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This is resource NZOVRGD, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:8/2 -2017 20:59:43

Ended:8/2 -2017 22:40:08

Checked:9/2 -2017 04:46:16

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Protector 4.5 - follow up expansion to Protector 4 game.swf-(6.37 MB, 800x600, Game)
[_] Hey look an actual game on /f/ Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)14:59:12 No.3212828

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:03:39 No.3212830

  This senseless lagging makes me miss the old DOS days.
  When men were men and games were optimized.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:07:25 No.3212831

  What kind of shitty computer are you using that flash is lagging??

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:10:23 No.3212833

  Open up billmurry.swf on any computer and it will lag.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:12:41 No.3212834

  Nope, no lag.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:13:22 No.3212835

  If I can run Half-life 2 smoothly with max graphics, a fucking swf should be a piece of cake.
  But obviously you people can make even a .txt lag when opened if you set your minds to it.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:14:52 No.3212836

  notepad is a shitty program that will lag/crash when you try to open files greater than 1.5gb.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:15:54 No.3212837

  You obviously don't know how bad Source Engine is or you wouldn't say that.

  Source Engine was shit in ITS time, never mind now.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:19:38 No.3212838

  That's a 12 year old game. Processing power doubles every 2 years. That metric is shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:19:52 No.3212839

  This game has great production and aesthetic, seriously a shame it's a TD game, or else I would
  consider really playing it

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:27:31 No.3212843

  You either completely missed the point or didn't play both games.

  A game that shows text with hardly any animation and an isometric tower defense system should be
  able to process everything at the speed of light and run in a 12 year old motherboard alright.
  But nooooo, lets make things dull and slow for the heck of it.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:28:19 No.3212844

  It's also really hard.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:31:00 No.3212846

  It's like you don't know the basics of how software works.

  Flash without hardware acceleration support is horrifically slow.
  Even HTML5 is horrifically slow without it.
  In fact, HTML5 is worse off because that piece of fucking shit has barely any support that Flash
  has. Fucking shit media players have more support.
  The amount of complaints I've seen when Youtube forced HTML5 on people are insane.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:36:10 No.3212847

  Come on.
  Are you telling me that you haven't seen way WAY more produced flash games run with much MUCH
  lower specs?

  This game's coding isn't good, admit it.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:40:29 No.3212852

  I've not even run this game yet.
  I do know you can do amazing things in Flash.
  I've seen UE3 run in Flash before with 60FPS.

  I've even seen an entire Flash forum that worked perfectly as if it was any generic HTML forum.
  Even had URL bookmarking in the same way Gmail lets you bookmark stuff.

  Problem is, as with any industry, most people in said industries are not even considered Good,
  never mind amateur.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)15:46:40 No.3212859

  >I've even seen an entire Flash forum
  Wow, do you have a link? I keep getting Marvel forums.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)16:05:07 No.3212865

  I can't even remember any more.
  I was sure I bookmarked it, but I must not have, probably some topic I never cared for.
  This was years back, like 2007 or so.
  Sent it to a friend on MSN, just before MSN eventually died off. RIP.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)16:17:20 No.3212868

  Urist! URIST!
  My beer tastes funny.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/17(Wed)16:39:43 No.3212874

  the necromancer death effect..
Created: 8/2 -2017 20:59:43 Last modified: 9/2 -2017 04:46:18 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:23:15