File :[get-lost.swf] - (3.42 MB)
[_] [G] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)02:41 No.866981
What do I do with the damn key?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)02:49 No.866986
use it to get another key
>> [_] nyan !ZBJuh1AopY 12/25/08(Thu)06:16 No.867028
drowned in the aquarium..
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)09:21 No.867060
Anyone want the guide to the true ending?
>> [_] Me 12/25/08(Thu)09:27 No.867066
Me!! Me!! pl0x0r :3 i have already ended with the power-up gem, and the vegetables :3
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)09:39 No.867071
i just died all the time
it seems like i've tried every single route.
walkthough to all endings kthx
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)09:49 No.867074
Well, all endings might be a bit much, but I'll be willing to share how to get to the real ending.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)10:04 No.867081
Play as a human, gender doesn't matter.
Click on the light bulb in your room.
Go R to haunted grounds.
Click on the moon, it will go into your bugs inventory.
Go U,R,U,U,U,U and click on the moon in your bugs to put it back.
Go D,D,D,D,L,U,L,U,L,D and get the cheese from the mouse trap.
Go U,R,D,R,D,UR,L and use the light bulb to blow the T.V.
Get the fuse from the T.V. and go R,R.
Give the cheese to the giant rat and get the egg.
Go L,D,U,U to the veranda. Get the graphical bug in the sky and go U.
Click on the grate and go D,D,R,R,D,R,R.
Get the true bug and go L,L,U,L,L,U,L,D,L,L,L,L,U,L,D,D.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)10:06 No.867082
Go DR,R,DR,D. Click on the blue beast to send him away.
Click on the blue transport tube. Click on the fuse in your inventory to fix the machine.
Go R and get the egg at the base of the flesh monster.
After you get the egg, go L and go into the green tube.
Go D,R,R. The next room has a switch that needs to be turned off, or else you die.
Prepare yourself to find and click on a red switch to the right of you and go R.
QUICKLY click on the switch to turn off the machinery.
If you aren't dead, go L,L,L,L to the change lab.
Check to make sure you have 2 eggs and 2 bugs.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)10:07 No.867083
Click on the console and click on the bunny. You are now a bunny(?).
Click on the grating below you and go R.
Click on the unirabbit's horn and go U,L,U.
Use the unirabbit horn and click on the female bunny.
Get the resulting egg and go D,R,D,D,DL.
Go L,U and get the key. Go D,R and click on the dirt blockage.
Go D and click on the dirt passage here. Go D,L,L,D,DR,DR,DR and click on the green tube.
Go D,R,R,R,R. Click on your gold key and get the green key.
Go L,L,L,L,U. Click on the yellow tube. Click on the yellow tube here.
Click on the door handle and then click on your green key. Click on the red key.
Click on the blue tube. Click on the green tube. Go D,L to the change lab.
Double check that you have 2 bugs, 3 eggs, and the red key.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)10:07 No.867084
Click on the console and click on the bunny again. Now you are a bunny.
Go L,D,R,R to the bunnycomb room. Click on the bunnycomb and get the egg inside.
Go L,UR,R,R,R,R,UR. Now go L,L,DL to ride the turtle. When prompted, go DR to ride the log.
From the log, go U. Click on the mighty hole to fall in.
Here's a funky bit, click on the dirt that is to your immediate left to go left.
Click on the last bug and go into the mysterious smelling portal.
Click on all the eggs you have (you should have 4 if you followed directions) and use your red
Click on the red egg. It prompts you to choose any direction, down leads to certain death.
Any other direction just takes longer. Go L. Then, go D,DR and click on the green tube.
Go D,L to the change lab. You should only have the red egg at this point.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)10:07 No.867085
Click on the console and click on the human. Hooray, you're back to normal.
Go U,R,U,U to the land of the dead. Click on your red egg.
Go D,D,D,R,R. Click on the book on the bookshelf. Go U. Click on the left coffin and then click
on the jewels.
You are now dead, click restart. Click on the Wyvern to ride it. Go L.
Prepare yourself for a most awesome ending and go L one last time...
Congratulations, you win.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)10:25 No.867089
>witch that needs to be turned off, or else you die.
well i click as quickly as possible. nah im not doing that again, fuck this game, who could ever
figure all this out
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)10:40 No.867094
Disco party in hell?
I was so tempted to click down to certain death as a bunny, too.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)10:44 No.867095
i really wanted to change myself into the mandicore, i always got killed by it in the previous
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)10:53 No.867096
To change yourself into the manticore, you must stop the machinery, click on the red spine
looking thing in the room with all the tubes and in the change lab, click on manticore. It works,
quite fun.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)10:54 No.867099
Clicking down will result in putting you in the previous, un-escapable room. The only direction
you can go is right, where your head is borrowed by a large millipede.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)11:49 No.867112
>>Go U,R,U,U,U,U
>>go D,D,R,R,D,R,R.
>>go L,L,U,L,L,U,L,D,L,L,L,L,U,L,D,D
rofl are we at amigara fault
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)13:02 No.867141
How do I play Racket ball?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)13:04 No.867142
Other instructions here:
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/08(Thu)13:33 No.867148
Oh you