File :[Fresh Prince Chanty.swf] - (879 KB)
[_] [L] Look at him go! Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:16 No.885199
Song is Snakey Chanty from DKC2, but I bet you already know that.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Effervescent Caramel Colored Sugar Fluid 01/29/09(Thu)16:07 No.885289
you know anytime will smith gets uppity and starts going on about his acting he should be shown
that video, you know to bring him back down to earth.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:39 No.885377
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)18:20 No.885406
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)19:07 No.885433
One of the better loops I've seen recently.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)19:34 No.885452
Fucking knew it was Donkey Kong Country music.
But I thought it was from the first game.
I fail.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)21:58 No.885547
any chance someone can rapidshit the song?