| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES • C • SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229942 |
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Threads (3):
File: be05f8f22e3c0dbdfcccad80e8b43382.swf-(189 KB, Other) [_] sexy Anon 1818679 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1818794 I could tell it was furry by the filename; not even going to bother opening it. >> [_] Anon 1818844 Guy's gotta know how to eat. >> [_] Anon 1818849 >># BULLSHIT!!! >> [_] Anon 1818853 >># Lying on the internet, is a terrible and common thing faggot. >> [_] Anon 1818863 X3
File :[Fucking Furries2.swf] - (194 KB) [_] [?] Anon 992295 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 992531 Owned, that is all
File :[Fucking Furries2.swf] - (194 KB) [_] [H] The other one seemed to get a nice positive response so I posted the sequel. Anon 919056 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 919062 that was horrible. i couldnt even see anything. fuck that >> [_] Anon 919065 like the way that you did it siple but effective, i think everyone could guess what was going on lol >> [_] Anon 919068 fail. other one was better >> [_] Anon 919073 more, but better than this plz >> [_] Anon 919088 >># so wheres the first? >> [_] Anon 919091 the first 404'd type in fuckingfurries in swfchan.com >> [_] Anon 919092 >># thankyou sir >> [_] Anon 919101 indeed anon. >> [_] Anon 919103 http://files1.swfchan.com/Fucking%20Furr ies.swf?%3E56163073512-501030615200-82771 866 >> [_] Anon 919104 i think the first is hot, any more op? >> [_] Anon 919105 yeah i need another >> [_] Anon 919132 more >> [_] Anon 919138 Wow... I didn't expect this to get such a good response. I mean, this is 4Chan, and this flash is... furfaggotry. What kind of alternate universe have I stumbled upon? >> [_] Anon 919153 >># its called newfaggotry (it rules doesn't it). take a time machine and go back at least a year or two and get b& >> [_] Anon 919226 >># hahaha >> [_] Anon 919228 >># no u. fucking furfags should die. >> [_] Anon 919311 Hey, it's >># Maybe you newfags misinterpreted my comment eariler. Lemme translate. I. Don't. Like. You. You're a furfag if you like this, and a furfag if you watch this. Take your own goddamn time machine and go to the end of time, where there'll be an ever-burning pyre with a sign on it labeled 'Furfag Corpses Only - No Dumping'. So until you get this right, I'll sage every fucking thread you put on /f/, for the good of /f/. Fuck off, die in a pillar of fire mingled with salt, have your charred corpse dragged out by a large man recently released from prison AKA Bubba, who consequently rapes said corpse, before we give it up to a school of pirahna. And then, we catch said pirahna and burn THEM. This is an epidemic, and I'm part of the antidote. >> [_] Anon 919317 >># http://xkcd.com/471/ >> [_] Anon 919330 about source: is cold death the creator daniel renard closed his site and his DA account is also almost dead (he have not updated anything for over year) still there is porn and more interesting flashes but nobody collecting them I was asking him for upload (ages ago) but he refused >> [_] Anon 919334 >># Youre just mad because you are a DISGUSTING FAT-BODY. >> [_] Anon 919335 >># HEY, NOT COOL MAN. IM NOT DEFENDING THE FURFAG(S), BUT THIS IS JUST RACIST! BUBBA HAS FEELINGS TOO, Y'KNOW! AT LEAST HE'S TRYING TO CLEAN UP HIS IMAGE AND STAY IN PRISON. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO STAY IN A PRISON CELL FOR 30 YEARS, HAVING TO LIVE WITH THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE ANALLY MOLESTED EVERY MAN IN THE PRISON, AND WILL HAVE NO NEW MEAT FOR ANOTHER 30? BUBBA IS NO FURFAG, AND DISLIKES BEING ASSOCIATED WITH SUCH SCUM, BUT YOU MUST UNDERSTAND HOW TEMPTING IT IS TO RAPE THAT FLAMING CORPSE. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE CLEANSING FLAMES HAVE DESTROYED THAT DISGUSTING FURSUIT AND THE CREATURE UNDERNEATH CLOSLY RESEMBLES A HUMAN. ALL BUBBA ASKS IS THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THE HE IS ONLY HUMAN AND CANNOT CONTROL HIS DESIRES, HE DOES NOT EXPECT FORGIVENESS OR VINDICATION, ONLY EMPATHY. >> [_] Anon 919353 >># Do you want to sage threads as a WISE MAN? Not using SAGERU?.. >> [_] Anon 919360 And here I thought San Renard was dead. >> [_] Anon 919361 I love how much bawwww furries cause in 4chan these days >> [_] Anon 919364 >># I love that it's not furries who bawwww >> [_] Anon 919365 >># >># I like Ike. >> [_] Anon 919402 >># It's good that you like. |