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Threads (109):
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] HAPPY CIRNO DAY Anon 3512260 THE STRONGEST DAY Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3512317 >If you were born on September 9th, 1990, you would turn 9 on 9/9/99. >> [_] Anon 3512318 >># woah.... >> [_] Anon 3512327 >># OFF BY ONE
File: IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Anime) [_] baka baka Anon 3505681
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Anon 3496247 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3496255 I wish I was as smart as Cirno >> [_] Anon 3496333 >># Just drink (9) miruku!
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] 2hu tuesday Anon 3480479
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] LAST TUESDAY OF THE YEAR Anon 3477827 POST SOME FUCKIN 2HUS
/ > /show/ > Thread 24109 Age: 50.01d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 87530 [IMG] Cirnos Perfect Math Class.swf (6.29 MiB) 480x360, Compressed (Deflate). 3830 frames, 30 fps (02:08). Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
File: Cirnos Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Other) [_] Anon 3472082
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Cirno's Perfect Math Class - Touhou Tuesday Anon 3461865 Touhousday Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3461939 >># good old times
File: Perfect math class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Other) [_] Anon 3452772 Once more, with feeling!
File: Cirno's perfect math class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Touhou Tuesday Anon 3435734
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Housday Anon 3428201 >> [_] Anon 3428202 >># KEEP ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN >> [_] Anon 3428255 >># damn, now I had hoped this was the Fred Durst version
/ > /swf/ > Thread 18614 Age: 50.02d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 76644 [IMG] Cirnos Perfect Math Class.swf (6.29 MiB) 480x360, Compressed (Deflate). 3830 frames, 30 fps (02:08). Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
File: IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Anime) [_] Anon 3405445 >> [_] Anon 3405467 always welcome >> [_] Anon 3405490 This is ...... Glorious! BAKA BAKA! >> [_] Anon 3405493 This will always be one of my all time favorites
File: bakabaka.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Anon 3394037 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3394041 >># Kabadi Kabadi Kabadi Kabadi >> [_] Anon 3394106 this will never not be good >> [_] Anon 3394107 the absolute best part is how cirno goes all flustered at the last few "bwaka bwaka"s
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] MERRY TOU HOUS DAY Anon 3374211 >> [_] Anon 3374234 >># it's still monday where the fuck do you live?
File: IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] TOUHOU TUESDAY Anon 3353281 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3353355 Still good >> [_] Anon 3353411 I haven't watched this in ages. Still great!
File: IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] TOUHOU TUESDAY Anon 3351938
File: IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Anon 3349500 >> [_] Anon 3349572 that feel when you can't post the new anniversary edition, because you can't find the swf of it anywhere probably doesn't even exist, like with NCH's /v/ rage remake >> [_] Anon 3349574 >># you mean this one? vu8 >> [_] Anon 3349593 >># >># Judging by the video and the links in the description, IOSYS decided to release a video rather than an actual flash file. Probably so TetlaPot didn't get any flash assets stolen for some demakes.
File: IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Anon 3322238 It's Tuesday
File: IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Anon 3316839 >> [_] Anon 3316955 I just realized the 9 year anniversary math class video had its source flash never released. Life will never be the same.
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Other) [_] Anonymoos 3270931 >> [_] Anon 3270951 Still not the Russian Pirate!! Come back with an actual flash!
File: Cirno's Perfect Maths Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Tuesday Anon 3263407 im glad i can leave for 2 years and tuesday is still a thing
File: IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] BURGAH BURGAH Anon 3203201
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Anime) [_] Anon 3191709 >> [_] Anon 3191711 damn, thought it was Alexander Pistoletov's video for a second and not this weeaboo shit
File: IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Anon 3160350 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3160352 what in the fuck >> [_] Anon 3160466 >># How do you not know what this is by now?
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Anime) [_] Anon 3060905
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Anon 2910508 Nishimura would fug Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] 3 2910581 MIIIIIIIIIIINNAAAA! >> [_] 3 2910583 Relevant: MPc Some weebs I used to "work" with >> [_] Anon 2910651 >># was expekting urssian penis pirate singing piratrs of the caribean
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Cirno's Perfect Math Class Anon 2899829 Happy ⑨ day /f/, have some 2hus.
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Anime) [_] Not penispirate Anon 2771145
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Anime) [_] Anon 2624166 not penispirate
File: Cirino's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] 2hu tusday Anon 2618535 baka baka baka baka!
File: Cirino's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Final 2hu tusday Anon 2603185 Good-bye touhou tuesday good luck ebola-chan >> [_] Anon 2603304 Touhou Tuesday 4 Life!
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Anime) [_] baka baka, baka baka, baka baka Anon 2563521
File: IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] ;^) Anon 2543611
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Porn) [_] One true god Anon 2521986 As requested yesterday-ish, your true king. >> [_] Anon 2521987 >># THE FUCK IT HAPPENED AGAIN NO >> [_] Anon 2521998 >># That is the actual file, this is just a repost.
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] You know what day it is Plearn 2485611
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Anon 2482087 Touhou be praised! >> [_] Anon 2482106 I just noticed they're referencing her easy-mode blind-spot from EoSD when they start calling her an idiot. >> [_] Anon 2482139 how the fuck is anything twohoe supposed to make any sense >> [_] Anon 2482141 >># Fuck off, gaijin scum.
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Anon 2460114 >tfw no bus to Gensokyo >> [_] Anon 2460153 >># Now post the one with Fred Durst.
File: IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Lack of Cirno, no more Anon 2458372
File: IOSYS Sansuu Kyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] 2husday Anon 2438688 >> [_] Anon 2438833 >Those nines in her eyes I never noticed that until now.
File: IOSYS Sansuu Kyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Anon 2344370
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Other) [_] Totally not penispirate Anon 2340977 >> [_] Anon 2340985 /r/ing hitlers perfect math class
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Anon 2280863
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Anime) [_] Touhou Tuesday Anon 2272060
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Game) [_] /r/ that spiderman game halp 2246539 it used stick figures and it was like motherfucking attack on titan swinging from clouds and shit it was pretty dificult too >> [_] Anon 2246546 i was expecting potato kinishes... >> [_] Alfonso 2246556 You don't mean this, do you? >>>/vg/56672853 >> [_] halp 2246559 >># it was sidescroller stick figure shit >> [_] Anon 2246563 The voice acting is absolutely terrible >> [_] Alfonso 2246573 >># >swinging from clouds and difficult This was the best Spider-man game and it had that. The one for ps1. There was some kind of chemicals on the ground, that when the plot required you to fight on the ground and go subways weren't even talked ever again. 9o Maybe there was another one like that for PC, but I can't remember right now. I can't ask my Spiderman obsessed friend either >> [_] halp 2246621 fuck you /f/ >> [_] Anon 2246625 >># i thought so too >> [_] Anon 2246626 I think I remember, it was posted this week. It was filled with memes and was 2d, not related to attack on titan at all. >> [_] Anon 2246729 I think you're talking about Hanger. Just google "hanger flash game" or some shit and you'll find it. there's a "Hanger 2" as well
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Anime) [_] Anon 2243707
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Other) [_] Anon 2160077
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] touhouuu Anon 2149518 >> [_] Anon 2149521 stahp posting shithou >> [_] Anon 2149558 No seriously, stop. This is fucking stagnation, this moeshit flash has been posted here day in day out for fuck knows how long, you guys are worse than ponyfuckers. >> [_] Anon 2149611 >># >># Don't listen to these kids, OP. /f/ was always /f/apanese. >> [_] Anon 2149636 >># There's good otaku shit and then there's touhou which is just shit. >> [_] sage sage 2149666 why is touhou so fucking popular? also sage >because this has been posted three days in a row now
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] WE JUST MAKE IT TUESDAY!!! Anon 2123321 >> [_] Anon 2123352 ahar >> [_] Anon 2123436 This tired old flash is gayer than having three dicks crammed into your poop chute.
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Porn) [_] epic hentai superfuck epic hentai superfuck 2117549 epic hentai superfuck >> [_] Anon 2117646 >># What the hell, where are my Russian pirates?
File: Cirnos Perfect Maths Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Cirno Day 2013 Anon 2106061 the anwser to everything is ⑨ >> [_] Anon 2106062 There is a serious lack of helicopter dicks in this flash >> [_] ⑨ ⑨ 2106229 ⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨ ⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨ ⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨ ⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨ ⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨ ⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨ ⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨ ⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨ ⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Japanese) [_] Classic Basti 2100169 >> [_] @non 2100185 >># the hitler vers is better >> [_] Anon 2100245 people that makes shit like this need to seriously re-evaluate their lives.
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, 480x360, Anime) [_] Not penispirate Anon 2087592 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2087599 >expecting penispirate >it's actually cirno's perfect math class what the fuck >> [_] Anon 2087605 Ya, I was clicking it for penispirate too. >> [_] Anon 2087774 Anyone notice that japanese music pretty much never rhymes? >> [_] Anon 2087779 >># yes.. and you know poems do? not all music has to >> [_] Anon 2087836 >># Can't unhear
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, Japanese) [_] for >># Anon 1986845 >> [_] Anon 1986872 thx alot anon >> [_] Anon 1986962 Cirno's Perfect Meth Lab >> [_] Anon 1987011 Toohoo garbage that isn't porn, reported.
File: IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, Anime) [_] toho tuesday Anon 1857994
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, Porn) [_] Dongcopter Pirate Anon 1830908 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1830909 YES DONGCOPTER PIRATE! >> [_] Anon 1830910 NO, I'VE BEEN HAD >> [_] OP 1830911 I don't know what the fuck is up with my posting lately, I've gotten these two mixed up twice now. >> [_] Anon 1830926 There was a surprising lack of dongs and pirates in this. >> [_] Anon 1830940 Well fuck it, I'll ask. Artist for opening picture? Looks like Ishikei but I can't find it. >> [_] Anon 1830954 >># u bin 'ad m8 >> [_] Anon 1831115 I was just thinking about this video and of course its on /f/ never fails
File: IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf-(6.29 MB, Loop) [_] Anon 1818184 >> [_] Anon 1818190 wheres the russian flopping his penis to pirates of the Caribbean
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, Japanese) [_] Anon 1765870 To become a genius like me, do your best! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1765875 One of the best flashes ever. >> [_] Anon 1765916 This is pretty retarded. >> [_] Anon 1765918 >># >># Now I do not know what to think!
File: Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf-(6.29 MB, Japanese) [_] Anonymous07/04/12(Wed)09:12No.1712806
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File[Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Anon 1692184 We Touhou Now.
File[Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [A] filling /r/ for toohoo tuesday Anon 1682901 (touhou)
File[Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Touhou - Cirno's Perfect Math Class Lattilaman 1642312 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1642418 Touhou makes me laugh. It's like a chastity belt for men, but with a lock that never opens. >> [_] Anon 1642446 Her getting called a dumbass and, getting laughed at, with a tear in her eye and looking like a fool makes me feel, I don't know. Bad Like, it brings back bad memories
File[IOSYS_toho9_Cirno's Perfect Math Class .swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] >mfw we still have the new banners Anon 1603488 And no spoilers Are you mad, /a/ and rest of 4chan? >> [_] Anon 1603554 new banners are gay >> [_] Anon 1603586 so ive seen this flash like 100 times and im just noticing now. in the baka baka sections the subtitles for "baka" are written in katakana... whats up with that? i mean shouldnt they be in hiragana? >> [_] Anon 1603611 >># Yeah, moot should remove them. Most are of low quality and users who are smart enough have their own scripts. >> [_] Anon 1603615 >># Its part of the (9)'s egacy. Tha "baka" taht described cirno in the PoFV Manual was written in Katakana. >> [_] Anon 1603649 i prefer this version 9c&feature=plcp&context=C39c34bfUDOEgsToP DskJkrCvP8v HhzPfKz2WTFk1_ >> [_] Anon 1603661 >># Functionally, typing a hiragana word in katakana and vice-versa is used as CAPS LOCK to the japanese.
File[IOSYS_toho9_Cirno's Perfect Math Class .swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] It's fucking tuesday. Anon 1599795
File[Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [L] Takaman !5W.ToVUL2I 1582803 >> [_] Anon 1582818 I remember seeing this on DJManiax. Level was easy as pie, beat it on Insane without problems. >> [_] Anon 1582911 Cirno's Perfect Meth Lab
File[Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] touhou > ponies Windows 2000 Professionalcat 1577105 touhou > ponies
File[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Anon 1516233 compression test, I can't make some avi from this >> [_] Anon 1516335 this is on youtube dude >> [_] Anon 1516370 i remember how this made just before MJ died. sad really
File[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Anon 1419861 >> [_] Anon 1420102 /f/ needs more Touhou and ABOVE ALL ELSE VOCALOIDS!!!
File[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] snoɯÊuouÉ 1403226 Marked for deletion (old).
File[IOSYS_toho9_Cirnos_Perfect_Math_Cla ss.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Anon 1399873 GAY FRIEND NOT ON BINGE BUT FUCK IT
File[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Anon 1393997 >> [_] Anon 1394000 Baka Baka >> [_] Anon 1394055 Baka baka >> [_] Anon 1394076 this makes me feel so bad for Cirno..
File[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] TOUHOU TUESDAY! Anon 1381013 >> [_] Anon 1381074 What a baka. It's friday.
File[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Cirno's Perfect Math Class Anon 1360677 BAKA BAKA >> [_] Anon 1360764 For God's sake... I understand the whole thing about Touhou Tuesday. Fine. Good. I like Touhous. But the same flashes are recycled and posted every single week! Sometimes even flashes like this, where translations exist, but people still post the moonspeak versions! I guess we all have the script memorized by now that we don't have to have the subtitles, is that it? If you're going to post Touhou stuff, try stuff that's not quite posted as often. Or at least the later translated versions!
File[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] worst touhou tuesday ever Anon 1347691 you guys are horrible >> [_] Self Proclaimed /a/ Hipster !h/CUNT/w0w 1347712 it's all C78's fault
File[Cirnos.Perfect.Math.Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Forever and Always The Strongest !SV3dGkVKt6 1309803 It's Touhou TUESSSSDAY! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1309805 Baka baka baka >> [_] 999 999 !ncKvmqq0Bs 1309814 999 >> [_] Anon 1309818 classic >> [_] Anon 1309824 DAT ➈ >> [_] Anon 1309866 this is why tuesday is better than any other day. >> [_] Anon 1309948 BAKAA >> [_] Anon 1309991 So, anyone have a translation for this? Well, except for baka, that only needs transliteration.
File[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] ಠ_ಠ touhou tuesday & happy 420 Anon 1240981 it's not monday anymore
File[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Cirno's Perfect Math Class Anon 1224637 This never gets old. >> [_] Anon 1224727 BAKA BAKA
File[Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] As /r/equested Anon 1210346
File[Touhou IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] MOAR LIEK DIS Anon 1206284 ^^ Cirno >> [_] Anon 1206285 why not the translated one? also post the yukkuri version >> [_] Anon 1206295 /r/ the game where you answer math questions wrong, sans the ones where the answer is 9? >> [_] Anon 1206320 >># any1?? >> [_] Anon 1206339 Damn, anybody know what song that intro where Marisa is flying across the title screen in the beginning is from? Before they go into their own song. It also plays when she is spinning with the clock-background in the middle of the song. I KNOW I heard that before, and trying to remember is driving me crazy. >> [_] Anon 1206359 >># Kero ⑨ Destiny?? >> [_] Anon 1206361 >># now that helped out how about someone give me a hint about>># thx >> [_] Anon 1206373 >># No, thats way way off... The part that plays while Marisa is flying across the title screen in the beginning, right before they introduce Utsuho Reiuji I know I heard that part in another song before >> [_] Anon 1206389 >># Reminds me of this Teto song: ew >> [_] Anon 1206390 >># See >># >> [_] Anon 1206441 >># 9w @ 0:32
File[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Looks like Tuesday's been held over. Anon 1173695 Got to do my part too. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1173714 BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA.... >> [_] Anon 1173964 God damn it /f/, I now officially love Touhou shit. God damn it.
File[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [A] ã®ã®ã®ãCirno !9bAKaP4.T. 1106607 >> [_] Anon 1106619 what does baka mean?
File[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Hey, it's the best day of the week. Anon 1087424
File[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Anon 1069115 hadn't saw this one posted yet Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1069165 >># You must be new. >> [_] Anon 1069178 oh my god fucking shit now I will be going around saying BAAKA BAAKA all day AGAIN. >> [_] Anon 1069181 >># i was implicitly saying "posted today" ;) and the fact that /f/ let me post it and not the other one about cirno meant that i was right.... ( since /f/ doen't allow imediate repost ;) ) erratum humanum est :] >> [_] Anon 1069406 >># ;) :] gtfo >> [_] Anon 1069458 Slowpoke? is that you?
File[Cirino's Perfect Math Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] ⑨/⑨/0⑨ KÅki Kariya !.lOLLipoPg 1068289 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1068378 I only watched the whole thing because you reminded me its 9/9/09.. >> [_] Anon 1068380 i never noticed she has 9s in her eyes >> [_] Anon 1068447 >># HOLY SHIT YOUR RIGHT! >> [_] Anon 1068572 two words AWE SOME !!!!
File[Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Anon 1063144 >> [_] Anon 1063310 fuckin awesome >> [_] Anon 1063338 9
File[Cirino's Perfect Math Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] can't uplaod any new touhou Vidyaman !COWBELLw8U 1062319 /f/ is being a dick Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1062569 Is there a translated version of this? >> [_] Anon 1062583 Nevermind. SM
File[Cirino's Perfect Math Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Touhou Tuesday Vidyaman !COWBELLw8U 1057741
File[Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Lungfish !!pHjSeFqPHYq 1052162 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1052273 BAKA BAKA
File : [IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Vidyaman !COWBELLw8U 1018791 >> [_] Anon 1018905 this was stuck in my head all day yesterday... >> [_] Anon 1018911 Was this ever given English lyrics? >> [_] Anon 1019022 >># SM
File : [IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1013399 CMON PERFECT MATH BETTAR Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1013431 You know what I just realized? That one part where that one girl is standing all curved and the place goes dark, then the two get surrounded by knives... it's like Za Warudo! >> [_] Anon 1013447 >># weeaboo >> [_] Anon 1013454 /r/ing the mp3 please. >> [_] Anon 1013455 >># A WEEABOO?! ON 4CHAN?! OH MY GOD, SOUND THE ALARM! >> [_] Anon 1013456 >># Atleast he's not a furfag. >> [_] Anon 1013459 Since when is Za Warudo weeaboo? >> [_] Anon 1013460 >># well, they say everyone's at least a little furry...just try putting on these ears... >> [_] Heavyoak !!BMuarX4uXoB 1013473 BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKABAKA BAKA >> [_] Anon 1013589 >># Oh you mean Sakuya is a homage to Dio Brando?
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Touhou Tuseday Vidyaman !COWBELLw8U 1008065 >> [_] Anon 1008109 It was way better with Hitler. >> [_] Anon 1008110 >># DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO GET THE FUCK OUT!?
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Trying again Pozo 1000030 >> [_] naksiloth !6xqjXqgnW. 1000202 baka baka! O_o' >> [_] Anon 1000222 Why wasn't this 999999 get ;_;
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [A] Cain !!eXi3Txe9btD 969804 /r/ing tsurupettan Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 969805 ahh just what i need. earraping iosys >> [_] Anon 969898 バカ⑨バカ >> [_] Anon 969940 >># IOSYS is awesome. Shut your dirty whore mouth. Btw: /r/ song plz! A download link would be appreciated. >> [_] Anon 969981 bump >> [_] Anon 970003 tppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] for 957110 ⑨ 957222 i am the strongest >> [_] Anon 957235 /r/ song name >> [_] Anon 957236 BAKA! >> [_] Anon 957242 >># Beloved Tomboyish Daughter is Cirno's theme. I would assume this song's name is just the filename.
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [A] (furrylicious) 951927 IOSYS *sigh* >.>" >> [_] Anon 951936 i was about to post it >.> >> [_] (furrylicious) 951942 >># Ha well i beat you to it i guess ^_^" sorry >> [_] Anon 951976 >># >># >># How about you or the samefag post the translation for us UniLingual AmeriFags? >> [_] (furrylicious) 952055 >># were not samefag newfag >> [_] Vexx 952088 Well who ever has the translation would be nice All I ever see the translation for is "FOE!" >> [_] (Furrylicious) 952107 >># Idk lawl >> [_] Anon 952243 Link to video with english sub SM
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Original of >># Anon 946100 >> [_] Anon 946117 i really wish there was an english version of this, but i know it's a wish that will never be fulfilled >> [_] Anon 946124 ,,.、 __,,,,,,_,/:::::\. __,,,...,, ,、 |:::::::;/:::::::::::/~ 〈\〈 ヽ/〉 ,ヽ:イ::;;;;:/ .> .ヾ i / _,,..-‐'"´ヽ. / [::::::]  ̄ ン.ヽ i /''"´::::::::::::::::/i..,,__ .|γ:ヾ::~>、 __>`'`''´´:::::::::::::::::::::::::\|. `i 、 /:::::::ヽ:::::::::::\、.  ̄ >v'v''''、、:::::::::::::::::::::::/|-- 、ノノ !_::::::::::ヽ::::::::::::::;ゝ_ _>' / .i`、__:::::::::::::::::::\|´"'' ー、..,, ヽ~"~~\;:;/ / / i ヽ"''‐-、::::::/| ノ ヽ .ヽ、 ,、....,,,_ / ,' ,!. ヽ .!::\/__,,..--'..,,_ノ ゝ、.,,,.ン' ~~ヽ/ \/ \/"''‐‐'ヽ:/ >> [_] Anon 946172 >># fail >> [_] Anon 946228 >># nigger SM&feature=related
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Original of >># Anon 936252
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Anon 929989 There are no buses from Gensokyo, gentlemen. >> [_] Anon 929996 Or is that to Gensokyo... Whatever. >> [_] Anon 930005 There are not buses IN Gensokyo; is why there are 0 people on the bus. >> [_] Anon 930038 there are no buses are gensokyo >> [_] Anon 930054 BAKA BAKA! >> [_] Anon 930075 >># From and in have the same meaning in this sense.
File :[BAKABAKA.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Anon 923067 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 923157 The answer is 0 >> [_] Anon 923211 Don't rename etc. >> [_] Anon 923215 cirno's perfect math class ftw ^_^ >> [_] Anon 923227 do touhoufags wake up some mornings and despise their fandom if so, go with it, its a natural reaction >> [_] Anon 923262 "take it easy!" *headbutt* >> [_] Anon 923285 What is going on here? I'm lost. >> [_] Anon 923297 ugh, why the rename.
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] IT'S TIME FOR CIRNO'S MATH CLASS Anon 914163 LISTEN UP IF YOU WANNA BE A GENIUS LIKE ME >> [_] Anon 914167 it's over ⑨000 >> [_] Anon 914350 daisuki~
File :[Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Anon 889768 >> [_] Anon 889770 baka baka >> [_] Anon 889771 CHICKEN CAN'T READ >> [_] Anon 889774 baaka baaka baaka baaka lol (9) xD ... No, this is a bad post. IOSYS is a bad group, and it's a bad song. It's bad to put in /f/, and it's a bad rendition of Beloved Tomboyish Daughter. They gave Cirno the most annoying voice ever. The fact that the crowd chanting "baaka baaka" is catchier than the actual lyrics and beat is annoying as hell to actual fans of Cirno. The fact that Cirno chants along with it as a sign of her mental breakdown from constant taunting is LOL GRIMDARK GENSOKYO. And yes, I can post ⑨ properly. >> [_] Anon 889822 >># you're a faggot also: mathsu classu >> [_] Anon 889825 >># Hahahahahaha, WHAT?? GTFO my /f/ you neckbeard! >> [_] Anon 889828 >># Raging Cirno fan is raging. Cirno sucks. Get over it. She's never once had her own stage, or even her own themesong, so shut the hell up. >> [_] Anon 889833 >># way to base your entire life around a minor tohou character >> [_] Anon 889836 >># >She's never once had her own stage, or even her own themesong Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Stage 2? Beloved Tomboyish Daughter (and Adventure of the Lovestruck Tomboy, which is just PoFV's remix of that)? >># I don't particularly like Cirno, I just hate IOSYS. IOSYS brings in/out the worst of the fanbase. >> [_] Anon 889838 >># touhou's fanbase consists entirely of obsessive man-children, so i'd probably say theres no such thing as a "best" of it. >> [_] Anon 889839 >># The best is probably the obsessive man-children who can make good art and music. IOSYS is not among them. >> [_] Anon 889840 >># but with energy everythings 1 2 9 >> [_] Anon 889842 >># no one gives a shit >> [_] Anon 889853 >># >># nice trolling >> [_] Anon 889854 >># welcome to touhou >> [_] Anon 889855 >># >welcome to 4chan >> [_] Anon 889892 incompetent ice demon is incompetent >> [_] Anon 889893 >># Deimos only understand strength. >> [_] Anon 889967 What a pile of shit... The button to toggle lyrics is written in English but when I fucking press it to turn the lyrics on they are in some other language -_- >> [_] Anon 889975 >># >>The button to toggle lyrics is written in English but when I fucking press it to turn the lyrics on they are in some other language -_- >>some other language MURK LOAR >> [_] Anon 889982 >MURK LOAR LOAR IS DEAD >> [_] Raging Manchild 889993 Cirno fan agrees with the following anons: >># >># >># Touhou is Fukken awesome, but IOSYS is fukken annoying enough to like the luckystar versions of touhou themes, which are annoying but use the awesome versions of the themes. >> [_] Anon 889996 is it me, or are there actually MORE idiots than normal on 4chan today? >> [_] Anon Furry 889997 >># what does thou mean? >> [_] Anon 890000 I man like the people wondering why IOSYS didn't sub their flash in english. >> [_] Anon 890005 >># there are subbed versions but they're on youtube >> [_] Anon 890045 >># touhou means eastern. >> [_] Anon 890054 best part of the whole flash >>bus-oo >> [_] Anon 890055 Back up, back up
File :[Cirno's Perfect Math Class.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] /r/ SmooCHEN Windows 2000 Professional 887149 /r/ SmooCHEN >> [_] Anon 887154 what the faggot is going on here? >> [_] Anon 887182 catchy >> [_] Anon 887262 TAKE IT EASY! >> [_] Anon 887289 The ice fairy Cirno is regarded as one of the most naive and possibly one of the dumbest of the characters in the tohou universe... I'm pretty sure a majority of this song is about that. But I don't know for sure since I don't know Moonspeak >> [_] Anon 887293 I sure wish I spoke moon language so I could figure out what the fuck all this touhou shit is about. I downloaded the games and they're pretty standard.
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] naksiloth !6xqjXqgnW. 883554 touhou 9 by iosys Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Suiseiseki !!5uca+RtupjT 883648 Thanks naksi! >> [_] naksiloth !6xqjXqgnW. 883656 >># =3 >> [_] Anon 883678 I think icicle fall is a pretty cool guy, eh attacks reimu and doesn't afraid of anything. >> [_] Anon 883708 >># Did you mean "IOSYS's 9th touhou CD"? because that's what the toho9 in the filename means. >> [_] Anon 883848 Yukkuri shiteitte ne!
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] Anon 872008 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 872146 There is a translated version with Walfas based characters on YouTube: >> [_] Anon 872178 Cirno is hot.
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] ⑨ Anon 855724 Baka, baka >> [_] Anon 855894 lol who maeks these? >> [_] Anon 855896 tetla_pot >> [_] Anon 855906 バーカ バーカ! >> [_] Anon 855977 Very good, anon.
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] New IOSYS flash Sil'Fer !!0HRMd3tinO0 846797 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 846799 ⑨ can teach me math any time. She's the strongest! >> [_] Anon 846805 バカ⑨バカ⑨バカ⑨バカ⑨バカ⑨バカ >> [_] Anon 846823 This isn't new, I've had it for weeks. >> [_] Anon 846884 An English subtitled version would be nice so that it makes sense. >> [_] Anon 846885 Old >> [_] Anon 846886 mp3 plz >> [_] Anon 846887 cirno is the best! >> [_] Anon 846909 >># >> [_] ZUN !3GqYIJ3Obs 846913 i love cirno >> [_] Anon 846923 best touhou >> [_] Anon 846925 Shit's been uploaded like 20 times already. It's old >> [_] Anon 846939 Fucking spectacular. >> [_] Doomzzg 846942 OP sure is slow >> [_] Cats777 !ZMTjkDFhqY 846945 Sage for IOSYS. >> [_] Anon 847079 cirno cirno cirno
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] IOSYS Anon 844200 ⑨ >> [_] Anon 844224 ➈バーカバーカ➈バーカバーカ➈バーカバーカ➈バーカバーカ➈バーカバ カ➈バーカバーカ➈バーカバーカ➈バーカバーカ➈バーカバーカ➈バー バーカ➈バーカバーカ➈バーカバーカ➈バーカバーカ➈バーカバーカ➈バ ーカバーカ➈バーカバーカ➈バーカバーカ➈バーカバーカ➈ >> [_] Anon 844303 I like cirno jerks :< >> [_] Kira 844343 *nods head in a slow, approving matter* >> [_] Anon 844365 i like "cirno jerks" >> [_] Anon 844378 It's shit right? >> [_] Anon 844388 There are no buses in the Gensokyo! >> [_] Anon 844390 The only term I think I understood from that was "baka" and even THEN I didn't understand it! >> [_] Anon 844397 ➈➈➈ ➈➈➈ ➈➈➈ >> [_] Weeaboo !pJG/0/iHlk 844415 CD was released November 2nd. >># Feel free to "jerk to Cirno" or whatever it was you said. I'm all with you. But she's still fucking ⑨, and therefore バカ. maru-kyuu destiny, bitches. >> [_] Anon 844419 Poor Cirno. : ( >> [_] Anon 844432 __,,,,,,_,/:::::\. __,,,...,, ,、 |:::::::;/:::::::::::/~ 〈\〈 ヽ/〉 ,ヽ:イ::;;;;:/ .> .ヾ i / _,,..-‐'"´ヽ. / [::::::]  ̄ ン.ヽ i /''"´::::::::::::::::/i..,,__ .|γ:ヾ::~>、 __>`'`''´´:::::::::::::::::::::::::\|. `i 、 /:::::::ヽ:::::::::::\、.  ̄ >v'v''''、、:::::::::::::::::::::::/|-- 、ノノ !_::::::::::ヽ::::::::::::::;ゝ_ _>' / .i`、__:::::::::::::::::::\|´"'' ー、..,, ヽ~"~~\;:;/ / / i ヽ"''‐-、::::::/| ノ ヽ .ヽ、 ,、....,,,_ / ,' ,!. ヽ .!::\/__,,..--'..,,_ノ ゝ、.,,,.ン' ~~ヽ/ \/ \/"''‐‐'ヽ:/ >> [_] Anon 844433 ,.-、 ,. -、 /::::::::\ /:::::::::ヽ, ,':::::::::::::::::::::ヽ、__/::::::::: ::::::::::! !::::::::::;>'''"´ `"''<:::::く. !:::::ァ' ,. '"´` ⌒'ヽ;::! _ノ::::;.' ,' , ; i i ヽ! `ヽ.,' i ,' ! ,'! /! /! ,' ', /:i iノ !__,.、/ | / 、|__ィ'/レヘ .'、 ./::::! ∠,..イ (ヒ_] レ' ヒ_ン i i>-ヽ `ヽ! !ノ '" ,___, " ,V i,」 ノ ,' .|ト.、 ヽ _ン ,イ i ', (rヘ. i ', .|>,、 __, ,.イ レヘノ >> [_] Anon 844448 >># is it on /rs/ yet or is a torrent aviable ? >> [_] Anon 844461 it's less than 10 bucks on dlsite >> [_] Anon 844477 God damn fuck this is catchy. >> [_] Anon 844484 I hope someone translates this (as well) soon
File :[IOSYS_toho9_SansuuKyoushitsu.swf] - (6.29 MB) [_] [J] ⑨ Anon 840404 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 840408 fuck, I was just about to post this. >> [_] Anon 840412 Keine headbutting Cirno had me laughing hard. >> [_] Anon 840413 wtf a whole album of cirno? >> [_] Anon 840503 This isn't in my top 3. Still good, just not great. >> [_] Anon 840540 OMG great sound :3 >> [_] Anon 840565 awesome >> [_] Anon 840602 so few replies but the thread is still young >> [_] Anon 840603 >># (not really though) >> [_] Anon 840627 this pleases me /r/ the one before this >> [_] Anon 840646 BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA >> [_] Anon 840652 I just. don't. understand. these iosys musics are so incredibly unlistenable. It's like someone said "How can I write music that is really, really just God-awful?" Because really, this kind of crap just doesn't happen by accident. I think the guy really did his homework, polling and listening and researching to see what styles, tempos, chords, keys, lyrics and lyricists would piss the greatest number of people off the hardest. I'm sitting here alone pondering this, and I genuinely don't understand what it would take, or rather the kind of person it would require to enjoy this music. but then again, what if the rest of the world is normal and I'm the insane one? >> [_] Anon 840657 バーカ バーカ バーカ バーカ バーカ バーカ バーカ バーカ >> [_] Anon 840664 needs more Ran kicking Cirno's ass for being a bad influence for Chen >> [_] Anon 840665 >># Better than that fucking Kitchen Play music >> [_] Anon 840666 >># You know thats why there are no cds with this music in stores and why its free on the internet where everyone can enjoy it without paying for it and feeling bad about how they spend their money >> [_] Anon 840766 >># I enjoy this music |