File :[larvae.swf] - (871 KB)
[_] [?] Needs more creepy Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)05:05 No.868227
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)05:17 No.868232
Creepy is right.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)09:31 No.868281
I have been looking everywhere for ths flash. You sir, are made of win.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)09:32 No.868282
The blue ocean parts were funny.
What the hell is this supposed to be?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)09:36 No.868284
It's supposed to show diffrence between the unknown and what we know and are afraid of. Or
something like that.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)10:07 No.868290
The sound sent shivers down my spine. Sauce?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)11:28 No.868315
I love this flash
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)11:38 No.868317
awesome. tottaly fweakin awesum dude.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)16:44 No.868446
Awesome indeed.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:55 No.868519
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:38 No.868544
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:04 No.868559
I love stuff that makes things like this meaningful... Makes me think about our place in
About a billion years ago, when the only appreciable numbers of living things were in the ocean,
multi-celluar life was only just beginning. Large creatures were an exception, not the norm. The
main advantage of being large (large as in from about the size of a guppy to the size of a
breadbox) was that nothing bothered you. At that scale, all any creature did was feed on
plankton. The entire ocean was full of slow-moving, peaceful creatures. There was not much
predation at all. It was the kind of world we'd like to think is ideal, and it lasted for about
100 million years.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:05 No.868560
Until the evolution of jaws. Jaws changed everything. No longer did creatures have to filter feed
for years to grow to an appreciable size, they could just eat the slower, stupider, and more
peaceful creatures in the ocean and gain about 100x the energy in the same amount of time.
Within a half million years, the entire ocean had changed. Now, the peaceful creatures not lucky
enough to be descended from the first jawed fish had to evolve other ways to survive, huge
spines, poison stingers, etc etc... and the aggressive jawed fishes propagated all throughout the
ocean, eventually leading to the dominant forms of life on the planet, and ultimately, us.
Those funky looking cute fish are actually the survivors of a brutal contest, something we'd like
to think we're above... But we don't need to look far to see that we still retain that nature.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:14 No.868568
If you like this flash, The Flaming Lips' song "Psychiatric Exploration of the Fetus with
Needles" is thematically similar.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:11 No.868650
this is incredibly well-animated.