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This is resource SA34NEK, a Archived Thread.
Original location: http://cgi.4chan.org/f/res/906398.html Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9. Discovered flash files: 1
File :[childabduction.swf] - (5.23 MB) [_] [L] reposting this Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)02:56 No.906398 sauce is definitely not rmx, as the rush comes, or any shit like that. if you think that's the sauce, you've been trolled by a mistagged file. don't believe me? go listen to the original rmx song. it's nothing like this. the real sauce is an original work by some furry on furaffinity. filename is vegex_redux_final_not weaks. RS: http://rapidshare.com/files/202281877/1176696952.dragonfyre619_vegex_redux_final_notweaks.mp3 >> [_] Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)03:00 No.906400 -stare- How did you not "Duplicate Entry Detected"? This was up less than...18 hours ago? >> [_] Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)03:02 No.906402 >>906400 lurk moar >> [_] Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)03:05 No.906404 haha newfags can't duplicate post >> [_] Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)03:07 No.906405 >>906400 >>906402 >>906404 Samefag >> [_] Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)03:08 No.906406 >>906405 >>906404 >>906402 >>906400 samefag >> [_] Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)03:09 No.906409 >>906406 >>906405 >>906404 >>906402 >>906400 Samefag >> [_] Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)08:35 No.906546 ill give you 1 internet for this >> [_] Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)11:32 No.906606 have another internet |