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[_] [G] Fun stick archer game Anon 860481 Fun stick archer game Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 860492 useless trash
>> [_] Anon 860512 I wasted my day playing this. Good job anon
>> [_] Anon 860527 Fun game, but a little too easy after a while. Once you get the "no power bar" upgrade, it gets assloads easier... With double shot, it's almost impossible not to decimate them. The last upgrade erases that "almost".
>> [_] Anon 860528 Its alright. Gets boring as fuck after you get all of the upgrades, I quit at round 37 simply because six clicks of my mouse could destroy a huge horde of the purple dudes.
>> [_] Anon 860540 got to level 20 and then got the quick shot for some reason my guys never spawned so i couldn't win the level eventually it just spawned about 50 enemies all at once and even with the upgrades it was too much to deal with trash game is trash
>> [_] Anon 860542 shitty game. i farmed the guys and got all the upgrades by 14 or so. got bored and g'd tfo
>> [_] Anon 860687 Am I the only one who found the little explanation in the beginning like incredibly intriging
>> [_] Anon 860715 In the end, the only one willing to save the nation is you... ;_;