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This is resource Z7RR0YO, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:2/9 -2013 10:09:39

Ended:2/9 -2013 15:20:37

Checked:2/9 -2013 18:39:25

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: NoGirlsontheInternet.swf-(6.35 MB, 500x376, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 09/02/13(Mon)02:53 No.2098853

>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/13(Mon)02:57 No.2098855

  You're gonna call me a faggot but I genuinely feel bad for chicks on 4chan. Not the attention
  whores or whatever but all the normal ones. I see all the time where a girl will say something
  obviously for the sole reason of throwing a female perspective into the mix and she's instantly
  inundated with "tits or gtfo". Buncha savages in this town.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/13(Mon)03:11 No.2098863

  Define "anonymous"

  The need to try to get the social edge by "hurdur ima girl" does not work on this website.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/13(Mon)03:22 No.2098868


  I'm talking about the ones that aren't trying to get a "social edge". I could say I'm a handyman.
  Does that make me no longer anonymous because you know something about me? If we were talking
  about how to properly fix a leaky sink that would be relevant.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/13(Mon)03:53 No.2098887

  the internet has been an inhospitable place for women since it's inception, when only scientists
  where on it. THe problem is that nerdy men feel bitter because they dont know how to talk to
  women which makes every experience with them a tense unpleasant one. I have the advantage of
  growing up with 3 sisters and the ability to see women as just the same as men, the idea that so
  many men ( AND women) have is that women are fundamentally different than women. THe only
  differences are in the experiences they have in life. If you live in a society where you are
  under threat or rape (bodily harm) every day, you might not take too kindly to some random dude
  telling you "you gots real purdy hair".

>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/13(Mon)04:05 No.2098896

  6.35 MB?

  Something else going on in here?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/13(Mon)05:04 No.2098920

  This. On a semi conscious level I think we all push for the status quo of a level playing field.
  Simply by being of the opposite gender, all arguments and comments are painted in a lighter way.
  Anonymous isn't so much a male identity as an androgynous, at some level we all worship the dick.

  Though on /co/ and /d/, as I've seen it, if one gives a female perspective people are more
  interested than misogynistic.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/13(Mon)05:14 No.2098925

  >Though on /co/ and /d/, as I've seen it, if one gives a female perspective people are more
  interested than misogynistic.

  That's probably because in context female opinions in those cases is actually interesting and the
  fact that someone is female will add something to the conversation. Posting on /adv/ and saying
  something along the lines of "inb4: OP is a faggot, I'm a girl" is intrusive and reads like
  attention seeking.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/13(Mon)05:20 No.2098930

  woah! intellectual /f/ kicks ass!

>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/13(Mon)05:49 No.2098939

  When I see this flash, I imagine that person being Monsoon from metal gear rising for some reason.

>> [_] @non 09/02/13(Mon)07:26 No.2098969

  Anon has no gender. If Anon behaves.
  try harder.
  no one is atacking you by comments like " GET BACK TO THE KITHEN, MAKE ME A BURGER etc "

>> [_] @non 09/02/13(Mon)07:28 No.2098971

  this was >>2098969
  -> for >>2098855

>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/13(Mon)07:33 No.2098974

  correction. 4chan is not a place for gender but opinions and comments. If you're being asked for
  "tits or gtfo" than its most likely because your an attention seeking whore who has hinted at
  being a female.

  Now stfu or gtfo faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/13(Mon)07:51 No.2098983

  gg no re
Created: 2/9 -2013 10:09:39 Last modified: 2/9 -2013 18:39:27 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:00:12