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Threads (6):
File: 420686_stormwinds_v1_5.swf-(3.16 MB, Game) [_] Gnerrs 1813683 >> [_] Anon 1813688 Firing only one turret at a time... yeah pass >> [_] Anon 1813790 >># Put the heavy cannon out first, and just upgrade it for health. Put the machine gun 'neath the armor piercing gun and save up for a damage buffer. Game becomes easy modo
File :[420686_stormwinds_v1_5.swf] - (3.16 MB) [_] [G] /r/ inside Anon 958079 /r/ing a version with the extra content Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 958124 This game sucks, you have to manually control everything. >> [_] Glaciod !!FIKs9rk6k0M 958138 >># Which might be fine but the weapons are all rubbish. I'm at third stage and it's retarded. Do the guns level up are is there an autopilot or something? >> [_] Anon 958204 /r/ hacked version. >> [_] Anon 958264 It's not that hard. 1. Get the double barrel machine gun in your foremost spot, and save up upgrade points for damage before anything else. 2. Get the shield tower and put that in the back somewhere, and at the start of the match focus it on the machine gun. 3. As you go through, don't worry about HP much, just upgrade specials and damage until you can't anymore, then you can start wasting points on HP. Fire rate is the second thing you should worry about on that machine gun. 4. If you have enough money for extra towers, go ahead and throw in another shield if you've got room or feel like you need it, and/or buy the damage booster. The only other thing that's remotely useful is the rocket tower, you can keep a few circling or use them to hit weak spots on big ships, or get through the DR that the machine gun has a hard time with if you haven't been able to upgrade damage yet. >> [_] Anon 958267 you can level up the weapons >> [_] Anon 958299 >># yeah but they still suck and you can't take XP from mission to mission
File :[420686_stormwinds_v1_5.swf] - (3.16 MB) [_] [G] Anon 952880 How the hell are you supposed to play this game? >> [_] Anon 952886 /r/ing a hacked version >> [_] Anon 952893 Stormwinds is pretty easy. Forget the noob cannon. Stick with machine guns, add some support drones. Once you have some cash saved up there's also a hilarious strategy that's drones/baloon-bombs only. Otherwise stick with machine guns, damage adders and make sure to get the fake towers to mislead fire. >> [_] saltedfish !jk.4rLIsk. 952938 yeah, build one machine gun, wait a few waves, upgrade its damage, and rape everything. also occasionally buy other turrets to give the flying shit something else to shoot at. enemies will target based on which turret is closest to them, so if you put your main turret in the back, and a throwaway one in the front, you can get a little more life out of your main turret. >> [_] Anon 952948 get noob cannon, build fake towers, build two shield towers. one targeting the shield tower that's targetting you. win every round.
File :[420686_stormwinds_v1_5.swf] - (3.16 MB) [_] [G] Stormwinds Anon 919395 derp Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 919420 agreed. >> [_] Anon 919423 holy shit did that ever suck >> [_] Anon 919644 Wave 5 is hardcore >> [_] Anon 919647 i think i accidentally bombed myself >> [_] Anon 919671 GO FASTER
File :[420686_stormwinds_v1_5.swf] - (3.16 MB) [_] [?] Anon 914292 [G]ood [G]od! >> [_] Anon 914373 ...Yikes, that's fast.
File :[stormwinds-v1.5.swf] - (3.16 MB) [_] [G] request deluxe version Anon 858710 I can't buy it roght now, anyone could please post the deluxe version? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 858716 Also save it before play it so you won't lose your save. >> [_] Anon 858752 I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow >> [_] Anon 858834 i fucking hate you anon >> [_] Anon 858855 >># He is anon, I am anon, you are anon. >> [_] trance !!G5VqK58lYR4 858870 anon, you tightass >> [_] Anon 858956 no deluxe version? |