File :[SageMan.swf] - (700 KB)
[_] [?] Keeping the Time Travel alive Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)00:35 No.899771
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)00:52 No.899777
Shit, well I'm at my four flash limit. Sorry everyone, I have so much more to give...
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)00:53 No.899778
And you wasted your four flashes on things that are in the flash archives?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)00:56 No.899780
I bet you don't even know any of the memes that were in that flash.
Seriously. The flash archives. Fucking FIND THEM.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)04:47 No.899933
I remember when Okk would disappear from IRC due to beecock.jpg being linked.
>> [_] sage sage 02/18/09(Wed)05:22 No.899944
Ironic sage.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/18/09(Wed)05:58 No.899958
I still pronounce it "sage", like its fucking English. If it was "sageru", the Japanese, then it
would be "Sah Geh Rhu". But no. Its fucking sage.