File: gl.swf-(5.77 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] Shouldn't /webm/ replace it? Why do we need /f/? 12/01/14(Mon)03:27 No.2616697
Most flashes here tend to be straight video converted to swf. So what's the point?
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)03:30 No.2616700
theres a /webm/???
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)03:32 No.2616701
No. You just ignore the ones that aren't because you're a filthy normie.
>> [_] Why do we need /f/? 12/01/14(Mon)03:45 No.2616715
18 of the links on /f/ were straight video conversions. A few more were loops but only a few were
games, etc. The vast majority could just be webms and would look better
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)03:48 No.2616719
If you've got such a problem with your youtube rips looking like shit, post them on youtube. We
don't want them here.
>> [_] Why do we need /f/? 12/01/14(Mon)03:49 No.2616722
OP was just a random video which wasn't too big.
The majority of /f/ would be improved by allowing webms with sound or just changing it to /webm/
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)03:53 No.2616728
No, it wouldn't. If people misuse a board it wouldn't be an improvement to let them misuse it
more. And I only counted 13 video rips, some of the things you must think are rips were created
as .swf's first.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)03:54 No.2616729
I think implementing webms into /f/ would be a good thing, it would be the only board with webms
that have sound, it might spark some OC from new lurkers
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)03:55 No.2616733
We want their "OC" from youtube about as much as /sci/ wants furry porn.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)04:00 No.2616740
Someone explain to me the joke behind this swf
George lucas just stuffs too much shit in each shot?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)04:19 No.2616754
Are there any tools for making actual flash content on linux?
So far all I've been able to do is convert videos into h.263 flvs with ffmpeg. (one of them even
got reposted a fair bit)
gnash plays back random things I mux together, like a .gif and a few minutes of audio but it's
just garbage in adobe flash.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)04:26 No.2616758
Couldn't figure it out myself. They added more things to scenes to try to improve on the trailer
I guess but the edits aren't good.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)04:27 No.2616759
> wasn't
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)04:31 No.2616761
Someone knows how to load H.264 video into swfs without converting it.
It has something to do with embedding the video into the file, waiting for the entire file to be
loaded, and then embed the h.264 video as an external resource.
That guy that programmed hues of megumi probably knows it.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)04:39 No.2616768
The reason so many rips are being posted is because flash is a dying medium. Most of the people
that still use it just post directly to youtube anyway.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)04:40 No.2616769
you'd need a flash based h.264 player.
Otherwise, become an encoding god and use one of flash's native formats.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)05:07 No.2616779
No. He literally packaged an H.264 video stream into a SWF and posted it here. He also encoded
entire movies so that they fit into the 10MB filesize limit and posted them here.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)07:09 No.2616836
No, what would be a better idea is to pressure Adobe in to adding WebM support already.
It was supposed to be 2012 it was added. Lazy fuckers.
Either that or go pressure moot in to adding a video board. Good luck with that, moot is a whiny
faggot that thinks it will be used to share copyrighted stuff in large numbers. OH, PROBABLY,
Nobody would give a fuck about watching a film in 120 second increments. Not even youtube-tier
people are that bad.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)08:24 No.2616860
>Nobody would give a fuck about watching a film in 120 second increments
you deeply underestimate people who visit 4chan
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)08:25 No.2616861
fuck off
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)08:35 No.2616867
It would be great if the adobe added webm support to flash.
Not going to happen tho.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)08:43 No.2616872
Wait. That dudes voice in first 3 seconds. Is it the same voice of dark elf in Morrowind?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)08:49 No.2616874
Exactly, people that visit here.
Companies like the RIAA and shit like that won't give a fuck about us, we don't attract the
numbers of people like Youtube does, and you can share far larger videos there.
Moot is just being overly cautious.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)08:58 No.2616880
>4chan has a fucking torrent board
>4chan used to have a fucking DDL link crawler
You've got to be shitting me.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)09:12 No.2616886
Every time you re-encode a lossy video format, it loses a lot more than just bitrate. Artifacts
start to pop up, audio starts to flange... better to keep it in the format that's closest to the
original record, even if you have to make a flash-based H.264 player.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)09:40 No.2616891
just go to krauts /int/ for webm threads like everyone else who didn't missed the train.
>> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 12/01/14(Mon)10:00 No.2616899
Interactive flashes and remixing.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)10:02 No.2616901
Nearly all the OC we had this year has been remixed youtube rips.
Op does have a point. Clearly we wuld benefit from webms.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)10:20 No.2616916
>changing /f/ to /webm/
>not /gif/ to /webm/
fuck off, flash is for flashes, not webms, you want those you go to /b/ or fucking gif, which is
pretty much filled with webms now. if you don't come here often enough to see the many flashes we
have that aren't youtube rips then it's our problem.
if they are new and lurkers they probably don't have any OC to contribute and even if they do it
would probably be more of those experimental shit flashes we see every once in a while. or more
furry shit.