File: Serotonin, Dopamine release Isochronic tones.swf-(9.43 MB, 320x200, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)17:47:04 No.2949259
Guaranteed to make your day better. Just listen to it for 30 minutes or longer
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)17:53:20 No.2949262
need proof
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)17:58:26 No.2949268
bullshit, made my ears hurt.
if you want dopamine release smoke pot, it aint that hard fagmasters.
even cigs, or nicotine in general induces dopamine release
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:02:44 No.2949273
It may sound pseudoscientific but these isochronic tones are really a thing. Have you ever heard
of I-doses digital drugs? It may cause the same real drug effect but without the side effects
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:06:02 No.2949276
Why is to 10MB tho? You fucked up.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:07:47 No.2949278
a flash with no video is like jerking off with out cumming on your face...... absolutely worthless
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:09:33 No.2949281
nice placebo effect there m8
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:10:19 No.2949283
>hurr durr, do dem drugs and poison your body when you can do it without any of the downsides.
If your ears hurt, you are broken genetically.
Continue killing yourself. Have no children either.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:15:49 No.2949287
>infrasound is a literal science study
>binaural beats effects on the brain are a common issue around large fans and vibrating
See all those "spooky" ghosts out the sides of eyes and everything else, all of them are because
of infrasound concentrations vibrating the skull.
Shits common as fuck in kitchens with large fans, or in trucks, or around large machinery that
Brown note is pretty much bullshit though.
But that is where it stems from.
The intestines are too flexible and stretchy to be affected by vibration effectively to make you
shit yourself.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:19:11 No.2949291
certified faggots
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:19:57 No.2949293
You are, of course, the biggest one of them all.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:20:21 No.2949296
Any source on this?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:20:25 No.2949297
Say that to the gay posts
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:24:51 No.2949298
You could have just went to the wiki link there.
But here is more in-depth infrasound stuff.
There is loads of NASA research on that shit because they were worried how people would react on
a rocket at such high vibration.
19Hz is one that can vibrate the average persons eye if a sound is constant and reasonably
powerful enough.
Shit vibrates your eye so much it freaks the retina out.
I'm honestly surprised cinema hasn't made any interest in using infrasound.
It would be great for horror films and high-action films.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:26:50 No.2949300
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:27:17 No.2949301
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:34:19 No.2949307
thanks for the placebo
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:35:20 No.2949309
expecting hood
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:39:54 No.2949314
why the fuck are you assuming most computer speakers can create infra-sound???
Are you completely retarded?????
Do you shove lead and mercury dildos up your asshole???????
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:42:30 No.2949317
No thanks doc, I get my daily dose from another guy.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:47:43 No.2949323
You can create infrasound through constructive and destructive interference.
This stupid flash likely won't work for most people here because they likely have a sub-optimal
speaker setup and are not using headphones because /f/.
But in a proper setup and your head at a right distance, it would work.
This would be considered a monoaural beat, the 1dimensional form of the bigger and more useful
brother, binaural beat.
Monaural beats are pretty damn limited in what they can do, but they can still be useful.
Despite the claims of weird fucks online, infrasounds aren't magical. They still require proper
setups to work correctly.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:54:23 No.2949327
Small diameter speaker cones can never make true infra-sound, it is physically impossible. What
you are claiming is if you shine two xrays together that you can make a flash light, which is
more stupid than a french person.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:54:59 No.2949328
>affecting dopamine
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)18:59:43 No.2949329
This is literally being used, right now, to make holograms in free air through destructive
interference. Actual, touchable holograms.
Learn some physics.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:07:42 No.2949333
The quality of equipment and precision of it's placement is absolutely critical. Trying to do it
with some computer speakers or consumer headphones is a bit like trying to use a fridge magnet to
write machine code on a hard drive platter.
Also there's no evidence that infrasound can cause a release of anything pleasurable feeling like
serotonin or dopamine. It can be mind affecting, but the details of how it does it or how we can
refine it enough to do something interesting like that, or even if the same sound will have the
same effect on most people are still pretty unknown.
This and the binaural beat market in general is snake oil on the scale of a conman hearing that
radiation does things to the human body, then selling a bunch of polished rocks he claims to be
radioactive to people telling them it'll improve their health and make their penis bigger.
No it's not you fucking sperg, using sound to create tangible light structures is something you
stole from the shittiest season of Star Trek
28Star_Trek%3A_Voyager%29. Stop making grandiose claims without a single source and go be a
teenager elsewhere.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:09:13 No.2949334
Not sound, you mong, EM radiation.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:10:29 No.2949336
Do you have a source?
Small diameter speakers are simply too small to create such low frequencies even with destructive
interference. I have been studying physics for 6 years (yay graduate school) and the shit you
claim is laughable at best (though i wish it was true)
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:16:23 No.2949339
What? No they aren't.
Destructive interference isn't binary.
If it was, the world would sound insanely different than it does now.
They are more than capable of doing it with the proper frequencies.
Another issue is they'd likely have the sound low, not giving it enough energy in the first place
to spread out.
To create infrasound through interference, the power needs to be far higher than your target or
it ain't worth shit.
Fucking power adapters create infrasound.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:21:04 No.2949340
The first two paragraphs are incomprehensable nonsence
but yes PSU do create very low amplitude infra-sound, bu they are not tiny computer speakers.
Their surface area that can vibrate is atleast10 times as large as most computer speakers.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:21:50 No.2949341
What in the holy, magical jesus fuckfest does using lasers to make plasma in the air have to do
with absolutely anything in this thread? "EM radiation" (protip: ALL radiation is electromagnetic
you fuckwit, that's what radiation fucking is) encompasses every form of wave that isn't tangible
matter EXCEPT the one we're talking about.
Congratulations. You've done the conversational equivalent of shooting at the broad side of a
barn and somehow managing to hit a person standing behind you.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:25:06 No.2949342
Boy, someone is anal today.
All radiation is not EM, in fact. Moron.
And the plasma is generated THROUGH the thing you are saying is impossible.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:25:14 No.2949343
lulz, this is so true
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:28:44 No.2949348
what radiation isn't EM?
there is no proof of grvitational waves yet
strong and weak nucler force inter actions are on too small of a scale for humans to perceive
Since all 4 fundamental forces have been covered the conclusion is that you are a fucking
retarded dago wop kike idiot
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:32:18 No.2949353
In that the effects of destructive interference in the area surrounding the wave doesn't just
happen then instantly vanish, like it would if sound was somehow binary.
There is a fall-off.
If sound just vanished, it'd go against the very foundations of physics.
Alpha and beta. Checkmate. Fgt.
See >>2949327
>can't use [insert something] to make [other something]
That video is proof of the fact that you can, in fact, make a flashlight from x-rays.
Admittedly that flashlight would be seriously high-energy UV and do some serious nasty shit to
you, still a flashlight.
That plasma didn't just magic out of thin-air, despite what it looks like. Thems physics baby.
Read the paper if you must.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:35:33 No.2949358
Yeah, fuck off nerd.
The entire scientific community still disagree with you.
Go edit it to say DICKS EVERYWHERE if you want, it still won't change that fact,
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:38:32 No.2949362
if the destructive interfernce makes a wave too low for the small speaker to emit then it
absolutely will not be emitted
no clue what your second claim is
you speak of a video in your third claim but do not sight a source so you are clearly a dumb fuck
trying to speak through farts
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:43:07 No.2949368
The speaker doesn't EMIT the destructive interference... the fuck are you on about?
The destructive interference comes about from the wave overlapping itself or a similar frequency
The collapse is what generates the lower one.
The higher power behind the sound, the longer it will last and further it will travel.
The source is also on the damn video.
Get reading, faggot.
You already won't read it and I am surprised you are still even trying.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:52:44 No.2949375
of course a speaker can emit compression wave (which is ultimately due to the forces of EM waves)
that interfere with each other in both a constructive and destructive way.
I will get to reading your paper, which is in no way a video as you claimed, but I am mildly
suspicious of it because it does not seem to be peer reviewed (though it bibliography does have
decent pedigree)
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:55:51 No.2949377
It is not hard science here.
2 low frequencies.
The wave collapses to a frequency below it.
If you put those waves at 20Hz, OH HEY, LOOK, INFRASOUND.
Also, this isn't the first system to use focused lasers.
This is just a considerably safer and more useful system because it uses superior lasers that
won't burn the damn fingers off you when you touch them.
All it does is focus lasers in 3D space. (well, this case, 2.5D space for now)
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:58:39 No.2949379
Sweet tapdancing christmas cup scandal, are you seriously saying particle radiation isn't
electromagnetic? Protip #2: If it can transfer energy to matter, it's fucking electromagnetic.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:58:49 No.2949381
how to build more dopamine?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)19:59:17 No.2949382
Well, i agree with most of your post but not all radiation is purely electromagnetic in nature.
Alpha radiation is particle radiation (ofc you can argue that the He+ has charge and is moving
therefore induces magnetic field, therefore EM radiation, but it is particle radiation
nonetheless). Beta radiation is also particle radiation. Only gamma radiation is purely EM
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:05:00 No.2949390
all science is hard (i guess even the social sciences)
how do two 20 hz signals create destructive interference unless they are out of phase? Further
more how do typical speaker or even high monitor speakers emit a frequency bellow 20 hz? Sucha
frequency is out of their performance range so it would not be emitted.
Finally what do lasers have to do with anything in this thread? Yr=es we mentioned EM radiation
but we only care about how it creates compression waves in the gas we call air. What are some
kind of irish chud head?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:06:50 No.2949393
Oh boy, someone didn't learn their particles and waves.
There is a reason they are distinctly different and similar.
Particle radiations transfer of energy is not via EM.
It is particle-to-particle energy transfer.
The method of travel between them in free space does not matter. They are still particles even
The whole wave-particle duality only applies when trying to figure out its position in space
since it can only be estimated due to our inability to measure things accurately since we end up
affecting the outcome.
It is still a particle that collides with another particle and imparts energy.
There is no EM interaction. By that, I mean there is no electrons being kicked about and bullied
by EM waves.
Beta radiation in particular destabilizes the electron shell by adding and knocking others to
nearby atoms, creating a chain reaction.
Still not EM.
Radiation != EM radiation
Radiation is the term to describe transfer of energy between entities, be it wave, particle,
particle groups, wave groups or other.
It is just a transfer of energy, not specifically EM.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:07:04 No.2949394
Sorry, I misread the chain of posts. I actually disagree with you and think you are a retard who
has no clue what he is talking about and did not pursue higher education in a scientific field.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:09:13 No.2949398
alpha and beta radiations only manifest them self on a large scale due to electromagnetism. Also
being sub atomic particles they exhibit wave particle duality just like gamma waves (but to an
order of magnitude less). The nuclear weak and strong force have far too small of a range to make
a perceivable impact on the human scale world.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:10:18 No.2949400
You are arguing against interference and don't even know basic interference interactions?
The fuck?
Interference can happen between any set of waves, regardless of frequency, amplitude or whatever.
The speaker doesn't NEED to emit that wave.
All it needs to emit is a group of waves capable of collapsing BELOW 20Hz.
This can be as simple or as complex as the person wants it to be.
They could even create a weird arrangement of walls to self-interfere.
The higher the amplitude difference, the more power that lower frequency will have.
At a constant frequency, it will create a standing wave that you can move your head around until
you find it.
This is interference 101.
Did you skip physics?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:12:09 No.2949406
No they don't.
The weak force is what causes the destabilization of the particle, causing it to fire shit out.
The particles travel across in a line until they slap in to another atom.
If it was EM, they'd be going at fucking lightspeed.
This is PROVABLY false.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:13:37 No.2949407
you clearly do not understand how vast electromagnetism is.
It and gravity are the only two forces that govern the macroscopic world.
The Nuclear weak ans strong force are very important but they primarily only effect the realm of
the tiny. Just like how gravity barely effects sub atomic particles but is a huge influence on
large scale structure.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:13:39 No.2949408
placebo, in MY /f/?!
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:15:02 No.2949411
Pretty fucking nerdy in here.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:15:32 No.2949412
hahaha newfag can't perceive trolling
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:16:33 No.2949416
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:18:09 No.2949418
this is the kind of bullshit that only people who believes in HITLER EVIL FREQUENCY are into
>your brain may hurt from this obnoxious tune, but at least now you have serotonin!
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:18:15 No.2949419
i caught a fly with my hand in mid air today. i threw him on the ground, he just walked away
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:18:58 No.2949420
That nigga be fly
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:21:01 No.2949423
Quality thread /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:21:20 No.2949424
What do you call a fly with no legs??????
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:24:08 No.2949427
A very sad thing to see.
Just flapping around, like a fish out of water.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:24:44 No.2949428
You clearly have very superficial and inaccurate knowledge of physics and physical chemistry.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:31:55 No.2949433
oh really, than tell me exactly how I am wrong.
I am worried about the macroscopic level so molecular, atomic, and sub atomic forces will get
rounded out of the equations
>> [_] bort 11/12/15(Thu)20:48:39 No.2949447
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:48:59 No.2949449
you people dont seem to understand the gravity of my situation. i caught a fly with my hand while
it was flying in the air and messing with other people. i just caught that fly card crusher style
and threw him onto the ground. he looked so humiliated, he didnt dare fly away, at least not near
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:49:59 No.2949451
Nope, no dopamine here. Just slightly annoyed at the subtle noise in the background that sounds
like a low volume distorted voice.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)20:52:22 No.2949457
Macroscopic level of what? We were talking about radiation.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)21:04:31 No.2949465
we where talking about penises! where the fuck have you been!!!!!!
BTW this is by far the longest /f/ thread I have seen in a while
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)21:31:58 No.2949485
>all particles act like waves
>all waves don't act like particles
>this was proven by the double split experiment which creates an interference pattern when waves
interfere with each other
I learned this shit in 9th grade faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)21:33:55 No.2949487
meant to reply to
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)21:55:25 No.2949498
Are you sure this is supposed to make you feel better, because I've been listening for about 10
minutes now and it i making me feel agitated, uncomfortable and nervous. I hope this is not just
an elaborate ruse.
Also, why does it just stop after a while? Does it not loop?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)22:10:46 No.2949515
>Not just installing a wire in your brain to directly stimulate pleasure with mild electric
Lamo learn 2 tasp fag.
>Proper setups
Yes, a proper setup is one where every variable has been properly measured and calibrated for. I
highly highly doubt that even a fraction of home setups would produce anything workable, and
that's not even going into specifics about the idea that in the first place this can do something
as specific and beneficial as "release good feeling neurotransmitters".
That is not interference, it is using focused laser pulses to create plasma. Light interference
can be made to create laser tweezers and even to move small particles around, but not to my
knowledge do anything of the sort you are suggesting.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)22:11:13 No.2949516
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)22:11:55 No.2949517
at this point i dont know who to believe
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)22:13:29 No.2949520
hardly and do you get paid to waste your time quoting all those posts?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)22:20:04 No.2949533
72 replies, must be a record
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)22:31:09 No.2949552
yes thanks to obama
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)22:32:35 No.2949555
It isn't. Are you the same newfag who said the same in the Jailbait thread?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)22:35:11 No.2949557
>> [_] Anonymous 11/12/15(Thu)22:36:01 No.2949558
if n1 wants teh sauce