and after several more side plots were going to deal
  with Griffith.
  That's what it seemed like to me, likely would have been only another 5 years or so.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/22(Thu)21:45:37 No.3484542

  -likely after several more side plots -

>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/22(Fri)20:21:43 No.3484592

  the way Griffith has been painted as a god makes me wonder how the hell the manga can end in a
  satisfying way. either Griffith will let Guts win, or Griffith will be too weak, or Guts will be
  too strong.
  i can sense the deus ex machina coming.
Created: 23/6 -2022 15:09:27 Last modified: 25/6 -2022 19:23:13 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:12:45