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Threads (2):
File[MegaManvsQuickMan.swf] - (4.98 MB) [_] [?] My Favorite MegaMan Flash THE ANON! 1326616 Wanted to post this earlier, but forgto about the tag markers. Great movie! >> [_] Anon 1326621 Oh, the memories... makes my want to dust off the ole 8-bit and spent hours blowing the cartridge. >> [_] Anon 1326623 1) Megaman couldn't power up the arm canon in MM2 2) IIRC you can't change weapons while a crash bomb is waiting to detonate >> [_] Anon 1326625 what. this one is your favorite?? This thing totally blows, the art is crap >> [_] Anon 1326636 dude... who cares.... it was a neat flick. it's not like it was canon or anything. I thought it was a trip! >> [_] THE ANON! 1326639 yeah, i bet you still watched it though. >> [_] Anon 1326646 Fuck yeah flashman >> [_] Anon 1326681 Animator needs to learn how to draw before animating. He has another flash where he fight someone else from MM2 and it sucks just as much. >> [_] OP 1326702 >># Seriously. Charge cannon in MM2? And what about those ROBOTS BLEEDING, EH?! >> [_] Anon 1326794 The guy can animate but he can't draw or put together a good sequence.
File[megaman_vs_quickman_el_cid.swf] - (4.98 MB) [_] [A] Epic megaman flash Anon 1155705 original artist made it for newgrounds around 2006 and sometime recently closed his account, el_cid. This is probably not much win, but I post it in rememberance of an artist who makes a 23 year old button masher of a game look cool as hell. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1155707 oh lord how i hate HUMONGOUS FEET in this one... >> [_] Anon 1155708 The fuck is this shit? Robots don't bleed. >> [_] Anon 1155710 >but I post it in rememberance of an artist who makes a 23 year old button masher of a game look cool as hell >Posted shitty looking flash. Yeah... 'cool as hell' >> [_] Anon 1155711 >># >Implying megaman was a button masher >> [_] Anon 1155712 saw charged blaster and rage'd >> [_] probably op Anon 1155714 >># The flash is quite visibly for an audience familiar with the series. This also pays homage to the series, as well as the artist. You do not have to like it, but you're welcome to badger those that do. But if you like quality, perhaps a 3 second loop with loud and obnoxious music with random and spasmodic images zoom around is more of your tastes. >> [_] Anon 1155716 >># Lol wut >> [_] Anon 1155718 >># SSSSSHHH it's suspension of disbelief and I lurve it. >># It was if you were an 11 year old kid hyped up on pepsi. >> [_] Anon 1155721 Sweeeetie, if you don't get ready for school soon I'm gonna come up there and turn your game off! COME ON MOM SHIT I'M MOVING AS FAST AS I CAN SHIT I'M NOT EVEN AT THE BOSS YET COME OOOOOOOOONNNNN >> [_] Anon 1155724 This is hilariously bad. Proportions are way out of fuck, everything is off-model, is like puke on screen. "epic" is not the word here, and this guy can't draw. >> [_] Anon 1155730 >># glad i wasn't he only if ONLY that had been in MM2 >> [_] Anon 1155736 >># >2006 Durrrrrrrr >> [_] Anon 1155791 You know what, yeah it's not perfect, but guess what? I don't see you making a fucking flash video. >> [_] Anon 1155808 sauce on the music? >> [_] Anon 1155816 >># >Oldest and most unsound argument on the internet. Just because I can't cook an perfect steak doesn't mean I can't tell when I bite a piece of shoe leather. >> [_] Anon 1155823 >># The 'arguement' does hold some validity. Those with expertise should have their opinions valued over those who don't. For instance, would you rather have a literary criticism of a book who wrote critiqued by an English professor, or perhaps a random hobo? Unless you want urine on your book, I'd reccommend the professor. >> [_] Anon 1155826 >># But the opinion of the professor isn't automatically true just because he says it. An expert has more credibility but isn't a substitute for other evidence or data. Just because a high dollar food critic says a steak is great doesn't mean it doesn't taste like a shoe. >> [_] Anon 1155849 Wait... if he could freeze time, why the fuck didn't he just do that in the beginning of the fight? >> [_] Anon 1155855 >># The same reason shows like DBZ lasted over 9000 episodes... save the best attack for the last possible moment, then OH SHI- >> [_] Anon 1155912 An epically bad flash made by someone who apparently never played Mega Man 2. The worst part was that at no point did Quick Man's theme actually play. That's obligatory. >> [_] Anon 1155920 why are mega man and quick man such angry midgets? and why are they fighting to matrix music? and why does midget man have the head of X? >> [_] Anon 1155925 HE USED THE CHARGED SHOT ON QUICK MAN?! THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE >> [_] Anon 1155937 Bad megaman flash is bad... here's a (slightly) better one: 478 >> [_] Anon 1155972 This is old. I saw it the first time and didn't like it. Seeing it again? I realise that yeah, his drawing sucks. But damn some of that animation was smooth and nicely done. And well synced. The funny thing is I only completed Mega Man 2 a few weeks ago for the first time (never got on the megaman scene as a kid) Fuckin' enjoyed. Thanks OP! >> [_] Anon 1155988 that was shit. whoever enjoyed that has really low standards for artwork and animation >> [_] Anon 1156099 >># That's based on the assumption that the hobo is an idiot. Maybe he's a genius who likes to dress like a hobo. >> [_] Anon 1156103 This flash was on and off for me Sometimes the animation was hilariously bad, other times it was very fluid and well drawn. I give it a 5/10 >> [_] Anon 1156122 bad drawing but cool action. it just shows how the old 2D games could never really do those fights justice. >> [_] Anon 1156125 I think my favorite part was how in some parts, megaman didn't have a neck, and in some other parts, he... also... didn't have a neck. But then he did have one. But then he lost it. >> [_] Anon 1156127 >># Psst. y/Argument >> [_] Anon 1156128 this is poop like from a butt >> [_] Anon 1156133 >># couldn't have said it better myself |