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File riding-yayoi.swf-(4.84MB , 368x276 )
[IMG][_] Anonymous 09/01/10(Sat)06:18 No. 5610
Fap in rythym
The object of the game is to cum before it's over.
I've won every time so far.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/10(Sat)12:13 No. 5619
I hear no audio, see no animation, etc.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/10(Sat)12:15 No. 5620
Nevermind, reloaded it and it worked.
Also, it's not even mildly arousing, so I can't fap to it.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/10(Sat)15:49 No. 5628
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/10(Sat)16:17 No. 5633
Actually, I came to this, which made me feel weird because there isn't even...WELL ANYTHING.
There's only the rythem, and that's what's probably so faptastic about it.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/10(Sat)17:15 No. 5634
when the "camera" starts shaking start thrusting your hips. For some reason this is just really
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/10(Sat)19:18 No. 5637
can er a anyone tell me the name of the er a music.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/10(Sat)19:34 No. 5639
Wow. I actually won.
Well. That was the weirdest thing I've experienced in a while.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/10(Sat)20:00 No. 5640
i fucking lost the game >:C
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/10(Sat)20:53 No. 5643
File 1216415024729.swf-(7.27MB , 800x600 ) [IMG]
I'm sure you've all seen this by now then...
May I request moar!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/10(Sat)20:57 No. 5645
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/10(Sat)21:46 No. 5650
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)01:39 No. 5662
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)03:43 No. 5663
File rodeo1.swf-(5.49MB , 320x240 ) [IMG]
This is the best of them all, to be honest.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)07:01 No. 5665
At first it was not arousing in the slightest
but eventually I went with it
I won the game
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)07:21 No. 5666
I thought this was more funny than hot.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)07:42 No. 5667
I had to play it three times before I came, and I only came a dribble. Not too bad though
considering I it was the second time I'd fapped in a thirty minute period.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)08:25 No. 5668
Fun, fun, fun! But her jumping belly-button is quite a turn-off to me.... Plus, she seems to be
still wearing pants... Only a teaser.....
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)09:04 No. 5670
this was actually quite awesome, anyone got moar? and does this have a name or a term? so we can
find more of it!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)09:05 No. 5671
lol ridge racer.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)09:33 No. 5672
Riding machine
look it up on youtube, or figure out the tag for it on nico video. They got a shit ton of them on
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)10:07 No. 5676
I lold my ass off, funny as hell
These are great but more nudity is needed.
Also they shuld be bit longer ...
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)10:11 No. 5678
The whole point of them was the fact that there wasn't any nudity or sex. Meaning, you could post
it on "family friendly" video sites.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)10:19 No. 5679
Found one in high def, and with tits
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)10:19 No. 5680
I know that.
What i meaned, was:
We need NSFW versions too.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)14:27 No. 5687
Yeah I couldn't agree more. If I can fap to this when I came two minutes ago, imagine the power
of it when it's NOT sfw
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)15:36 No. 5689
how can one win by cumming faster than this? Shouldn't it logically be slower?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)16:02 No. 5693
Yes, but 7chan defies all logic.$
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/11(Sun)16:53 No. 5694
weird shit. I came. Twice. Wut? higher quality needed. It's the pacman song, or at least a mixed
version of it.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/12(Mon)00:48 No. 5703
I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about. Those girls are riding rodeo machines,
can't you see?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/12(Mon)05:53 No. 5708
The first time I watch each one of these, I burst out laughing for the entire length of the
video. Then, I fap on the second playing.
(especially this >>5679 )
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/12(Mon)16:56 No. 5736
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/12(Mon)19:17 No. 5739
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/12(Mon)20:20 No. 5740
hey bro, I heard your IP is
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/12(Mon)20:24 No. 5741
>>5679 Here
I already pulled it from youtube. Gotta love that 720p streams. Makes youtube almost worth using
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Tue)14:54 No. 5772
Bump due to awesome.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Tue)15:12 No. 5773
ok, did a couple of searches on jewtube and found a few, but we need someone to turn them into
flashes for ease of fapping. in some ways I guess this should go in /r/, but I'll just post it
here since I contribute somewhat to the thread.
This one needs to be fixed, remove the failbits in the middle.
Another girl from Idolmaster. Lets collect them all!!
to love ru I believe.
also to love ru
shorter ver of above one.
the lovely loise.
not that good, but its Kooh so who cares?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Tue)17:20 No. 5775
If you bother with Niconico, I found you get some good results by searching "乗馬".
They aren't really erotic, but some (like this one: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm5751843) are
pretty funny.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Tue)17:23 No. 5776
Topless Miku Hatsune with bandages on her nipples doing the Caramelldansen dance for 30 seconds.
I am not, in any way shape or form, lying or misleading you.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/13(Tue)18:41 No. 5778
Well, I'll be damned. You weren't lying.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Wed)12:39 No. 5811
why the fuck does this turn me on so much?? OP is the best, IMO. i'd like to have a higher res
version of it.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Wed)14:32 No. 5815
I can see a live version of this being an alternative to child pornography.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Wed)16:19 No. 5827
need to log in or somthing to see it
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Wed)20:17 No. 5833
File ronald_sexy.swf-(5.15MB , 320x240 ) [IMG]
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Wed)20:20 No. 5834
poop in my mouth'd
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Wed)22:35 No. 5840
I came
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/14(Wed)22:39 No. 5841
fuck yes
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/16(Fri)15:07 No. 5898
Moar/bump. This is too good.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/17(Sat)17:24 No. 5945
With those two vocaloid girls. What's their names?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/17(Sat)18:14 No. 5947
This is fucking hopeless! I can't cum on any less than 3 runs.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/18(Sun)06:48 No. 5959
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/18(Sun)12:52 No. 5972
I came first round... as it faded to white.
We should organise competitive circlejerks.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/19(Mon)15:45 No. 6004
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/22(Thu)15:41 No. 6115
i cut stupid shit out, but now it's in .wmv format. How to make .swf?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/22(Thu)15:50 No. 6116
Here's a rapidshare
Sound is fucked due to cutting out that shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/22(Thu)20:19 No. 6127
ITS A RIDING MACHINE GUYS! with no pants...
>> [_] ButtercupSaiyan!zYWrhqMVos 09/01/22(Thu)21:26 No. 6130
Okay, I am going to reveal myself to be hopelessly foolish, but I should only need to do this
How do I watch the NicoNico videos, guys?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/22(Thu)23:01 No. 6132
A website where these can be located?
>> [_] MojoTheDude!YYfaJhwlfQ 09/01/22(Thu)23:41 No. 6139
>>6130 Enter an email and password, perhaps?
Protip: go to bugmenot(dot)com and enter niconico.jp. Only one pops up, as opposed to
nicovideo.jp's numerous, but it worked right away.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/22(Thu)23:42 No. 6141
http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=gxUrZq2J5NQ here's a good one.
>> [_] ButtercupSaiyan!zYWrhqMVos 09/01/24(Sat)12:03 No. 6194
Worked beautifully, thanks. It won't load or stream even after that, but I blame that on the site
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/24(Sat)14:11 No. 6201
Need another Wahzoo Style Flash game in this thred.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/25(Sun)03:03 No. 6213
Is that music from spyro?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/25(Sun)19:06 No. 6233
it's an interesting concept, but I remain soft.
these just don't do it for me
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/26(Mon)14:02 No. 6248
Get hard to your usual porn, fap to this.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/26(Mon)14:34 No. 6250
If anyone loses to one of these on your first go. Will never please a woman.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/26(Mon)16:27 No. 6251
Howabout one that isn't a cartoon you fucking losers.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/26(Mon)18:51 No. 6252
find it yourself if you're going to be a douche about it.
>> [_] Sylver!/73ORiYgDY 09/01/26(Mon)23:00 No. 6263
what, are you new here?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/27(Tue)21:19 No. 6351
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/27(Tue)21:22 No. 6352
Did anyone find the source of the music for that one or the specific track used? It's great.
I love these riding ones. Awesome. Such a turn on.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/27(Tue)21:28 No. 6353
Oh yeah, those files and the vids there are higher quality than the flashes. You'll notice it
especially when full screen.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/28(Wed)00:34 No. 6360
damn these are a massive turn on for me. i could watch them for hours.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/28(Wed)09:41 No. 6378
SONG FOUND: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=td86dqf6
It's track 16. Download works fine. Enjoy.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/28(Wed)14:50 No. 6386
ridge racer was the answer
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/28(Wed)15:04 No. 6388
Hey, Thought you guys might like this one, if it hasn't been posted yet
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/28(Wed)15:04 No. 6389
forgot the link
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/29(Thu)00:48 No. 6412
Sauce on the music in this one? Or is it just random background music?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/29(Thu)00:55 No. 6413
Scratch that, found it myself. Sauce is Ronan Hardiman's "Siamsa," apparently from Lord of the
Dance o.0
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/29(Thu)09:15 No. 6416
I both lol'd and came. Epic combo.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/31(Sat)09:39 No. 6501
This shit is hypnotizing.
and strangely arousing
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/31(Sat)18:35 No. 6528
>>5663 I lol'd at Siamsa, probably most because I've seen Lord of the Dance :p
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/31(Sat)19:31 No. 6531
>>5945 Is it IOSYS that made that song? Can someone link to the original video, if there is any?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/01/31(Sat)23:24 No. 6541
Silver Forest. Search "Tsurupettan".
>> [_] Anonymous 09/02/03(Tue)00:25 No. 6626
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