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Threads (11):
File: the-last-stand-269.swf-(4.26 MB, 800x420, Game) [_] good shit Anon 3501726
File: the-last-stand.swf-(4.26 MB, 800x420, Other) [_] classico Anon 3487186
File: The_Last_Stand.swf-(4.26 MB, 800x420, Other) [_] Anon 2447943 Survive 20 Days and 20 Nights Repair Look for Weapons Look for Survivors Survive From Con Artist Games. http://conartistgames.com/games >> [_] Anon 2447965 >># fuck I remember playing this almost.. a decade ago? fuck >> [_] Anon 2447966 >># 7 years. >> [_] Anon 2447979 This is an old game but pretty addictive. Too bad it's very easy to fill yourself to the brim with survivors and then there is no challenge. >> [_] Anon 2447981 >># >get hunting rifle >bodies dropping on the floor >get barrett >feel kinda sorry for the zombies >> [_] Anon 2447982 >># That's why I enjoy The Last Stand 2 more. >># >># God I love the barrett, Over-powered hunting rifle. >> [_] Anon 2448087 If you do it right you can reload while shooting with the uzi and shoot forever
File[The Last Stand.swf] - (4.26 MB) [_] [G] Anon 1260774 >> [_] Anon 1260781 5 headshots per zombie my ass.. fuck this game >> [_] Anon 1260809 lol, my sawed of shotgun glitched and I couldn't switch or reload.
File[LastStandGame.swf] - (4.26 MB) [_] [G] Anon 1198276 >> [_] Anon 1198292 /r/ the sequel >> [_] Anon 1198316 >reloading breaks causing you to die at random fuck this shit. >> [_] Anon 1198345 20 days long >> [_] Anon 1198386 the game is hack,. >> [_] Anon 1198403 10 shots to the head to kill a sombie it too many >> [_] Anon 1198412 Hunting Rifle = win the game Ak-47 isnt bad either >> [_] Anon 1198421 SO FUCKIN EASY... really, if you even struggled to complete this game, you're sad... 2 hours to survivors, as much as you can to search weapons, minimal repairs needed on barricade. Get Barret, hand-cannon that slices 1-10 zombies at a time. >> [_] Anon 1198436 it was bugged last time i played it, because when you switch weapons while burst other weapon shoots with at the same brust-speed >> [_] Anon 1198445 You know what this game needed? A boss. Like the Hulk.
File[the-last-stand-269.swf] - (4.26 MB) [_] [G] In honor of Halloween nightmoves 1104810 >> [_] Anon 1104816 impossible game is impossible >> [_] Anon 1104828 It isn't impossible. All it takes is diligence. >> [_] Anon 1104830 easy game is easy >> [_] Anon 1104835 you just need to search like crazy for the ump once you have that then its pretty much just repair your shit >> [_] Anon 1104860 Sawn-off shotgun + Chainsaw = Game won. >> [_] Anon 1104874 Chainsaw is scrubfood. Use the Colt and Hunting Rifle >> [_] Anon 1104881 Firing mah barret. >> [_] Anon 1104887 Bah, Its all about the Auto Shotgun. >> [_] Anon 1104911 BEST FLASH GAME >> [_] Anon 1104928 Step 1. Find 7 survivors. Step 2. Find weapons, keep 7 survivors, keep barricade up. Step 3. Motherfucking machine gun some fucking zombies. Uzi rules. Aim for the head except for the soldiers toward the end... aim for the legs. >> [_] Anon 1104930 someone upload the sequel >> [_] Anon 1104963 barret = game won >> [_] Anon 1104969 This game never gets old. >> [_] Anon 1105007 i got to about day 19 and i got bored, the hunting rifle is by far the best of the early weapons, and the barret is just god mode. >> [_] Anon 1105022 >># You were one day from beating it, it ends on day 20 you know. Which annoyed me as I hadn't gotten all weapons before I beat it.
File :[laststand.swf] - (4.26 MB) [_] [G] Anon 943379 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 943419 What the fuck is with the difficulty on this? Jesus fucking tits, man. >> [_] Anon 943423 Fag game >> [_] Anon 943429 well Laststand 2 is better, it's more difficult than the first one und much more options :) play it on Maxgames >> [_] Anon 943591 Too many survivors get lost for no reason, weapon descovery is too slow. >> [_] Anon 943626 >># there lost because they are sent out to look for stuff and get eatin. i think the game was easy, especially once you get the barret
File :[the-last-stand-269.swf] - (4.26 MB) [_] [G] Zombie shootan gaem Anon 925729 >> [_] Anon 925762 Press R while shootan and you will reload while shootan and get infinite shots without stopping >> [_] Anon 925786 that's bullshit >> [_] hmm 925837 suxs, lame ending lol cant get over the army mans crooked hand calling you over to the chopper >> [_] Anon 925881 it was fun, but stupid ending and easy when you get 6 survivers and a uzi. >> [_] Anon 925890 Theres a second version somewhere. Let me go track it down. I may be able to find it perchance. >> [_] Anon 925891 http://armorgames.com/play/1443/the-last -stand-2 Number 2.
File :[the-last-stand-269.swf] - (4.26 MB) [_] [G] zombie survival game Anon 901158 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 901318 Yawn. Easy. Got the Barret and game was over. Made it though the 20 days. Please provide harder challenge next time, kthxbai Protip: When Zombie Soldiers come at you, Aim for Legs >> [_] Anon 901359 Yeah the barret is like a win button. >> [_] Anon 901392 well, if i should ever encounter fast bullshit zombies that have titanium-plated skulls, I'll be pretty much fucked. >> [_] Anon 901427 >># Agreed. What's up with that? Shot in the head should be Game Over for zombies. >> [_] dave !IKHzB8Bz26!!pzvb57DuTRM 901434 >># shoot them in the LEGS
File :[the-last-stand-269.swf] - (4.26 MB) [_] [G] The Last Stand. Enjoy Flashonymous 897165 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 897166 One of the best flash games out there... >> [_] Flashonymous 897179 If /f/ would let me, I'd upload The Last Stand 2. >> [_] Anon 897183 Firefox is pretty smart... he helps me download the any flash easily... you just need to know the trick :D >> [_] Anon 897198 Wow I played this game for almost 30 minutes straight. Best flash game ive ever played. >> [_] Anon 897215 what the FUCK I can't even get past level 2, I keep searching for fucking weapons and don't find SHIT AND my wall is too fucked up and only one retard found... fuck this shit! >> [_] Bowlerhatman !!hZDPsoEDBxR 897226 >># You should spend your first couple downtimes searching for survivors. Every survivor is another gun in your defensive line. Also, the more survivors you have, the more you can repair and the more rapidly your weapon search bar progresses. >> [_] Anon 897238 Wow, this is probably the best flash I've ever played. I'm on day 6, and I've found a revolver, shotgun, and a machine gun. Shit is very fun. >> [_] Anon 897296 It got ripped wrong. The "R" button no longer reloads, but leave you unable to fire. I love this game to death, but this version ain't right. >> [_] Anon 897297 easiest game ever. >> [_] My dad's Asian Anon 897315 100 bullets to kill a single zombie. All in the head. Unplayable. >> [_] Anon 897318 anyone got a hacked version? i have never found all the weapons... >> [_] Anon 897325 this verson is wrong, its harder to kil lthe zombie than usual. >> [_] Anon 897343 Won me the game in a very short 20 days. Fun game nonetheless. >> [_] Anon 897346 Barret + few hundred headshots = win + profit! >> [_] Anon 897367 Only gun worth is having is the Uzi, and the best weapon by far is the chainsaw. Get max survivors, get those weapons, and the ball is pretty much in your court. >> [_] Anon 897382 how to take guns from zombies?
File :[The_Last_Stand.swf] - (4.26 MB) [_] [G] Anon 889834 zombie shootin Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 889835 they needed to make this game more difficult when it came out obviously irrelevant that the sequel came out, but that wasnt much harder >> [_] Anon 889841 this game fucking sucks. takes 20 bullets to kill a zombie.... >> [_] Anon 889844 >># bitches dont know about headshots >> [_] Anon 889846 >># or chainsaws >> [_] Anon 889849 wow, can't kill level 20's soldiers apparently... >> [_] Anon 889856 >># Shoot in the face or legs. They're just as piss easy as the rest. >> [_] Anon 889917 Hunting rifle = god tier >> [_] Anon 889937 >># Except when the headshots take 20 shots as well. >> [_] Anon 889954 >># Not with the rifle it doesn't. Also just use chainsaw and you don't need any companions. >> [_] Anon 889973 how do i win? >> [_] Anon 889977 Survive 20 days and nights. That big ass high powered rifle with the scope, holds 10 shots, that is the best thing ever. Too bad it takes forever to get it, but once I had it only the occasional runner would get past halfway on my screen. I was taking down at least one zombie a shot with it, sometimes 3 zombies. Army guys have to be shot in the legs, they have protection on the head and chest. Swat are legs or head, chest protection. I think fatties are resistant, but not immune to, chest shots. >> [_] Anon 890053 >># you can blow army guys heads if you aim in their eyes. >> [_] Anon 890083 I just headshot a motherfucker 5 times. >> [_] Anon 890084 WTF, in the second round after some time i can't shoot or reload >> [_] Anon 890088 lol I killed a zombie clown! that made my day >> [_] Anon 890096 >># BARRET rifle is GOD tier: 1 shot, all zombs in line are killed. Soldiers almost always 1 shot kill. >> [_] Anon 890104 infinite ammo uzi is hilarious tier and so is the trick to get all weapons and 7 survivors in one night >> [_] Nicholas !esarY9quE2 890107 /r/ hacked infinite ammunition version. >> [_] Anon 890115 also the chainsaw with the uzi's firing speed and infinite ammo is also godly >> [_] Anon 890131 Easy game is easy. Just spend the most time looking for survivors and then when you get enough just farm weapons. As soon as you get a fully automatic weapon, you don't even have to try, just sit and spray. >> [_] Anon 890149 lol.. a soldier was by my barricade in the lowest corner.. i couldn't kill him cus i couldn't aim low enough to hit him =S |