/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2596 · P5192 |
Here are flash files that has been watched recently (only on, .net isn't kept track of). The lists are constructed from statistics that are calculated on a running 168 hour cycle (7 days). A flash's position is updated every hour, when all gets for the previous hour has been counted. A "get" is a single viewed/downloaded flash (a press on the GET FILE button). IP addresses can only generate a single get per flash per six hours (so viewing and then downloading the same flash only counts as one get, same with viewing the same flash many times in a short time). Gets generated from this "what's popular"-page are excluded from the lists so that top flashes are able to go down in view count (else those on top tend to stay on top forever). The only exception is if the flash is on the newcommer list, then gets via this popular page still counts in the lists. The orange number on the left is how many gets the flash has had for the past 24 hours. The smaller number below it is the gets the flash has had in the last 168 hours. The system does not keep track of any flash's total number of gets since it first appeared on the site. It has been designed to only keep track of the flash files that are popular right now. When calculating a flash's movement on a list its current position is compared to where it was on the list six hours ago. The newcommer and main lists are sorted by the number of gets in the last 24 hrs to allow for a faster response to changes in popularity. The bottom and climbing lists uses the full 168 hour scope (and doesn't bother to track movement on the list). If a flash is marked as "new" it means that it wasn't on the list six hours ago (the flash might still be very old on the site). Depending on how many positions the flash has climbed on the list in the past six hours it will get more visible up arrows to make it easier to spot the up-and-coming. Those that stand still or decrease in position always get the same two markers. The age number is simply how far away the flash's ID is from the most recent flash in the archive. So if the age number is 0 it is the latest archived flash on the site, if the age is 1 it is the second newest flash and so on. There's a bit of history available as well: [PopTops] NEWCOMMER LIST (100) - GETS OF THE NEWEST FLASHES IN THE ARCHIVE Only the most recent flashes are allowed here, that's why some of them may have 0 gets. MAIN LIST (333) - CURRENTLY MOST GOTTEN FLASHES OF ALL IN THE ARCHIVE Most likely this list will be filled with flashes from the porn category and maybe a recent BOTTOM LIST (250) - FLASHES GOTTEN ONCE Random selection out of all flashes that has had only one get recently. There's a high chance that this list is more fun to look at since the top list will be populated by the same porn flashes most of the time, while if you're lucky you might discover gold in this bottom list. This list is scrambled every time this page updates (every 20 minutes or so). CLIMBING LIST (120) - FLASHES GOTTEN AT LEAST TWICE Random selection out of all flashes that has had two or a couple more gets recently. This list is scrambled every time this page updates (every 20 minutes or so). In the past 24 hours there has been roughly 2 gets via this popular page that aren't counted in the lists above (to make it possible for the flashes on top to decrease in position). |