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Discovered:5/1 -2020 02:17:54

Ended:5/1 -2020 21:19:52

Checked:5/1 -2020 21:38:47

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[_] my girlfriend broke up with me and said it was my fault for wanting to be in a relationship
Anonymous 01/04/20(Sat)20:16:54 No.3413940

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/20(Sat)20:27:02 No.3413942

  100% of relationships resulting in a breakup involve a relationship, whereas 0% of people who are
  not in a relationship experience a breakup. Just saiyan.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/20(Sat)20:42:32 No.3413943

  Honestly, I'd say that's at least good for you that your breakup was easy. She just probably
  realized you weren't the one for her, after spending some time with you, no offense.
  Now if she manipulated you on multiple occasions, constantly trying to be the center of
  attention, and never letting you talk to any girls casually, and gets her friends to say shit to
  your face about how "no one will ever like you other than her"(which is not true, considering
  that other girl I was with, but it still is a bitch thing to say), then we would be on the same
  page in terms of terribleness.
  You don't have it the best, but you don't exactly have it the worst, so all I'm saying is that
  you probably are better without her Anon, and you should just not care. After all, not caring is
  about the best thing you could do about any girl that is gonna do you wrong like that.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/20(Sat)22:14:55 No.3413947

  Just be glad you had a relationship at all. I'm a thirty year old virgin who has never had a

>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/20(Sat)22:58:42 No.3413952

  no offence taken, when i owned a meme account on instagram i let her become a mod then teamed up
  on me with my friend to fuck it over, the account was called _sh1tfac3_, still can't access it
  for some gay reason
  damn bro

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)12:26:06 No.3414003

  relationships are basically a meme by now

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)13:10:44 No.3414007

  What the fuck does that even mean you stupid idiot. You're just throwing words together.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)14:32:36 No.3414017

  I mean has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)14:39:19 No.3414018

  >when i owned a meme account on instagram i let her become a mod then teamed up on me with my
  friend to fuck it over, the account was called _sh1tfac3_, still can't access it for some gay
  Lol what
  Why did you think this relationship was going to work out?
  0 sympathy for you, man.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)14:57:20 No.3414022

  Sauce on the song?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/20(Sun)15:18:26 No.3414025

  now you're REALLY just throwing words together
Created: 5/1 -2020 02:17:54 Last modified: 5/1 -2020 21:38:50 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:41:06