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685,2 KiB, 01:02 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

[CCY5JR9]F !
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 7/9 -2019 23:45:49 Ended: 31/12 -2019 22:42:40Flashes: 1 Posts: 14
/ > /fap/ > Thread 15374 Age: 114.96d Health: 5.74% Posters: 10 Posts: 14 Replies: 11 Files: 1+3
>> Anon 70969 [IMG] migration.swf (685.2 KiB) 900x600, Compressed (Deflate). 1484 frames, 24 fps (01:02). Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 70974 great animation, what's it about? he got banned from shitreon and switched to a different platform?
>> Anon 70989 No, it's the great tumblr ban
>> Anon 71042 Oh. Noice to see that there exists a swf version of this. I thought since he went to pornhub and released entirely mp4s these days, he would only do videos anymore.
>> Anon 71048 derpixon always doing awesome things
>> Anon 71089 >># that would blow so hard, hate when you spot something that is just a plain vector animation and it's not released in flash. even if they add effects in after effects or whatever just please release the swf too! who cares if it is missing a shadow or something, the video is also still available for those who want that at 100 times the filesize
>> Anon 71090 >># fuck tumblr, honestly. so much porn that was only there, poof, gone. not archived anywhere because you needed an account to even see it. don't know how they thought it was a good idea to get rid of porn, sure more advertisers want "clean content" but what's the point if traffic tanks? tumblr started failing so hard after getting rid of porn that they sold the whole thing at a huge loss rizon-sells-tumblr-automattic-wordpress-1 203299860/
>> Anon 71117 >># It would be funny if it wasn't so damn depressing.
>> Anon 71158 hope theres a viable tumblr clone in the future where we can save stuff. It should run off donations like old reddit.
>> Anon 71183 I used tumblr for the sole purpose of following h-artists and nothing more.
>> Anon 71218 >># derpixon has a Hentai Foundry, Pixiv, Twitter, Twitch, Youtube, Gumroad, Instagram, Pornhub and Patreon. You can't miss him if you tried.
>> Anon 71219 >># their traffic of over 600 mill monthly from Nov 2018 before the porn ban dropped to 200 mill since Feb 2019. And by July 2019 it dropped below 150 mill. They did this so that Apple would take them back. They chose poorly.
>> Anon 71395 OP where did you found this swf version?
>> Anon 71414 >># i prefer the swf too. compression without loss and resolution independent
Created: 7/9 -2019 23:51:16 Last modified: 19/6 -2020 02:58:47 Server time: 21/09 -2024 01:02:03