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Threads (2):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 18263 Age: 432.28d Health: 0% Posters: 51 Posts: 101 Replies: 95 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 75966 Summer's b-day Uncut the version of this on the main is the censored version, this is the uncut. [IMG] Summer's Birthday Director's Cut v0.5.2.swf (4.59 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed (Deflate). 69 frames, 24 fps (00:03). Ver21, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 75967 >># Is EroPharaoh still in jail? >> ???? ???? 75968 >># Yes. I'm starting to think he did something stupid to end up there. >> Anon 75969 >># inb4 he got caught with cheese pizza >> Anon 75970 >># And the real criminals still run the countries while torturing children and extracting their blood to get high. >> Anon 75975 >># EroPharaoh is still a criminal, two wrongs do not make right, you sperg >> Anon 75976 >># source? >> Anon 75978 What's the news on the whole jail situation? >> Anon 75979 >># He was caught slinging crystal weed. >> Anon 76026 >># what >># said >>>>>>>>>>> >> having CP on harddrive but sure, why not jail the latter for all eternity and let the former have all the power, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T JUST HAVE CERTAIN INFORMATION ON YOUR PERSONAL PC THAT'S A NO-NO! >> Anon 76033 >># >>>>>inb4 >> Anon 76051 >># are you defending the possession of child porn because other people are bad too? >> Anon 76072 >># Yup, come at me bro. I think possessing something like that isn't even a real crime and I hate people going into emotional overdrive just because MUMUMUMUH CHRILDREN while they feed power and money to people who systematically opress and poison them or whatnot. Obviously that doesn't make it reality, but that's my opinion. There are FAR worse crimes in need of attention. Also I consider the making of child porn to be a crime under most circumstances. Just not fucking downloading and fapping to it. People fap to all kinds of disturbed and fucked up shit and nobody cares. >> Anon 76077 >># Gonna get the FBI involved on you too? >> Anon 76079 >># Last time I checked having an opinion wasn't illegal, but who knows in this clownworld. >> Anon 76185 >># Sup member of the National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes >> Anon 76186 Anyways, considering that he has new doodles from jail uploaded on his newgrounds page by his supposed girlfriend, doubt he got arrested for CP. This man aged up his characters physically without just the 18+ stamp of approval, and doubt his girlfriend would care enough to upload his new work if he was arrested for CP. >> Anon 78644 Fucking based. Lads who hold CP get shit on while the people actually abusing children get imported by the millions with help from the government. Fuck them. I also don't understand why artists actually put the "all characters 18+" shit up unironically. Even worse when they actually age-up the character (What's the fucking point? That was part of the appeal, retard). What, do they actually think a court will be on their or their user's side? Even if they don't convict you, you'll have to put up with the legal fees and may even lose your job just because of suspicion. Everybody's getting fucked with this bullshit, even if the character looks "mature", thanks to roasties and cucks. And enough will never be enough for these retards. If you had told me a few years ago that the biggest users of FOSS social media would be /h/ artists and consumers, I would have laughed. And now here we are. Mark my words, you'll have to use crypto to make money if you're creating art that isn't pozzed. >># https://eropharaoh.newgrounds.com/news/p ost/1109684 >> Anon 78645 Wouldn't child porn charges ban him from the internet? I bet it was drugs. >> Anon 78647 >># If that was true he would get life in prison >> Anon 78670 So, apparently he's out in like, two months or so. New post on his newgrounds account, lucky him. >> Anon 78679 >># Yeah, spending 2 years in prison with bubba, because of some embarrasing bullshit I assume... I wish that was me. >> Anon 78694 what about oolay is she fine i really miss her so much >> Anon 78716 >># is she somehow connected to any of this?? >> Anon 78732 >># you are a sick fuck >> Anon 78737 >># nah. just voiced a bunch of his work is all. don't know if her tumblr is still up. >> Anon 78741 >># cry me a river >> Anon 78748 >># There's already a river from your rant months ago >> Anon 78752 Any one know Pharoah's real name? >> Anon 78768 >ITT people defending the act of collecting child porn despite the fact that those who do so drive the demand for more child porn, increasing the number of child victims of sexual crimes. >> Anon 78769 we still don't know what he was put away for. the CP thing is speculation right? >> Anon 78774 >># I'm pretty sure it was drugs. At least he said it was a "nonviolent offense" make up what you will from that >> Anon 78776 >># that is what i suspect as well, but we shouldn't talk like we know anything till he says exactly what it was. cheers >> Anon 78786 muh market n shit >># yeah right, because copying some file off some god forsaken imageboard will surely notify the creators that demand has risen and they should go on to produce even more now, chop chop there is a difference between going like OMG WOW SO COOL, CAN YOU RAPE HER MORE NEXT TIME, IMMA GONNA NEED TO STALK THAT LITTLE GIRL TO SKEWL, LET'S POST THAT ON FACEBOOK and not doing that if something already exists, you might as well see it, you can't just argue that that fact alone will inevitably produce more of it, which would not have been otherwise nobody the fuck should care what you fap to within your own 4 walls it's a fine line and a small gap to just outright banning maybe all porn consumption, because you can and want to control other people when in power >># idk, watching a video on the internet seems pretty non-violent to me >> Anon 78809 >># its funny how this Rick and Morty porn flash has some dipshit defending the consumption of child pornography like dude we get it you're a pedophile and trying SUPER HARD to make that an ok thing. but no one here is convinced that its ok for you to jerk it to nine year olds. >> Anon 78822 >># personally, I couldn't care less if you agree'd with what I fap to, it's just none of your (or anybody's) business, you double nigger >> Anon 78838 >># ok MAP >> Anon 78844 >># >nobody the fuck should care what you fap to within your own 4 walls >it's a fine line and a small gap to just outright banning maybe all porn consumption, because you can and want to control other people when in power >># >personally, I couldn't care less if you agree'd with what I fap to, it's just none of your (or anybody's) business, you double nigger I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the reason why cp exists, as well as molestation, faggotry and the lack of, or consistent failure of relationships and marriages to thrive and create healthy environments, is due to a combination of a lack of meaningful career opportunities and also your attitude. If people properly cared, there would be less faggoty bullshit like this flash, and possibly more cures for cancer or some shit. The creator shouldn't be in jail, he should be in a mental hospital, but all of those have been closed down and fruitcakes like him have no real alternative so their faggotry festers. Furthermore: >none of your business It is exactly my business because I live in this world, the same as you do, and I want to see it work better. Porn doesn't help it do that. All that attitude promotes is people using one another, e.g.: a woman selling her cunt for a place to stay or drugs or some other shit. When was the last time you actually hung out with, or even had sex with, a woman that liked you, and stuck around for more than just your wallet/apartment/drugs? >inb4 assuming gender you fap, therefore you are a dude >> Anon 78854 >># >It is exactly my business because I live in this world NO! No, It's not exactly your business. Just because you live in this world doesn't mean everything is your problem. You live in a home. Your time living on this planet is as long as you want to make it. You don't own the world nor have any power, influence, or respect over other people and the way they want to live. And I find it funny that you're saying shit like: >If people properly cared, there would be less faggoty bullshit like this flash, and possibly more cures for cancer or some shit. Yet you're not preaching what you say because you're ON A FUCKING IMAGEBOARD COMPLAINING ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE SHOULD BE MASTURBATING TO WITH NO POWER, INFLUENCE, OR RESPECT OVER OTHERS. Yeah, because YOU wouldn't be any worse then all those other people in power who ban or get rid of stuff just because they don't like it. And to get to your point on why these fetishes exist; It's called fantasy. Fantasy doesn't have to follow rules and people with fantasies are perfectly healthy to express and have them so long as they know the difference between performing them in fantasy and the consequences of performing them in real life. The trouble is that some people most likely will try practice what they like in their fantasies; not thinking or caring about the consequences. However, this matter depends on how you grew up as a kid and not simply because of someone's career or attitude. Example: If some spoiled kid is taught that they can do anything they want, that no one else matters besides themself, and actually grow up believing that; They most likely will treat other people like shit. But you have such things a shit parents who also grew up believing they can do whatever they want to do. But that doesn't mean the kid can be taught different in a way they can respect others. My point being: It's not that simple and never is unless you can teach the world the difference and how to treat people. >> Anon 78870 >getting this mad about gay things >> ???? ???? 78903 I wish I kept my mouth shut. >> Anon 78911 >># Don't be. Some other faggot would do instigate it instead. >> Anon 79000 >># literally >FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME the post also >why these fetishes exist; It's called fantasy. yeah, sure, until fags like the flash author take it too far and end up in jail, or worse. Look for instance on why the Wachowskis went tranny: the one dude got in deep with a dominatrix who specialized in some really fucked up shit, and what looked like a seemingly normal dude is now a dude in a dress trying to retcon The Matrix to be about transgenderism, when that shit wasn't even on the radar back then. https://lulz.com/the-mystery-of-larry-wa chowski-5443/ The woman was totally batshit: >One of the people Wachowski met that night was among L.A.’s highest-profile dominatrixes, a tall, imposing blonde with a traffic-stopping figure who used the nom de kink Ilsa Strix. Inflicting extreme pain seemed to be Strix’s specialty: “My greatest accomplishment in some ways,” she once said, “[was] putting 333 needles into a single penis.” Concerning your point here: >The trouble is that some people most likely will try practice what they like in their fantasies; not thinking or caring about the consequences. >shit parents The woman grew up with a single mom, became a runaway and probably was diddled as a kid or something: Ellen DeGeneres is currently trying to weasel out of the shit she is in by pulling the same card concerning her stepdad. My point is that engaging in this sort of ridiculous faggotry and then trying to compartmentalize it as fantasy is a recipe for making it go sideways, and then we pay for it down the line with fucked up kids, people in jail, and the diddled kids growing up to diddle other kids. Traumatic sex shit has natural consequences beyond the institutional jail shit; boomers let the sex shit slide, or didn't know about it, and now millennials are paying the consequences with fucked up facial-abuse-tier women and loser dudes like me shitposting on chans. Either a legit new order is going to arise or civilization as we know it will fucking collapse. >> Anon 79085 >># Hitler could have prevented this. >> Anon 79096 >># >yeah, sure, until fags like the flash author take it too far and end up in jail, or worse. firstly, nobody knows why Ero got jailed, it's stupid to just assume it has to do with CP secondly, even if somebody hypothetically would it's exactly not because he did worse, but because he did exactly that having CP files on your PC, which you don't like people to have most of people jailed for such a thing fall under this category, only a small fraction are actually real child predators who committed a crime, and don't even go B..BUT EVERYONE FAPPING TO CP WILL RAPE A CHILD FOR REAL AT SOME POINT >Look for instance on why the Wachowskis went tranny: what the fuck has something about mentally ill people getting their hormonal balance killed by soy with what we're talking about? trannys just kill themselves slowely, nobody becomes a tranny by being a healthy normal ass person who discovers tranny porn; who knows, maybe they always were born to be one? also there is a huge difference in praticising strange fetishes with other people and sitting in front of a PC jerking off am I saying that fapping to CP should be promoted? endorsed by parents? easily found on the web? hell no but how about not sending people to jail (and hence to their death) about it what you are promoting is, instead of upping education and overall humanism of this broken society, you want to force people into a mould by punishing them to death for thinking some way or other, regardless of the motives behind such a regime personally, I believe your point to be absolute gibberish I mean, what do you think? people just turning into child abusing, hurftful predators from wanking their life away in front of a screen? sure actual child predators most likely fap to CP as well, but then again, that isolated act alone is still not hurtful to anyone and also not the cause for their already broken behavior shit, this feels like VIDEOGAMES CAUSE VIOLENCE all over again... if people are unable to discern moving pixels on a screen from real actions bases in reality, then society is a fuck anyway >> Fucko 79107 Never stop being who you are, you two idiots. Never stop. >> Anon 79108 >># Faggot, Denmark banned the act but not the possession of CP back around 1968 because they thought possession might keep ones desires in check. Didn't stop one of their companies producing that terrible stuff for a decade until possession of CP was finally banned. >> Anon 79110 >># >nobody knows why Ero got jailed, it's stupid to just assume it has to do with CP That's not what this says: >># Unless he got busted for drugs or some shit, this is it, really. If you see the Cook County arraignment hearings on Zoom, they have been dropping small-scale possession charges left and right, so it leaves only that last part. The only other potential case is hacking, and that is Federal and they don't do plea deals. >having CP files on your PC, which you don't like people to have >muh bedroom police Familiarize yourself with the link below and then get back to me concerning what people should and should not do in their bedrooms or on their computers: http://www.newnownext.com/ive-contracted -my-third-gastrointestinal-parasite-from- rimming-and-i-cant-be-the-only-gay-man-su ffering/01/2018/ My point is that even if you allow anything for consenting adults within the confines of their own bedroom, there are consequences that spill outside of it. It's like the chinks dumping toxic chemicals into a river after using them to making iphones because its cheaper and they figure they can get away with it when "they do it right." The point is there is no getting away from the consequences of inherently toxic shit. People will do anything they can if they feel they can get away with it, which is why Silphium is extinct from its overharvest in the time of ancient Rome (it was a natural contraceptive, but also a panacea for other ailments) and also why Christianity rose to prominence and overthrew Pagan Rome even though they were regularly killed (from early Christianity, they forbade contraception and abortion and adopted exposed infants) >but the gay shit is irrelevant The gay's bullshit in the above link spills out in the form of incurable STDs, broken relationships, or other fucked up shit. Guy is literally contracting Giardiasis, which doesn't happen unless you drink untreated water somewhere out in the Third World or some shit, and he is catching it in the middle of fucking San Francisco. Not only does he choose to engage in such ridiculous shit, he doesn't even have the capacity to self-reflect, and come to the conclusion that maybe, he shouldn't eat ass. Shit like the thing he is doing is how you get MRSA or some other nasty shit from antibiotic overuse. >B..BUT EVERYONE FAPPING TO CP WILL RAPE A CHILD FOR REAL AT SOME POINT Look at all the sex crime murderers, and listen to what they have to say: most if not all were exposed to some sort of fucked up porn shit when they were kids. Who's to say that CP, or even porn in general isn't actually some fucked up MKULTRA shit to break and demoralize the population to justify even more government control? The fact that the government allows the fucked up shit to exist is so they can catch the unfortunates who get caught up in the shit to display them for all to see, and terrorize the rest with it. >inb4 they deserve it for not embracing muh freedums enough https://invidio.us/watch?v=ybYvAZqo0KA?t =1081 watch until around 25:00, its about a 7 minute section. This is what I think about what freedom and how it's supposed to serve people and society. >> Anon 79111 continuing with the rest of the point >># >what do you think? people just turning into child abusing, hurftful predators from wanking their life away in front of a screen? >that isolated act alone is still not hurtful to anyone and also not the cause for their already broken behavior Fuck do I know, maybe people don't like that they are addicted to fapping and porn? Maybe the fact that they don't know how to get out of their situation causes them to snap? Maybe they will just kill themselves or go ER, and solve their problems that way? Is either one of these the right thing to do in the first place? Or should we have let porn be posted on the internet in the first place? >instead of upping education and overall humanism of this broken society, you want to force people into a mould by punishing them to death for thinking some way or other, regardless of the motives behind such a regime I already said they should go to hospital, not prison, and voluntarily commit themselves instead of making nambla lgbt queer power shit. >force people into a mould lel if your leg is broken you put it in a splint and then a cast. If you have a psychological problem that prevents you from relating with the opposite sex in a healthy way so you can have kids, then you need help. >inb4 you won't censor the internet/shit will be found on onion networks Then civilization is doomed, because people won't stop fucking themselves to death, and they will spread their mental AIDS to kids until nobody wants to have kids anymore, because the kids will either grow up horribly fucked, or the people themselves are too busy fapping or fucking their lives away. >VIDEOGAMES CAUSE VIOLENCE >muh SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN Kids don't fucking know when to stop. They are far more zoned-out retards today than 20 years ago during the heyday of Nintendo and Pokemon: They have screens literally EVERYWHERE. Phones in their pockets, chromebooks or ipads in school, and then the PC or game console in the living room or bedroom. I had a Tandy when I was 5, and even then it wasn't so bad, because there were toys like Lego, and even going outside wasn't so lame, because other kids went outside, too; the tech wasn't as widespread or developed yet. >inb4 I am making excuses for weak fags >inb4 not my job to care about my society I want people to be healthy and not be a burden on others. That includes me doing my part to help, but is also my right to not get fucked by douchebags in the pursuit of profit, or gratuitously, or ideologically. Fuck the transhumanist social engineers. >> Anon 79114 >># Not gonna agree with the dude defending possession of CP, but your stance is equally ludicrous. You are arguing against being gay because one gay dude got giardia from rimming another? What the fuck is that argument? Also, the "vidoegames cause kids to be lazy" line is boomer as fuck. By your logic, nobody should: drink booze, smoke, eat meat, overeat, play videogames, watch TV, gamble, or anything else that could possibly be detrimental for yourself or others which is a huge fucking list. That sounds like a boring as fuck life. Also, you can't "re-educate" people like how you are talking about. People get off on what they get off on and no amount of conversion therapy or electro-shock treatment is going to change that. Your only options are to kill them or lock them away. If you want to murder or lock away anyone who doesn't fit your specific mold of "missionary with the lights out only for reproduction purposes" puritan mentality then at least be intellectually honest about it. >> Anon 79122 >># >You are arguing against being gay because one gay dude got giardia from rimming another? What the fuck is that argument? I am arguing that gay shit includes toxic behavior patterns that have a net cost to society, to the point where if it was spread wide enough over the population, it would overwhelm our natural infrastructure and defenses to the point of societal collapse. I am arguing that special interests are openly enabling a set of toxic radicals, depending on the special interest, to push the envelope of society, softening it up towards a potential breakdown so that they can then sell the cure or a solution to the problem, or take over and rule society themselves. This doesn't include just gay shit. You listed out a bunch of potentially harmful behaviors whose tools are sold to you as either healthy or harmless pastimes. When they start being a net burden instead of a net benefit, I am saying that they should be reevaluated, but there are profiteers always ready to throw a wrench in the works of public scrutiny. This is especially true concerning shit like smoking vs vaping: vaping has 3 orders of magnitude less airborne free radicals potentially causing cancer, and lower nicotine levels compared to cigarettes, but politicians are foaming at the mouth to ban them. But the hypocrites won't touch large cigarette manufacturers, because donations and lobbying. >muh boring as fuck life All that shit you listed is meant to fuck with you, because fucking with you is how they make you want more of it, because it is its own self-medication for it. How many gamblers lost everything because they thought the next hand would make them win it all back? How many drunks drink to forget they are drunks? Also, considering boring, they use that shit to justify precarious gig employment where you work for below minimum wage, or for "exposure and influence." When I started school as a kid, 20 years ago, there used to be entire industries once that no longer exist, which were destroyed by the "creative destruction" hedge-fund tech fags that destroyed far more than they created. Hundreds of unemployed dying of despair because they can't help themselves, or don't know how to, and then fall into self-destructive self-medication. > People get off on what they get off on and no amount of conversion therapy or electro-shock treatment is going to change that. >If you want to murder or lock away anyone who doesn't fit your specific mold of "missionary with the lights out only for reproduction purposes" puritan mentality then at least be intellectually honest about it. >EAT DA POO POO Fucking lol @ your black-and-white bullshit. Sex doesn't have to be boring, but it needs to have a purpose and universalized boundaries, because it is how a particular society continues itself. Even ooga-booga tribal niggers from the deepest parts of Africa, Papua New Guinea, or even Australia know why not to be faggots: they love to have kids, because they need more of them to keep the tribe alive. This is a practical matter of life and death, and fags who waste time fagging about get kicked out or killed. Even mere fapping is foreign to them, because pussy is so cheap and the girls want it anyway, because they want to have kids for their own support and for support of the tribe, and also because it feels good. What's even more hilarious is that the women in those societies ARE the fag patrol, and even sometimes gang up to rape men. Granted, many of the tribals still believe in magic, and some of them still think that having sex with a virgin cures AIDS, but that is a whole different tangent. >> Anon 79124 >># >"ooga-booga tribal niggers" >"I am arguing that gay shit includes toxic behavior" Ah! A white racist homophobic person. Can you be anymore of a stereotype? Either your trolling by acting as though your racist or I had no business taking you seriously in the first place. I'm done listening to you now. >> Anon 79126 >># >All that shit you listed is meant to fuck with you, because fucking with you is how they make you want more of it, because it is its own self-medication for it. How many gamblers lost everything because they thought the next hand would make them win it all back? How many drunks drink to forget they are drunks? Also, considering boring, they use that shit to justify precarious gig employment where you work for below minimum wage, or for "exposure and influence." When I started school as a kid, 20 years ago, there used to be entire industries once that no longer exist, which were destroyed by the "creative destruction" hedge-fund tech fags that destroyed far more than they created. Hundreds of unemployed dying of despair because they can't help themselves, or don't know how to, and then fall into self-destructive self-medication. And how many people can gamble and drink responsibly without it destroying them? 95+% of people can handle things like drinking, porn, and gambling without it being a problem for them. You want to classify an entire set of actions immoral because they SOMETIMES cause problems? STFU you puritan thought police piece of shit... Also, regarding your tangent on the tech industry... America is not longer an industrial power any more. Those manufacturing jobs aren't coming back, ever. Your and the rest of your flyover state knuckledraggers better evolve with the times or you are gonna get left behind. The world changes, you either change with it or get crushed under the wheel of history. >> Anon 79127 >># >I am arguing that gay shit includes toxic behavior patterns that have a net cost to society, to the point where if it was spread wide enough over the population, it would overwhelm our natural infrastructure and defenses to the point of societal collapse. Right, letting gay people fuck who they want and letting people watch porn is going to cause societal collapse... Do you ever listen to yourself? You sound like the crazy homeless dudes who stand on street corners preaching moralistic shit about the end of the world. >> Anon 79160 >># Knowing this site, he probably is a crazy homeless dude. >> Anon 79170 >># >white racist homophobic >Oh no not my airy-fairy-faggarinoes!!! You honestly have no sense of perspective if you think words on a dead imageboard are worse than someone catching a debilitating illness that could be prevented by an admittedly difficult public policy change. Eat shit you mincing baizuo soyboy. Maybe you will catch giardia and teach you to think twice about letting this shit exist in the first place. >># >You want to classify an entire set of actions immoral because they SOMETIMES cause problems? I never argued about morality in my previous posts. I argued about practical consequences, but also holistic harm reduction. If you give people dental dams or some other shit and tell them to have at it, it doesn't solve the appearance of the needlessly risky or harmful behavior in the first place. Unless you can provably reduce the harm by at least three orders of magnitude, it will not help, and it will certainly not help those who deliberately choose to engage in sex without protection. >muh puritan thought police >flyover knuckledraggers >lol no jobs 4u https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/article s/PMC1501789/pdf/califmed00143-0080.pdf This is the Stanford rat experiment where a simulated rat utopia was built by John B Calhoun of NIMH. In short, it demonstrates overcrowded cities are a behavioral sink where populations go to die. Now that the rona is decimating cities all over the world, and people of means are leaving in droves for our sparsely populated flyover states, I'm pretty confident flyovers will see a revival. In short, eat shit. >># >letting gay people fuck who they want and letting people watch porn is going to cause societal collapse The rat experiment I mentioned above mentioned homosexuality as an emergent behavior in the rats trapped in the utopia. This is a symptom of a bigger problem that also is a comorbidity. Look at the hikkikomori in Japan. Look at the ease of use of porn vs the difficulty of relating to people to get them to have sex with you: You can look up a naked woman in 2 clicks vs needing at least 2 days to a week to plan a date to get laid with a woman, if she even replies in the first place. Plus, the same click can take you from softcore to double anal or some other shit, where the fuck do you think we are? Why the fuck do you think 3dpd became a meme, especially with sites like this? People will generally take the easiest way out: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/article s/PMC5039517/ >Alterations to the brain's motivational system are explored as a possible etiology underlying pornography-related sexual dysfunctions. >This review also considers evidence that Internet pornography’s unique properties (limitless novelty, potential for easy escalation to more extreme material, video format, etc.) may be potent enough to condition sexual arousal to aspects of Internet pornography use that do not readily transition to real-life partners, such that sex with desired partners may not register as meeting expectations and arousal declines. >Clinical reports suggest that terminating Internet pornography use is sometimes sufficient to reverse negative effects, underscoring the need for extensive investigation using methodologies that have subjects remove the variable of Internet pornography use. People are living unsustainable lifestyles both on the left and the right, the left with its weird sex needing an advanced medical/technological base to sustain it, which is only possible in a capitalist system, and the right with its love of capitalism to the very end, destroying traditional communities that it purports to support. It is precisely that we let people be not just free to do whatever, but that any sort of recourse or invocation of a universal ethical/moral was deemed anathema by mass media, and the majority of the people bought it. Anything is permissible so long as we have "2 consenting adults," damn the public and anyone else living nearby or around you. >homeless preacher LOL your world IS ending, and its the same global elites ending it that sold you your libidinal libertinist bullshit you dumb fuck. I don't know how you don't see it yet. >> Anon 79194 >># Dear god stfu faggot. Start drinking some soy so you can get your masculinity levels checked. >> Anon 79196 >># NO U >> Anon 79197 >># Right. So you're a puritan who thinks that people being allowed to watch porn, play videogames, drink, gamble, etc is somehow leading to the decline of civilization. You think that technological progress is evil instead of something that society needs to adapt to, and that gay people should be persecuted because they can't have offspring even though there is overwhelming scientific evidence that the earth is currently overpopulated. Hell, anyone who doesn't fit into your moral mold of "normal" should be persecuted because "it damages society" even though there are plenty of practices that are normalized in your ideal society that "damages society" like eating meat, or I dunno... ostracizing entire groups of people. Besides, the jury is out on any of this stuff actually "damaging society"... The availability of porn reducing the prevalence of rape is just one good example. Humans aren't rats bro. What you are espousing is a fundamentalist christian doomsday cult. You are literally a hobo standing under a bridge waving a cardboard sign that says "the end is nigh!". >> Anon 79202 >># >So you're a puritan who thinks that people being allowed to watch porn, play videogames, drink, gamble, etc is somehow leading to the decline of civilization. Why don't you actually address my argument? My problem with the things you mentioned is that we live now in a society that has no baseline expected behaviors and the activities you mentioned are a distraction from engaging in real work that could better society. >You think that technological progress is evil instead of something that society needs to adapt to I think that technological progress is driven by a set of vanguard radicals and self-appointed elites that subscribe to a fundamentally anti-human ideology: progress and wealth at any cost. Look at Zuckerberg and Bezos cynically exploiting ethnic differences to reduce chances of their locations unionizing: https://observer.com/2020/04/amazon-whol e-foods-anti-union-technology-heat-map/ >Shades of Big Brother are looming over Whole Foods, once thought to be a pioneer of healthy workplace culture. According to internal documents seen by Business Insider, the Amazon-owned supermarket chain has been using an interactive heat map to monitor its 510 locations across the U.S. and assign each store a unionization risk score based on such criteria as employee loyalty, turnover rate and racial diversity. >gay people should be persecuted because they can't have offspring even though there is overwhelming scientific evidence that the earth is currently overpopulated >overpopulated Bullshit. The U.S. wastes 80 billion pounds of food per year: https://www.rts.com/resources/guides/foo d-waste-america/ >anyone who doesn't fit into your moral mold of "normal" should be persecuted because "it damages society" even though there are plenty of practices that are normalized in your ideal society that "damages society" Ok then what would you suggest is a moral mold? If you don't pick one and stick to it, and defend it, someone stronger than you, or more influential than you, will force one on you whether you like it or not. Be someone or be someone's bitch. >like eating meat: https://www.instagram.com/p/CC29n6NJaa2/ ?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading This is Greta Thunberg at 17 on a vegan diet. She is looks like a malnourished pro-ana. Small quantities of meat are ok, because the human body can deal with it. Porn and sex is an entirely different animal. Also, if the "Global South" got its shit together and started building real infrastructure and defending it from outside, we would have better solutions that would fix the problem. But most of these turn into client states of the USA or China/Russia, and the poor people get shafted. >inb4 energy/carbon Same situation. The point is to make sure initiatives like OPLC doesn't become 1000 laptops per warlord, or party bureaucrat. Also concerning >gays >ostracizing entire groups of people LGBT is a distraction that takes away focus from poor people and economic issues. Family formation is a serious economic issue for poor people because poor people who cannot support their families due to economic crises are a chief cause of societal dysfunction. Look at all the black men locked up, many times due to nonviolent crime or no jobs, kids growing up without them, and then the problems taking place later on in the black quarter. This is as true in the USA as in Brazil, in Ghana, anywhere. Alternative lifestylists (lgbt, gangs, nomads, etc)are ostracized PRECISELY BECAUSE their behavior does not help build a strong society where the weak and vulnerable are protected. >porn reducing the prevalence of rape You traded bad for worse. You have children as young as 9 being exposed to pornography. You have men reporting erectile dysfunction due to compulsive use. And even then you still have fucked up shit like this, women being hurt or maimed due to even more degrading practices: https://nypost.com/2017/11/03/portfolio- manager-accused-of-raping-beating-women-i n-penthouse-dungeon/ >Rubin gagged, tied up and viciously abused the women — even punching one in the head, the suit filed by civil lawyer John Balestriere said. >“I’m going to rape you like I rape my daughter,” Rubin barked during one of the alleged assaults. >In one session, he beat one of the women’s “breasts so badly that her right implant flipped,” the papers state. People get affected by the fucked up shit they see and some want to try it, some are disgusted by it. >Humans aren't rats bro. Almost all our psycho-social and pharma research is based on animal models, and they work. Unless you want to engage in some fucked up Dr. Mengele shit, that's all we have. >> Anon 79219 not sure what happen here but carry on >> Anon 79221 Why the fuck are people arguing about porn. You all are degenerates here to wank off to some drawn private parts. Be shameless about it. >> Anon 79249 >># I'd love to, but I don't want the thought police to watch me do a bad thing and send me to jail for it. >> Anon 79257 >># >Why don't you actually address my argument? Because you don't have one, you have a collection of pseudo-moralistic ramblings. >I think that technological progress is driven by a set of vanguard radicals and self-appointed elites that subscribe to a fundamentally anti-human ideology: progress and wealth at any cost. Lol. Right... human advancement is driven by a secret cabal of self-appointed societal elites that want to enslave the human race and eat babies. You are nuts dude, absolutely mentally ill. >Bullshit. The U.S. wastes 80 billion pounds of food per year: There are other factors that create a soft ceiling for human population besides food, like environmental damage, availability of clean water, housing, and economic opportunity. Who cares if we can support 1 billion americans in terms of food if that causes half of all wildlife species to go extinct and there are only 300 million jobs. >LGBT is a distraction that takes away focus from poor people and economic issues. Poverty and wealth disparity is a huge issue. Gay people being discriminated against and shunned from society (glad this is changing finally) is also a huge issue. The two aren't mutually exclusive and we can try to solve both at once. >This is Greta Thunberg at 17 on a vegan diet. She is looks like a malnourished pro-ana. Small quantities of meat are ok, because the human body can deal with it. And what about the intense amount of suffering cause by killing animals for their meat on an industrial scale? Or is all you care about human suffering? Just to be clear, I'm not a vegetarian, but I think its pretty hypocritical to claim to want to remove everything that has a "negative impact" from society and just conveniently ignore slaughterhouses and industrial farms. >You traded bad for worse. You have children as young as 9 being exposed to pornography. You have men reporting erectile dysfunction due to compulsive use. And even then you still have fucked up shit like this, women being hurt or maimed due to even more degrading practices. People get affected by the fucked up shit they see and some want to try it... Wrong. Playing grand theft auto in no way makes me more likely to go out and actually start shooting shit up and stealing cars. In fact all available scientific data actually points to the opposite, that being able to engage in fantasy and let off steam actually makes people LESS likely to do this stuff. This same kind of logic extends to porn. What if I told you that the "degeneracy" you are talking about always existed within people at the same rate that it does today. That people have always had "fucked up" desires and crazy fantasies. This is just the first time in human history that there is an acceptable outlet. Kids being exposed to porn is an issue, because they don't understand the separation between fantasy and reality and can develop maladaptive behaviors that they think are normal. But I don't see how it is fundamentally different than kids being exposed to violent video games, smoking, or drinking too early and developing similar maladaptive behaviors. The things themselves aren't bad, kids just aren't ready to handle them. >> Anon 79319 >># What's the matter? Too afraid of the booty warrior? >> Anon 79320 not disparaging the differently abled, but arguing on the internet is retarded. >> ADL 79443 any stormfront troopers here? also its fun watching people compete in the special olympics while i get to sit back relax and coomsoom my chicklin bucket and watermelon juice >> Anon 79550 Bruh, I just wanted to know the fucking combination to the balloons. >> Anon 79551 *BURP* M-M-Morty, you gotta fuck your sister, Morty. D-D-Don't worry you won't go to hell for fucking your sister, Morty, because God isn't real. God's not real so open up your s*BLECH*isters legs and show her who's the man of the house. The world's depending on you to cum in her fishy unkempt teenage snatch. It's not that bad, it's just women don't learn proper hygiene until they're 40 and too unattractive to fuck. Don't forget to wash around your tyson glands when your done. >> Anon 79552 I made the mistake of reading the posts and I caught AIDS. I give this thread a solid 9/11. >> Anon 79553 Happy 9/11, boys! >> Anon 79621 >># loled and bazingapilled >># And to you too, /f/ag. >> Anon 81889 Found him Charged with CHILD PORN/POSS/MOVING DPTN >> Anon 81891 >># Sauce faggot. >> Anon 81897 >># it's Blue, green, red, green, blue, blue, green. >> Anon 81933 man, this thing cycles to the top every so often and i get excited that maybe it's new, or a like, fan edit, and i get to relive a dude defending pedophilia all over again >> Anon 81952 >># that's what makes life interesting I suppose >> Anon 81953 TL:DR >> Anon 81958 >># i mean he has a point though >> Anon 81984 >># "I'm not a pedophile, BUT" >> Anon 81993 >># he really doesn't its all misanthropic pap and false equivalencies, and at the center of it hes STILL DEFENDING CHILD PORNOGRAPHY >> Anon 81994 HOLY SHIT CAN WE GET THIS NUKED OR SOMETHING i am so tired of this chode's argument staining the front page repeatedly, its worse than the beef curtains one >> Anon 81996 >># ok but wheres the problem? that sounds fine >> Anon 82003 Some people at f95zone have suggested that he was arrested for tax evasion, I think it's probably it or some other minor offense, I don't think he was caught with Cp since he's brother and girlfriend still support him >> Anon 82005 I know this might seem taboo, but how about we agree that it's bad to both own and produce CP. Crazy, I know. Producing it is bad for obvious reasons. Owning it is bad because it encourages / supports producing it. Therefore it just shouldn't be accepted or shown leniency either way. Now stop talking about it. >> Anon 82012 >># I KNOW WHAT IS BEING NECRO POSTED NEXT! >> Anon 82027 >># agreed, just fuck the child and be done with it. no need to film it. >> Anon 82032 >># This sounds pretty reasonable, content creators get pinged by tax agencies pretty often due to their lax adherance to normal income rules. >> Anon 82040 >># True, just like playing videogames makes children violent and supports the gun industry! >> Anon 82050 >># Except 99.99% of people playing video games knows its exaggerated fiction and not watching something in real life, while real life porn is literally actual fucking in the real world that stimulates someone's monkey ass brain. You can literally look up stories online how people's fetishes or expectations of their first time having sex were motivated from real life porn. And guess what, those viewers create a market for very specific kinds of porn to thrive on. >> Anon 82051 The fundamental fact is that no matter how triggered you can get, fiction it is not real and it should not be treated as if it was real. If you cannot differentiate between fiction and reality then the problem is you and not others. >> Anon 82055 >># cept the chud in here is arguing for actual porn of actual children >> Anon 82060 ITT : Letting actual child predators roam around unchained is A-okay, but drawn cartoons in your personal computer is big bad boo boo pee pee poo poo Before some leftist with incredible knack for mental gymnastics reply and move the goal post away, people who jacks off with weird and weirder shit are always the one who gets arrested by inspecting their computer by "suggestion" and if he's in bad terms of some political figure, they would suddenly get Terrabytes of child porn in their 2000s pentium 2 computer. Of course, the untouchable ones like some "elites" they would get off scot-free >> Anon 82061 c'mon guys can't y'all just continue this argument on the beef curtains thread I could really use a health boost here >> Anon 82066 >># Exactly. I'll be honest that I fap to some drawn loli and non-con stuff. The few times I somehow stumbled on real life video examples were some of the worst shit I've seen, worse than viewing gore. >> Anon 82067 >># Still applies, when a person cross the line between fiction and reality then that person is the problem. Anyone who goes around harming real people only belongs in jail. >> Anon 82075 >># Sucks for you. Sure, there is some totally untolerable shit out there to be sure, everything including any ounce of violence for example. But some guy filming a real girl masturbating in secret is just as much cheeze pizza as snuff porn you know. And one is not like the other. >> Anon 82080 >># Trolling works better when you're believable. >> Anon 82108 Work for a phone company and had to help some guy on his PC. Saw some cp by accident and reported that fuck. Dunno yet what happened with investigation but let me assure you, it was not pretty and fucked my head for days. It's worse than vore and gore by a mile. >> --- 82170 are u all stupid? unless its an update to THIS FLASH - GTFO AND SONT SPAM >> Anon 82171 >># >SONT HAHA YOU A FUCKING STUPID!
/ > /fap/ > Thread 12889 Age: 115.18d Health: 0% Posters: 19 Posts: 27 Replies: 25 Files: 1+2 >> NotEroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 57919 Summer's B-day DIRECTOR'S CUT (v0.5.2) Incest. That is all. [IMG] Summer's B-Day Director's Cut v0.5.2.swf (4.59 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed. 69 frames, 24 fps (00:03). Ver21, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 57921 >># nice, as promised personally even prefer a no-patreon-link version >> iTzDreamZ 57935 - Unlock secrect scene: Blue, Green, Red, Green, Blue, Blue and Green. Btw nice job EroPharaoh >> Anon 57936 >># beautiful. any plans on making a cum option for tit job? or maybe allowing for multiple cum shots? >> NotEroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 57937 >># >># Thank you! >># I have plans for that and more! ;) >> ???? ???? 57939 I love how the unmute option for Summer voice says "I'm a feminist I swear". >> Anon 57945 Gotta note that username >> Anon 57957 Good as always, but still miss a cum in the titjob scene. That would really make me NUT >> Anon 57964 >># I love incest >> NotEroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 57969 >># >># ;) >># >># k >> Anon 57972 Maybe i'm being nitpicky but it would be nice to be able to cum inside. >> NotEroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 57976 >># Don't you mean *NUT*picky????????????? But seriously, I'll be adding this in the future. ;) >> Anon 57977 Nice, if you're taking suggestions I'd like a bed background. >> Anon 58011 >># In addition to this, please add Krillin and Piccolo thank you >> NotEroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 58021 >># I suppose I could do that, but who on earth has sex on a bed?! >># lol no >> Anon 58023 >># That's cool, thanks! >> Anon 58040 damn good work. I know it's titled as "summer's b-day" but it would be awesome if you had the option to swap her to Jessica, Annie or even Arthricia, the alien girl from the purge planet. >> NotEroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 58041 >># Np >># I have plans for more bottoms, the only reason I chose Gwendolyn for this version is because of the cuts I had to make forced me to implement this switch early, and I didn't have the money at the time to get voice acting for any other potential bottoms. So, more bottoms eventually! ;) >> Anon 58044 Blowjob plox? >> NotEroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 58045 >># This will be an option on the titjob scene in the future! ;) >> Anon 58048 god fucking bless >> Anon 58072 Could you put that black guy from the Anatomic Park episode in? That would get us the normal version, the incest version, the BLACKED version and the inevitable NONBLACKED ANTICUCKED WHITIFIED version. Then we can reblack it, and whitify it and reblack it and whitify it etc. until we reach a stable recursive feedback loop into the fabric of reality and stage our assault onto the Demiurge. >> Anon 58074 >># Don't bully the Demiurge >> NotEroPharaoh!vX.10a/Q8k 58077 >># Leave god out, he had no part in this. ;) >># I'm planning on fitting as many characters from the series in as I can. >># do it >> J 60532 Maybe some bigger dicks? Prefer the holes to be stretched, myself. >> Anon 60541 >># what he said, >> Anon 60827 >># Cancer. |