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This is resource RSNHZT0, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/10 -2008 07:36:44

Ended:26/10 -2008 02:19:33

Checked:6/11 -2008 09:49:29

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[_] [L] /r/ song name Anonymous 10/24/08(Fri)23:53 No.840042

  can I get a name for this song?

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/08(Sat)00:31 No.840049

     man shit like this makes me think screamer

>> [_] TheAdmiral 10/25/08(Sat)00:42 No.840053

     Same here, it plucks at my screamer sense like mad and just stresses me out.

>> [_] 10/25/08(Sat)01:55 No.840072

     I agree with >>840049 and >>840053, still, does ANYONE here recognise the song?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/08(Sat)02:02 No.840076

     The reason I came here was to check for screamer.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/08(Sat)02:20 No.840078

     ITT people cautiously checking for screamers.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/08(Sat)02:32 No.840082

     "Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep."
     - Fran Lebowitz

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/08(Sat)02:33 No.840083

     For the love of whatever there is to love, what is this song?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/08(Sat)07:22 No.840156

     le bump

>> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 10/25/08(Sat)11:18 No.840214

     Shit like this gets me down for some reason

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/08(Sat)13:02 No.840242

     I have definitely heard this before. the first thing that comes to mind is it might be from
     some anime I've seen, but that really doesn't help much. who really goes out of their way to
     remember this kind of thing.

     It's driving me nuts though I want to find out what the fuck its from. FFFFFUCK ITS RIGHT

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/08(Sat)13:10 No.840243

     >>840242 here

     FUCKING GOT IT. It's from Darker Than Black, the first thing you hear in the first episode.

     Don't know the name of the song or anything though, I'm sure you can find a DtB OST or
     something if you want it bad enough.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/08(Sat)13:38 No.840252

     Found the songs name it is
     Tentai Kansoku
     And it is from DTB
     But it is really short.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/08(Sat)18:46 No.840365

     why would someone want that song

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/08(Sat)18:52 No.840367

     Tp shed manly tears at night, of course
Created: 25/10 -2008 07:36:44 Last modified: 16/11 -2008 17:44:33 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:27:32