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Happy New Year!

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This is resource HE6WNWY, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:10/2 -2009 04:03:45

Ended:10/2 -2009 12:05:24

Checked:18/2 -2009 22:42:52

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 37.
Discovered flash files: 1

 File :[mootykins.swf] - (1.24 MB)
[_] [L] ;_; Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)22:00 No.893259

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] That Guy 02/09/09(Mon)22:16 No.893270

  love this flash

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)22:18 No.893274


  Same here. It's one of my favs.

  Is it wrong that mootykins and those panties turn me on?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)22:24 No.893278

  ummm, this is on the flash page, is it not...-_-

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)22:29 No.893281

  and yet /v/rage and the 4chan adventure game are not.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)22:57 No.893304

  that's cause the page hasn't been updated in over 9000 years for some reason.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)22:58 No.893305

  Perhaps I should send an email to "mootykins" about this.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)22:58 No.893307

  Can anyone post the 4chan adventure game? The latest version?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)23:12 No.893326

  /r/ song please

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)23:23 No.893339

  tits or gtfo

>> [_] Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)23:25 No.893343

  there's still an /i/ board in this flash ;_;

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)00:25 No.893387


  It was all downhill after this point. Moot has been concerned that the place is turning into a
  hellhole for a while now. :(

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:27 No.893441


  He must be very observant to see that. very perceptive indeed.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:30 No.893443

  aw, but you know moot still loves 4chins. If you really like 4chin u should click some of the ads
  to help out...i do it all the time, anything to keep 4chin going.

>> [_] wat !!RvA/SqgBcnW 02/10/09(Tue)01:33 No.893444

  originally this was suppose to be a website for moot and his faggot friends to share their hentai
  loli tentacle rape. Then other people from SA and all over the interbutts started coming here.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:36 No.893446

  Ditto, I click the adds just to help out some. Anything that delays moot putting a rifle between
  his teeth for another day.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:38 No.893448


  What doesn't help is all the people thinking it is a super secret clubhouse for whatever
  political angle or fetish they have. Pedos, protesters, anarchists, etc.

  It was only made for discussing anime and other stuff. Nothing to do with "ANONYMOUS IS LEEGUN!!!
  BLOW YOUR YELLOW VAN UP!", and so on.

  /b/ and most the boards are a cesspit of idiocy and rage. The only ones that still survive like
  4chan was meant to be are the smallest and slowest.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:47 No.893456


  fucking newfags...
  there is an /i/ (oekaki) board now, as there was back when the flash was made. There never once
  was an /i/ invasion board on 4chan. Moot himself says that invasions are stupid.

  There used to be 2 oekaki boards which were merged into one (now called /i/) long before this.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:48 No.893459


>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:50 No.893461

  >The only ones that still survive like 4chan was meant to be are the smallest and slowest.

  please reword your sentence as to clarify your point

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:52 No.893463

  Even so, I still prefer the "anon is legun" and yellow van era to the current one of an alternate
  myspace where they just post pics of themselves and compliment each other.
  It's like I'm really on!

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:55 No.893469

  He was talking about the boards, not the users. Read the post, fucktard.
  And all that means is that the users this site was intended for are in the minority.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:55 No.893470

  Hahaha, I caught that.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:57 No.893471

  It took over 2 hours for someone to point this out. Wow.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)02:24 No.893488


  Seconded, although it's almost like replacing being kicked in the balls with being kicked in the

  I've looked on /b/ recently and seen the front page have nothing but the male and female
  camwhoring you describe. Other times it's "newfags can't" or "post ending in" crap.

  I think a lot of the staff have given up or are overwhelmed now and only concentrate on tending
  to the reported/illegal posts. The rest is left to rot and slide ever downwards.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)02:34 No.893497

  the hilarious reaction to the boxxy trolling and "love" on /b/ is pretty much a sign of the
  times. it's got so bad that its now bawww'ing and crybaby pussies reporting the threads and sadly
  some idiot moderators pandering to the crybabies while ignoring page after page of camwhores and
  stale copypasta. triforce, anyone? fucking bullshit.

  now even the super tough guys and "internet hate machine" has turned into the most easily trolled
  and butthurt board on the net as they cry and rage over nothing. it's so pathetic to see them
  leap to the bait and cry their eyes out every single time. which shows they can't even live up to
  the "yellow van" era posters.

  need i even mention the countless camwhores jumping on the bandwagon to whore themselves out to
  show their jealousy and hate while people worship, bow and scrape, and kiss up to these true
  attention whores (while ironically hating and calling boxxy an attention whore/camwhore/slut -
  lol)? urgh. hypocrisy at its best.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)02:37 No.893502

  in the good old days they would never have acted like they did. even in the "yellow van era"
  they'd probably have been better. it's all went bad.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)03:09 No.893525

  4chan was better when fewer people came here. Fact.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)03:13 No.893527


  I'd agree with that. It's probably why the smaller boards are the ones that tend to be better

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)03:50 No.893552

  Fun fact: This applies to everything.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)03:54 No.893554


  I second the /r/

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)03:57 No.893555


  I also agree with that. I've seen it happen more than once.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:13 No.893566

  /b/ used to be fun

  Wasn't /i/ - invasion a 7chon board or some shit?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:17 No.893567

  there is one flow at least on /i/
  because it's really small and REALLY slow board there is probably no mods at all
  3s cock images and other similar ones keeps shitting this place where one fucking idiot can fuck
  up board in 1h and nobody gonna stop him
  the only /i/ rule being broken every day
  but it have one good side: with silent moot approval and because of decent images lack this board
  accepts loli, he made once post about it but it seems that after long time newfag mods don't know

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:18 No.893569

  Its ever since newfag replaced lurk moar. Lurk moar applies to everyone, newfag makes a barrier
  between oldfags and newfags. Newfag also changed the mentality from lurking moar to posting
  stupid newfag shit. Hence /b/ lost any real continuity beyond that point, new people did not get
  converted into /b/tards, instead, they just remained as they were before, generally social

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:19 No.893571

  He does wish to be one you know.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)05:41 No.893601

  y so srs
Created: 10/2 -2009 04:03:45 Last modified: 18/2 -2009 22:42:57 Server time: 02/01 -2025 13:46:48