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Threads (24):
File: Zelda Heart for the Hero.swf-(3.98 MB, 550x300, Other) [_] Anon 3504883 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3504887 jesus christ this is so old >> [_] Anon 3504915 >># what are you talking about? this just came out yesterday I mean the year is 2007 right? >> [_] Anon 3504916 There's a lot of (((I'm old))) posting lately. I actually think this is yet another demotivation psyop. >> [_] Anon 3504941 >># Yes, everyone knows anyone above the age of 30 has to be a jew. >> [_] Anon 3504943 >># Because You're either a new faggot or above the age of 25 and are still on this shithole for some reason
File: Zelda Heart for the Hero.swf-(3.98 MB, 550x300, Other) [_] fucking pancakes are tiny Anon 3425954 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3425958 I don't think I've ever actually bought a 1-heart heal in any Zelda game. Felt like the most useless filler item. >> [_] Anon 3425963 >># I was expecting hentai or something >> [_] Anon 3425994 >># >this shield is made of wood so it won't block much jncjjcijwojdi3fjiwjij does this nigger not know anything about shields >> [_] Anon 3426030 >># woodys got wood >> [_] Anon 3426079 >># >fucking pancakes are tiny There's a felony-grade facepalm right there. >> [_] Anon 3426080 Classic
/ > /show/ > Thread 14528 Age: 125.04d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 66962 [IMG] A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf (3.98 MiB) 550x300, Compressed (Deflate). 3845 frames, 18 fps (03:34). Ver7, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
File: A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf-(3.98 MB, 550x300, Other) [_] Anon 2171777
File: A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf-(3.98 MB, 550x300, Loop) [_] Anon 2012684 >> [_] Anon 2012756 Hue Hue >> [_] Anon 2012843 >># meeeeeh
File: A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf-(3.98 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1879174 Holy shit. I downloaded this in 2007. >> [_] Anon 1879181 am I the only one who tried to click the 'Kill Navi' button?
File: Zelda - A Heart For The Hero.swf-(3.98 MB, Other) [_] Anon 1872258 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1872552 Classic.
File: A_Heart for the_Hero.swf-(3.98 MB, Loop) [_] /f/ sucks tonight. Anon-sama 1771134 It really, really sucks. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Because /f/ is worth it. Anon-sama 1771136 Not the original name, but it's the genuine article. 'Cause when I think /f/, I think quality. >> [_] Anon 1771137 >># Which is ironic, because this flash is complete garbage. >> [_] Anon-sama 1771139 >># Better than whatever shit YOU could possibly post. >> [_] Anon 1771140 >># smells like summer in here >> [_] Anon-sama 1771142 >># It only started to smell like summer the second you stepped into this thread. >> [_] Anon-sama 1771143 /r/ing some hot man on man action. Fisting, if anyone's got some. >> [_] Anon-sama 1771145 >># Not the thread for that, dipshit. For this, you shall receive a brutal fucking from a corrosive skag in heat. >> [_] Anon-sama 1771146 Which is something I enjoy from time to time, myself. >> [_] Anon-sama 1771147 >># Not funny, faggot. Stop using my name. >> [_] Anon-sama 1771148 Unless you're screaming it. While you're buttfucking me. >> [_] Anon-sama 1771149 >># Uh... I didn't post this. Stop being a faggot. >> [_] Anon-sama 1771151 >># >># Kids, kids. You're BOTH newfags. Really, though, it's sad to see you try and troll a guy that gets off on giving you folks shit just to see what all you can do. Which winds up being rather pitiful. Step up your game. But wait, I just remembered. None of you know how. Keep trying, fags. >> [_] Anon-sama 1771152 >># Oh yeah, real clever. Now you're just butthurt that I'm on to your newfaggotry, and are trying to pre-empt me getting on to you being me by claiming that you're me. Oldfags like me can tell that I'm the real me. >> [_] The One-and-Only Anon-sama 1771153 Trying to samefag the posts of someone else only gets you so far. And none of them really do anything except make you lot look like a bunch of summerfag retards with Asperger's Syndrome. Really, though, keep trying. I can use a good laugh as I read your pitiful attempts to troll me. >> [_] Anon 1771155 >># What is this shit? Is OP even still here? >> [_] Anon-sama 1771156 >># Yep, still here. Just laughing at all the retards trying to piss me off. Because they're failing, and I'm still laughing. >> [_] Anon-sama 1771158 >># Ignore the summerfag. I'm still here. >> [_] Anon-sama 1771159 >># I can't stop laughing at you samefagging this thread up. Is there anyone in this thread that isn't you? >> [_] Anon 1771160 >># Eat shit faggot. YOU'RE NOT ME. >> [_] Anon-sama 1771161 >># Wow, that one doesn't even have my name. Really impressive trolling. >> [_] THE ORIGINAL Anon-sama 1771162 >># But that was me. I just forgot to select it off autofill. >> [_] The One-and-Only Anon-sama 1771163 Still laughing on my end. Because I know you lot are just a bunch of summerfags and newfags dropping in to imitate me. "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." -Charles Caleb Colton So thank you all for giving me the chance to see so many others pretending to be me. Really, I'm flattered. >> [_] Anon 1771165 everyone in this thread is a faggot. its official. >> [_] ohfuckwy !/IPyUlClgk 1771166 wow the amount of butt hurt in this thread is amazing. >> [_] The One-and-Only Anon-sama 1771167 >># Ready for a Criss Angel moment? EVERYONE IN THIS THREAD IS ME. MINDFREAK. >> [_] The One-and-Only Anon-sama 1771168 Oh, but I just realized something! The greatest trolling I've achieved: Getting you to waste minutes of your life trying to troll me, all so I can point at my screen and laugh at your feeble attempts. /f/, you really do suck. Trolling has devolved to this...imitations and newfaggotry. What happened to subtlety? I'll tell you: 4chan happened. It corrupted an art, and made a mockery of it. And yet, I can't complain. Because I'm still laughing my ass off at all of you. >> [_] The One-and-Only Anon-sama 1771169 >># Well, I'm still laughing. It's only the summerfags who are getting butthurt. >> [_] The One-and-Only Anon-sama 1771170 >># Indeed, me. Indeed. >> [_] Anon 1771172 >># u sound mad, bro. >> [_] The One-and-Only Anon-sama 1771173 >># Careful with those trips, man. OP might figure out how big of a faggot he is. I mean... I am. >> [_] The One-and-Only Anon-sama 1771174 >># And...there's the slip-up I was waiting for. You see, you can't keep up charades for long, as ordinary people. You've never put yourself through rigorous training in theater. Becoming other people. Becoming that name on your screen. I AM Anon-sama. No longer bound to the mortal flesh. I am here, in this thread. Watching you all whip them out and measure, seeing just who has the bigger epeen. And watching as you all try to bluff your way to a size far to great for anything but your own imaginations. Ramble aside, I take one look and know who the pale imitations are, compared to myself. Because I do not slip up while I "pretend". For I do not pretend now. >> [_] Anon 1771243 This reminds me of that crazy Vietnam war vet I keep seeing in the subway, talking to himself about day-old cheese and the government controlling him with mind rays. >> [_] Anon 1771248 >># Woah. OP isn't just a faggot. He's a 3rd dan dodecafaggot. >> [_] Anon 1771253 >># The animation is fine, but it wasn't funny. Also I don't get why he said they were out when there was one right behind him. >> [_] Anon 1771266 >># That was the display heart. >> [_] Anon 1771376 >># >># samefag summerfags. >># >># your weaboo names are equally autistic. >> [_] Anon 1771377 >># Flash Sucks >> [_] Anon 1771402 owow, this thread oh you anon-sama
File: A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf-(3.98 MB, Other) [_] A Link to the Friday Anon 1699979 >> [_] Anon 1699982 As an interesting side note to this flash, you can see the triforce pictured in the shop. This is a reference to an April fools joke published by Nintendo on a legit way to acquire the triforce. You had to collect 100 Golden Skulltullas, get a rupee bag that could carry 999 rupees and go back and spend all of them at the kokiri shop. >> [_] Anon 1700030 Good flash, poor ending >> [_] Anon 1700038 older than the internet >> [_] Anon 1700039 >># Yeah, I remember the triforce rumors. I think I remember some girl going to jail for one of the bogus rumors. I also remember a site called the Odyssey of Hyrule. >> [_] Anon 1700045 Is that the same soundboard used for 'Link's Barrel Beat'? Don't know why I noticed that, but wtf. >> [_] Anon 1700050 >># Start as adult link, go up to Epona and shoot him a few times on the neck with your bow, go back to being child link, go to the great fairy’s fountain, throw a Deku Nut at her and she will give you the ability to fly. Go to Hyrule castle, fly into the king’s chamber, kill the king, play the prelude of light, and you will warp to Ganondorf’s room. He will be playing “I left my heart in San Francisco” on his organs and when you get nearer he says “Go away, I can almost do all of this without making any mistakes. Say no until he gets really annoyed and gives you the Triforce of Power so you will go. You are then warped back to your house, where Zelda (adult Zelda) gives you the Triforce of Wisdom. You get to wish for either of three things: 1. The ability to kill anybody by pressing b in front of them, 2. The ability to use all weapons regardless of your age, or 3. The ability to change into any boss whilst fighting a boss.
File[A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [?] Anon 1633401 >> [_] Anon Ymous 1633551 Your shop is NEVER out of hearts until the shopkeepers' heart is taken, too! >> [_] Anon 1633554 link is going to get away with that? the fuck are those surveillance cameras for?
File[Heart_for_the_Hero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [L] A Proper Zelda Flash Anon 1530769 >> [_] Anon 1530770 Anybody have that broken to shit game that was posted on here a while back, it was just you v shadow link, and really had no point, but you could rape shadow link out of the flash's boundries. >> [_] Anon 1530775 Is Mathew Seely the one that did the pancakes are tiny flash? >> [_] Anon 1530849 epic chiptune is epic >> [_] Anon 1530877 >># Yes, yes he is
File[A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [G] Just in time for the 3DS re-release Anon 1524200 >> [_] Anon 1524343 This isn't a game. >> [_] Anon 1524347 That was surprisingly good.
File[A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [?] Anon 1502444 Classic >> [_] Anon 1502477 if only you actually could...
File[A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [?] Anti-furfag Posting FTW Anon 1494077 :) Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1494086 Link? From the old Nintendo game? What the hell is this the 80's again? >> [_] Anon 1494102 >># God I hope you're a troll. >> [_] Anon 1494104 press A and kill navi >> [_] Anon 1494156 would've been better if Link ate the heart at the end, and the music switched to Carmina Burana
File[A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [G] Zelda animation Anon 1473011 Posting because /f/ is a bit weak tonight >> [_] Anon 1473042 FUNNY more like this >> [_] Anon 1473044 Is it bad that I started spamming Kill Navi when I saw it? >> [_] Winged Kitsune 1473055 Haha. Always a fun flash to watch. >> [_] Anon 1473056 old
File[A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [?] HNAAA! Anon 1461473 >> [_] Theodore 1461504 that shopkeeper had to die! Comeon he was pointing at the heart and he couldn't figure that out... ya the land of hyrule is better of without him although link could of played that better... i mean he was caught on 2 cameras he is so going to be imprisoned for it even if the the shopkeeper deserved it >> [_] Anon 1461553 oh wow i remember this. >> [_] Emperor Sain 1461609 classic >> [_] Anon 1461661 loading screen looks like hes masturbating >> [_] Anon 1461697 >># >going to be imprisoned for it If he can defeat the forces of darkness, I'm sure he can kill his way out of prison.
File[A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [G] Anon 1348449 >> [_] Anon 1348453 you got the shopkeepers Heart ewwwww, gross lol, instead of cutting bushes in town until he finds one >> [_] Anon 1348464 this isn't a game >> [_] Anon 1348485 not a game you mistag faggot >> [_] Anon 1348596 no game -.- >> [_] Anon 1348599 Oh, if only the real OoT had a "Kill Navi" button. >> [_] Anon 1348649 lol how old is this thing?
File[A Heart for a Hero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [?] Anon 1337041 /v/ Classic >> [_] Anon 1337071 Sure, if you say so. >> [_] Anon 1337094 A:not that old B:not a /V/ Classic >> [_] Anon 1337115 i think this was jewgrounds frontpage at some point >> [_] !NewFAGb7qU 1337127 link >> [_] Anon 1337175 now i want someone to upload the real legend of zelda or whatever it was called >> [_] Anon 1337180 HUT >> [_] Anon 1337191 no wonder /v/ sucks >> [_] Anon 1337282 lols
File[A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [G] Link has problems nullvoid 1330129 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1330134 Holy shit, that was funny. Saved. >> [_] Anon 1330141 The music made me nostalgia in my pants. >> [_] Anon 1330148 Any more from the creators? >> [_] Anon 1330152 link to creators http://www.sexysexybicycle.net/gallery/g allery.html >> [_] Anon 1330154 Thanks, anon. >> [_] Anon 1330165 That makes more sense. >> [_] Anon 1330308 WHERE THE FUCK IS THE GAME? >> [_] Anon 1330334 so saved, that was awesome
File[-..-flash185--A_Heart_for_the_Hero. swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [?] Anon 1119377 >> [_] Anon 1119385 Why is the shopkeeper not a kid? I thought all Kokiris were kids. >> [_] Anon 1119387 No, this flash is WHY the kokiri forest is full of underageb&. >> [_] Anon 1119449 Why have I not noticed until now that link has a japanese voice. >> [_] Anon 1119452 >># I didn't either, I guess in the original context it seemed uniform.
File[AHeartForTheHero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [?] /r/ing ALL EPIC FLAHES OF ALL TIME Anon 1096239 you know the ones i mean. all the classics and even newer flashes. i lost my usb drive i used for flash vids so i need all of them back. in return, i have one that im sure EVERYBODY will save later. .swf fie related, one of my favs >> [_] Anon 1096274 not that epic... unless ure a zeldafanatic... which i am so FUKIN SAVED >> [_] Anon 1096327 icame
File :[A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [?] link gets a heart Anon 930333 >> [_] Anon 930336 BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was gay and unfunny >> [_] Anon 930372 amazing and ↑ is a homo >> [_] Anon 930432 This joke has been made sooooo many times. >> [_] Anon 930484 It's old, but I still like it. Good animation is always welcome.
File :[A_Heart_for_the_Hero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [?] Anon 878422 Heart for a Hero Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Byere 878484 As a till-worker in his local grocery store, Byere would like to point out how often this has happened to him (minus, of course, the killing part...) Byere lol'd... a lot! >> [_] Byere 878485 >># lol at namefag >> [_] Byere 878580 >># falcepalm.jpg
File :[Zelda_ A Heart for the Hero.swf] - (3.98 MB) [_] [?] Ò Double Ò 856325 >> [_] Anon 856337 Hah. Nice. >> [_] Anon 856346 such realism when drawing the heart yet the shopkeeper had a "dogbone" in his neck >> [_] Anon 856347 love the music looping at the end btw. ...although it doesn't go on forever i noticed while i was typing. damnit. >> [_] Anon 856359 I had to save this one. >> [_] Anon 856361 I lol'd heartily. Thanks anon. >> [_] Kaos Machina 856455 Awesome. >> [_] AR-X !rpXGguGO.E 856489 fukken saved |