File :[rouran.swf] - (3.18 MB)
[_] [A] [Y] [A] [Y] [A] [Y] [A] Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)23:01 No.911858
>> [_] Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)23:05 No.911863
I was all excited, I thought it's be an awesome parody of the moe bs that is touhou with uber
manly men in their costumes... But it is no such thing. More moe BS
>> [_] Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)23:11 No.911868
>> [_] Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)23:12 No.911869
no, it's not win, it sucks as much as everything that has ever been made with regards to touhou
>> [_] Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)00:02 No.911898
why doesnt kaguya wear panties? and how does flandre lose to aya? no, no, this doesnt make sense
at all
>> [_] Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)00:08 No.911902
I saw AYAYAYA and thought it would be FotNS, but alas, I get this. why is the world so cruel?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/03/09(Tue)01:22 No.911961
Even after reading your post I had hope. I was horribly disappointed.