File :[starscream.swf] - (829 KB)
[_] [?] Damn it Starscream... Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)23:57 No.885624
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:10 No.885630
Well that sounds like your problem, nigga!
lol nice
>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)00:10 No.885631
lol :3 after he ate the toast :3
>> [_] SAGE !!RAayHDigcZ+ 01/30/09(Fri)01:21 No.885677
i always lol at this one.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)02:43 No.885745
I hate myself but every time I see this I watch it and laugh.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)03:12 No.885757
Megatron only keeps Starscream around so he can rape him every time he screws up.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)04:42 No.885806
It's the little things, ya know?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)06:22 No.885828