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Threads (16):
File: inuyasha.swf-(476 KB, 450x450, Other) [_] Anon 3361831 >> [_] Anon 3361845 I like this >> [_] Anon 3361848 Sauce on song? >> [_] Anon 3361915 >># Love a Riddle from Please Teacher
File: inuyasha.swf-(476 KB, 450x450, Hentai) [_] Anon 3336881 >> [_] Anon 3336886 >># Haha, i COULD FAP TO THAT!" >> [_] Anon 3336912 ech, if only the anime was anything like that >> [_] Anon 3336929 ahahaha damn these flashes here, glad I'm wasting my time over here while downloading this Silent Hill 2 iso at the blazing speeds of 200kb/s
File: inuyasha.swf-(476 KB, 450x450, Anime) [_] Anon 3232132 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3232265 inuyasha needed to get laid
File: inuyasha.swf-(476 KB, 450x450, Other) [_] smugfu 3228324 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3228392 classic bemanimegami >> [_] Anon 3228398 ah yes how pleasant haven't seen this in ages >> [_] Anon 3228420 Not enough Sesshomaru. >> [_] Anon 3228435 Can someone send me the music from this ...flash >> [_] Anon 3228436 >># sent ;) >> [_] Anon 3228442 >># Yay can you tell me the name of the song XD
File: inuyasha.swf-(476 KB, 450x450, Anime) [_] Anon 3087085 >> [_] Anon 3087123 what's the song? >> [_] Anon 3087182 >># Song is Love a riddle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn7W79eS x2Q
File: inuyasha.swf-(476 KB, 450x450, Loop) [_] Anon 3079014
File: inuyasha.swf-(476 KB, 450x450, Anime) [_] smugfu 3035736 >> [_] Anon 3035744 I wish Inuyasha would mount me...
File: inuyasha.swf-(476 KB, 450x450, Anime) [_] Anon 2009438 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2009459 song? >> [_] Anon 2009493 at least use actual clips if youre this bad at drawing >> [_] inuyasha.swf Mr.Tsubaki 2009541 I Demand this song it brings the kawaiiness in my heart I MUST KNOW THE SOURCE !!!!! >> [_] Anon 2009583 >># >># Onegai Teacher - Love a Riddle Artist is Kokoro, well known around here for Agony http://gendou.com/amusic/?filter=onegai+ teacher+love+a+riddle >> [_] inuyasha.swf Mr.Tsubaki 2009585 Ah thank you very much obliged :3 >> [_] Anon 2009620 >># came for the horny, was dissapointed >> [_] inuyasha.swf Mr.Tsubaki 2009623 I was pretty sure this was kotoko sounds just like her :P
File: inuyasha.swf-(476 KB, Anime) [_] Anon 1747285 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1747290 Hey, this isn't the flash where you throw a rock at him! >> [_] Anon 1747595 the entire show in a nutshell
File[inuyasha.swf] - (487 KB) [_] [A] Anon 1562344 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1562347 Fuck You OP. ;_; >> [_] Anon 1562432 song suace >> [_] Anon 1562436 Inuyasha! Kagome! Inuyasha! Kagome! >> [_] Anon 1562491 Song sauce: KOTOKO - LOVE A RIDDLE from the Onegai Teacher Vocal Best Album >> [_] Anonymouse 1562519 I always fall for this flash... still funny though.
File[inuyasha.swf] - (487 KB) [_] [A] Anon 1044509 >> [_] Anon 1044529 lol, the thing about the music from this flash is that I never heard it playing from the anime yet the style of this music makes it obvious that it is related to this anime. Anyone have full song sauce? >> [_] AceofWind 1044533 The intro and end music from Inuyasha makes me feel Nostalgic for some reason. >> [_] Anon 1044535 Onegai Teacher OST2 - Love A Riddle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn7W79eSx 2Q >> [_] AceofWind 1044536 >># Actually make that just the end/outro/Credits music because I don't think I ever heard the intro themes.
File : [inuyasha.swf] - (487 KB) [_] [H] [U] [R] [R] Sanae Hanekoma !iFurFagcbM 1014423
File :[inuyasha.swf] - (487 KB) [_] [J] Sanae Hanekoma !iFurFagcbM 981383 >> [_] Anon 981403 I was anticipating fail, but I lol'd.
File :[inuyasha.swf] - (487 KB) [_] [H] Sanae Hanekoma !iFurFagcbM 934343 Error: Duplicate file entry detected FUCK YOU MOOT D: Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 934405 so you go and post this instead. >> [_] Anon 934538 ummm wtf >> [_] Anon 934590 It's not yiff if it doesn't animal fucking animal newfag. However I won't sage this cause this is some good music. >> [_] Anon 934640 >># Do you like jpop? ^_^ >> [_] freedon !!/5rOB1BcqTe 934657 Sup Hanekoma >> [_] Anon 934728 >># J-Pop does´t exist, is just "Pop". Or you name "E-Pop" to the english speaked?. Actually, Pop = Popular, J-Pop is the Popular Japanese music of the moment (in either style).
File :[inuyasha.swf] - (487 KB) [_] [H] Inuyasha.... "Kagome...." Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917055 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 917061 Music is the opening or ending from either please teacher or please twins. *off to watch* >> [_] Anon 917064 Sanae, you and Dan should go run together off the edge of a cliff. Stop flooding /f/ with these shitty flashes, you dratted namefags. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917070 >># Fuck you. I'm a tripfag. And if we ran together off the edge of a cliff, a fucking MOVIE would be made about it. >> [_] Anon 917074 >># No, fuck YOU. You're a namefag, a newfag, and a fag altogether. A movie would be made indeed: a movie praising the release of /f/ from Dan the Faggot and Sanae the Weeabo newfag. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917079 >># Lol leejun anonymous XD So randum >> [_] Anon 917084 >># I posted something for you two self-labled tripfags (namefags who just wish they weren't namefags) Enjoy. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917093 >># We have a tripcode. This makes us Trip FAGS. God damn! >> [_] Anon 917096 >># No, that makes you namefags wishing you were something more. Get over yourself. You think you're too good for /f/, so get off of it. Go hang out with the /fit/fags or the /fa/shion queers or something. >> [_] Anon 917097 >># >># >># If you dumbasses learned to ignore the fucking trolls, maybe they would not be so fucking successful now would they? Instead, you all have to "forget" to use sage, thus keeping this flash bumped. >> [_] Anon 917100 >># Its more fun this way. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917108 >># Sage's functionality was removed, god fucking damn. Do people EVER read the stickies? >> [_] Anon 917109 sure is /f/aggotry in here >> [_] DAN MOTHERFUCKING !t1HiBIKIJA 917110 I love you guys. Let's have a group hug. >> [_] Anon 917112 c'mon /f/, don't be like this. we're actually supposed to get along on this board. >> [_] Anon 917113 >># Anyone using the name Anon should not get along with these invading namefags. Ugh. >> [_] Anon 917114 >># your mom's functionality was removed >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917116 >># >># >># I love you guys. I'd post a love flash, but I'm out of posts... <3 >> [_] Anon 917118 >># Die. >> [_] DAN MOTHERFUCKING !t1HiBIKIJA 917119 >># That's why I was adopted. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917120 >># Only for you, dear. >> [_] Anon 917121 >># >># A curse on the both of you. >> [_] DAN MOTHERFUCKING !t1HiBIKIJA 917122 >># A CURSE TO LOVE YOU TOO MUCH MY CUDDLY LITTLE ANONYBEAR~ >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917123 >># Nyahah. We could play pretend~ >> [_] Anon 917125 Oh look, I saged. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917126 >># It bumped it. Holy fuck, what a surprise. >> [_] Anon 917127 >># And it didn't get bumped. Damn you are a shitty troll. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917129 >># Zetta slow, dear. >> [_] Anon 917130 >># >># Well that's because you are bumping it. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917131 >># And your sage's negated? Oh, hmm. Sage's effective, isn't it honey bun? >> [_] Anon 917134 NO ONE GIVES A FUCK FAGGOTS KILL YOURSELVES >> [_] Project Katz !cfZiGIAqOg 917135 I have to say, splendid troll, just splendid, meow. I can always appreciate someone who can piss off the general population of a board without even seemingly trying, meow. >> [_] Anon 917136 >># Why don't you just rot in hell, you DOUBLE NIGGER. >> [_] Anon 917140 >># >># It's because sage only works once per unique poster per thread. dumbasses. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917141 >># Nyaha, got me. Or did you? >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917142 >># You read the stickies, smart man. <3 >> [_] Anon 917143 Bumping for the sake of bumping. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917144 >># Damn dude, add to the hueg post count moar. >> [_] Maxieman !!vf0ulOk/Jvd 917145 FURFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917149 >># Only on wednesday. Butterfly. >> [_] Maxieman !!vf0ulOk/Jvd 917151 >># more like FURSDAY THE DAY OF FAGS >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917153 >># Oh you >> [_] Anon 917156 Master troll. Pissed off all of /f/ with only a few posts. >> [_] Maxieman !!vf0ulOk/Jvd 917158 also, It's mail time >> [_] DAN MOTHERFUCKING !t1HiBIKIJA 917159 >># :3c >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917161 >># Gods yes. I wanna wail already. >> [_] DAN MOTHERFUCKING !t1HiBIKIJA 917162 >># HERE'S THE MAIL IT NEVER FAILS IT MAKES ME WANNA WAG MY TAIL WHEN IT COMES I WANNA WAIL MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIII IIL >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917163 >># Squee! >> [_] Anon 917164 lol, postan in a troll thread. And people say that tripfags dont just troll. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917166 >># I actually contribute every now and then. I'll post Zone - Haruko tomorrow to make up for the trollin'. >> [_] Anon 917186 >># Firstly, that's not your line, Hanekoma. It's Pi Face's. Secondly, this is single greatest trolling I've seen in MONTHS. >> [_] Anon 917190 Tripfags are why we can't have nice things. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917192 >># Oh. Lemme go grab Sho then. >> [_] Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 917194 >># STOP USING MY LINES YOU WORTHLESS ZERO >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917196 Wrong line. Fuck. >> [_] Anon 917215 I hope you fucking namefags die painful furfag worthy deaths in a fire. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917216 >># I purred reading this >> [_] Anon 917217 It goes in one field. >> [_] it Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917223 >># Am I doing it right? >> [_] Vidyaman !!g6C2feaBybE 917228 >58 posts y u do dis? >> [_] Chowder !WSgPeEy3kM 917232 Can I join the circle jerk? >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917235 >60 replies Fuck >> [_] Anon 917239 >># >># >># >># >># ...because if you post annonymously by default but choose to gain a sense of identity in your posting, it most likely means that you are an attention grubbing whore who has their heart on being a board celebrity rather than actually contributing anything worthwhile. (Taken from ED) >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917242 >># Fuck dude I just watched overdrive. Rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are rabbits are... >> [_] Anon 917243 >># Die. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917244 >># I might later, dear. I have to post Zone - Haruko today. >> [_] Anon 917245 >># Fuck off you Weeabo fucking furfag piece of faggot shit. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917247 >># I'm glad you think so highly of me. >> [_] Anon 917252 <insert random penis joke here> >> [_] Anon 917253 >># Can't top the score with those kinds of insults. Gotta have originality. >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 917254 >># Dick this, you joke! TWISTEEEERRRRRRRRRR WALRUS! >> [_] Anon 917260 just bumping in to see why this thread has so many replies, turns out someone told a namefag off for being a name fag, and it actually tried to defend itself. I've filed the necessary paperwork for this large thread under these conditions and expect things to go smoothly. Finding someone dumb enough to still be trolled on 4chan is indeed just cause for a heug thread. oh also: dear op, tripfag, namefag, remember, in the end your just a fag. >> [_] Dennis Jensen - King of /b/ !fpXAASGpVs 917262 ATTENZION: You're all faggots. Go to bed. Sage still works. Thank you >> [_] Sho_Minamimoto !DRoPZETTAU 917265 >># >Sage still works. TROLLIN GAEMS >> [_] XXXMechaStormMasterOfTheApocalypseZeroXXX 917281 lol >> [_] Anon 917291 I saw this had 74 replies and thought that whatever flash was posted must have been some crazy shit. But instead it's just people bitching about tripfags. >> [_] test Anon 917298 test >> [_] friendsofsandwiches 917304 Hay, is this some draaaaamaaaa? >> [_] Anon 917308 I just put something in the email field that's poisonous to trolls. >> [_] Anon 917310 I once saged a troll in Reno, just to watch him cry. >> [_] Anon 917315 how the fuck did this shithole of a thread get 79 replies? (now 80) >> [_] Anon 917324 amidoinitrite?
File :[inuyasha.swf] - (487 KB) [_] [H] God damnit Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 895916 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Vidyaman !!g6C2feaBybE 895919 what the fuck did I just watch... >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 895921 >># The most shit you'll ever watch; you'd rather be playing defcon >> [_] !.xrvAWQJCw 895923 what the fuck >> [_] Anon 895940 >># A combination of both weabooism and a dog-fucking fetish. >> [_] Anon 895964 AH MY EYES AND MY EARS FUCK AAH >> [_] Anon 895965 This is an accurate representation of that abomination >> [_] Anon 895967 Tab for win? >> [_] Sanae Hanekoma !dsnqVcCAT. 895968 Well /f/ I'm done raiding for the night I'll post some actually good flash later if I'm still awake >> [_] Anon 896037 beautiful... the most stunningly accurate thing I've seen on /f/ in a while >> [_] Anon 896052 /r/ moar... :| >> [_] Anon 896084 try clicking once it gets to the flashing part? >> [_] Anon 896094 oddwebsite is such a wonderful place >> [_] Anon 896149 >># Hell (its a place for fun) >> [_] Anon 896236 I lol'd >> [_] Anon 896263 My brain just threw up. |