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Threads (31):
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Classic Anon 3510734 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3510787 >># Stuck on 42. Click on the number, dead, can't click on the question number >> [_] Anon 3510794 >># It's the 42nd 42. >> [_] Anon 3510796 >># it didn't let you click 42? >> [_] Anon 3510808 It's muscle memory at this point
File: 365143_Impossible_Quiz_Deluxe_NG..swf-(7 .98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 3509019
File: 365143_Impossible_Quiz_Deluxe_NG..swf-(7 .98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 3500242 Well, can you beat it anon? >> [_] Anon 3500247 >># I can but I don't wanna >:( >> [_] Anon 3500268 >># In my attempts I got walled around 103ish (moon and sun question), I'm I can get past it, just lost my patience to grind up to that point (without just looking up spoilers) >> [_] Anon 3500309 done https://files.catbox.moe/d3ugln.jpg >> [_] Anon 3500311 >># the absolute madlad
/ > /swf/ > Thread 31088 Age: 50.01d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 >> dagobah 99630 game game [IMG] The_Impossible_Quiz.swf (7.99 MiB) 550x400, Compressed (Deflate). 407 frames, 24 fps (00:17). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 3492529
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] question 106 has some deep feels Anon 3484977 >> [_] Anon 3485000 >># Tried this once 15 years ago and won't ever try this shit again. I even made it to the last regular question. >> [_] Anon 3485037 >># but did you beat it? >> [_] Anon 3485042 this brings me back ty
File: The_Impossible_Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] can you complete it? Anon 3467402 98% of people will never read this comment, or pass the quiz >> [_] Anon 3467407 >># I always check threads with a subject because they might have a post inside! Still not gonna play this shit (again). >> [_] Anon 3467432 >># i do... and i'm stuck at the question 42 >> [_] Anon 3467434 I got close a long, long time ago. >> [_] Anon 3467435 Half the quiz is muscle memory at this point >> [_] Anon 3467436 I BEAT IT YOU FAT CUNTS HAHAHA >> [_] Anon 3467443 >># blue red blue yellow 4 8 15 16 23 42 i still remember this damn thing
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Dumping my old stuff before the end Anon 3449671 Take good care of em boys Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3449700 holy shit thxxxxx >> [_] Anon 3449726 A = 1st B = 2nd C = 3rd D = 4th E = 5th F = 6th G = 7th But not according to this. >> [_] Anon 3449729 >># Here, I'm going to spell it out for you. What is the 7th letter of >THE ALPHABET ? Can you figure it out now? >> [_] Anon 3449745 >There are people in Anno Domini 2020 who don't have the answers muscle memorized
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 3418704
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 3410836 >> [_] Anon 3410852 >># I remember this. Never beat it. >> [_] Anon 3410858 >tfw can't spell hores >> [_] Anon 3410869 fuck done with this shit level 60 did trail and error for every thing other then blu, green, pink and wing dings so stupid /filtered /blog >> [_] Anon 3410881 >># I'm gonna ass-rape your dad, OP faggot gonna beat your ass afterwards. Your sister owns your nuts too. >> [_] Anon 3410905 remember not to use skips >> [_] Anon 3410928 >># >He doesn't remember the answers from trial and error a decade ago >># Some of the questions just aren't worth doing >> [_] Anon 3410930 lvl 62 maybe next time
File: The_Impossible_Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 3341031 Time for a classic. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3341047 >># i've forgotten how to get past 42 >> [_] Anon 3341050 >># Click the 42nd 42 >> [_] Anon 3341058 >># It's amazing how after all the years I still remember 90% of the answers and click them almost mechanically >> [_] Anon 3341059 I have The Impossible Quiz 2 saved on my hard drive alongide this for the day that I actually manage to beat this piece of shit. To this day, I still have not launched The Impossible Quiz 2. >> [_] Anon 3341086 >># Think about how many brain cells we used up as kids to carve this into our brains. It'll probably flash before our eyes when we die. >> [_] Anon 3341107 I just managed to beat it finally. I don't even remember how many years it's been since I started. >> [_] Anon 3341162 >># congratz anon >> [_] Anon 3341198 >># Stuck on 15. Wtf. >> [_] Anon 3341199 >># I know that feel, I can't get past the end of the world. >> [_] Anon 3341200 >># Click the exclamation point.
File: theimpossiblequiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] QUIZ TIME! Anon 3332276 Can you beat the Impossible Quiz?! >> [_] Anon 3332294 I am stuck on the "42" question. Which of the options is the right one? >> [_] Anon 3332300 >># 42 >> [_] Anon 3332360 That feel when you can still answer the first like 20 question off your head. >> [_] Anon 3332378 >># its the 42nd 42 baka >> [_] Anon 3332386 >># Right? Middle school typing class trained me well. >> [_] Anon 3332391 >># glad this is the version with the rocky theme. thanks op!
File: theimpossiblequiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 3316185 >> [_] Anon 3316247 how the hell do i remember half of these i havent played this since high school >> [_] Anon 3316248 DONT TOUCH THE BLUE?!?1/11/1/1/!??1?!/1111!!!!111 >> [_] Anon 3316249 >># move your cursor outside of the window and all the way around to the other side >> [_] Anon 3316250 my brother could get to level 150+ on this thing instantly once upon a time.
File: impossiblequiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Other) [_] Anon 3229301 2hu a shit. Post games instead. >> [_] Anon 3229324 What I need to do on 24#? >> [_] Anon 3229351 >># The game literally tells you what to do on #24 >> [_] Anon 3229374 >the answer is really big >answer isn't "really big" shit quiz >> [_] Anon 3229375 I was 10 when this came out. I had to ask my dad for help when I got stuck on the horse one. He sat down at it for a while and even managed to beat it, but then he forbade me from finishing it myself due to how crude it was.
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] prepare for rage Anon 3124443 Try to finish this, no cheating! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3124495 the only time i was ever popular in school was when i got further than everyone in the impossible quiz during computer class >> [_] Anon 3124510 got to about 40 then realized this was stupid memorization >> [_] Anon 3124542 >># It took you that long to figure it out?
File: theimpossiblequiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Da Imposiblest Quez Anon 3096871 Who gonna make the best score? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3096873 trial and error the game >> [_] Anon 3096878 >># Like your shit life. >> [_] Anon 3096889 >># my life is more like error and alcoholism. >> [_] Anon 3096893 I reached question 32 in 20 minutes or so, now I'm kind of bored... I guess this quiz is impossible afterall. >> [_] Anon 3096895 so, out of order, out of order, out of order, or ... out of order ? >> [_] Anon 3096903 >># Newfags dont pass. >> [_] Anon 3096945 Farthest I ever got was around 70-80, then I got bored, this thing sucks >> [_] Anon 3096965 Protip: I once got to the last question Guess what, you have to use ALL of your skips So if you actually used one of them You're pretty much fucked >> [_] Anon 3096968 >># its a very zen question >> [_] Anon 3097002 It's such a stupid boring game filled with little jokes from like 10 years ago. I've never once had the energy or desire to beat it. >> [_] Anon 3097009 >># I just mustered up the energy to get to 41 and now lost it. >Hurr everything is wrong
File: theimpossiblequiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 2951455 can a match box? >> [_] Anon 2951457 It was shit then and shit now. There's nothing clever about making questions that have a random answer. >> [_] Anon 2951481 >># >There's nothing clever about making questions that have a random answer. This. Any moron can write a problem that's hard to solve. The trick is to make problems that are interesting chalanges. >> [_] Anon 2951483 >># >># This wasn't made to test your knowledge. It was made to test your ability to keep going. Even the music should have given that away. Gonna Fly Now has always been the music for "keep going even if it seems pointless". >> [_] Anon 2951513 the whole game is a joke anyway, it was especially fun if you played it with a bunch of other people
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 2944210 >> [_] Anon 2944223 >># Holy fuck this is ancient. Managed to clear it once. Can't even remember the answers now. >> [_] Anon 2944248 >># I never beat it. Not even the second one. The time is NOW. >> [_] Anon 2944251 Fuck. I always get stuck on 42. I can't get past that fucker. >> [_] Anon 2944278 fuck this quiz I made it to 56 before I got tired of trying. How many questions are there anyways? 80? >> [_] Anon 2944283 >># 120 for the first one, never bothered with #2 >> [_] Anon 2944325 I remember most of these up to about 80. Never much farther than that.
File: impossiblequiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 2891771 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2891787 I hate you OP. >> [_] Anon 2891799 >># I love you too, random /f/aggot. >> [_] Anon 2891804 What a throw back >> [_] Anon 2891819 the only one i can never remember is the end of the world >> [_] Anon 2891821 >># The exclamation mark at the end of the sentence >> [_] Anon 2891827 I won my first try >> [_] Anon 2891829 >># Fucking everyday of middle school And I still fucking hate this thing >> [_] Anon 2891833 >># You are a lair, sir. Good day. >> [_] Anon 2891864 I cant believe I never beat this. I still havent. >> [_] Anon 2891873 >># Neither have I. >> [_] Anon 2891888 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc48T6-h 51g >> [_] Anon 2891923 >># The entirety of typing class, am I right? >> [_] Anon 2891946 >># And the majority of lunch.
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 2803037 >> [_] Anon 2803043 Christ it's been years since I gave this a go. >> [_] Anon 2803068 This game's been on youtube a lot lately, but god I get nostalgia boner for this game. >> [_] Anon 2803090 can't tab to find hidden stuff YOU MOTHER FUCKER >> [_] Anon 2803093 >># >tabbing on the impossible quiz This is unprecedented levels of pleb. >> [_] Uncle 2803108 I liked it more when this song was in the version before it was taken down. Maybe it was the second one actually? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THgZqTGZ RqI >> [_] Anon 2803117 can someone give me the answer to 42? >> [_] Anon 2803135 the best memory game >> [_] Anon 2803139 wow, #40 is literally impossible. the fullscreen flash breaks it or something >> [_] Anon 2803144 >># click the 42nd 42 >> [_] Anon 2803147 >># https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aboZctrH fK8 >> [_] Anon 2803201 WHY CANT I WIN THIS GAME?!?! >> [_] Anon 2803249 >># You're supposed to right click and drag your mouse across the bar that appears. It doesn't work for me but idk if that's because I'm on a macbook or not.
File: theimpossiblequiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 2758703 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2758770 stuck at the fucking horse >> [_] Anon 2758772 >># Click the letters to type "HORSE", idiot. >> [_] Anon 2758785 >># if you need a hint, hold tab >> [_] Anon 2758788 >># you shit >> [_] Anon 2758818 could never make it past around ~80 >> [_] Anon 2758820 Literally -the- time waster for typing class in middle school. The entire class was doing it when it got to the end of the semester and we were all done with everything. That or DOOM lan parties, if it was like the last week. >> [_] Anon 2758825 Stuck at the stupid Armageddon one. >> [_] Anon 2758833 Four No but a in can K.O Four Click on the word answer Shallots An elephant Below SE Upper Right Teeth n the dot in i F'taang Torch type HORSE on screen H Click on 17. Click on hammer Blue Orange Green Green Yellow Seal! Upper left +Skip Bran Click V in LIVES Shoe Polish Arsefacey Go to 28 Abundance Egg Mayonaise Woof. Woof. Woof. Babycham and Human Faeces 7 Don't click anything. Wait until green face shows up. A walk Of course not Mary Rose. Cynlindral Adventures Right click to reach it. Top of the duck (Afro) I stopped after that. The 42 one just too much. >> [_] Anon 2758836 >># >The 42 one just too much It's the 42nd 42. There's 10 in each column, so click the 2nd one in the fifth column. >> [_] Anon 2758845 >># You mean row, column is vertical. >> [_] Anon 2758849 >># Of course. >> [_] Anon 2758862 >># Did you get past it? >> [_] Anon 2758889 >># Nope. Don't feel like cheating and looking it up either. >> [_] Anon 2758921 last question #110: Use all your skips FUCKIN DROPPED
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] Anon 2585037 >> [_] Anon 2585040 >there are more then 100 questions no thanks I've learned my lesson >> [_] Anon 2585047 Nostalgia'd hard. Also it's bs since you need all 7 skips for the last question and some other bs I can't even remember >> [_] Anon 2585061 Oh fuck yeah. This was my jam back in the day >> [_] Anon 2585069 Out of order >> [_] Anon 2585082 >># if you're serious, this game is a lot more complex than it looks >> [_] Anon 2585085 amazing the capacity of the human mind. i can still remember all 110 questions to this shit >> [_] Anon 2585119 >># Same here. I remember me and my brother spending hours on this shit >> [_] Anon 2585155 i hate the game.. always losing. >> [_] Anon 2585171 >># I remember this shit. You needed to use all 7 skips at the end to win. >> [_] Anon 2585178 >># then git gud scrub
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] ynaut Raptor !!q+4q115pm8N 2395744 >> [_] Anon 2395750 I'm 24. My 15 year old brother can clear the first hundred questions in about 5 minutes. It takes me 20 just to get through the first 30 or so, or at least I think that's as far as I could get when I was close to his age doing this nonsense. I'm not sure whether to applaud his efforts or shake my head in disappointment his talents were used to get good at this insanity. >> [_] Anon 2395904 >># answer to 78: FOUR answer to 79: U This goes deeper than we ever imagined people. We're through the looking glass.
File: The_Impossible_Quiz_Deluxe_NG..swf-(7.98 MB, 550x400, Game) [_] You can do it, /f/! Anon 2241597 Trust your instincts. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2241616 shit this game is long >> [_] Anon 2241643 Too British four me. >> [_] Anon 2241645 god damn this shit is old it must have been at least 5 years since i last played this >> [_] Anon 2241648 oh god not this again >> [_] Anon 2241649 Been a while since I played this, >> [_] Anon 2241650 >># This dates 2007 on newgrounds. Taken it's almost 2014, you could say it was 7 years ago. >> [_] Anon 2241654 >># Don't think I ever finished it. >> [_] Anon 2241669 Can't click fast enough on the laser one for some reason. >> [_] Anon 2241677 REPEAT AFTER ME FOUR NO, BUT A TIN CAN K.O THE ANSWER OUTMANEUVER SHALLOTS AN ELEPHANT BENEATH THE "E" IN SEARCH UPPER RIGHT DENTURES N i F'TAANG TORCH HORSE H 17 HAMMER BLUE ORANGE GREEN GREEN YELLOW SEAL UPPER LEFT SKIP BRAN V SHOE POLISH ARSEFACEY 28 ABUNDANCE EGG MAYONAISE FOLLOW DIRECTIONS WOOF WOOF WOOF BABYCHAM AND HUMAN FAECES 7 REMOVE CURSOR BE PATIENT WALK OF COURSE NOT MARY ROSE CYLINDRICAL ADVENTURES RIGHT CLICK AFRO 42ND 42 TOM CRUISE PUZZLE UPPER RIGHT WHINE CLICK SNAAAAAAAAKE!! SPLAPP OK CLICK'EM THIRD FROM LEFT PUT PA MIGHT NOT NO ABOUT 20 CM OFF THE GROUND GAME SYSTEM FOR WHOLEMEAL BISCUITS BLUE RED BLUE YELLOW ERM ONE SHEPHERD'S PIE That's as far as I've ever gotten. My button mashing skillz are not up to snuff. >> [_] Knonymous 2241679 >># The question right after it (and the answer to it) implies that you have to fail that one once and try again (which I did indeed do) >> [_] Anon 2241680 >># No, if you beat it the first time you can answer that you did and pass but lose a life if you say you didn't. >> [_] Anon 2241691 wtf am i suposed to do at the end of the world >> [_] Anon 2241693 >># If I remember right you need to click one of the punctuation marks or one of the letters in the question. Can't check because I can't button mash like I used to be able to on the laser one. >> [_] Anon 2241745 >># Yeah, click on the exclamation point at the end of the sentence. Fuck this game. after sixty questions it gives you crap you have to guess or react to. Some questions were clever but some I still don't get. Bridget makes everyone Tom Cruise? Cardboard tastes like Mayonnaise? Do you want to save, bran? What's up with the duck afro? >> [_] Anon 2241757 wat do with farting cat? >> [_] Anon 2241759 >># Game is meant to be frustrating. In fact, I think you need every Skip arrow to get past the last question so if you use any you already lost. >> [_] Anon 2241761 Next time /v/ bitches about artificial difficulty I'm pointing them to this game. >> [_] Anon 2241775 mm kay. I'm giving up now. This game takes as much dedication as Dark Souls but the graphics aren't as nice. >> [_] Anon 2241881 >># CLICK BLACKFACE RAPID TO FIRE LASER, NO..., THUMB UP, MOSS, TASTELESS WHITE FILTH, EGG>28, CLICK THE WORD "LARGEST", CLICK THE EXCLAMATION AT THE END OF WORLD!, A BIG HAIRY ARSONIST, CLICK THE CATS BACK STRIPES TO PET, LOL 69, USING ITS ANUS, CLICK ON THE TOP LEFT BOX WHEN GREEN, don't know, TOP RIGHT, NO ONE KNOWS THAT, CLICK ESCAPE UNDER THE QUESTION NUMBER, >> [_] Anon 2241901 >># When it asks, "Can you lose this question?" clicking any answer will advance you. You don't need to wait for the dog to bark to click the answer, and you don't need to wait for the box to flash green, and you don't need to complete the puzzle. Only move one piece and click the right place. Moving the mouse off-window to see it again is a useful tactic when the game erases your pointer. Move the mouse along the cat's back, don't click, to pet it. You can click any box when its green. I need to skip the pitch black search, the candy girl, the horseshoe question Sell your liver to filthy romanians, rub the lightning rod like the cat's back, clip all toenails, (haven't completed that yet)
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, Game) [_] More Games! ThatReallyLongNameThatTakesUpHalfOfTheSc reenAndMakesAllTheThreadsFillUpHorizontal ly 1992963 >> [_] Anon 1993036 NUMBER 66 DON'T KONW WHAT TO DO >> [_] Anon 1993039 1.) Four 2.) No, but a tin can 3.) K.O 4.) THE ANSWER 5.) Cross outside the screen 6.) Shallots 7.) An elephant 8.) Yes! 9.) THAT ONE (top right) 10.)Dentures 11.)n 12.)The dot above "I" 13.)F'TAANG 14.)Torch 15.)HORSE 16.)H 17.)17. 18.)Hammer 19.)Blue, Orange, Green, Green, Yellow (BOGGY) 20.)Seal! 21.)Green flash (top left) 22.)+1 Skip 23.)BRAN 24.)V 25.)Shoe Polish 26.)Arsefacey 27.)GO TO 28 28.)Abundance 29.)Egg Mayonnaise 30.)Cross through the tunnel 31.)Woof. Woof. Woof. 32.)Babycham and Human Faeces 33.)7 34.)Remove mouse 35.)Green smiling button 36.)A walk 37.)Of course not 38.)Mary Rose 39.)Cylindrical Adventures 40.)Cross over the right-click menu >> [_] Anon 1993041 2. No but a tin can 3. KO 4. THE ANSWER 5. right click to cheat 6.shallots 7. elephant 8. just under the E 9. top right 10. teeth 11. N. this one doest make sense 18. hammertime 19. cyan, orange, green, green yellow 20. bottom left answer 23. bran 24. click the __ in lives >> [_] Anon 1993042 >># for no.5 you can also just click and hold >> [_] Anon 1993050 welp.. level 50 on first try without using skips and losing 1 life by accident >> [_] Anon 1993057 >># Question 40: Cross over the right-click menu Question 41: AFRO Question 42: 42nd 42 Question 43: Tom Cruise Question 44: . Question 45: W RONG (cross sun flag skull up) Question 46: OMGF U KILLS SONIKKU U BASTUD Question 47: Red Question 48: SNAAAAKE! Question 49: SPLAPP-ME-DO Question 50: O.K. Question 51: Fight! (mash the mouse) Question 52: 3rd from left Question 53: ...but pa might not Question 54: No, about 20cm off the ground Question 55: A games console for wholemeal biscuits Question 56: Blue, red, blue, yellow Question 57: Erm... one? Question 58: Shepherd's Pie >This one's a bitch. Question 59: Charge ur lazer! (mash the mouse) >> [_] Anon 1993058 >># Question 60: .. (unless you did 59 without retrying upon running this flash) Question 61: Thumbs up Question 62: Moss Question 63: Tasteless white filth Question 64: Egg > 28 Question 65: LARGEST Question 66: ! Question 67: A big hairy arsonist Question 68: Stroke the cat Question 69: LOL, 69 Question 70: Using its anus Question 71: Green Question 72: Middle far left switch (it's small) Question 73: ? (top right) Question 74: No one knows that Question 75: ESCAPE! Question 76: Sugar, honey, honey Question 77: Question 77 Question 78: FOUR Question 79: U >> [_] Anon 1993061 >># Question 80: Filthy Romanians Question 81: Run cursor up and down lightning rod Question 82: Clip the toenails Question 83: National Dyslexic Association Question 84: Green Shooting Star Question 85: I loved it! Question 86: The Prince Question 87: . Question 88: Break Sonic's leg (mash the mouse) Question 89: Blindness Question 90: Nonce Question 91: Rip the note (no clicking involved) Question 92: 194, 27, 26, 14, 9, 3, 2.5, 1, .4 Question 93: Go! (behind bomb) Question 94: The bomb is a dud Question 95: Remove mouse, click Red Question 96: A right mess Question 97: 10+ times! Question 98: Blue, red, blue, yellow Question 99: At green, click sign >> [_] Anon 1993062 >># Question 100: Two Question 101: Chihuahua Question 102: Touch the dots! (one of them doesn't have one) Question 103: Slight down and slight right (you'll know) Question 104: Large yellow sad moon (Hey! Why not the large gray sad moon?) Question 105: BANANA (spell it from apple, nectarine, and gooseberry) Question 106: Click the arrow (right-clicking whacks you in the head) Question 107: Don't click TRY AGAIN on the gameover screen Question 108: 4 8 15 16 23 42 execute Question 109: Make the monkey poo (mash the mouse), then click on arrow Question 110: Use all seven skips >> [_] Anon 1993090 >># The fuck does 79 mean by U! >> [_] Anon 1993117 If you press tab you'll lose all the lives. I accidently pushed it.
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, Game) [_] A true classic Anon 1853464 Truly Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1853497 Stuck on the horse part. >> [_] Anon 1853499 >># hit tab >> [_] Anon 1853508 >># Spell "horse" >> [_] Anon 1853517 Name of songs? >> [_] Anon 1853533 up to 25 :P frigging fake city question and i refuse to skip it >> [_] Anon 1853536 >># how 24? i went threw all of it the first time to be stopped on 24 and lose all of my lives on that >> [_] Anon 1853537 It's Arsefacey. Stuck on 42. >> [_] Anon 1853541 >># Click on the 42nd one. >> [_] Anon 1853544 >># shoe pollish >> [_] Anon 1853545 24-7=walrus this game causes me to insult my own intelligence >> [_] Anon 1853547 >># That's the first thing I tried. Must have clicked the wrong one. >> [_] Anon 1853555 im on 40, what? >> [_] Anon 1853561 >># yeah, its bottom row, third from the left. there are 50 of them >> [_] Anon 1853562 >># Would help if you included info on the question so we don't have to start from the beginning to help you. >> [_] Anon 1853563 >># second from the left, sorry >> [_] Anon 1853564 alright, got to 60 something. I'm done >> [_] Anon 1853574 You're not suppose to use the skips otherwise you can't complete the game >> [_] Anon 1853576 Ah, this would be hard if you couldn't cheat on the road part. But you can. >># You can pick up extras in that one game and use those, though. Or at least some of them/ >> [_] Anon 1853579 For my and your future use: blue red blue yellow 4 8 15 16 23 42 >> [_] Anon 1853581 Yep 60 is enough for me >> [_] Anon 1853583 >># Which one's that? >> [_] Anon 1853585 Anyone know what to do on 81? >> [_] Anon 1853586 >># Describe the question, please. I don't have them memorized by number. >> [_] Anon 1853596 >># Lightning rod connected to a box with flashes in the background. Nothing happens if you just wait, and nothing happens if you click on it. >> [_] Anon 1853597 >># Jerk it off. >> [_] Anon 1853611 >># Nope... the last question in the quiz requires that you use all your skips to answer it, including all the extras you earn. Use one skip before the last question, and you're stuck and have to start over. >> [_] Anon 1853618 >># What I meant to say was, you can use as many skips as you want prior to the meteor game question. You can let that one run on and fill up all your skips. Also, I hate 92 so much. >> [_] Anon 1853646 fucking nigger duck >> [_] Anon 1853693 this was easy >> [_] Anon 1853697 not sure what to do on the end of the world question. >> [_] Anon 1853709 I managed to go to the final question... couldnt answer it Fuck this game >> [_] Anon 1853714 >># >Using your skips Casual.
File: The Impossible Quiz.swf-(7.98 MB, Game) [_] A fucking dumb quiz Anon 1764891 It's really dumb >> [_] Anon 1764990 I expect to spend the rest of my evening with this. Damn you. >> [_] Anon 1765007 Why is this so much fun? >> [_] Anon 1765010 Question 42 is just low. >> [_] Anon 1765020 >># its 5th row 2nd colum also http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index? qid=20070527093119AAWKxgG >> [_] Anon 1765023 JUST FUCK IT >> [_] Anon 1765077 Havn't beat this in a while, some of the answers I don't remember.
File[The Impossible Quiz.swf] - (7.98 MB) [_] [G] post # correct Cain !!eXi3Txe9btD 1206336 I don't think I'll ever make it past 102 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1206370 This is absolutely retarded. Rather than be difficult, it's random. >> [_] Anon 1206374 Can't figure 42 >> [_] Anon 1206380 1.) Four 2.) No, but a tin can 3.) K.O 4.) THE ANSWER 5.) Cross outside the screen 6.) Shallots 7.) An elephant 8.) Yes! 9.) THAT ONE (top right) 10.)Dentures 11.)n 12.)The dot above "I" 13.)F'TAANG 14.)Torch 15.)HORSE 16.)H 17.)17. 18.)Hammer 19.)Blue, Orange, Green, Green, Yellow (BOGGY) 20.)Seal! >> [_] Anon 1206381 21.)Green flash (top left) 22.)+1 Skip 23.)BRAN 24.)V 25.)Shoe Polish 26.)Arsefacey 27.)GO TO 28 28.)Abundance 29.)Egg Mayonnaise 30.)Cross through the tunnel 31.)Woof. Woof. Woof. 32.)Babycham and Human Faeces 33.)7 34.)Remove mouse 35.)Green smiling button 36.)A walk 37.)Of course not 38.)Mary Rose 39.)Cylindrical Adventures 40.)Cross over the right-click menu >> [_] Cain !!eXi3Txe9btD 1206382 102 is some bull shit like type "chihuahua" In 3 seconds, any mistakes and it kills you I was playing earlier and thought, time for some classics >> [_] Anon 1206383 41.)AFRO 42.)42nd 42 43.)Tom Cruise 44.). 45.)W RONG (cross sun flag skull up) 46.)OMGF U KILLS SONIKKU U BASTUD 47.)Red 48.)SNAAAAKE! 49.)SPLAPP-ME-DO 50.)O.K. 51.)Fight! (mash the mouse) 52.)3rd from left 53.)...but pa might not 54.)No, about 20cm off the ground 55.)A games console for wholemeal biscuits 56.)Blue, red, blue, yellow 57.)Erm... one? 58.)Shepherd's Pie 59.)Charge ur lazer! (mash the mouse) 60.)No... (unless you did 59 without retrying upon running this flash) >> [_] Anon 1206384 61.)Thumbs up 62.)Moss 63.)Tasteless white filth 64.)Egg > 28 65.)LARGEST 66.)! 67.)A big hairy arsonist 68.)Stroke the cat 69.)LOL, 69 70.)Using its anus 71.)Green 72.)Middle far left switch (it's small) 73.)? (top right) 74.)No one knows that 75.)ESCAPE! 76.)Sugar, honey, honey 77.)Question 77 78.)FOUR 79.)U 80.)Filthy Romanians >> [_] Anon 1206387 81.)Run cursor up and down lightning rod 82.)Clip the toenails 83.)National Dyslexic Association 84.)Green Shooting Star 85.)I loved it! 86.)The Prince 87.). 88.)Break Sonic's leg (mash the mouse) 89.)Blindness 90.)Nonce 91.)Rip the note (no clicking involved) 92.)194, 27, 26, 14, 9, 3, 2.5, 1, .4 93.)Go! (behind bomb) 94.)The bomb is a dud 95.)Remove mouse, click Red 96.)A right mess 97.)10+ times! 98.)Blue, red, blue, yellow 99.)At green, click sign 100.)Two >> [_] Anon 1206388 101.)Chihuahua 102.)Touch the dots! (one of them doesn't have one) 103.)Slight down and slight right (you'll know) 104.)Large yellow sad moon (Hey! Why not the large gray sad moon?) 105.)BANANA (spell it from apple, nectarine, and gooseberry) 106.)Click the arrow (right-clicking whacks you in the head) 107.)Don't click TRY AGAIN on the gameover screen 108.)4 8 15 16 23 42 execute 109.)Make the monkey poo (mash the mouse), then click on arrow 110.)Use all seven skips And you're done. >> [_] Anon 1206440 I got 5. the square root of onion? wtf? >> [_] Anon 1206442 2 >> [_] I. M. Meen !iT0tvRhlpc 1206507 how is 25 done? >> [_] nini 1206546 how do you do 24
File[The Impossible Quiz.swf] - (7.98 MB) [_] [G] From the depths of my own archive Anon 1170491 I havnt beaten this yet...i saved it almost 2 years ago or something. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1170525 I'm stuck on 15. >> [_] Anon 1170527 >># i got to 98 or something after a good 20-40 tries...or something.. >> [_] Anon 1170531 >># I passed 15, but this is hard >_< >> [_] Anon 1170532 >># alot of it is bullshit answers >> [_] Anon 1170533 It takes time... >> [_] Anon 1170553 >># A lot of the answers aren't so much bullshit as weird logic. Like "The 7th letter in the alphabet" is answered properly with H. Obviously, logically the 7th letter of the alphabet is G, but the seventh letter of "THE ALPHABET" is H. I'm having a little trouble with 42, personally. >> [_] Anon 1170564 i beat it >> [_] Anon 1170571 what is the order for the colors!? >> [_] Anon 1170572 >># oh nevermind >> [_] Anon 1170678 are you people twelve years old or something? >> [_] Cain !!eXi3Txe9btD 1170697 personal high score is the third question of the epic ten, when you get there you'll know >> [_] Anon 1170795 >># it's easy. the answer is 42. >> [_] Anon 1170806 the 42nd 42 >> [_] Anon 1170811 beat 110, you just have to use all 7 skips
File[-..-flash185--The_Impossible_Quiz.s wf] - (7.98 MB) [_] [G] Impossible game Anon 1108320 can't find the answer to 56 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1108406 #50 clearly gives you the answer. Good luck with armageddon. >> [_] Anon 1108467 Wow, I got it right my first time through. >> [_] nyan !91iMi6CIYI 1108474 i love this flash >> [_] Anon 1108511 I dont get some of these >> [_] Anon 1108512 OK SERIOUSLY #66 How do I survive the end of the world? >> [_] Anon 1108513 Is there any way to get #40 without using a Skip? >> [_] Anon 1108515 Not really impossible, just a lot of nonsense that has nothing to do with being a quiz and some "lol the right answer is wrong lulz" Typical Newgrounds shit. >> [_] Anon 1108518 >># Right click, use the menu. >> [_] Anon 1108576 Fuck the game, I just left it on to hear the kickass music!
File :[The Impossible Quiz.swf] - (7.98 MB) [_] [G] Whoever posted the ageofwarhacked, is awesome. /b/tards are /re/tards.Go /f/aggots. 863576 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 863580 Bugger. I'm stuck on number 39. >> [_] Mel !iKGMr61IHM!!VJXiIsRXUJN 863594 >># Cylindrical adventures. >> [_] brofist !GpTjZouKCc 863595 totally worth the wait. >> [_] Anon 863599 I can't figure out what to do on #56... >> [_] Anon 863600 I remember this on a different site. Pretty awesome >> [_] Anon 863603 duck one? >> [_] â¶ââââââââ 863604 >># one more level if i am correct? >> [_] Anon 863607 >># Can't remember. I'm trying to get passed all the questions I forgot >> [_] Anon 863610 1. four 2. No, but a tin can 3. K.o 4. Click where it says "The Answer" 5. Do what it says 6. Shallots 7. An Elephant 8. It's below the S and the E in "search" 9. Top right box 10. The teeth 11. n 12. Click on the dot in the i 13. F'taang 14. Torch 15. Spell out horse 16. H 17. Click on the number 17 in the top left corner 18. The hammer 19. Blue, Orange, Green, Green, Yellow. 20. Seal! 21. Top left box 22. +1 skip 23. Bran 24. Click on the v in "lives" in the bottom left corner 25. Shoe Polish 26. Don't know, I always skipped this one 27. Go to 28 28. Abundance 29. Egg mayonnaise 30. Do what it says 31. Woof. Woof. Woof. 32. Babycham and human faeces 33. 7 34. Move your mouse outside the screen 35. Wait for the button to change 36. A walk 37. No 38. Mary Rose 39. Cylindrical adventures 40. right click and use it as a bridge 41. Don't know, I've been skipping it. And 42 is where I'm stuck. >> [_] Anon 863612 a little slow on the whole idea guys? >># click the 42nd 42 >> [_] Anon 863613 >># Bottom row, second from left >> [_] Anon 863623 anyone figure out the duck one? dont feel like skipping it >> [_] Anon 863626 >># Figured this one out. It tells you the order of colors to click in an earlier question. >># Afro. >> [_] Anon 863627 >># I hate the duck one. I've never been able to NOT skip it. :/ >> [_] Anon 863629 I'm at 76...which one is it? >> [_] Anon 863630 QUESTION 80!! I don't wanna keep using my skips! They're only getting harder!! >> [_] Anon 863631 >># Got that on the first try. It's afro. >> [_] Anon 863632 #76 ...you are my candy girl. Sugar, jam, marmalade, honey. Is there suppose to be some order? >> [_] Anon 863633 sugar honey honey, its a song >> [_] Anon 863638 Stuck on the "End of the world" one... Any help? >> [_] Anon 863640 >># Exclamation point after "world" >> [_] Anon 863642 I can't cut the toenails in time. D: I'm too slow >> [_] Anon 863643 I'm done. I got to question 82(?) not sure. The one with the toenails but I gave up. I'm so slow. haha >> [_] Anon 863651 jesus...i hate how the later questions all have timers. it's gay. >> [_] Anon 863665 you cannot skip any, you need every single skip at the end to get to the 'real' end theres a series of unsolvable ones at the end which need ALL your skips >> [_] Anon 863668 75? I could probably figure it out, but fuck going through all 74 questions just for some more trial and error. >> [_] Anon 863673 How many questions are there total? >> [_] Anon 863677 the duck one is the afro and the town name is arsefacy >> [_] Fox Hunter !!+2zsRI6S46m 863678 Continued from anon's work. Field too long message appearing, so more than one post. 42. 42n'd 42 (Second from the left, very bottom) 43.Tom Cruise 44. Move the 44, click the dot underneith. 45. Cross, Star, Flag, Crossbones, Up 46. OMFG 47. Make the pointers touch for best results. 48. SNAAAAKE! 49. Splapp-Me-Do 50. Ok 51. Click lizard repeatedly. 52. Third one over from the left. 53. ...But Pa Might Not 54. No, About 20 cm off the ground. (BOMB)55. Whatever the Top Right one was. 56. Blue, Red, Blue, Yellow 57. Erm... One? 58.Sheppards Pie (BOMB)59. Repeatedly click the Shoop Da Whoop 60. Yes 61. Thumbs Up 62. The Moss 63. Tasteless White Filth. 64. Egg > 28 65. Click the word "Largest" (BOMB) 66. Click the exclimation point after world 67. A Big Hairy Arsonist 68. Rub your mouse over him 69. Lol, 69 70. Using it's anus. 71. Click the green one. 72. Line up the pointer with the most bottom part of the 2 in 72, then go down. 73. Top right one >> [_] Fox Hunter !!+2zsRI6S46m 863680 >># Cont. 74.One one knows that (BOMB)75. Rest your pointer directly under the 75, and when the bomb is lit, be ready to click escape. 76. Sugar, Honey, Honey 77. Question 77 78. Four (BOMB)79. Click the 'U' in the bottom left answer (In the word 'YOU') 80.Filthy Romanians 81. Rub the pole (BOMB)82. Click on each toe-nail 83. National Dyslexic Association 84. Self explanitory. Fill up your skips here if you want 85. I loved it. 86. The Prince 87.Click where the dot would be in the question number. (BOMB)88. Repeatedly click Robotnik's LEFT hand (The one on YOUR Right) 89. Blindness >> [_] Fox Hunter !!+2zsRI6S46m 863681 >># Cont. (BOMB)90. Nonce 91. Start clicking the page near where it says "Corner" in text, and continute to click in half. 92.Click in decending order 93. Move the bomb, click under it. 94. Wait out the bomb (it's a dud) 95. Move off screen for long enough 96. A right Mess 97. 10+ Times 98. Blue, Red, Blue, Yellow (The WORDS, not color) 99. Click the sign when the light turns green 100. Two >> [_] Fox Hunter !!+2zsRI6S46m 863685 >># The last 10. 101. Spell Chihuahua (Chi-Hua-Hua) 102. Touch the dots, beware the squares. 103. Count 5 skips from the right, go up from the point of the arrow of skip 5 104. Bottom right moon 105. Spell out banana (B in gooseBerry, A in Apple, and the 2nd N in nectariNe) 106. Keep on the road. 107. Wait it out. It's a fake game over screen 108. after every number, hit the space button 4 8 15 16 23 42(Except here) then hit Execute 109. Click the butt repeatedly, then the arrow 110. Use your skips. Hope this was worth it. >> [_] moar /h/ Anon 863714 >># >># >># >># Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you. >> [_] Anon 863728 Bump >> [_] Anon 863755 What's the answer on 26? It's the only one I've been skipping, and if I need all my skips at the end... >> [_] Anon 863777 >># 26. Arsefacey. >> [_] Anon 863824 Bump. >> [_] Anon 863832 i cant fucking get past this blue one... how the fuck do i do it??? |