File :[Rush2++.swf] - (4.53 MB)
[_] [?] awesome Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)00:30 No.851609
dunno why, but I've been wanting to go re-watch a bunch of vinnie veritas' flashes lately, so
here ya go.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)01:29 No.851622
vinnie veritas > NCH
>> [_] It's true, and you fucking know it. Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:07 No.851630
He's alright, I still think NCH has a greater concept of momentum and properly animating fight
sequences... In this there's a lot of movements that show a person landing upright or in ways
that seem too short or stilted for how fast they were rotating, or moving before.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:40 No.851637
NCH has no sense of vision, style, or artistic sense though. V.V. at least produces some
interesting semi-original stuff. NCH just churns out memetastic uninspired decently done shit.
>> [_] It's true, and you fucking know it. Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:45 No.851639
Then combine their various talents, nch's better animation, with this guy's nicer art direction.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)02:49 No.851641
And he's Spanish-speaking, so as a student of Spanish his animations hold a special place in my
>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)03:30 No.851649
Now, imagine a collaberataion of NCH's flashes with V.V.'s and the possible amounts of win.
Another flash about 4chan to Spanish music with an awesome flash fighting sequences and art style.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)09:39 No.851739
Nef sux xD
>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/08(Sun)14:52 No.851805