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File ToneMatrix.swf - (86.42KB , 528x528 )
[IMG][_] Request... Anonymous 09/07/30(Thu)17:14 No. 1376 ID:
Hey, /fl/, sorry to bother you, but I've been looking for a flash for a while now-- I was hoping
you guys could help me out in case you had the flie. Eh, the flash I'm looking for is a movie
that is ,essentially, a kid and a girl that find themselves together, but separated by a large,
seemingly endless, fence of glass. They write on it and draw things-- after a while the kid tries
to break through the glass and ends up busting his hand. In the end she ends up cutting off her
right hand and leaves it for him on the following day (he was right-handed; she was left). I know
this is just a newfag request, but I would really appreciate it if someone posted it... Thanks
anyways, though. Oh, and flash unrelated- :3
>> [_] Request... Anonymous 09/07/30(Thu)17:54 No. 1377 ID: 210fef
File pokemonsnapxxxpeanutgallery.swf - (3.24MB , 550x400 )
Here's some graft.
Uncensored pokemonsnap gallery .swf
Come through for me, Anon.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/30(Thu)19:19 No. 1407 ID: b96278
Thank you!
>> [_] Request... Anonymous 09/07/30(Thu)19:36 No. 1415 ID: 210fef
Damnit, Anon, I want that flash!!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/31(Fri)01:30 No. 1485 ID: d3f773
Look for Draw With Me on Deviantart.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/31(Fri)01:37 No. 1486 ID: 8b68ea
File Draw_With_Me_finished.swf - (7.49MB , 320x240 )
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/31(Fri)01:39 No. 1487 ID: 8b68ea
i never saw the last part... even though i had it.... its kinda... dark... what with the self
mutilation and all...
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/31(Fri)06:09 No. 1498 ID: 3b7656
Oh hey, Mikeinel made that.
Found him off IMVU, began to like his art and animation. Great stuff.
>> [_] OP Anonymous 09/07/31(Fri)08:45 No. 1500 ID: 210fef
Oh, how I love you, Anon.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/31(Fri)14:12 No. 1517 ID: d37b48
Sup OP. Where did you find the flash in your original post?
>> [_] OP Anonymous 09/07/31(Fri)14:16 No. 1518 ID: 210fef
I got ToneMatrix and Pokemonsnap-uncensored off of months of surfing Fourchans' /f/.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/31(Fri)14:32 No. 1520 ID: d37b48
Ah, no worries.
I decided to not be a faggot and use Google.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/31(Fri)14:35 No. 1521 ID: 787356
this made me cry
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/31(Fri)14:55 No. 1523 ID: f1fdc1
Shouldn't the person on the opposite side of the glass see a mirror image of what the one drawing
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/31(Fri)16:40 No. 1530 ID: b2b71d
lol you tard.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/31(Fri)23:23 No. 1562 ID: 54d3ba
yeah me too, dont feel bad.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/11(Tue)15:13 No. 2340 ID: ca4f2b
Dammit, I haven't so much as thought about shedding a tear in just over 15 years..
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/11(Tue)18:01 No. 2341 ID: a7b50c
That made me go "'dawwww! <3" and ":3" at the same time. What a cute video.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/11(Tue)22:54 No. 2348 ID: 63aa6d
So beautiful...
Because of this, I shall spare your planet, and your people.
Nanu nanu
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/12(Wed)07:20 No. 2358 ID: 79cfdd
I cried. I am a grown adult and I can honestly say I cried when I saw this. Reminds me of how
damn lonely I am :<
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/12(Wed)10:52 No. 2368 ID: 369b4c
Better to be lonely than to have a long distance relationship with a crazy bitch who sends you
parts of her body in the post.
>> [_] Oculus 09/08/12(Wed)11:48 No. 2369 ID: 0cf0ef
Oh my god! Fucking epic!! I want it! WANT IT! WANT IT!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/12(Wed)17:37 No. 2389 ID: 187f62
They do, if you're paying attention. At the very beginning of the flash he writes 'can', realizes
this, and crosses it out. Everything from then on is properly mirrored so the other person can
read it.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/12(Wed)21:52 No. 2406 ID: 307724
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/12(Wed)23:23 No. 2408 ID: 79514a
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/13(Thu)06:43 No. 2423 ID: 5e18a7
Damn, this made me baw. Only because there was this girl back in high school who I drew with in
my sketchbook. Why anon, why? ;-;
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/13(Thu)08:53 No. 2425 ID: 2d8bc3
Gtfo all of you weeaboo faggots.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/14(Fri)11:01 No. 2535 ID: 153a50
Needs linkin park song in the background
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/14(Fri)13:53 No. 2539 ID: 9ae78b
You stole my joke jerk
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/14(Fri)22:09 No. 2553 ID: 15b158
w-w-why dont they just get a farkin LADDER?!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Sat)06:56 No. 2571 ID: a20b39
Because then,it wouldn't be sweet, and no one would watch the flash.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/30(Sun)21:29 No. 3094 ID: 88ce0b
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvjZ6VkLuCM I think you're refering too this? ^^
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/31(Mon)03:14 No. 3099 ID: e111e1
I lol'd
>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/31(Mon)03:57 No. 3100 ID: 8470a4
Get a ladder LoL
Fucking retard
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/08(Tue)19:58 No. 3314 ID: fc47b2
sir, epic lulz was had
also.....=(....cute flash mades me a sad panda
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)03:41 No. 3363 ID: 623abc
that was gay
>> [_] Middle Stone 09/09/11(Fri)16:22 No. 3370 ID: 865426
Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
Are you a student?
No really! I'm not kidding.
What is your profession? For real. OK I will adopt a more serious tone.
Big sinner. Yup!
Compare that to small sinner. Hmm.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)18:20 No. 3375 ID: 660a9b
Wait, what?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/12(Sat)21:58 No. 3402 ID: 1cd932
I think someone posted in the wrong thread.
>> [_] Neko 09/09/21(Mon)15:35 No. 3653 ID: bd7cd9
that does not change the fact, that he is quoting the game postal 2!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/21(Mon)20:47 No. 3657 ID: cfb3d4
>quoting the game postal 2
>the game postal 2
>the game
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/23(Wed)04:58 No. 3749 ID: cfb3d4
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/23(Wed)09:08 No. 3751 ID: 79234b
> cfb3d4
You cool bro?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/23(Wed)13:24 No. 3755 ID: 6b6809
>> [_] Lawrence Elsa 09/09/23(Wed)22:25 No. 3789 ID: 1b93cc
lol, this is why i don't samefag