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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 31960 Age: 343.27d Health: 18.87% Posters: 6 Posts: 8 Replies: 6 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 100897 [IMG] f-nerd colour - misato.swf (11.98 MiB) 825x1176, Compressed (Deflate). 16 frames, 30 fps (00:01). Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 100942 god bless the fictional pedophiles >> Anon 100943 but screw the real ones who spam here >> Anon 100958 spam >> Anon 100966 Russians are racial bedlice and must be exterminated mercilessly and totally. Every last Russian man, woman, and child should be killed. The last Westerners who had an even remotely good idea of how to deal with Russians were the Nazis by slaughtering 20 million of them. Russian infants should be bayoneted in their cribs while their mothers are made to watch, before they're bayoneted in the vagina and left to bleed out so they don't give birth to any more. They're bloodsucking vermin who need to be ruthlessly and mercilessly dispatched as such. >> Anon 100980 Certified hood classic. Real chads choose Misato over Rei, Asuka, or Mari any day. >> Anon 100981 >># Ayo man, imma let you finish, but Alex Terrible is one of the greatest musicians of all time! >> Anon 100989 >Mari who in their right mind would even?? |