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* Currently 1057 unique user posts.
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* 10/13/08 - we run serissa, now, if you havent noticed ^_^
File 0_oPirate.swf-(2.48MB , 480x360 )
[IMG][_] Anonymous 08/09/26(Fri)16:44 No. 1986
Flashs you can watch for hours thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/09/26(Fri)16:47 No. 1987
File FUCKIT.swf-(3.30MB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/09/26(Fri)16:49 No. 1988
File LoitumaBasshunter.swf-(243.32KB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/09/27(Sat)01:24 No. 2000
This one is amazing
>> [_] Anonymous 08/09/27(Sat)15:12 No. 2016
File drunken_spartan.swf-(2.17MB , 600x400 ) [IMG]
/r/ the loop with Dokuro-chan with You Spin Me Round as soundtrack.
In return, awesome flash that kept me drinking back in Ireland.
>> [_] not anon paul 08/10/03(Fri)20:04 No. 2235
Whats the name of the song for this before the crazy face appears?
>> [_] !SLaaNeSHsw 08/10/03(Fri)20:53 No. 2238
That was awesome!
I love how Brobdingnaginan Bards do this particular song. They've got a couple of other good ones
as well.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/03(Fri)21:01 No. 2239
You are a pirate from lazy town.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/04(Sat)17:56 No. 2268
What's the song playing WHEN the face appears?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/04(Sat)18:38 No. 2269
Theme from MATLOCK
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/04(Sat)19:25 No. 2270
sounds like a bit of a remix though
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/04(Sat)20:50 No. 2271
File nanakobutt2.swf-(323.23KB , 350x234 ) [IMG]
/r/ .mp3 of >>1988
>> [_] RaptorJesus!c/I.dmFW.A 08/10/06(Mon)02:46 No. 2311
Works best with Sir-mix-alot
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/06(Mon)03:26 No. 2312
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/06(Mon)04:25 No. 2313
File AgentSmithIceCreamTruck.swf-(265.98KB , 366x186 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/06(Mon)04:26 No. 2314
File spitspat.swf-(388.76KB , 500x400 ) [IMG]
And also...
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/06(Mon)04:42 No. 2315
File ALL_NIGHT_LONG.swf-(345.42KB , 500x375 ) [IMG]
Contributing to a once epic bread
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/06(Mon)04:50 No. 2316
File desudesu.swf-(29.79KB , 640x480 ) [IMG]
All this content I might burst... of what I possess this is quite well the worst
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/06(Mon)04:54 No. 2317
File Windows_98_OPENER.swf-(1.94MB , 240x180 , Windows 98 OPENER.swf ) [IMG]
Takes me back
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/06(Mon)05:00 No. 2318
File OMFG_JAPANCHAN.swf-(4.54MB , 480x320 , OMFG JAPANCHAN.swf ) [IMG]
I hate pushing replay, but I don't wanna mar this beauty with editing
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/06(Mon)05:15 No. 2319
File WHATTHE.swf-(2.66MB , 720x416 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/06(Mon)17:39 No. 2333
Sauce on that song. I remember it from my [DEL: weeaboo :DEL] [DEL: faggot :DEL] weaker days.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/06(Mon)19:28 No. 2338
Really? *Really*? You *forgot*? Is that even *possible*? Wow. *Wow*.
Neon Genesis Evangelion. You're welcome.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/06(Mon)19:29 No. 2339
Really? Really? You forgot? Is that even possible? Wow. Wow.
Neon Genesis Evangelion. You're welcome.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/06(Mon)20:31 No. 2342
I took a wild guess and DL'd the theme for Evangelion. Lo and behold, I was right. Thanks
anayway, tho. Anonymous has delivered.
>> [_] not Brand X 08/10/06(Mon)21:15 No. 2347
File combichrist_loop.swf-(201.73KB , 125x120 ) [IMG]
I think the song's name is Tenchi no Thesis?
I can't remember too much about Evangelon, I was drunk during most of it (yes, I know how many
episodes, I was VERY drunk. for a LONG time.)
Anyways, toasting in an epic bread, like God intended.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/07(Tue)16:55 No. 2366
File starfield.swf-(449.50KB , 640x480 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/07(Tue)21:18 No. 2381
Cruel Angel's Thesis.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/07(Tue)22:16 No. 2387
Dear gods... how do i save these to my computer??
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/07(Tue)23:09 No. 2388
OMG! what is the song?!!
>> [_] Skunch!2snyW8WpJc 08/10/08(Wed)03:23 No. 2391
file -> save page as
>> [_] Skunch!2snyW8WpJc 08/10/08(Wed)03:28 No. 2392
File SageGaiGar.swf-(6.35MB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/08(Wed)09:55 No. 2400
>>2388 Chiptunes - Tekilla Groove
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/08(Wed)16:58 No. 2408
do you gots rapidshit?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/08(Wed)21:56 No. 2418
/r/ song
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/08(Wed)22:39 No. 2419
I know how to actually save the flash to your computer and not just the friggen page. Now, I use
firefox 3, so I dunno where to go on IE. 1. Head to tools, select page info.
2. go to media
3. you will be presented with a list of junk thats on the page, but since these 7chan flash posts
only have the flash, you will only see one thing.
4. select it
5. click, save as, which is near the bottom right.
6. Also, if you want flashes from other sites, when you go to media, the flash will be the embed
7. You can play the flashes with a flash player (duh) or if you don't have one, you can use your
browser. It works just as well.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/09(Thu)08:02 No. 2422
>>2408 http://www.savefile.com/files/1829858
>>2418 no, just no
>>2419 IE7pro for IE
>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/09(Thu)09:03 No. 2423
File jesus.swf-(1.43MB , 480x360 ) [IMG]
>> [_] UnNamed 08/11/07(Fri)23:02 No. 3370
File 1181830904.nitro_robbie2.swf-(871.87KB , 320x240 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Mon)10:39 No. 3419
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Mon)12:37 No. 3431
File dancingRobot.swf-(687.66KB , 243x270 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Mon)12:47 No. 3432
File frostedbutts.swf-(2.20MB , 320x240 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Mon)14:05 No. 3433
can anyone help me out with a flash with an asian man balling up paper with epic music
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Mon)14:46 No. 3434
Awesome! more!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Mon)17:51 No. 3437
its here >>2936
>> [_] 1337 nUb 08/11/10(Mon)20:48 No. 3453
Is this cartoon just made for this song, or is it after something. (I know the song if from
lazytown, but the ammination itself I don't have a clue about.)
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/11(Tue)00:22 No. 3458
I demand the rest of the cartoon... not with matlock
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/11(Tue)00:29 No. 3459
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/11(Tue)16:50 No. 3506
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/11(Tue)18:56 No. 3511
He's right about the music being from Lazy Town; the characters (from what I've been told; don't
hold this to me) are from Gold Diggers (Manga), but it was animated and drew by someone unknown
to me but as far as I know it's just someone that had some free time, no one big or important.
>> [_] UnNamed 08/11/12(Wed)18:43 No. 3564
>>3432 I need this explained to me in words...
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/12(Wed)18:53 No. 3566
Same animator as the comic, Fred Perry. See also: Misi's Mom (sp?) for moar liek htis. I think he
finally finished that animation.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/15(Sat)19:25 No. 3671
bump, because bump
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/15(Sat)21:55 No. 3675
Oddly amusing, more!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Sun)10:27 No. 3682
File Misi_s_Mom.swf-(3.24MB , 352x240 ) [IMG]
I'm gonna get hit for furry, but it was requested...
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Sun)10:34 No. 3683
fuck, not full...
fricking fracking bricken bracken....
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Sun)13:23 No. 3684
Actually, anyone with half a brain would know that mithril (sp) aren't really furry, they're more
like nekos or what ever people call them.
Anyways, there was a site that came from but can't recall where; can anyone post it so I can read
the comics again?
>> [_] <NULL> 08/11/17(Mon)00:20 No. 3700
I'm from the fucking /n/ board, I know the difference, no one else outside does though.
you've annoyed me, but here's the damn comic.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/17(Mon)15:03 No. 3714
Heh, I forget what looney toons character it is that says that. I think it's Yosemite Sam, isn't
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/17(Mon)16:21 No. 3716
What is the name of this song?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/17(Mon)16:21 No. 3717
Geez, nevermind
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/17(Mon)19:40 No. 3724
File 8BITSHARKWITHWHEEL.swf-(243.97KB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/22(Sat)00:16 No. 3853
Song Source???
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/23(Sun)16:08 No. 3888
Mithra. Not mithril.
>> [_] UnNamed 08/11/23(Sun)20:00 No. 3904
File King_of_Queens_Syra.swf-(851.87KB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Code-Anima 08/11/23(Sun)20:46 No. 3909
I can't stop watching this one
>> [_] UnNamed 08/11/24(Mon)13:48 No. 3928
File trip.swf-(337.23KB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/24(Mon)22:14 No. 3958
File DRAMA.swf-(1.92MB , 185x139 ) [IMG]
This one, also, anyone knows the original anime?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/24(Mon)23:59 No. 3961
Girls Bravo, second season
Any chance we could get the full version of the first 1/2 of this flash?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/25(Tue)00:59 No. 3962
I know I'm a faggot.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/25(Tue)09:26 No. 3965
Thanks anon.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/02(Tue)07:39 No. 4139
File ToTheMoon.swf-(395.19KB , 600x440 ) [IMG]
You know you love it.
>> [_] Walter Joseph Kovacs 08/12/02(Tue)13:08 No. 4146
File MORUZE.swf-(7.55MB , 512x384 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Walter Joseph Kovacs 08/12/02(Tue)13:11 No. 4147
File bulbadance.swf-(555.43KB , 635x478 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Walter Joseph Kovacs 08/12/02(Tue)13:11 No. 4148
File evolutiondance.swf-(614.84KB , 480x272 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Walter Joseph Kovacs 08/12/02(Tue)13:13 No. 4149
File headbob.swf-(1.61MB , 704x396 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Walter Joseph Kovacs 08/12/02(Tue)13:15 No. 4150
File rgb.swf-(44.21KB , 640x480 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Walter Joseph Kovacs 08/12/02(Tue)13:15 No. 4151
File NobuyukiNulle.swf-(264.89KB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Walter Joseph Kovacs 08/12/02(Tue)13:18 No. 4152
File tanzen_mit_Deutsche_Star.swf-(2.21MB , 282x158 , tanzen mit Deutsche Star.swf ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/02(Tue)13:31 No. 4153
Have been posted...
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/02(Tue)18:34 No. 4170
File tomodance.swf-(313.87KB , 240x179 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/02(Tue)18:37 No. 4171
File caprihna4win.swf-(2.33MB , 640x480 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/02(Tue)18:42 No. 4172
File weird.swf-(903.93KB , 335x240 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/02(Tue)21:57 No. 4174
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/03(Wed)05:07 No. 4181
File AkazukinDance3_0.swf-(5.30MB , 480x360 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/03(Wed)06:58 No. 4187
File whitneyChromatic.swf-(343.62KB , 500x500 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/03(Wed)08:41 No. 4190
holy crap
mah mind was blown
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/03(Wed)08:42 No. 4191
>>4172 >>4152
Two of my favorites.
>> [_] the OP 08/12/03(Wed)14:08 No. 4195
fun! anime series? original song?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/03(Wed)15:23 No. 4196
jesus h. christ sauce on song please
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/03(Wed)16:40 No. 4198
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/03(Wed)18:02 No. 4201
It's the Irish Rovers you stupid fuck.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/03(Wed)18:24 No. 4202
i found somewhat arousing.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/03(Wed)19:03 No. 4204
>>4151 What's the song name for this?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/03(Wed)19:15 No. 4205
It's called No by Vim!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/03(Wed)20:16 No. 4206
I WANT SAUCE OF SONG SOOOOO... calming.. *sigh*
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/03(Wed)22:26 No. 4213
and by that I mean the song is very relaxing. I wouldn't be surprised if it were from Pulp
Fiction though. That movie had a lot of great music.
>> [_] A-no-no-moose 08/12/03(Wed)22:55 No. 4215
File Leekspin.swf-(139.10KB , 320x240 ) [IMG]
Ah yes...
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/04(Thu)00:01 No. 4217
Sounds like it came from an oldies song, 60s-70s music.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/04(Thu)03:36 No. 4225
File Multi_Track_Drifting.swf-(800.18KB , 320x240 , Multi Track Drifting.swf ) [IMG]
51 internets to whoever provides the source. I think it's from Initial D's soundtracks, but
haven't found anything yet.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/04(Thu)12:53 No. 4231
File owls.swf-(1.45MB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
Yeah, I know using a Weebl flash is cheating, but I like it.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/04(Thu)16:22 No. 4246
Google by it's lyrics. I just forgot it's name.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/05(Fri)03:50 No. 4267
Well, I tried, but the only thing I understood was "i see you dancing", and there's not relevant
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/05(Fri)06:33 No. 4268
File pirate.swf-(1.97MB , 480x360 ) [IMG]
Original of OP's flash
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/05(Fri)23:00 No. 4287
Does anyone have that one where it's like some Duck Tails 8-bit thing with "Come Sail Away" by
Styx playing in the background?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/06(Sat)16:18 No. 4305
File billmurray.swf-(1.63MB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/06(Sat)22:06 No. 4315
>>4225 Song is from Dance Dance Revolution 8th mix EXTREME
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/07(Sun)02:02 No. 4321
what song is that?
>> [_] Trainer Green 08/12/07(Sun)12:04 No. 4345
Minna de Arukou! - Pocket Monsters
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/07(Sun)14:21 No. 4347
>>2418 its in the flash name u twit http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=aV6PKkpoTRk there
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/07(Sun)15:44 No. 4350
Death is the road to awe, from The Fountain movie htign.
You're a goddamned monster.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/07(Sun)18:18 No. 4353
I wonder if anyone has an epic fight sequence just lyin' around??? (/r/ing)
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/07(Sun)18:26 No. 4354
Dance Dance Revolution - Señorita (speedy Mix)
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/07(Sun)22:19 No. 4361
File gardening.swf-(4.65MB , 320x240 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/08(Mon)11:58 No. 4372
song source? if there is one :(
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/08(Mon)20:30 No. 4397
File paniponijam.swf-(652.62KB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/08(Mon)20:33 No. 4398
File Hippo_Noodles.swf-(2.30MB , 550x400 , Hippo Noodles.swf ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/08(Mon)20:54 No. 4399
Fuck, I know I've heard that song for the DRAMA swf before... What's the song name? Where did it
come from? Lord of the Rings Trilogy or something?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/08(Mon)21:08 No. 4400
yeah, the short cowboy dude with the huge red moustache...
also occasionally heard from mutley from wacky races...
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/08(Mon)21:29 No. 4402
Wacky Races rocked. The bad guy actually won one episode. I was so happy I nearly cried that day.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/09(Tue)18:26 No. 4430
>>4399 Me again.
>>4400 Yosemite Sam. Oh how I miss that tiny pissed off hick.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/09(Tue)19:26 No. 4431
>>4430 its called "Escape" by Craig Armstrong
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/09(Tue)20:01 No. 4432
File Dinkroll.swf-(86.63KB , 1640x1080 ) [IMG]
lalw donkrule.
I love this goddam thing.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/09(Tue)20:11 No. 4433
More more more MARTY CHANG please. I heard a rumor he made a video about Scientology/Cults and
Super Deluxe/Weird TV dropped his videos.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/09(Tue)20:51 No. 4435
but....his dad is asian
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/09(Tue)20:53 No. 4436
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/09(Tue)20:57 No. 4437
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/09(Tue)21:11 No. 4438
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/09(Tue)22:50 No. 4441
File 4408blimp.swf-(1.47MB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/09(Tue)23:00 No. 4442
File prettycreatures[1].swf-(879.73KB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
from the annal of the ancient internet history archive I give you the revival of my favorite
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/10(Wed)23:03 No. 4480
File SERIOUS.swf-(362.57KB , 1024x720 ) [IMG]
Internet: Serious Business
>> [_] DUCKIES!! Anonymous 08/12/11(Thu)01:19 No. 4486
File ducky.swf-(563.05KB , 480x480 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/11(Thu)14:19 No. 4501
>> [_] Servil!tYQukeX2PU 08/12/12(Fri)13:31 No. 4523
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/12(Fri)20:40 No. 4533
aren't there others like this?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/12(Fri)22:59 No. 4536
File bellydancer.swf-(734.86KB , 320x240 ) [IMG]
God damn you must all be a bunch of newfags to not have posted this.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/12(Fri)23:00 No. 4537
back in the day this was the SHIT.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Sat)00:55 No. 4540
Song is Escape by Craig Armstrong.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Sat)02:38 No. 4543
newfag here
Anyone know the song?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Sat)02:58 No. 4545
Milk Inc., Saxy Motion
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Sat)03:00 No. 4546
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Sat)03:55 No. 4549
Sauce plz?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/13(Sat)04:13 No. 4550
Anyone got the name of this song? Pretty awesome.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/14(Sun)16:39 No. 4609
Do the evolution- pearl jam
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/14(Sun)18:20 No. 4614
name of the anime?
>> [_] The Muffin Man!EYrRGNOwdI 08/12/14(Sun)20:34 No. 4621
whats the song in this one?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/14(Sun)21:46 No. 4625
File HitlerZone.swf-(0.96MB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
You're Boss, dude. Thx!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/14(Sun)22:34 No. 4629
if anyone was looking, heres the full version of >>4148
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/14(Sun)22:35 No. 4630
File dotheevolution.swf-(7.85MB , 320x240 ) [IMG]
if anyone was looking, heres the full version of >>4148
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/14(Sun)22:56 No. 4632
Alright. Where the fuck is the animation from? The dancing chick, I remember being out of batman
beyond or some similar cartoon, but it's all the war scenes and crazy post apocolypse shit that
interests me. Looks like Heavy Metal type shit.
This has been bothering me for a while now.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/14(Sun)23:30 No. 4633
>>4632 It's a Pearl Jam's - Do the Evolution Music Video made by Todd McFarlane. Idea of the
dancing chick is same as in Sandman's comics, that the death is really a chick.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/15(Mon)20:35 No. 4675
what's this song? i like the guitar
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/16(Tue)01:17 No. 4682
Thank you for uploading this!
This flash was used in the background of an FFR game file that could only be obtained by unlocked
with something like 1500 credits (and therefore not a great lead source).
Many thanks anon.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/16(Tue)01:27 No. 4683
Page boy haircuts are always funny.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/16(Tue)01:47 No. 4685
File isengard.swf-(231.66KB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/16(Tue)16:47 No. 4709
File fresh_prince.swf-(277.82KB , 550x400 , fresh prince.swf ) [IMG]
Holy shit, I have seen forever.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/16(Tue)16:55 No. 4710
File the_jesus.swf-(253.11KB , 250x301 , the jesus.swf ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/16(Tue)19:19 No. 4712
>>4621 yus, i have been looking for this
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/16(Tue)19:30 No. 4713
No, I am NOT a pirate from lazytown.
Good Day.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/16(Tue)21:10 No. 4714
File grind.swf-(889.70KB , 825x600 ) [IMG]
Anyone know the song in this one?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/16(Tue)21:17 No. 4715
Out Here - Pendulum
>> [_] A.K.A.!tFj8DP0Frs 08/12/17(Wed)00:06 No. 4721
Kick ASS song
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/18(Thu)22:49 No. 4788
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/19(Fri)01:30 No. 4792
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/19(Fri)07:35 No. 4794
File Fuck_Her_Gently.swf-(2.93MB , 720x486 ) [IMG]
mid school
>> [_] UnNamed 08/12/19(Fri)16:36 No. 4800
File 20.swf-(680.24KB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/19(Fri)17:48 No. 4801
>>4800 Song info?
>> [_] UnNamed 08/12/19(Fri)18:28 No. 4804
I dont know..
>> [_] UnNamed 08/12/20(Sat)01:00 No. 4813
File Fearofgod.swf-(211.87KB , 640x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/20(Sat)03:49 No. 4814
Still no song info for this one?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/20(Sat)08:49 No. 4819
I can't recall the title, but I do remember that on the whole, the rest of the song does not even
remotely live up to this short sound clip. All I remember was intense disappointment when I heard
the rest of the song. You're not missing anything.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/20(Sat)19:07 No. 4827
Aw, really? That sux! Thanks for the heads up.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/20(Sat)19:08 No. 4828
File Negro64.swf-(347.50KB , 300x225 ) [IMG]
Whoops, meant to post this with my message!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/27(Sat)18:42 No. 5050
What, may i inquire, is the name of the song that plays after the pirate song?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/27(Sat)22:50 No. 5067
the song is called: Requiem of (or for I can't really remember) a dream
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/27(Sat)23:38 No. 5070
Requiem for a Dream
Just google it - sauce will be all over your face.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/27(Sat)23:40 No. 5072
I actually asked the same thing in another thread... or... was it THIS thread? Let me check.
It was you fucking lazy nigger.
See >>2268 and then >>2269. Damn
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/29(Mon)09:31 No. 5114
song is RJD2 - Ghostwriter
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/29(Mon)17:16 No. 5126
/r/ Song after face appears
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/30(Tue)16:53 No. 5157
How about the Matlock theme?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/31(Wed)16:13 No. 5202
Log onto:
www.swfchan.com, and under "search" enter "misis mom." Download the 7mb version, and yer in
Yay me
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/31(Wed)16:17 No. 5204
I 4got to add:
Download Misis_mom_all (or whatever the file is). That's the complete version. I lold when Misi's
gun did the "WaveMotion Gun" bit before firing. X-)
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/31(Wed)18:42 No. 5210
File Hatsune_Miku_classical.swf-(1.55MB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] UnNamed 08/12/31(Wed)19:02 No. 5211
File BrainDead-LaLaLa.swf-(1.94MB , 352x288 ) [IMG]
/r/ Song name pl0x
>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/31(Wed)21:50 No. 5216
sauce on hentai?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/01(Thu)03:46 No. 5233
Anyone know this song? Please Sauce :(
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/01(Thu)03:47 No. 5234
And by this song I mean 4126 aka weird.swf
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/01(Thu)06:33 No. 5239
Holy fucking FUCK that was hard. I had to finally resort to tearing the swf apart.
Etnotechno - If You Wanna
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/02(Fri)00:23 No. 5258
Second. I must know what anime/hentai it is!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/02(Fri)01:10 No. 5259
its brazilian i think
weird.swf >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxQWV_Hd4h4
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/02(Fri)01:15 No. 5260
artist is "Os Carrascos"
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/02(Fri)01:51 No. 5265
Dear god, don't listen to that.
It's the brazilian version of "funk", but the lyrics are retardly written and just say bullshit.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/02(Fri)04:34 No. 5267
What's the song in this one?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/02(Fri)15:43 No. 5275
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/02(Fri)16:23 No. 5276
The song is:
Combichrist - This Shit Will Fuck You Up
I'd like to know the video source as well.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/03(Sat)09:34 No. 5304
File<br />Removed
Some OC right out of the oven.
Just made this, my lil' contribution.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/03(Sat)19:29 No. 5319
Bach's "little" Fugue
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/03(Sat)21:53 No. 5327
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/03(Sat)22:25 No. 5330
Here's a nice ... version ... of the same song. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzt3HBQmBx0
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/07(Wed)00:43 No. 5470
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/07(Wed)04:08 No. 5476
Nearly every flash in this thread has been removed. Thought you'd all like to know.
>> [_] Suomynona!MBmG6LU66w 09/01/07(Wed)04:10 No. 5477
Ohh, hi. Welcome to all boards of 7chan.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/07(Wed)05:19 No. 5478
Kill this thread with fire!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/07(Wed)07:09 No. 5480
File barawa.swf-(156.13KB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/08(Thu)10:12 No. 5527
File bunny.swf-(221.75KB , 550x400 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/16(Fri)04:02 No. 5887
5 hours and counting... i love that bunny... i need sleep...
>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/10(Tue)21:22 No. 6898
>> [_] SAGERU! Anonymous 09/02/11(Wed)05:09 No. 6903
sage, stop bumping a dead thread, let it die and start a new one, without a gazillion old 404'd
>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/11(Wed)10:56 No. 6906
>>2313 Been searching for the name of that melody since I saw it in a Wendy's commercial. What is
>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/13(Fri)10:17 No. 6953
to the best of my knowledge it's an actual icecream truck melody or something, with no name.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/14(Sat)08:46 No. 6965
I'm pretty sure it's Do your Ears Hang Low.
It's an old child's song.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/14(Sat)13:52 No. 6970
>>6906 here. I found it. Andre Nickatina - Ice Cream.
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