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This is resource K9V9VCU, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/12 -2008 00:57:59

Ended:5/12 -2008 11:32:19

Checked:7/12 -2008 06:56:28

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 29.
Discovered flash files: 1

 File :[HAMMER TIME.swf] - (2.12 MB)
[_] [?] HAMMER TIME Negroe !iNq2c7qVT2 12/04/08(Thu)18:43 No.856913

  Just asking for it. *VERY GRAPHIC*

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)18:50 No.856917

  nuke russia
  what is he hitting him with anyways

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)18:52 No.856918

  is it a hammer in a plastic bag?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)18:53 No.856919

  it is a mystery
  i've heard of this video, is this some widespread russian thing to be killing random people and
  film it

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)18:54 No.856921


>> [_] Negroe !iNq2c7qVT2 12/04/08(Thu)18:54 No.856922


>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)18:57 No.856924

  but why put hammer in bag i not understand

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)19:12 No.856932

  dont have to wash the blood off hammer, just throw away the bag.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)19:19 No.856941

  you're striking bone with a metallic object, whats a 1mm thick plastic bag gonna do

  also, there's gonna be blood all over his clothes in the form of droplets.

  i hate this shit, if you're gonna kill someone at least do it with some professionalism, and at
  least finish him off

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)19:57 No.856964

  This is why I stay the fuck out of Russia

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)20:26 No.856980

  don't like. but it's not illegal.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)20:27 No.856981

  (the flash i mean)

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)20:35 No.856984

  any proof this is real?

>> [_] Negroe !iNq2c7qVT2 12/04/08(Thu)20:37 No.856985

  Look at where the investigation in the video is taking place.

>> [_] Negroe !iNq2c7qVT2 12/04/08(Thu)21:07 No.856997

  Made a condensed version of the video for all of you so you don't have to download the 40MB 7:00
  min long version. This one only has about 4:39 of footage, but isn't missing any of the good
  parts. Nice filesize of ~8MB too.

  Will post a mirror soon

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)21:11 No.857001

  post the 40 mb too

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)21:31 No.857013


  Sorry, only in .flv format

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)21:47 No.857022

  whats the link to the video again?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/04/08(Thu)23:17 No.857068

  You're a moron.

  For one it can help take care of finger prints, and blood on the murder weapon is more important
  than clothes. And if he was smart he went and burned those clothes somewhere anyway. In fact he
  would have changed clothes right there on the side of the road and went right to burn the
  clothes, but not burn them next to the body so as to not alert people to the body.

>> [_] Namefag 12/04/08(Thu)23:27 No.857071

  The National Yacht Club

>> [_] Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)00:01 No.857079

  went to the website and already my avg detected 6 viruses.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)00:07 No.857082

  make that 13 viruses, i really really suggest you guys dont go there

>> [_] Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)00:14 No.857084

  im at 18 now

>> [_] Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)00:18 No.857087

  scaning my computer now, i have addition 6 viruses, so that total is 24 viruses

>> [_] Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)00:29 No.857095

  alright, 30 total so far

>> [_] Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)02:34 No.857141

  It looked like a N-Strike Maverick to me...
  That guy just got pistol whipped like a bitch.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)03:53 No.857163

  Ukraine is not Russia.
  Ukraine is not Russia.
  Ukraine is not Russia.
  Ukraine is not Russia.
  Ukraine is not Russia.
  Ukraine is not Russia.
  Ukraine is not Russia.
  Ukraine is not Russia.
  Ukraine is not Russia.
  Ukraine is not Russia.
  Ukraine is not Russia.
  Ukraine is not Russia.

>> [_] Old Ink on Paper Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)04:29 No.857171

  To be on the safe side, stay outta the eastern bloc

>> [_] Anonymous 12/05/08(Fri)04:50 No.857175

Created: 5/12 -2008 00:57:59 Last modified: 7/12 -2008 06:56:29 Server time: 28/09 -2024 07:28:43