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This is resource A8P0ZH2, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:4/3 -2009 08:08:22

Ended:4/3 -2009 18:30:05

Checked:19/3 -2009 17:08:46

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 30.
Discovered flash files: 1

File :[Zone - Esurance - Erin (Mini 1.0).swf] - (532 KB)
[_] [H] Erin Esurance Mini Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)01:56 No.912882

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)01:58 No.912884

  made me do a lol

>> [_] Vidyaman !!g6C2feaBybE 03/04/09(Wed)02:06 No.912887

  Always lol at the ad

>> [_] Doctor Dick !!dKiknH62i9K 03/04/09(Wed)02:07 No.912888


>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)02:34 No.912909

  Is it just me, or are these mini's getting more and more boring?

>> [_] 3rd party generic driver. Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)02:38 No.912911

  they are

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)02:40 No.912912

  still waiting for the edit to remove boner killer at end

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)02:48 No.912918

  I suddenly want to get car insurance

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)02:48 No.912919

  I wonder how Geico would work out...

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)02:50 No.912920

  Ahhhhh, that was made of PURE WIN. Gotta love the ad at the end.

  Rule 34 makes EVERYTHING BETTER... :3

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)03:05 No.912937


>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)03:07 No.912940

  Yeah. The ad at the end just killed my hard on. Way to go Zone! You fuck!

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)04:16 No.912986

  omfg i lold so fucking hard at the end

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)04:35 No.912991

  god damn it Zone.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)04:39 No.912993

  epic win

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)05:22 No.913008

  These are getting worse and worse... meanwhile it's getting to the point that we have to wait
  months or fucking YEARS between the movies and games. The announcement for the new movie was a
  YEAR AND A HALF AGO. Here's a crazy thought, maybe if Zone didn't spend 90% of every fucking
  month making these exponentially shittier minis they could actually get the good flashes done in
  a reasonable deadline.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)05:35 No.913011


  But in Zones defense its only May 4th. Really, a year and a half ago wasn't THAT far back, for a
  quality flash. If you want some sub-par piece of shit, sure, he/she/it could pump one out every
  month or so. But for Midna quality shit, it takes time.

  Love the flash. Erin = amazing.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)05:54 No.913019

  Before Zone started doing a mini every month they were releasing full games and movies every
  couple months. 1 month from Reiko to Starfire, 2 from that to the FLCL one... then Zone started
  with the minis. Suddenly it's taking 4, 5, 6 months between projects, not including all the

  Zone always makes the best shit... and could do it with a much smaller gap between releases if
  they weren't working on a dozen other projects at the same time.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)06:24 No.913024


  course no one considers that maybe Zone has...yaknow...a real job and cant devote the same amount
  of time anymore?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)08:48 No.913091

  Same. Seriously, what the fuck were those turds at zone thinking? Then again they're the same
  retards who went all out an a flash of some shit creature from Zelda.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)09:06 No.913097

  Fucking Saved/ that was epic/

>> [_] Oblivion W. Guns !rHhmqKbuP2 03/04/09(Wed)09:28 No.913108

  I laughed fucking hard.

  And I'm a cynical asshole.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)09:58 No.913118

  Newfags have a lot to learn if the ad interupts your fapping.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)10:02 No.913119


>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)10:14 No.913121

  someone should send this to esurance advertising people.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)10:17 No.913124

  Zone would then get sued and we won't get anymore of her flashes, yeah that's a great idea. GTFO!

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)10:46 No.913138


  I'm convinced that this has everything to do with COMMISSION MONEY and nothing to do with being
  too busy or getting sidetracked by mini projects. Pony up the dough and Zone will put out like a
  whore, otherwise shut your yap and enjoy free porn.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)12:06 No.913181

  you people do realise we are getting shit for free here.
  Saying: don't whine about it...
  Do you whine about a downloaded game? i don't...
  I only whine about shit i actually pay for.


>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)12:10 No.913183


  Zone's clearly a tranny.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/04/09(Wed)12:19 No.913185

  /r/ hacked version without shitty advert
Created: 4/3 -2009 08:08:22 Last modified: 14/4 -2009 18:34:59 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:44:09