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Threads (14):
File: DemonGirl.swf-(1.06 MB, Hentai) [_] Anon 1828331 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1828338 gamesux >> [_] Anon 1828355 >># It's an old flash, what do you expect? >> [_] Anon 1828561 >># It's a shitty artist, what do you expect?
File[[ZONE] - Faye Mini.swf] - (1.06 MB) [_] [H] Enjoy, fuckers. Anon 1686021 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1686023 Fake as >> [_] Anon 1686024 Die in a fire you worthless double nigger. >> [_] Anon 1686025 Your mistake was having mini in there. Also it not being around 6mb. >> [_] sage sage 1686026 The panty/Stocking Mini is 3 megs. Pretty sure the Faye mini would be about the same. Troll harder faggot >> [_] Anon 1686030 Demon girl is a classic though, i upvote this >> [_] sage sage 1686032 sage >>sage I forgot to safge >> [_] Anon 1686033 >># should be larger, zone stated its an interactive animation >> [_] Anon 1686127 Shame about this, a PSG interactive game would really float my boat... (a hentai would be good, too) Anyone care to please tell me where to find good version/what I'm looking for/post original? >> [_] Anon 1686215 >># you....what? get the fuck out you fucking nigger.
File[DemonGirl.swf] - (1.06 MB) [_] [H] What Happened to ULMF? Anon 1546540 It looks like the domain expired >> [_] Anon 1546570 Works fine for me >> [_] Anon 1546571 It's working fine for me too. >> [_] Anon 1546642 Why does it keep redirecting me to http://sokoloperkovuskedi.com/in.php?g=2 06? >> [_] Anon 1546650 >># I seem to only be getting this through a google search url, I could however get back into the ulmf site through the address bar >> [_] Anon 1546653 lol at flash >> [_] Anon 1546744 >># Happened today to me too. Not only from google search, but from inside links too. At first thought I got a redirect virus, then realised it is ULMF itself that is virus-compromised.
File[demongirl.swf] - (1.06 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1514607 >> [_] Anon 1514684 there is nostalgia all over my screen again. must find something to clean it off
File[Demon Girl.swf] - (1.06 MB) [_] [G] Demon Girl Anon 1476810 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Jews4Jesus 1476824 Long time no see Demon Girl =D One of the first pornographic materials I've ever laid eyes on... >> [_] Anon 1476833 >># This flash is old, but sir you are young. Regardless, good flash is good. >> [_] Anon 1476865 Wasn't there some sort of debug menu where you could access all the animations and stuff? >> [_] Anon 1476891 >># Beating it on hard does that. >> [_] Anon 1476905 >># Aha, same here. >> [_] Anon 1476909 So wait, how do I set this on Hard again? Do I just click Hard, close, then play? Because I think it's resetting itself. >> [_] Anon 1476922 Actually, beating it on Normal also unlocks the Showcase. >> [_] Anon 1476958 Didn't a newer better looking one come out a while ago? Wasn't the same guy, but the premise was the same. >> [_] Anon 1476962 >># Likewise. >> [_] Anon 1476965 >># That's weird, I did some beating on hard without any such unlock. >> [_] Anon 1477019 >># OP here. You're right, it's called Angel Girl. It's a complete rip-off of Demon Girl, but I'll admit. It's a good game. I'll post it if I remember to later on today when I get back from school. Oh, it's all Japanese and shit by the way. The game I just mentioned.
File[DemonGirl.swf] - (1.06 MB) [_] [H] Anon 1394872 ya know, you guys can also upload stuff to push out the meet and fuck. Also quit posting in them if they suck. Let them die, alone and barren. (spoilers: they're posting it to get you riled up and it sure is working.) Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1395053 okay i hate searching cause everyone on the search engines are idiots how do you jump having to beat the damn game and get to the showcase? >> [_] Anon 1395096 Yeah I hate those stupid meet and fuck games. They're not even real hentai for fucks sake, if I wanted cartoon porn, I'd fucking kill myself.
File[Angel Girl X Hacked+.swf] - (1.06 MB) [_] [G] For fags who think that Angel Girl is original. Anon 1301683 >> [_] Anon 1301687 it seems massively out dated visually and such these days still the audio and such is the bomb but how is it hacked??? >> [_] Anon 1301688 does this game ever end? like is there a winning scene? it seeds to awesome fan art imo >> [_] Anon 1301689 >># > he took filename seriously >> [_] Anon 1301693 >># http://images.4channel.org/f/src/ending. swf here's the ending (pro tip: she doesn't escape hell) >> [_] Anon 1301763 There are people who seriously think that Angel Girl is original? Fags. Still, aside from the fact that it lacks voice, I prefer Angel Girl over Demon Girl. >> [_] Anon 1301765 Fact is, Angel girl references linemarvel in the credits. So yeah.
File[290300_DemonGirl.swf] - (1.06 MB) [_] [H] See, what I thought was... Anon 1279122 See, what I thought was, I'd be nice and upload a reasonable H flash. >> [_] Anon 1279145 It's actual got good variety in it but the art doesn't look like it's up to snuff anymore. >> [_] Anon 1279186 Bump for a gallery cheat or something. >> [_] Â 1279257 penises >> [_] Anon 1279295 >># agreed now deliver >> [_] Anon 1279322 There's a cheat mode right in the options, what more do you want? >> [_] Anon 1279406 Just beat the easy ass game to unlock the sandbox. >> [_] Anon 1279781 >># this WAS made like 5 years ago >> [_] Anon 1279860 add these sounds to angel girl = instant win... maybe
File[DemonGirl.swf] - (1.06 MB) [_] [H] demon girl Sturm !!QEGBmCAyWw1 1219222 nostalgia you lose Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1219254 What happens if you win? >> [_] Anon 1219263 I fapped to Jungle Girl alot more. >> [_] Anon 1219274 Turn on sandbox mode in the Options menu to get rid of Energy Restriction. Now you can get raped all day long. >> [_] Anon 1219484 I can't believe I actually fapped to this.
File[DemonGirl.swf] - (1.06 MB) [_] [H] Demonic Saturday! Anon 1208995 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1209006 Nostalgia'd >> [_] Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 1209014 Wow plays like shit >> [_] Anon 1209015 ToonPimp's RoR whips this back and front. Someone tell Linemarvel to go back to reality, Not to 4chan. :) >> [_] The Janitor !vblZ4/wWS6 1209027 >># God damn I wish I could post .gifs on /f/, because you. Need to Shut. The. Fuck. Up. >> [_] Anon 1209037 >># I want .gifs too! So i can say NO U! >> [_] Anon 1209126 Horrible sound, it's like every shit porno ever. >> [_] Anon 1209149 >># Me too. >> [_] Anon 1209194 I remember when this first came out on NG >> [_] Anon 1209273 moar? >> [_] Anon 1209288 >># this game is old as all hell. I guess toonpimp's games are a bit better but they're still shit, and furry shit at that. overall I'm just disappointed that there's barely any english language content out there, everyone except zone either barely puts out any work or puts out piles of shit.
File[290300_DemonGirl.swf] - (1.06 MB) [_] [H] holy crap actual H Anon 1143615 Now stop using the [H] tag for stupid crap. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1143637 >># Fraid that'll never happen >> [_] Anon 1143639 >># LET ME DREAM, DAMN YOU >> [_] Anon 1143641 Pro strategy guide for beating hard mode (switch to hard in options) or getting really far in gauntlet. Always fly high until you see the pattern where there's a medium and high level of "green thing" -- at which point press space bar to blow them up (or slow down, fly low, then speed back up). Never try to just swoop down without slowing down because there's an animation delay and chances are you'll get caught. This is only true, of course, when monsters are chained so closely together you'll have no time to simply drop down while at full speed. You should really never be caught, but when you are just spam right-control/space bar. Once they "cum" immediately switch back to arrow key position. >> [_] Anon 1143654 >># this isn't a hard enough game to justify strategy tips. >> [_] Anon 1143664 >># My grandma beat this, that has to say something about the difficulty. She even borrowed my hand! Not for the game part though... >> [_] Anon 1143682 >># Are you on hard mode? Normal is a joke by comparison. >> [_] Anon 1143692 >># why would you play hard mode at all? It isn't a very fun game, and I'm not even clear on whether I want to win at all in the first place. >> [_] Anon 1143722 >># ...Of course, it doesn't mean shit now that Jesus died for your sins, and you no longer have to follow those stone tablet commandments so long as you know what you did was wrong and ask for forgiveness. >> [_] Anon 1143725 >># Of course, although you can't keep doing bad things and keep asking for forgiveness because you think you'll recieve it. I'm 20 and struggling with masturbation, and it's been pretty damn hard not to, let me tell you... >> [_] Anon 1143726 spam the author over at newgrounds to hurry the fuck up with the next one it looks actually half decent >> [_] Anon 1143769 >># >I'm 20 and struggling with masturbation Give yourself a good reason (like getting laid) and you'll find you're able to resist it. I've been off it for weeks now. Also, don't go to the imageboards. Aside from that I do have to wonder though why anyone would *not* want to fap. It's harmless fun that helps you get through a basic need (like eating, sleeping) without any cost. Most guys do it all their life without any consequences. >> [_] Anon 1143838 is THAT what happens when you die?! >> [_] Anon 1143877 Ahhh man. I nostalgia'd >> [_] Anon 1143904 Is this even worth beating?
File : [Demon Girl.swf] - (1.06 MB) [_] [H] game Anon 1011621 /d/ related flash game. Also, can anyone rip the pics from the game and make them into gifs? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1011657 Damn I loved this game. This was my #1 fap game untill I grew into regular PC games. The original author of the "girl" series (consisting of Jungle Girl, Demon Girl, and a work-in-progress Mystic Girl) Last updated his page saying he stopped work on the extremely anticipated "Mystic Girl" to persue another project. He hasn't updated his site for how long... Almost a year. There is a whole forum dedicated to his work, and his old friends in the forum (ULMF.org) wish to finish the game, but they don't have the skill or artwork that the original author has. The project is probably erased from his computer, and he's probably married with children and a steady full time job making $$. =\ bad example for the designers of /d/-related games. >> [_] Anon 1011668 This is utter crap. Bad game, bad art. I remember these years ago and they were awful even then. I'm glad he had the sense to get a job and do something else. >> [_] Anon 1011670 if only I had a decomplier dear god I'd make the graphics wonderful. but alas, I am a lazyass. if you find a fla of this laying around, link me up and I'll revamp all the graphics and add some stuff to it. I'm great at drawing, but suck at codeing. >> [_] Anon 1011679 how is this a hentai game? Cant play one handed :c >> [_] Anon 1011711 >># I like the sound of that. Maybe offer to draw for the dude's next project? Or work with someone else, since every once in a while there's aspiring /f/ artists here who could definitely use a hand in the art department. >> [_] Anon 1011758 crap game is crap >> [_] Anon 1011772 >># That's what the "sandbox" mode is for. Just let the shit fuck her and fap to you little heart's content. >> [_] Anon 1011812 >># also if you beat the game you get to watch her get fucked by whatever >> [_] Anon 1011870 >># Screen cap and pics >> [_] Anon 1011890 there was a code to unlock the gallery without having to get through the whole thing. anyone remember what it was? >> [_] Anon 1011907 I tried to hack it so that gauntlet mode went directly to the showcase gallery, but the animations got fucked up from the decompiling so colors vanish, I can still upload it if anyone wants it, but it is even more shitty now. >> [_] Anon 1011909 I'll take it. I'm going to fix a lot of the animation anyhow. >> [_] Anon 1011914 >># just uploaded it, want the FLA file? >> [_] Anon 1011924 yes. >> [_] Anon 1011926 and if you include the unhacked fla, I'd present you with some internets. >> [_] Anon 1011948 >># >># I'm trying to upload the fla onto my server, I had to create a php script to upload the file since theres a file size limit on the conventional upload. >> [_] Anon 1011959 heres the fla for anyone interested http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=705fc e21bdf2a9c124a64199ac7f73e5e04e75f6e8ebb8 71
File :[290300_DemonGirl.swf] - (1.06 MB) [_] [H] Demon Girl in its entirety. Enjoy. Anon 897139 Demon Girl in its entirety. Enjoy. >> [_] Anon 897170 WARNING You are about to play a hentai game. It has a naked woman and tentacles in it. They have sex. >> [_] Anon 897175 PROTIP: OPEN ON SWFPLAYER USE TRACKING BAR TO SKIP GAME GET FREE HEWT TENTACLE SEX >> [_] Hentonymous 897178 Or you could just lose the game. She gets fucked by the tentacles anyway. It's win/win no matter what. >> [_] Anon 897294 Put a penis on her >> [_] Anon 897298 The problem with games like this is that the "sex" scenes are often too terrible to be called fap-worthy. They don't show much, have the character SPAM moaning in an awkward manner, and the cum looks less like jizz and more like mayo or sour cream. They need to have much more interesting sex scenes before it can really be called a "hentai game". As is, it's hardly a game at all! >> [_] 897310 >># listen to this man, he has spent more time watching porn flash games then the rest of us combined... TWICE
Unrecognized thread format. File :[1137762840790.swf] - (1.06 MB) [_] [H] DemonGirl GauHelldragon 834486 >> [_] Anon 834538 older than the internet >> [_] Anon 834556 I remember when this was the best hentai flash out there. ......six years ago. |