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Threads (6):
File: moetan.swf-(2.62 MB, 550x420, Hentai) [_] good old memories huh? Anon 3295773 >> [_] Anon 3295827 moemoekyun was truly based
File: MoeMoeOukoku_erotic_moetan.swf-(2.62 MB, 550x420, Hentai) [_] Anon 2792384 >> [_] Anon 2792489 This is absurdely hard for normal people to understand >> [_] Anon 2792490 >># >tfw can't speak nipponese. >> [_] Anon 2792497 Just select 3, I personally read it Jam it in, though I wonder what happens if you win at the first 2 games >> [_] Anon 2792498 this is fucking creepy >> [_] Anon 2792499 >># >play tetris >hit level 30 ok this is starting to get fast >level 31 >4 blocks fall down the screen in half a second >> [_] Anon 2792503 fucking level 31 in tetris is god-hard >> [_] Anon 2792536 >># >># just got to 31 myself, is this shit even doable >> [_] Anon 2792541 morm0n jezuzs >> [_] Anon 2792566 oh moe moe oukoku, why did you perish like all good loli swf makers over time ;_;
File: MoeMoeOukoku_erotic_moetan.swf-(2.62 MB, 550x420, Hentai) [_] yay, still siscon sunday Anon 2718751 >> [_] Anon 2718770 Dammit I was getting my Tetris on. Got to 31 before it decided to kill me. >> [_] ~Dark 2718789 >># I feel great for starting Siscon Sunday >> [_] Anon 2718814 >Fuck can't read moonrunes >Fuck I have to make choices in moonrunes >Fuck I have to play Tetri-wait what the fuck? Did I just play tetris till I lost just for a pantyshot of a loli? Will I get better stuff for playing better? >> [_] Anon 2718822 >picks second choice >Moonrune typing game >Literally cannot beat because of gaijin keyboard Damn racist japanese >> [_] Anon 2718868 >># >># But that third option thooooooooooo >> [_] Anon 2718873 >># Meh, fairly shitty smut. >> [_] Anonymouse 2718882 >># yeah it went wayyy faster all of a sudden at 31 for me too
File: moetan.swf-(2.62 MB, 550x420, Anime) [_] Anon 2486521 >> [_] Anon 2486528 >some sort of game involving kanji what please send help >> [_] Anon 2486533 >># Hit the third option at the first prompt. >> [_] Anon 2486540 >># You mean GIVE UP, CLEAR, and a box with a kanji in it? Yeah I figured out that the kanji box is to submit an answer, enter also works. Now explain what the hell. >> [_] Anon 2486548 >># He meant the third option while talking to her. It turns into H. >> [_] Anon 2486553 >># No, I tried typing in H and it still was a wrong answer. You're no help /f/. Don't make me look up a list of kanji and brute force 'em, there's thousands of the fuckers. >> [_] Anon 2486557 >># >># When the girl's talking to you at the beginning (with the uguu face and the sky behind her), you get a choice. It looks like normal dialogue, so it's easy to accidentally pick something and not notice. >> [_] Anon 2486561 It looks like you clicked the second option, somehow. The first option is tetris, btw. >> [_] Anon 2486567 I see. But the question remains, can anyone explain the goal of the kanji game? Now I'm curious. >> [_] Anon 2486614 >># I'm guessing you have to guess which syllable all four kanji can be pronounced as. >> [_] tachibana 2486647 >have sex sometimes bein weeb has its advantageas >> [_] Anon 2486653 >># >sekkusushitai yes >> [_] Anon 2486655 Got to level 13 in Tetris (started at 10) To skip to the tetris end scene, press E or T. To skip to the sex scene, press S. To skip to the kanji game scene, press K. Would you like to repeat this message?
File: moetan.swf-(2.62 MB, 550x420, Hentai) [_] Anon 2139521 >> [_] Anon 2139534 >tfw don't understand moon rune puzzle ;_; >> [_] Anon 2139539 >># Click on the last option >> [_] Winged Kitsune 2139550 What ever happened to the person who made these flashes, anyway? It's like he just dropped off the face of the planet. >> [_] Anon 2139554 >Dat feel when you fuck a girl so hard that when you try to cum inside of her and your dick tears through space and time to give her a cumshot instead. >> [_] Anon 2139557 I came for porn and I got tetris.. I'm ok with it >> [_] Anon 2139600 >sexualizing moetan Why would you do that? >> [_] Anon 2139648 her mouth is so fucking creepy
File[moetan.swf] - (2.62 MB) [_] [H] Anya !!AWUWs68K1zE 1462396 >> [_] Anon 1462413 how many sex scenes is there? So far i got the missionary fuck and after that rub till cum >> [_] Anon 1462436 >># All I know is that I ended up playing Tetris. >> [_] Anon 1462438 >># First option is tetris Second option is some sort of kanji game (Which is impossible if you can't read moonrunes) Third option is ??? >> [_] Anon 1462439 wut... i got 5 squares with moonspeak and had to type something in the middle square >> [_] Anon 1462465 yeah, Tetris! Huh? I can't play? Wait, a duck? Now its over. WTF? >> [_] Anon 1462472 >Click link thinking it will be some average h-game >Get to play tetris FUCK YEAH! >> [_] Space Marine !S2uviewuQE 1462479 >># 3rd Option, the worst option ever! >> [_] Anon 1462480 Play Tetris with this in the background. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWTFG3J1C P8 >> [_] Anon 1462508 TETRIS!!! the best alternative to H i suppose >> [_] Anon 1462510 >># older pervert magician from the magical world becomes a duck when on earth. You'll normally find him drooling when moe-tan does her naked loli transformation sequence :D >> [_] Anon 1462513 Being able to read Japanese sure does help. >> [_] Anon 1462519 A+Enter, recieve sex >> [_] Anon 1462521 >># There are two and being able to penetrate her is random. In order to be able to do so, just keep rubbing her but not too much or else you'll cum and a black bar will appear on her vagina signifying penetration time! (alternatively, as soon as the first sex scene starts, right-click>play 3x to active penetration) oh, and you lose the penetrate part if you let him fully leave her vagina. To get the second scene, after you cum in the first you will get a multiple choice, click the second to get the other scene. Too lazy to find if the being able to do her in this part requires the same strategy as the first but you can just get that to happen by using the alternate method stated above. >> [_] Anon 1462524 >># as far as I see two scenes . one on classroom desk where you rub then it goes straight to insert without option .. .other one is outside by a tree. you rub but then can be given choice to take you elsewhere or maybe the classroom one. Same one under the tree also has where you pull the bottom half over and insert. I'm using media player classic home cinema to check it out so as what to do to get to each one I don't really know since I wasn't play it properly I don't know if my clicks were registering to the right areas when testing it. >> [_] Anon 1462598 Anybody know the name of the generic h-game music in the start? >> [_] Anon 1462602 played for the porn, stayed for the tetris |