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Threads (106):
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 3514954 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3514958 m00t was a gigantic faggot, but holy shit, hiro is somehow even worse >> [_] Anon 3514960 >># Classic >> [_] Anon 3514987 eurobeat brony is now a trans Vtuber btw >> [_] Anon 3515008 >># Sunday ruined >> [_] Anon 3515011 >># the brony to trans pipeline >> [_] Anon 3515086 >># Would you care to educate a newfag on the moot to hiro transfer? >> [_] Anon 3515087 >># >And moot said lo, this is 4chan, home of SJWs and cucked by leftist gayming media >GG blows up, exodus happenes >mootle gets fed up and honestly considers his leave like so many times already >Owner of 2chan (not 2ch) comes along and offers a large ass suitcase of money >moot and his armada of SJW mods make a dramatic post as they leave for the last time >hiroshimoot instantly implements some shady cooperate structure that enables data mining of 4chan whilst simultaneously camoflaging it as implementing a search function for the catalog >4chan passes are introduced and captcha runs more rampant than ever before >introduces a bunch of meaningless boards meant to divide the /b/tards even further Did I get it right, sempai? >> [_] Anon 3515092 >># Ignore 351087. He's a probably just an election tourist. First of all, 4chan was never "the home of SJWs". Most of the current mods have been here since moot's days. Then, moot never wanted to be the admin of this site forever. Around that time, hiro offered to buy it, and moot profited from the opportunity. Also, 4chan passes were introduced years before moot left 4chan. Now, while hiro did introduce shitty verification and dataminig, let's be honest, moot would've done the same. After all, it was moot who introduced the google captcha. The reason oldfags don't like hiro is that he doesn't care about the site. He only interacts with the site like once a year, and when he does, it's just to make the site shittier, like when the IP counters were removed. At least moot made funny posts from time to time and had the balls to ban people >> [_] Anon 3515094 >># >Did I get it right, sempai? >> [_] Anon 3515098 >># >SJW What is this? 2016? >> [_] Anon 3515099 >># I didn't want to imply it has always been full of SJWs, just that moot dipped his feet (or rather penis) into that area extremely during the gamergate era and that opened the door to all of this. I don't know if SJWs really became mods or even the majority of them, only that people like that pulled the strings around moot and that is why he ultimately grew fed up with the site and left. Moot just wanted to do shit at google, but I guess all his projects there (remember canvas?) never grew nearly as much attention as the chan4. Sorry, meant to say gookmoot really doubled down on those passes, this is when they were seen as basically neccessary to frequent posters, while I think they were rather optional during moots time. But then again I don't ever used one nor did I had the urge to here on /f/. At least with the new 4chan proprietary captcha it was hell to post compared to noscript captcha era. >The reason oldfags don't like hiro is that he doesn't care about the site. He only interacts with the site like once a year, and when he does, it's just to make the site shittier, like when the IP counters were removed. At least moot made funny posts from time to time and had the balls to ban people Basically that. Hiro is just an investor all in about the moniez. Moot was a disgruntled teenager on the quest to find teh epic lulz0rs and then later turned into a disillusioned adult all in about the moniez and SJW puss. You can say what you want about moot, I still remember him nostalgic as the grandfather of imageboards, but he did leave rather unceremonially and under really not so great circumstances that soured his legacy. And he sold us out. That's never okay, even if the CIA is on your ass. You can just turn off the site, but no, he just said FUCK YOU AND WENT TO MOOTXICO BITCHES. >># Yes (or rather I wish it still were). >> [_] Anon 3515107 Thanks for your replies. And one last thing: >m00t was a gigantic faggot Did moot's "popularity" only really plummet after the fallout of gamergate? Some older memes seem to almost idolize him, while nowadays a number of anons generally seem discontent with him. >> [_] Anon 3515109 Idolize isn't the right word, it's more like a friend that you lost. It becomes easier to remember the bright points of those days and forget about the frequent downtime and other crap we had to deal with. It became easier to tell he was tired of the toll that running the site was taking on him and it's unfair to blame him for wanting out. Could he have done it better? Yes, undoubtedly. But given the same situation I think most people would have done a much worse job of it as well. The garbage with /v/, /pol/, and /b/ tipped him over the breaking point and we're lucky we didn't get it even worse. I disagree that he sold us out, at least willingly so. Gookmoot has been shifty and uninvolved for the most part since he took over and whatever partnership he's forged with Goodsmile behind the scenes is probably more focused on making passive income off of selling our data than it is some nefarious 3 letter agency plot to turn kids into school shooters. His leaving coincided with /pol/ starting to be everywhere all the time which adds to the nostalgia of the time when he was around. I miss his faggotry, an owner who actively uses the site makes it easy to tell that they care about it.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] /f/ a white bord or a black bord? Anon 3509434 i don't even know anymore. i know what I would guess but i can't imagen it would stay like that for this long!?! >> [_] Anon 3509479 >># >not posting white people black people.swf
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3504424 I'M HOWLING AT THE MOON >> [_] Anon 3504425 >># Ebin >> [_] Anon 3504458 >># years and years pass, and the game is lost unless you are the little girl!
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] throw it the fuck back Anon 3503252 >> [_] Anon 3503265 >># always a delight to see posted
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3500660 >> [_] Anon 3500662 To think this flash predates discord by a few years Hits so different nowadays >> [_] Anon 3500665 >># aged like a fine wine
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy To Your Heart's Content Anon 3500063
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3492604
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Anon 3492266
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3487027 >># Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3487033 Sorry for being a newfag, but what's the name of the original song(the one which this is a parody of)? >> [_] Anon 3487034 >># not really a parody of anything it's an original song >> [_] Anon 3487057 >># Maybe the homestuck version was the original? Makes sense with the [S] tag. It's the same song just with different images and scenes to interpret it with.
File: [S] Discord-f-version.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Anon 3486908 Pt1 The first plausible explanation was the possibility of me being spiked, albeit that leaves the questions of “who might do this?” and “why?” Second is insomnia induced delirium, unhealthy diet/lifestyle and exhaustion Third Ghosts or glowies interfering goes without saying this is the least likely. Fourth was that something had occurred to bring suspicion on to myself and unorthodox investigatory measures had caused the events, not impossible but unlikely, TV licence personnel would have Pegasus and wiretaps would they not? At this start of the year I meet with somebody who had unexpectedly invited me to his house and we had fascinating conversation covering many topics from history to heraldry from politics to MKultra to a possible upcoming war (I recall this meeting predating the Ukraine thing) to cyber security (he had a laptop akin to Panasonic’s Toughbook) he alleges this had some rather interesting anti-intrusion features and had an interesting previous owner but I digress, this man has recently had a nervous breakdown, perhaps coincidental but I still wonder if there is more to the story. I am told by others I am intelligent and a good listener though that may just be flattery I believe I was invited over as a friend & perhaps he recognized me as a fellow eccentric He told me the story of a time he had unsuccessfully tried to join the navy but due to poor choice of words aroused suspicion and he may have gotten himself on a watchlist, during the episode and the aftermath I pondered if I had unknowingly aroused suspicion to a point where somebody thought I was “up to something”. There are a few things that could have lead to this, I moved into an unfurnished house lived with minimal furniture/investment to save money no TV no direct debits besides mortgage and medical insurance (long story behind that) I generally keep to myself and hesitate to use things like online banking besides credit cards due to security concerns. >> [_] Anon 3486909 >># My house is basically built on sand dunes so I had dug a trench to sieve out stones and infill with seaweed with the long term goal of growing some potatoes there so for a short while I had what looked like an archaeological site maybe somebody thought I was hiding or looking for something, I also had a beard that would not look out of place in Afghanistan and around the time Kabul fell I was joking about it with friends and playing to a character I said some things that might alarm somebody not aware of the satirical nature of these communications, Google’s targeted advertising started giving me adverts in Arabic and androids predictive text started giving me inshallah Perhaps the TV licence people have started resorting to Mickey Finn and hacking devices and our electronics are more often than not manufactured in China and programmed by US developers and both regimes are known to request backdoors be integrated into products to facilitate surveillance and our country is known to collaborate with both regimes heavily See: 5 eyes and there has been a pivot towards bulk surveillance in western countries, there was a spate of hackings such as the wanacry virus following the leak of the NSAkey and instructions on how to use it, this was the US governments contribution to Microsoft windows and Chinese gov have been known to modify circuit boards to incorporate wiretaps, an artemis infected mobile phone could in the future install ransom ware on smart meters given the similar signal bands and how widespread these backdoors are thus far known to be. Its easier than one might think if you know how to do it even most light bulbs have a circuit board these days, That being said im naturally paranoid and sceptical maybe something untoward happened but my dad advised me to look up Synchronicity as I may have been focusing on irrelevant things and exacerbating my own paranoia That being said the whole thing became an obsession that fascinates me >> [_] Anon 3486910 >># So how did I get into this mess? Based on what others told me decline in mental state over roughly a fortnight followed by an episode of insomnia spurred delirium or possible hallucinations by some other cause. I had at the time gotten engrossed in a personal project and probably doing about as much work as it took to produce this document every other night towards said project this undoubtedly lead to me becoming more irritable&eventually I was told it would be best if I took some time off, I always did as much hours as I could and never took time off as I have a house and I intend to keep it never the less co-workers were concerned about how much I insisted on working and also that I don’t really do much of note outside of work and home, I had no idea how long I was supposed to take off. A few days later (or whenever it was memory is hazy) I had an episode where I saw strange things happen with my appliances and electronics generally but events felt real but staged and methodical as if something was heuristically trying to find what bothered me most and the sensations I felt caused me to engage in a superstitious way. “Why is this happening to me?” I wondered! I have never since or before experienced hallucinations and that night was so overwhelming I didn’t know how to respond, it seemed supernatural yet I am aware of ways in which one could plausibly stage such events if one knew enough about their target. Im cynical so I think people are kept there longer than need be and treatment is over prescribed beyond what is necessary, blank cheques get given large figures after all. For example a few years ago when I went to get a haemorrhoid surgically corrected the hospital insisted on a full Sigmoidoscopy before they would proceed despite the entire thing needing correction being visible to the naked eye, if they can get paid to do it they’ll demand it and the very slow drawn out process at the institution made a Sigmoidoscopy pale in comparison.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3481394
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Anon 3480900
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3475318 >> [_] Anoynmuos 3475330 Nice flash. Thanks for posting. >> [_] Anon 3475351 Shit flash. Fuck you for posting.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Sneed Anon 3473777 >> [_] Anon 3473894 >>#>># Io
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3472442 >> [_] Anon 3472451 What with the gay rotation? The original does not have that (and has better quality). >> [_] Anon 3472493 >># I like the screen tearing also the intro text changes if you keep watching it
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 3447834
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3446934 >> [_] Anon 3446970 bump
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3442271 so when it says that shit will be fucked in December does it mean that flash with no longer play in browsers or that flash will no longer be updated and just left alone? >> [_] Anon 3442274 both people say it's the end of /f/ but they're doomsayers. this is an upload board with an embed feature and now the embed feature will just be nonfictional in most browsers. the Flash Projector will also probably not receive any more updates for security or anything. >> [_] Anon 3442278 ITS THE END OF THIS WORLD IT ENDED WHEN YOU SAID GOODBYE >> [_] Anon 3442286 There's an effort to reverse engineer the different versions of the flash runtime to let either websites run swfs via javascript, or let users install a browser extension. the mods have said they are looking into it here. its called ruffle, iirc it's being worked on by newgrounds. >> [_] Anon 3442324 This is the last good board on 4chan >> [_] Anon 3442325 >># Atleast the mods aren't faggots and they actually care about this half-dead board >> [_] Anon 3442331 >># Always has been >> [_] Anon 3442354 >># /f/ is a demented old man knocking on death's door that has short lucid moments from time to time.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3441251
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3436542 >> [_] Anon 3436558 Candlejack, now that's something I haven't seen in a long ti
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3433569 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3433571 >># Based and /f/pilled. >> [_] Anon 3433585 where's the topic >> [_] Anon 3433586 >># How dare you make me sad and nostalgic >> [_] Anon 3433591 >># Enjoy to your heart's content. >> [_] Anon 3433592 >># Now that the show is over, we should get rid of Global Rule #15. =^) >> [_] Anon 3433620 >># They'll get rid of this board before they do that, unfortunately. Not for horsefuckers, that is. >> [_] Anon 3433628 >># Literal time capsule in a flash. Where have the days gone, bros. >> [_] Anon 3433651 fuck i miss the old days of this god forsaken website, i wish we could go back, even for a little while >> [_] Anon 3433668 >># >removing the mods favorite rule to enforce not going to happening till we get rid of these meaningless mods >> [_] Anon 3433670 >># get fucked pony fag. >> [_] Anon 3433671 >># we all do but why bother thinking about stuff that is long gone? self pitty is fine every now and then but in the long run you do yourself a favor if you look at the good things that are happening at the present. >> [_] Anon 3433682 >># okay so it's old graphics right? Cause Snacks is before my time as far as I'm aware, though admittedly site leadership is more prevalent on like /b/ which is an initiation I never actually went through, so maybe I was just too under a rock on blue boards. But then it's a brony fansong, about an event in its second season, so like 8 years old tops. And while it certainly FEELS like an eternity since then, cause jesus fucken christ what the hell maybe the aztecs were right and it's just a slow process, that's still only half as old as 4chan, and Snacks was brought on as one of the first ever mods, setting a general precedent of incompetence, some boards more than others. So like, what the hell? >> [_] Anon 3433684 >># every time we lift a restriction on furries or furry related shit, they flood. no exceptions. Hell, for a slightly modern example, just look at /trash/. it's not a dedicated nsfw furry board, but it might as well be. Nah, I say leave the horsefuckers in their jail (go ahead and make it red though, just like homestuck they're just gonna keep inching that line and with a dead show there's no more real discussion to be protected. might as well let them have what they've wanted all along), leave the pokéfuckers in their jail, make the god damn altright reddit refugees STAY in their jail for a change we have a politics board for a reason this is a thread about a cardgame go away I don't care how many times you want to call one of the artists a tranny cuck, and everything will be hunky dory. >> [_] Anon 3433699 Speaking of old times; how do you guys run your flashes? My browser doesn't support it any more, and on my laptop I don't have CS Flash which I usually run.. >> [_] Anon 3433700 >># use literally anything but chrome >> [_] Anon 3433701 >># Thanks, I was trying Brave and Edge and neither worked. Good ol' firefox still does. >> [_] Anon 3433702 >># what things? ;_; >># it's made by anonymousD, nuff said if you don't know that name, you really are a newfag >> [_] Anon 3433703 >># somehow chromium still works for me, although by default only in embeds - i made a userscript which redirects swf links to a simple html player so i can open in new tab, i have the swf projector at the ready though >> [_] Anon 3433709 >># fuck off >> [_] Anon 3433710 >># embed still works on chrome >> [_] Anon 3433711 >># >viewing flashes embedded absolute pleb tier >> [_] Anon 3433713 >># it's almost like you're proud to be a degenerate >> [_] Anon 3433718 >># YES. i've gotten banned for posting ironic pony guro. it can't even be posted for the occasional joke. /mlp/ is not even in top 25 of the active boards. the rule was implemented because pony images and threads were being spammed by people that didn't have a home to circlejerk over. it doesn't make sense to keep the rule around when they have established that board now for many years and the show is gone. if you can post food & cooking images outside of /ck/ it should also be acceptable to post pony images outside of /mlp/. i've not watched the show even once but it beyond retarded that i can't even post a joke image about it once a month without getting banned
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 3428090 >> [_] Anon 3428103 post the original pol one faggot >> [_] Anon 3428105 >># a cursory search on swfchan shows this predates the /pol/ one by two years. >> [_] Anon 3428114 >># >Original >pol >> [_] Anon 3428129 >># >pol one >original Pick one. Also, >posting a fucking video converted to a flash Get the fuck out of /f/ you massive faggot masquerading as a /f/lash poster. >> [_] Anon 3428136 >># actually kill yourself >> [_] Anon 3428140 oh yea that reminds me cracky chan was on r9k a few months back probably just someone larping as her but god she hit the fucking wall she became a fucking wine aunt >> [_] Anon 3428143 >># Stop being retarded or kill yourself. The choice is yours. >> [_] Anon 3428144 >># >>posting a fucking video converted to a flash >Get the fuck out of /f/ >masquerading as a /f/lash poster. >[S] Discord.swf Absolute newfags everywhere. You do know who was Anon D, right? >> [_] Anon 3428149 this one was posted by anonymous D himself, so it is definitely the original
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 3406952 >> [_] Anon 3406965 >># nice
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3400453 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3400457 this has aged poorly >> [_] Anon 3400466 I've never been able to find sauce on this specific version of that song even when I look up the name on YT, could someone help me? >> [_] Anon 3400467 >># are you actually epileptic or straight up retarded? >> [_] Anon 3400468 >># homestuck was always shit >> [_] Anon 3400482 >># this isn't even the homestuck version, this is just an MLP fan song >> [_] Anon 3400501 His straight up retarded >> [_] Anon 3400536 >># Pretty sure it's a poorly encoded version of this Mes
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] better version Anon 3369637 >> [_] Anon 3369654 >cracky-chan some things I don't miss >> [_] Anon 3369693 >># [Imaginary]Horsefucker x1000 times more terrible. >> [_] Anon 3369696 >># nah, the other one's way better.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3368624 >> [_] Anon 3368762 moot is traitor of 4chan people hiroshima is traitor of chans ideology
File: anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] What happened to Anon D anyway? Anon 3330672 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3330691 >implying this will ever beat 8steps >> [_] Anon 3330727 >># he was here like a month ago >> [_] Anon 3330760 someone should be a savior and make a new one.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 3299963 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3300055 haha epic >> [_] Anon 3300068 >tfw this is a record of the first five years I spent on 4chan >tfw that was five years ago
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3284188 enjoy some Anon D today
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 3267645
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 3231251
File: tmp_12216-Discord-1823878071.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Anon 3227516 Hey can somebody post the lolicatgirls flash with the fancy intro >> [_] Anon 3227521 Whatever happened to Anon D? >> [_] Anon 3227526 Anon D was laid off and therefore had less time for flash creation. He then later came back in 2012 with some new stuff. People didn't like how he kept his style of putting his name where you can see it and I guess he just stopped posting as much. oy5sI6il >> [_] Anon 3227539 >># What's it called? I know I have it. >> [_] Anon 3227543 >># manspincar.swf
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] smugfu 3218773 >> [_] Anon 3218859 >># >Not posting the superior /pol/ version
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] John H. Hamilton 3208633 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3208728 >># lml master teach us!
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Hey guys I need some help /b/astard 3205824 What the name of that one video where they put eels inside of a japanese girl. And she says, "I should've never quit the nail salon" and later they try to show her video of eels in her ass and she says she doesn't want to see her shame. Asking for a friend, please /f/riends I need your help. >> [_] Anon 3205826 .nwod skcolb owt si \r\<<< ,rood gnorw eht tog uoy yddub yeH >> [_] /b/astard 3205827 >># Those guys are faggots though >> [_] Anon 3205828 7285023<< ؟tey nahcfws deirt uoy evaH >> [_] Anon 3205833 >># Why are you typing backwards? Also no I'm looking for the video not just a flash but I have >>>/r/15127394 up and >>>/b/719970788 Trying to get people to sauce it >> [_] /b/astard 3205850 a-for-cute-young-japanese-girl/ Fucking found it
File: [S] Discord-f-version.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] member [S] Discord-f-version? member [S] Discord-f-version? 3195087 wat >> [_] Anon 3195089 s t o p t o p >> [_] Anon 3195097 >># lol i wasnt know you dont like it >> [_] Anon 3195144 wasnt the original about my little pony? point is, the chorus was pretty well written for a shit tier fanbase. >> [_] Anon 3195159 >># true
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] I can't sit idly Anon 3192812 >> [_] Anon 3192903 I'm not sure if I'm following >> [_] Anon 3192925 No I can't move at all >> [_] Anon 3192928 I curse the name, the one behind it all...
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] you did this Anon 3174952 >> [_] Anon 3175000 Wow. I'm not even made about the homestuck filename. >> [_] Anon 3175013 >># >made ha. Anyway, that's the original filename. >> [_] Anon 3175055 >># Do you know where I can see that picture of Yotsuba in the chair with the memes behind her?
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 3174041 >> [_] Anon 3174083 I think I love you anon
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 3161589 Enjoy to your hearts content. >> [_] Anon 3161622 omg its the present! how does it knows!?
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] partyhard !n21TE7QU8U 3094934 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3094938 What remix is this? >> [_] Anon 3094972 You forgot the subject line you assclown. >> [_] Anon 3095037 >># this isn't a remix >> [_] Anon 3095043 >># Sarude Dandstorm >> [_] Anon 3095069 >># Well its not the original song either. >> [_] Anon 3095076 >># >># Have you even opened the Flash and looked at some of the very first seconds? Because it literally says what the song is. >> [_] Anon 3095077 >># I know what the song is, but what remix/ version of the song. >> [_] Anon 3095078 >># ...this is literally in the flash.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Enjoy to you heart's content. Anon 3091833 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3091918 >># The /pol/ version is better. >> [_] Anon 3091936 >># i don't follow this kind of thing is this pony shit? smells like it >> [_] Anon 3091938 >># It was made by a brony. The whole thing is pretty well done but it can be dismissed as autism based on who it came from. Still not sure what a Discord is though. >> [_] Anon 3091941 >># Whats really impressive is that you're somehow able to tell provided you're not lying. Like, i felt it too the first time i heard the song, don't get me wrong. I don't even know what to call it, you can just feel the autism exuding from the thing. >> [_] Anon 3091951 >># Well, I think that the artist name (Eurobeat Brony) and a pony sex toy appearing in the first fifteen seconds or so kind of stands out. The rest of the video he seems like he's able to control himself, though. >> [_] Anon 3091963 I like how the part that seems most likely to cause a seizure is the warning. >> [_] Anon 3091967 so many memes :)
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Enjoy to you heart's content Anon 2998181
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] smugfu 2989356 >> [_] Anon 2989409 Who is moot? >> [_] Anon 2989411 >># nice bait >> [_] Anon 2989415 >># Discord is the only good thing from mlp >> [_] Anon 2989419 Ponyshit is cancer but this shit's good. >> [_] Anon 2989457 Not uploaded properly, improper use of subject line. Should read "Enjoy to your hearts content"-1 points
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Anon 2912923 >># with better audio >> [_] Anon 2912930 Was disappointed to see that this song is mlp garbage >> [_] Anon 2912931 Fucking mlp trash go hang yourself, oh wait your too autistic to even tie your own shoes how will you make a noose? >> [_] Anon 2912941 this is mega cringe. >> [_] Anon 2912948 this shit gay retarded >> [_] Anon 2912959 MODS! >> [_] Anon 2912972 I always disliked this flash. Trying way too hard with all the shitty ancient memes >> [_] Anon 2912982 >>dem bronies! cry some more >> [_] Anon 2913019 >># I was too. However, i pretend its not and get by. >> [_] Anon 2913040 >># Philosophy.
File: discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Anon 2911244 >> [_] Anon 2911277 This isn't even the good version.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 2803155 >> [_] Anon 2803157 >># >forgot the "enjoy to your heart's content" Ya blew it. >> [_] Anon 2803217 Grinding for bits is bullshit >> [_] Anon 2803288 Which one is the video that's about /int/? >> [_] Pant_Zipper !lk38OS7kEE 2803291 Posting on the eve of the hundredth episode. Time flies.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 2775433 >> [_] Anon 2775465 >># >no "enjoy to your heart's content" you need to seriously step up your game bro
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 2773365 >> [_] Anon 2773367 >subject isn't "enjoy to your heart's content." step it up >> [_] Anon 2773408 What a daring synthesis of maymays >> [_] friendsofsandwiches 2773432 you know if MOOT were still here, he'd have put this on the front page of /b. Moots not here. no mo. >> [_] Anon 2773465 >># you don't talk shit about mai waifu >># boo-hoo, he didn't in the past. this flash is old enough. moot only looks at sanic porn.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 2758326 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2758352 tfw no one will ever appreciate brony music just because it's brony related >> [_] Anon 2758380 >># If it weren't for the video, we wouldn't have to know it was brony shit >> [_] Anon 2758386 I think Eurobeat Brony's music is alright, nothing too great. But he should do things that aren't tied to MLP. He could probably make some good shit on par with Dave Rogers or Mega NRG Man >> [_] Anon 2758402 maybe I have a tin ear, or maybe I have normalcancer, but this is as equally unlistenable as Wooden Toaster, Living Tombstone, or any other bronyshit those "artists" crank out of their Macs. >> [_] Anon 2758406 >we won't take it anymore, so take your tyranny away ;_; >> [_] Anon 2758408 maybe I know. Maybe I don't whatever I guess. >> [_] Anon 2758420 I don't get how the fuck there are no Dave Rodgers flashes posted ever. If I knew how to flash I'd probably get to it right away >/r/ing Dave Rodgers >> [_] Anon 2758454 >># what you didnt read the posts in the video? or the song authors name? >> [_] Anon 2758456 LOL i love 4chan culture! but who is the catgirl in the pink shirt? she's cute! >> [_] johndoe314 2758487 >># Moot's character (Moot was the owner of 4chan up until semi-recently) >> [_] Anon 2758489 Original mix is better >> [_] Anon 2758491 >># get out >> [_] Anon 2758499 this right here is history... i miss old 4chan now its full of cancer >> [_] Anon 2758539 >># Fuck off.
File: Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] DISCORD •▬• 2743025 let's get back to the old /f/ >> [_] Anon 2743095 >Not [S] Discord >Subject not Enjoy to your heart's content how new? >> [_] Anon 2743122 >># Your the only newfig here faggotfu. Why don't you pop a gullet and trolley on out of here pedro. >:-( >> [_] Anon 2743131 >># If I ever get your stinky mug in my line of sight I swear to jackoff i'll cock your clock off
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 2692861 RIP Moot >> [_] Anon 2692866 so many epic memes xd >> [_] Anon 2692887 >># the constantly vibrating images was particularly dank >> [_] Anon 2692928 >># why is it that people from [s4s] claim to love memes but are always passive aggressively mocking them?
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 2690783 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2690846 rip moot >> [_] Anon 2690863 Why is Candlejack in a >> [_] Anon 2690894 >># fuck you don't say candlejack if you want t >> [_] Anon 2690922 DISCORD I'M HOWLING AT THE MOOT >> [_] Anon 2690937 >># The message at the start keeps changing every loop >I stole it all fuck off >You're watching again? >Go outside or something >Secret code on loop #20 >This is Loop Number 5 >This is Loop Number 6 >This is Loop Number 7 ...
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 2675082 >> [_] Anon 2675115 That was pretty chill doot >> [_] Anon 2675209 This jam is amazing! >> [_] Anon 2675214 Why did bronies have to ruin this? All I'm trying to do is find this sauce.
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 2670285 >> [_] Anon 2670359 >># >not tomorrow >dat ending Sweet tho. >> [_] Anon 2670365 >># I miss moot >> [_] Anon 2670366 >that epilepsy warning which is the only seizure inducing thing in the whole flash
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Japanese) [_] Enjoy to your hearts content. Anon 2665416 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Javo 2665422 Last time this was posted somebody said it was ponyshit. Is it true. >> [_] Anon 2665424 >># kinda >> [_] Anon 2665428 >># It's true >> [_] Anon 2665432 >># unfortunately yes. >> [_] Anon 2665435 >># one of the shittier versions, but yes. pony based >> [_] Anon 2665525 >># The song is based off a villain in the show yes. But from the lyrics and actual music video you would never guess. People still throw a shit fit sadly. >inb4 STAWP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE >> [_] Anon 2665591 How about gas the furries? Fuckin' bronies included. Gas them all. >> [_] Anon 2665624 >># aww you're cute. go back to bed kid, you have school in the morning and your parents wouldn't approve of you on here.
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Enjoy to your hearts content. Anon 2648296 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2648299 >># this isn't a loop >> [_] Voidland 2648300 >># OP is a faggot >> [_] Anon 2648310 pony haters incoming! >> [_] Anon 2648313 >># We're being fursecuted :^( >> [_] Anon 2648317 No Discord? >> [_] Anon 2648328 >># and you're not funny >> [_] Anon 2648389 >># I don't think he was trying to be. >> [_] Anon 2648464 >Art: >You're watching it again?! the second time the flash loops. I notice something new everytime I watch this flash >> [_] Anon 2648474 Lots of old memes. I cracked a smile. >> [_] Anon 2648511 >># You fucking liar >> [_] Anon 2648512 >># I just noticed, the 3rd time it says ''go outside or something' >> [_] Anon 2648516 >># Even more later on, oh my gawd >> [_] Anon 2648533 shitty flash for a shitty fandom >> [_] Anon 2648536 >># 4chan is a fandom confirmed >> [_] Anon 2648543 >># kek
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy to your hearts content. Anon 2644790 >> [_] Anon 2644829 >># Ponyfags don't get praise. >> [_] Anon 2644869 oh shit i keep forgetting about this song. still ain't got shit on Alex S - Party With Pinkie though. i still fuckin hate ponyshit to death, but good music is good music :/
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] you know you want it Anon 2611440 Enjoy to your heart's content. >> [_] Anon 2611447 this is orochimarus theme >> [_] Anon 2611462 gross >># gross >> [_] Anon 2611556 lol so epic and funny! upvote this post if your an oldfag like me! :) (I'm a girl btw) >> [_] Anon 2611584 Theme of a few places around here
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 2595957 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2595969 why are you doing this >> [_] Anon 2595970 I was there, man. Those scrolling comments? I posted some of them. Those comments are MINE, man. >tfw that will be the greatest thing I will ever accomplish in my entire life >> [_] Hot2Trotsky 2595972 Dudes don't know it's a slashclopper anthem. >> [_] Anon 2595973 >># as lame as the lyrics are the song still is catchy >> [_] Anon 2595975 What once was Now he's fucking an SJW and it just continues to get worse. Shit Moot, I loved you. I loved you like a brother. >> [_] Anon 2595993 >># why are there ponies in this? 95% of this predates the show by like 3 years, I can't help but feel like this is an altered version. >> [_] Anon 2596010 >># The flash was made in 2012, dude. >> [_] Anon 2596014 >># anonymous D has been around for a while. he tries to keep the flames of old memes alive. >> [_] Anon 2596018 A glorious era that now sees its sunset, the flames flicker their last breath before finally being snuffed out and lost to the annals of time. >> [_] Anon 2596025 >># Don't you understand discord? That is pretty much the point. The entirety of the 4chan community is hostile and separate to each other now. It used to be 4chan was a community-driven site. Now, now it is just a content-driven site. And for the most part, content-driven sites are generally massively inferior to the content created from community-driven sites. Now all 4chan communities are discrete groups that tend to communicate off-site in their own little corners and use 4chan to shitpost in. Not to mention identify, identity gone because of a vocal minority and wapanese spirit that single-handedly destroyed any sense of community this shit place had because "muh anonmis dicutions". Fucking Shiit. >> [_] Anon 2596030 >># >why are there ponies in this? Check the song source. >> [_] Anon 2596111 >># We'll bring him back to the light one day, we need to hook his ass up with a rich qt3.14 conservative newscaster or something
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 2586526 Enjoy to your heart's content. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2586550 I've said it before. The singing sucks, the video is lame, and the MLP association in general is crap. But I like the actual music. A version of the music with no singing would make me not hate this. >> [_] Anon 2586564 i used to like this >> [_] Repost Chan 2586565 >># >on /f/ >talking shit about Anon D Get out >> [_] Anon 2586566 >># The video dosent have any kind of mlp association,apart from the song (if i didnt know it was pony-related, i would think it is just another "too cool for school" anarchy song) and the obvious b8 at the end And fuck the quality,nobody cares about that Im here for content,not for pixels >> [_] Anon 2586567 If only this wasn't ponyshit Reported >> [_] Anon 2586571 >># Ah. This is the other version. Didn't bother opening it. There's two versions out, both using same music. This one, and a highly MLP infused one. I'm still not keen on the singing though, but of the two I guess this is more acceptable. >> [_] Anon 2586572 This guy's Brony music is only good when combined with something else. On its own, it's just autistic-as-fuck crap >> [_] Anon 2586586 >tfw eurobeat is slowly declining >> [_] Anon 2586672 >># You dun goof'd! You should have put the "Enjoy to your heart's content." on the subject, not the comment. >> [_] Anon 2586678 >># Praise be AnonymousD the savoir of /f/ >> [_] Anon 2586732 >># >> [_] Anon 2586735 >># Seeing as all of his songs sound the same, he started declining once he released a second song. >> [_] Anon 2586738 >># Do you not know that eurobeat is an actual genre and I was referring to it as a whole? >> [_] Anon 2586750 >># there's a whole genre of this shit? >> [_] Anon 2586765 >># ur mom a shit m6
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 2475471 >> [_] Anon 2475473 enjoyed it and im not even a brony 8/10 >> [_] Anon 2475504 >># You're a fucking idiot. >> [_] Anon 2475516 >># I agree >> [_] Anon 2475518 I love the eurobeat feel >> [_] Anon 2475529 >eurobeat brone >even being considered eurobeat and not pop as fuck Might as well call Skrillex the Orson Welles of electronic music. >> [_] Anon 2475534 >># I disagree >> [_] Anon 2475546 Wow this sound pretty good? How is this releated to broneys in anyway? >> [_] Anon 2475556 Easter egg after a certain amount of repeats. >> [_] Anon 2475557 >># Because Discord is the big bad of S2? I dunno. Maybe I'm just stretching to make a connection where there isn't one. >> [_] Anon 2475562 >># >># Discord was the big bad of S2. Then Eurobeatbrony made a song about him ( NMes), and the song in the video is a remix of that song by TheLivingTombstone ( dsOk). >> [_] Anon 2475563 >># The song in the flash* is a remix, I mean. >> [_] Anon 2475566 >horse faggotry >old, retarded maymays that stopped being funny several years ago >> [_] Anon 2475567 I almost missed goatse. >> [_] Anon 2475602 you can tell how old this flash is because at the end, there is no fucking captcha >> [_] Anon 2475613 >># oh yeah I remember the times when we didn't need that shit good ol' summer '13 >> [_] Anon 2475633 >># >old >retarded >maymay >stopped being funny I can understand hating the horse faggotry, hell I didn't even know it was horse faggotry until the end and after reading the thread, but the words I quoted from you warrant you being mercy killed so you don't breed.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Anon 2425566 Can someone post the non-shaky version of this? I can't seem to find it Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2425589 >># 56&n=discord_no_shaking.swf >> [_] Anon 2425596 >># thanks nigga >> [_] Anon 2425730 >># finally sit through more then five seconds realize its pony oc music music i first listed to on mlp and hated then as i do now this song is bad and you should feel bad >> [_] Anon 2425733 >># God damn it, so much talent is just ruined by ponyfaggotry
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Hentai) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 2414739 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2414741 Isn't that Orochimaru's theme at the beginning? >> [_] Anon 2414777 Anon D, come back >> [_] Anon 2414857 >'You're watching it again?!' under art on the second loop Never noticed that before >> [_] Anon 2414859 >># Orochimaru's theme, Dracula's theme, and this song are all based off of Bach's Toccata and Fugue. >> [_] Anon 2414875 this is actually good I finally saw some that a brony never fucked up on >> [_] Anon 2414877 >># shit I meant something >> [_] Anon 2414878 >># Kill yourself for knowing that >> [_] Anon 2414883 >># Wow, you remade LivingTombfags remix! >increase speed by like 80%. >call it a remix >... >LivingTombStone in a nutshell. >> [_] Anon 2414885 >># You must obviously know it too, since you know he's correct.
File: Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 2303884 Enjoy to your heart's content >> [_] Anon 2303889 This isn't showing up on swfchan. Be this OC? >> [_] Anon 2303894 >># Disregard that, faggot OP just changed the filename like the raging homosexual he is.
File: Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Anon 2243870 >2014. >> [_] Ben 2036-7866-9725 2243888 this rocks/10 >> [_] Anon 2243902 this version sucks >> [_] Anon 2243959 The homestuck version was better
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Anon 2235173 >> [_] Anon 2235204 i think this made my day. >> [_] Anon 2235248 sourceeee on song plz <3 >> [_] Anon 2235251 >># Its a brony song that is literally at the start of the flash >> [_] Anon 2235263 >># >># Sadly, I can tell you are already one of them. Nothing wrong with it (not any more so than my fetishes), but don't pretend otherwise. Own up to fucking horses just like I own up to licking boiled eggs out of my grandmother's ass (May she rest eternally with the lord in heaven). >> [_] Anon 2235285 >># Song ain't bad at all its just the idea behind it.
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Hentai) [_] i didnt even download this Anon 2228549 >> [_] Anon 2228557 can someone tell me why I like this besides being a huge faggot? >> [_] Anon 2228560 >># you're the biggest faggot >> [_] Anon 2228571 >># Thanks man, I needed that. >> [_] Anon 2228629 >># Because it's Anon D, ya faggot. >> [_] Anon 2228647 >># >># >># Its also pony related, but who gives a fuck >> [_] Anon 2228664 the audio is horribly compressed or something >> [_] Anon 2228665 get the fuck out >> [_] Anon 2228669 zo This one is my favorite. >> [_] Anon 2228674 >># noU
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 2226259 >> [_] Anon 2226265 why does it have to be a fucking brony song jesus >> [_] Anon 2226266 >># i know, it's good but the fucking gay that comes with it ruins it. >> [_] IcarusLounge 2226318 Whats the original piano song that is played at the beginning? >> [_] Anon 2226330 If you remove all the pony bullshit, this is genuinely a good song. God damn it. >> [_] Anon 2226347 >># >># >># Lol /mlp/ in disguise >> [_] Anon 2226349 This is one of the reasons why ponies are awesome. >> [_] Anon 2226352 >># Yes, some fans are talented and kind but the other s... can go die in acidholes. >> [_] Anon 2226368 >># >># /mlp/ plz leave >> [_] Anon 2226371 >># >implying im a ponyfag no u >> [_] Anon 2226397 do you have to be this autistic, /f/? this song makes no explicit references to the show, and the artist's name doesn't count even "discord" could be interpreted as the overall concept of discord and not the character just enjoy the vid and song and get over yourselves
File: Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Japanese) [_] Anon 2186707 Enjoy to your heart's content Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2186750 my heart's content is now on balance >> [_] Anon 2186762 hM >> [_] Anon 2186787 I have never been able to find a download for this particular version of the song. >> [_] Anon 2186810 >># iscord-eurochaos-mix-ft-odyssey It's free of charge. It also happens to be the original, And i mean it is THE Original. >> [_] Anon 2186843 >mfw no period ya gon dun goofed.
File: Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 2143409 >> [_] Anon 2143448 This is actually good. >> [_] Anon 2143456 this breddy gud. i dont know why i like though. >> [_] Anon 2143469 >># That world is being torn apart line Fucking lol >> [_] Anon 2143502 fucking shaky cam man. its like I'm watchin Jason bourne >> [_] Anon 2143541 i enjoyed it >> [_] Anon 2143549 damn... on 4th view, it said there was a secret message on view #20... this may take a while >> [_] Anon 2143554 >># My favorite part too. >> [_] Anon 2143563 >># This. >> [_] Anon 2143582 >># I did it! the secret message was the konami code... Kind of a waste of time... >> [_] Anon 2143584 cancer >> [_] Anon 2143588 >># You've just solved the mystery of 4chan. Congrats!
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Anon 2118703 for >># >> [_] Anon 2118827 GAAAAAAAAY ... I liked it actually.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 2096358 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2096449 Discord! I'm howling at the moon an na na na na in the middle of a summer afternoon >> [_] Anon 2096455 This is the shitty version >> [_] Anon 2096464 >># just like every other one >> [_] Anon 2096484 Horsefuckers please go >> [_] Anon 2096486 >># simply epic :) >> [_] Anon 2096488 >># it aint the homestuck version so its 10X better then the other one. unless there is a third version of this?
File: {anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] ello' again /f/ HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2094751 >> [_] Anon 2094757 >># now this is quality shit you forgot to make the subject "Enjoy to your hearts content" tho >> [_] Anon 2094767 Careful OP, people will start flipping at this version, there seems to be a great hate going around. Personally, I like the tune. Whatever. >> [_] Anon 2094789 ello' again fag >> [_] Anon 2094830 *tips fedora >> [_] Anon 2094840 >># faggot, if you're going to post stupid horse shit at least make it the better version. >> [_] Anon 2094844 хуй >> [_] HomestuckAutism. 2094878 >># yo homestuckautism it's me from last month the guy that had your same name and convinced two people to read homestuck. >> [_] Sage Sage 2094946 You're incapable of ruining my day today with HomeShit, but to keep things simple you can eat more sage. >> [_] sage sage 2094966 YOU motherfucker, stay away!!
File: [S] Discord-f-version.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Enjoy guys. Anon 2085735 >> [_] Anon 2085737 kill yourself >> [_] Anon 2085741 >># Aww. You just sad that you are not as good as this. Ha ha ha. >> [_] Sugoi Hands 2085742 based anon thank you >> [_] Anon 2085756 sageing ponyshit not mad tho :-) >> [_] Anon 2085793 Sage all you want. I am not going to sage. >> [_] Anon 2085804 soo many butthurt summers cry to your mothers upstairs basement dwellers inb4 meme arrows >> [_] Anon 2085869 gah
File: anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] To Your Heart's Content Anon 2081133 >> [_] Anon 2081159 enjoy >> [_] Anon 2081282 homestuck Autism??
File: {anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Anime) [_] /f/ stop deleting muh threads HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2076839 >> [_] Anon 2076846 stop being a faggot and posting gets then. You are the cancer killing /f/ >> [_] Katastor !P9atzyhA3w 2076849 >># /f/ Was never alive to start off. >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2076850 >># nah i wont stop. I am enjoying this >> [_] Anon 2076851 >># If you won't stop, then enjoy getting your threads deleted and eventually banned like Emily Youcis was. >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2076854 >># allright, i can just change my ip anyways. >> [_] Anon 2076855 >># >Trips and name fag in an anonymous imageboard kid, those trips are for those who bring true fresh OC. >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2076856 >># >bring true fresh OC yeah like that would happen on /f/. >> [_] Anon 2076860 >># give the thanks to those who act like and edgy autistic teenager >> [_] Anon 2076864 >># Your hatred only fuels him >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2076865 >># no shit. He is also bumping my thread. >> [_] Anon 2076872 >># Stop replying to this homo please m8 >> [_] Anon 2076881 >># >Being this mad >> [_] Anon 2076885 this suuuuuuuuuuuuucks. >> [_] Anon 2076894 >># Like your mom >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2076896 and yet again my threads succeeds in getting replies >> [_] Anon 2076897 >># >succeeds i pity you, make such thing are a succeed for you. >> [_] louise 2076898 >># Maybe it was jews? >> [_] Anon 2076899 >># >make such thing are a succeed for you Say that again? English this time, please. >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2076900 >># probably, yeah >> [_] Anon 2076902 >># >not getting into dramatic quotes of preclassic literature >> [_] Anon 2076905 >># Keep it in your pants, Shakespeare. >> [_] louise 2076909 >># Fix* Thou shall keep thy breeding rod in thy trousers! >> [_] Anon 2076911 >># I should cut you right now. >> [_] louise 2076914 >># fun fact in you ID you can find 9/11 lel good memories >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2076918 >># >threats on 4chan >> [_] louise 2076920 >># inb4 shut up I can track IP! >> [_] Anon 2076923 >># Shut up I can track ip >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2076924 >># glhf
File: {anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Might as well upload this HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2074898 >> [_] louise 2074934 I support this >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2074936 >># Finally someone that isnt a /f/aggot >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2074976 bump of proudness >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075059 survival bump of wizzardness 59 get >> [_] louise 2075079 Why so dry over here? >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075082 >># you destroyed my get, but we will be moving over tho this thread when the other one dies >> [_] Sugoi Hands 2075154 I am proud of you >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075217 ALLRIGHT LETS MOVE TO THIS THREAD NOW >> [_] Anon 2075218 >># It was sad to see that thread die >> [_] louise 2075219 19 >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075221 DUB FAGGOTS YOU BETTER SHOW UP. >> [_] Anon 2075222 >># I'm afraid the ponyfags might show up too. >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075223 >># yeah, lets make 230 replies on this thread too. also 23 >> [_] louise 2075224 >># First get of the thread! >> [_] Anon 2075225 >># Good job bro >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075226 >># wot? 26 >> [_] Anon 2075227 >># He be a bit high >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075228 >># HAHA NOPE! >># also. 28 >> [_] louise 2075229 blowjobs.swf 28 >> [_] louise 2075230 >># >># So close! >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075231 >># I am not going to watch that. btw, i am going to get my 31 ready >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075234 >># and then my 34 is going to be there waiting for me >> [_] louise 2075235 >># 33 Got to go see you niggers some other time >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075236 >># tommorow, same time, same swf >> [_] Anon 2075245 where did this discord come from ? >> [_] YogurtGuy 2075246 46 get >> [_] Anon 2075247 >># >># oh we're still alive. >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075248 >># sorry , that was me >># from youtube. Eurobeat brony - Discord >> [_] YogurtGuy 2075249 >># I just got back from getting frozen yogurt >> [_] Anon 2075251 Ch-check em >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075252 >># Nice nick you got there. But please, use a #trip >> [_] YogurtGuy 2075253 >># Too lazy right now >> [_] Anon 2075256 >># no i mean the original thing what is it ? >> [_] Anon 2075258 Fukken saved >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075260 >># dagobah? I have no idea anon. >> [_] HomestuckAutism !SHjzCSZsqE 2075261 >># or it is from here. >> [_] Anon 2075268 >># Living Tombstone remix is better
File: anonymous_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Did someone say Discord? Anon 2067772 >> [_] Anon 2067818 if youre going to post pony shit at least make it the version that doesnt shake and has good resolution faggot
File: {anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] "can you post it?" Anon 2064451 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2064469 { >> [_] Anon 2064482 >># I have no idea how that got there. Its the Jews I tell ya. >> [_] Anon 2064483 >># thank you anon >> [_] z̳̳̬͔̳͇͇͕ͪͤ̏̓̒z̻̭͊̉͂͛ͬ͑̏͐ 2064484 no >> [_] Anon 2064491 Anon delivers, and I'll happily sign for it if no-one else will. >> [_] Anon 2064492 fuck off ponyfags >> [_] Anon 2064500 God damn it. inb4 pony porn. >> [_] Anon 2064511 >># >># samefags pls go. this flash breaks the record for most autism in only 3 MB >> [_] Anon 2064525 >># It's actually a little over 3.5 MiB. >> [_] Anon 2064527 >># no shit nigga, >> [_] Anon 2064573 >># Give them a reason. No, seriously. You have no right to decide what kind of content gets posted on a general flash board. ANYTHING GOES. herp herp >> [_] Anon 2064578 Also, stop pretending like 4chan is some holy grail of quality control. The rest of the internet scoffs at 4chan, (rightfully) seeing it as a cesspit of assholes and negativity. Ponyfags? Please, those are the least of your worries. >> [_] I aint even mad Anon 2064583 For horsefucker stuff. this is ok >> [_] Anon 2064584 >># "rest of the internet" meaning reddit, dA, 9gag and other similarly cool sites "negativity" meaning "don't like furry or ponies like I do", in this case >> [_] Anon 2064585 >># >implying that this is a general flash board >implying that ponies are allowed outside /mp/ read the rules for global and flash before you start talking about what content is allowed >> [_] Anon 2064591 >># >The rest of the internet scoffs at 4chan They sure don't mind stealing content when it suits them tho. >> [_] Anon 2064624 >># >cesspit of assholes and negativity The difference is that 4chan has Anonymoous, which is all people. We have shit, awesome, good and bad. That "rest of the internet" you are talking about just want to have the awesome and good and turns a blind eye towards all that isn't well in their perfect little world. That's why 4chan is real. Hell, you can be part of the people that scoffs at 4chan if you want to and STILL be part of 4chan (which you are).
File: anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 2061587 >> [_] Anon 2061598 Horsefucker. >> [_] Anon 2061667 pony is detect go away pony
File: [S] Discord-f-version.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Loop) [_] Anon 2035864 For that mate looking for the /f/ version. Anon delivers. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2036093 If it didn't relate to MLP I would love this
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 2030181 >> [_] Anon 2030184 Well done OP, I declare you not a faggot. >> [_] Anon 2030185 I wanna sex m00t. >> [_] Anon 2030307 Nice swap, I see what you did there.
File: [S]_Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 2028363 >> [_] Anon 2028364 >No subject line I'm disappointed. >> [_] Anon 2028368 That's better. >> [_] Anon 2028370 Epic >> [_] Anon 2028372 >># Fucking dumbass subject is 4chan! >> [_] Anon 2028462 I miss old /b/ >> [_] Anon 2028522 Ol' fags up in this motherfucker >> [_] Anon 2028545 >># >># I'm not about to bullshit and say I'm an oldfag, I have only been lurking for about 3 years.. but i do know this... you are not a oldfag. >This is confirmed
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, 428x240, Other) [_] Anon 2019093 >> [_] Anon 2019109 I bet the jews did this >> [_] BCS !zYWrhqMVos 2019110 Meh, I prefer the original. This is trying way too hard to troll people. >> [_] Anon 2019111 I'm getting the original here, what are you guys getting? >> [_] Anon 2019137 >not "howling at the moot" Wasted opportunity. >> [_] Reian !QHIVa3AIQI 2019158 Image is from just the other day. It was a glorious shit-fest. >> [_] Anon 2019199 >># Hahah faggots It's a catchy ass song Get used to it >> [_] Anon 2019217 >># holy fuck[S]+D iscord.swf oh my >> [_] Anon 2019221 >># the entire thread was OP's solo mission and so is this >> [_] Anon 2019241 Then I suppose this is as good a time as any to say this. Do any of you like the van darkholme shit thats been coming through? I sure dont. This is our /f/. So lets report all of the van darkholme shit as against the rules and get rid of him. Remember the Zeitgeist Incident? Of course most of you dont because you havent been here that long but feel free to look it up. In the end, m00t came in and permabanned the zeitgeist bastard and stopped the flow of shit and spam into /f/. So lets do the same once more! Only, this time, instead of just reporting it and emailing m00t, lets also repost old stuff any time we see VD's stuff and bump other swfs to the top, to hasten the purge that occurs naturally. Oh, also anyone else notice that Van Darkholme = VD = Venereal Disease? We are being invaded not by cancer, but by chlamydia!
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 1995794 >> [_] Anon 1995868 catchy~ >> [_] Anon 1995922 >># does it say alot when I think discord i think MLP?
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. 1975653 >> [_] Anon 1975719 This pony..... SHIT is fucking... addictive.... I can't sit idly.... >> [_] Anon 1975754 >># Nice try, but I won't let you buttfuck my goats that easily. >> [_] Anon 1975827 Ponysex for everypony.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, Other) [_] /f/ sucks tonight Anon 1968791 >> [_] Anon 1968797 hadn't seen this one before - great mix of old and new content, as expected of Anon D >> [_] Anon 1968801 this is surprisingly decent. >> [_] Anon 1968815 >/f/ sucks tonight Every time someone says this they post some terrible shit. >> [_] Anon 1968816 >># Agreed. >> [_] Anon 1968819 Jesus that was bad quality >> [_] Anon 1968823 who put this together? its awesome >> [_] Anon 1968825 >># you're an idiot >> [_] Anon 1968827 I feel like posting that Homestuck Discord flash with the file name "AnonD Discord.swf" that way we can have a full inversion. >> [_] Anon 1968838 >># go for it
File: discord.swf-(3.52 MB, Loop) [_] Anon 1938229 >> [_] Anon 1938261 brony faggots can even save a flash correctly. kill yourself >> [_] Anon 1938327 >># >inb4 he's actually a homestuck faggot that sympathizes with ponyfags. >> [_] Anon 1938329 >># *can't >> [_] Blatant 1938337 >># I bet he shitposts with a trip and fursona too. >> [_] Anon 1938420 fuckin' ponyfag. GTFO >> [_] Anon 1938485 >># shame if ponyshit didn't exist it might be a good song >> [_] Anon 1938490 >># you are what is wrong with this world. "oh this song is pretty nice." "oh, it's a reference to cartoon horses.." "my day is ruined." >> [_] Anon 1938497 >># No your liking of cartoon horse ponies is whats wrong. None of you can keep your mouth shut, all you shits ever do is rub your stupid pony "memes" and references in our faces. And when we see this shit it reminds us of your ilk. Liking ponies isnt edgy and no one wants to hear about your fetish.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, Loop) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content Anon 1918772 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1918794 >Enjoy to your heart's content WHOA DUDE. HOW THE HELL DID YOU MAKE A FLASH OF YOU MOSTING THIS FLASH OH MY GOD WHAT YOU DEFY THE LAWS OF TIME/ >> [_] Anon 1918810 >># That's not AnonymousD. I was here a few months ago when this flash was originally posted. >> [_] Anon 1918847 To non bronies, finding out this is a brony song is like (and I quote my friend here) "Your dick being sucked amazingly and then you realizing it's a guy who sucked it". >> [_] Anon 1918879 >># That describes it perfectly. Nice one.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, Other) [_] requested by >># Anon 1909984 Enjoy your heart`s content Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1909989 Is it bad that I remember ALL of these memes? And that Cracky Chan was my first? >> [_] Anon 1910050 >># no be proud. your more of a oldfriend then me :3 >> [_] Anon 1910076 >># >Is it bad that I remember ALL of these memes? Considering most of them are either recent as fuck or still used, no. It would be bad if you didn't remember them all. >> [_] Anon 1910077 >># When was the last time Cracky or anything related to her was used? Or even Snacks for that matter? >> [_] Anon 1910078 Doesn't nevada get out of jail this year or some shit? >> [_] Anon 1910079 >># Yes, in September. >> [_] Anon 1910081 Is there shortened version of this song around somewhere? >> [_] Anon 1910082 >># /tg/ wants their nazi mod back, I've seen like a single post saying to bring snacks over to /tg/ these last few months. >> [_] Anon 1910084 I also want to have Snacks back. >> [_] Anon 1910085 ill never get tired of this...... never.... >> [_] Anon 1910103 Last time I went to a IRL anon protest I screamed "BRING BACK SNACKS!" but the only response I got was "Uhh, we have some animal crackers over there..." >> [_] Anon 1910115 >># >I went to a IRL anon protest You started to fail here. >> [_] Anon 1910142 >># This, also what the fuck IRL protest did you go to? >> [_] Anon 1910151 First off. This song is dangerously catchy. Second it's kind of nostalgic, yes? >> [_] Anon 1910152 >># Snacks posts his dJ shit on /r9k/ every tuesday I think? >> [_] Anon 1910173 >># Yeah. One of the better things to come of the brony community. >> [_] Anon 1910185 >># fuck, it's like all that time she was in jail
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, Loop) [_] Anon 1871863 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1871929 If you listen to it 20 times, there's a hidden message. >> [_] Anon 1871932 >># Yea. The message is homosuck is shit. >> [_] Anon 1871956 >># wat >> [_] Zenon 1871961 >Not having subject line "Enjoy to your heart's content" 0/10 >> [_] Anon 1871984 Epilepsy Wa-OH GOD MY EYES! >> [_] Anon 1872056 >># >renamed flash 0/10 >> [_] Anon 1872064 >Nevada-tan She'll actually get released from prison later this year. Yes, it has been this long already.
File: Anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, Other) [_] Nonshitty Version Anon 1861015 Because >># Sucks >> [_] Anon 1861021 they look identical to me. >> [_] Anon 1861022 Both are shit. >> [_] Anon 1861025 they look shit to me >> [_] Anon 1861044 >not puting the correct description god damnit
File: discord.swf-(3.52 MB, Loop) [_] I'm howling at the moon Anon 1856390 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1856394 I don't understand why a brony song is used in conjuntion with all these old memes and stale images for this video. I don't get it. >> [_] Anon 1856395 motherfucking draqoniquises on my motherfucking plane >> [_] Anon 1856397 >Nevada-tan She actually gets released from prison later this year. Where did all these years go? >> [_] Anon 1856402 >eurobeat brony >homestuck kill me >> [_] Anon 1856407 Song? >> [_] Anon 1856408 >># Discord by Eurobeat brony It's at the very start you ass hat >> [_] Anon 1856409 >># The one in the video is different than the one I search on youtube. >> [_] Anon 1856410 >># Oh, sorry. Son of a bitch. I seem like a douche now. Sorry for the insult. >> [_] Anon 1856412 >># JU Found it l0l >> [_] Anon 1856426 >># inb4 deleted because of goatse. >> [_] Anon 1856448 >the flash keeps track of how many times you view it >song: you're watching this again? >song: secret code at loop #20 >song: this is the 5th loop oh shit. never knew it did this before. >> [_] Anon 1856486 >># >2004 >2013 >11 year old girl >Now 20 >A 20 year old woman Why bother releasing them at that point? Also I would TOTALLY bang her. The guards already did. >> [_] Anon 1856516 >># im also looking for the music, this quality is terrible, trying to find better version >> [_] Anon 1856525 I'm pretty sure it's this: Mes The one in the flash is just sped up with a couple parts cut out.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, Loop) [_] Lets see if this is up. Anon 1851797 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1851864 Huh. Well that was a nice nostalgia trip. I had actually forgotten all about Cracky-chan. >> [_] Anon 1851941 I miss some of that stuff about 4chan. Like the introduction of the shooping and what the hell ever happened to Epic Fail guy? The official threads that is. >> [_] Anon 1851952 >># Glitter Glue/Weaver (the artist who created EFG) has been doing stuff for MLPG for a while now.
File: Anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, Loop) [_] Anon 1845283 >> [_] Anon 1845294 >># Someone uploaded a better version, here: %20flash.swf
File: Anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, Other) [_] non-ruined flash movie Anon 1838944 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1838948 stop >> [_] Anon 1838967 I enjoyed this a little too much >> [_] Anon 1838968 >># you and me both >> [_] Anon 1839042 Someone's butthurt from yesterday. lol >> [_] Anon 1839086 the music wont stop... >> [_] Anon 1839088 oh, nvm >> [_] Anon 1839109 winning >> [_] Anon 1839129 fucking butchered.
File: [S] Discord.swf-(3.52 MB, Other) [_] Enjoy to your heart's content. Anon 1829597 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Karai Pantsu 1829637 Take terrible brony shit and somehow make it worse. GENIUS >> [_] Anon 1829655 >># >Discord >Brony shit Confirmed for never having read Homestuck. >> [_] Anon 1829680 >># Euro-beat mkes everythign better. Except that bs dub step part. fuck that noise. "NIGHT FLIGHT TO TOKYO. I'VE GOT TO ROCK IT YEAH! I'M LIVING FREE!!!" >> [_] Anon 1829686 >># homestuck is shit thats why he said brony. everybody knows that homestuck is the worst of all cancer. >> [_] Anon 1829691 >># >># >># You're all idiots. >> [_] Anon 1829714 >># That's your opinion man and it's wrong. >> [_] Anon 1829723 >># >idiots >implying you are not one >> [_] Anon 1829741 >># >implying things >> [_] Anon 1829742 >># >>Implying the implication of things >> [_] Anon 1829755 >># >Implying Hetalia isn't worse >> [_] Anon 1829761 >># This has not even the slightest hint of anything to do with Homestuck. You're thinking of a different flash. Google verifies Discord is an MLP character, and I'm one of the cancerous Homosuck readers, so I know it's not that. >> [_] Anon 1829764 This is shit. Neds moar desu >> [_] Anon 1829766 DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU
File: anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, Loop) [_] Anon 1825583 I know Moot is a good guy now and is trying his best to save 4chan, but I love the song. >> [_] Anon 1825585 i do too >> [_] Anon 1825587 you have songs sauce ? >> [_] Anon 1825589 >># discord by eurobeat brony. duh. >> [_] Anon 1825592 >># no >> [_] Anon 1825595 >># search it in youtube or search anonymous discord. >> [_] Anon 1825604 >># Discord by Eurobeat Brony remixed by The Living Tombstone, and then butchered into this horribly compressed flash file. >> [_] Anon 1825624 OP got the file name and subject lines wrong. Would have been epic if they reflected exactly what came up at the end. >> [_] Anon 1825655 es
File: Anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, Other) [_] Enjoy to your hearts content. MOOOOOOOT 1817447 MOOOOOOOOT >> [_] Anon 1817485 Weebls is a god in his own manner. >> [_] Anon 1817503 >># I can't tell if you are baiting me or you think its actually weebls singing it. It's not weebls, it's eurobeat brony >> [_] Anon 1817601 >eurobeat brony >brony >doesn't even sound like eurobeat 0/10
File: anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, Loop) [_] faggots Anon 1812743 >> [_] Anon 1812750 Song? >> [_] Anon 1812781 Old 4chan with new song. >> [_] Anon 1812797 >># Mes Here ya go.
File: anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, Loop) [_] WHY MOOOOOOOOT!? Anon 1802457 Take CAPTCHA awaaaay! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1802477 why the fuck did i expect ponies. >> [_] Anon 1802483 Haven't seen this one yet. It's cool. >> [_] Anon 1802540 >># Because it is a pony song. Bronies can be normal people too. >> [_] Anon 1802542 Huh. This was surprisingly well executed. ... does Flash always do that blockwise rotation algorithm thing instead of bilinear interpolation on a lattice rotation? I ... at least don't remember it ever sticking out as obviously as it does here. >ſiniſhed fondlin No, captcha, somehow I doubt /b/ will ever be ſiniſhed fondlin'. >> [_] Anon 1802544 >># >Bronies can be normal people too. Kill yourself. >> [_] Anon 1802549 >># Kill it! Kill that intolerant scum! Before it lays eggs to form a new generation of Romney-Fags. >> [_] Anon 1802553 moot added captcha to /f/ to try and make more people buy his 4chan gold account passes captcha is not needed on /f/, it has never been spammed by a bot. ive been here almost every day since early 2007 and ive seen maybe two posts by bots. that is pretty amazing but its a fact, /f/ doesn't need captcha. >># maybe he did some scripting to get that effect >> [_] Anon 1802569 >># I agree. Moot needs to think things twice thats all. >> [_] Anon 1802572 I miss anonymousD >> [_] Anon 1802574 >># He made this like a month ago. >># If you watch the original one. With the brony song and a bunch of Homestuck shit, it has the shitty filtering effect too. AnonymousD, being the patron of the arts he is, replicated it for this brilliant piece. Also, fuck captcha. >> [_] Anon 1802592 >># no, Moot added it because people were complaining about Zeitgeist uploads 9180
File: Anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, Loop) [_] Anon 1782505 >># >> [_] Anon 1782546 i like it >> [_] Anon 1782564 holy shit when did anonymous D come back? >> [_] Anon 1782583 best remix me thinks >> [_] Anon 1782584 I don't know if I'm allowed to like this or not. Fuck. >> [_] Anon 1782636 the other one speeds the music and degrades it... this one is better >> [_] Anon 1782722 >># He's been back for a few weeks, at least. >> [_] Anon 1782726 The intro organ music sounds familiar. What is it?
File: Anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, Loop) [_] Anon 1771604 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1771615 No >> [_] Anon 1771626 >Art >I stole it all fuck off >Song >Eurobeat Brony >Discord (EuroChaos Mix) for a second there i thought he had made it himself, then i wouldnt have sage'd >> [_] Anon 1771680 >># >Not getting the joke. >> [_] Anon 1771702 >Not Graveyard Dance Remix Get out. >> [_] Anon 1771710 I miss anonymous d. >> [_] Anon 1771753 >># He posted this like a week ago. He's back, man. >> [_] Anon 1771763 Damn, there's some oldschool shit in this one. But seriously, fuck this song. >> [_] Anon 1771799 >># explain it i dont think there is one >> [_] Anon 1771809 >># if only this wasnt pony shit, i would have liked this song >> [_] Anon 1771852 >># Search swfchan for [S]Discord.swf. The discussion it sparked on /f/ was the longest thread in months. This is a parody. >> [_] Anon 1771869 >># >Implying that something can't be liked because of who made it. this is the same logic used in console wars and mac vs pc. It's a retarded reason to not like something. >> [_] Anon 1771908 >># welcome to humanity
File: anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, Loop) [_] Brohoof. TO THE FACE. Anon D !Noy5sI6il. 1765737 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1765741 come back to /sc/, D :( >> [_] Anon 1765745 I was going to comment on how a lot of these memes were really old, and that boxxy was one of the youngest ones. I was going to praise OP for this, but now I see who it is. This is the best of your newest work. Ignore >># welcome back (again) to /f/. >> [_] Anon 1765756 Cracky-chan will always be greater than Boxxy >> [_] Anon 1765757 sweater-tan is my waifu >> [_] Anon 1765759 >the ending Well played. >> [_] Anon 1765766 Man, have I missed your work. I was the dude who wanted VOLUME CONTROL for flash ever so long ago. >> [_] Anon 1765767 I like how the starting comment changes with each increasing loop. Made me smile reading them. Good job D. >> [_] Anon 1765768 I like it. >> [_] Anon 1765775 very nice >> [_] Anon 1765794 you are my hero >> [_] Anon 1765806 I like how a non-remix version of this song doesn't exist >> [_] Anon 1765809 >king anarchy It's actually "wreaking anarchy" I'm so sorry that I had to point that out but it's really bugging me >> [_] Anon 1765824 >># es That's the original. >> [_] Anon 1765828 >># Am I a bad person for thinking of saving this to my favorites? Seriously, this and the remix are really fucking catchy. >> [_] Anon 1765830 reminds me of Japan Break Industries. >> [_] Anon 1765860 ah, glad to have you back D, /f/ needs you now more than ever >> [_] Anon 1765864 Good to have you back D. Well done on the song. >> [_] Anon 1765868 >># ...are you... ...are you trolling? Or just stupid? >> [_] Anon 1765887 Who's remix is this? Hated the original, but this one? I really like this version for some reason. >> [_] Anon 1765900 >># wait... just did some digging and its not... but his voice... its the exact fucking same... if my favorite touhou eurobeat artists are making pony shit im going to be dissapoint
File: anonymous[D]iscord.swf-(3.52 MB, Loop) [_] Re: [S] Discord.swf Anon D !Noy5sI6il. 1760923 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1760926 The ending just yes i can hear the butthurt coming from brony and homestuck haters >> [_] Anon 1760931 Holy fuck, when did you come back Anon D? >> [_] Anon 1760933 MY DICK! >> [_] Anon 1760940 D, before you said you would post some new shit in the morning, when bro, when >> [_] Anon 1760942 ... This was FUN. >> [_] Anon 1760946 Nice job, AnonD. You really should make an archive of all of your stuff, it's great. >> [_] Anon 1760957 I started the zalgo post in the screen shot seen in this swf :D >> [_] Anon 1760961 This song is by far the most gayest shit i've ever witnessed in my entire life#!!! >> [_] Anon 1760963 >># someone must be new to 4chan... >> [_] Anon 1760977 i think i wont purge this out of /f/ this time good job! >> [_] Anon 1760988 this is awesome >> [_] Anon 1760991 >># >implying we couldn't tell it was a MLP song from the title >> [_] Anon 1760995 >># newfag detected >> [_] Anon 1761008 Nothing really new, just a rehash of old things that haven't been seen in a while. >> [_] Anon 1761016 oh man my sides. >> [_] Anon 1761036 >># It says from the beginning that it was made by EurobeatBrony. >> [_] Anon 1761057 You need to fix the shaking. What's wrong with your hands? >> [_] Anon 1761058 You just made my day, D. I was responsible for half the zalgo posts :) >> [_] Anon 1761062 I [spoiler] like the song [/spoiler] >> [_] Anon 1761065 >># you........... >> [_] Anon 1761091 I saw Anon D, thought it was a troll at first; but it was exact style and quality he would of made...OH LAWDY DIS DAY BE GOOD!! |