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This is resource PAER4CP, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/10 -2008 04:47:36

Ended:3/1 -2009 03:58:15

Checked:4/1 -2009 22:26:03

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 2

File: Bullshit_ending_to_V_vs_AR_by_3_Angled_Blue.swf-(1.60MB, 550x400)
[IMG][_] Rage vs Snacks Anonymous 08/10/19(Sun)19:29 No. 2737 [IMG]

  i cant seem to find this anywhere else so i will post it here for everyone.

>> [_] Gumu Gumu no Anon 08/10/19(Sun)21:21 No. 2738

  Are there more Rage vs Snacks videos?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/19(Sun)21:35 No. 2739
File: V-rage.swf-(7.38MB, 550x400)

  i found a fan made one. its actually pretty bad ass.

>> [_] Gumu Gumu no Anon 08/10/19(Sun)21:41 No. 2740

  Very cool beans indeed.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/20(Mon)14:44 No. 2749


  That was actually pretty awesome!

>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/20(Mon)16:12 No. 2750


  what version of fight the power is that?

>> [_] Suomynona!MBmG6LU66w 08/10/20(Mon)23:28 No. 2757


  It's the first one on the Gurren Lagann soundtrack, you can't miss it, it has the longest name of
  any song ever.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/21(Tue)02:33 No. 2761


  the second part as well?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/21(Tue)10:33 No. 2765

  Halfway To A Worthless Ideal Arrangement (An Interlude To A Discontinued Sarcastic Harmony...Yea

  That is the name of a song by The Locust. If I could be assed to post that name, you can post the
  name of the song in >>2739 because I couldn't find a proper track listing for the soundtrack, or
  ANY soundtracks for that matter, of that show. It might just be me, I don't know.

>> [_] Suomynona!MBmG6LU66w 08/10/22(Wed)03:37 No. 2786


  Well... fine. I didn't know if 7chan was still butthurt about anything "fight the power", that
  was really why I didn't want to post it.

  The whole soundtrack is under the artist Iwasaki Tarou, and I'm unsure if that's the real artist
  of the rap songs on the OST but that's what both the CDs are under.

  In English the song is...
  Burning Soul! Kick all your Reason to the Curb! This is the Insane Great Gurren-Dan Theme that
  will Blow Away your Ears!

  In Japanese...
  Rap wa Kan no Tamashii da! Muri wo Toushite Douri wo Kettobasu! Ore Tachi dai Gurren Dan no Theme
  wo Mimi no Ana Kappo Jitte yo~ Kukiki Yagare!!

  I found the song under the Japanese name on the net, and I had to google to find what it meant in
  English to rename it. So just a heads up that it might be under the Japanese name.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/22(Wed)23:24 No. 2809


>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/25(Sat)21:46 No. 2948


>> [_] Anonymous 08/10/26(Sun)04:56 No. 2956

  The whole "fight the power" fiasco was proof 4ch*n /b/tards will fight for the right to be

  Eh, who am I kidding. 7channers aren't much better either.

>> [_] OP 08/11/18(Tue)05:04 No. 3735

  HOLY FUCK! this is still up? i posted this thing... over a month ago!! wait... i think it was a
  month... still, holy shit!

>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/18(Tue)10:27 No. 3741

  tomorrow it would have been one month ago, there is dates attached to each post you know.

  also of course its still here, this is the speed of /fl/ (also.. 10 pages)

>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/20(Thu)12:09 No. 3800

  bump for more raegflash.

>> [_] anon 08/12/19(Fri)18:18 No. 4803

  Bump.. Needs moar

>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/19(Fri)23:13 No. 4810


>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/20(Sat)20:32 No. 4830

  bump for more rage flashes

>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/20(Sat)21:22 No. 4834

  you wouldnt happen to have a working download of this would you?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/27(Sat)04:20 No. 5041

  bumping for more

>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/27(Sat)22:03 No. 5061

  Link to the main song in the NCH flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/12/27(Sat)22:38 No. 5066

  Do you have the original?

Created: 20/10 -2008 04:47:36 Last modified: 4/1 -2009 22:26:05 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:56:22