Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource U6BCBZ3, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/11 -2008 00:59:11

Ended:20/11 -2008 19:47:06

Checked:25/11 -2008 07:19:04

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

 File :[ganguro_girl15delux.swf] - (1.69 MB)
[_] [H] naksiloth !6xqjXqgnW. 11/19/08(Wed)18:46 No.850259

  as /r/ed...

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)18:53 No.850263

  c2okquy - Saori, bad luck - no sex
  vkz2OBu - Saori, sex, 1 position
  tYU2TEb - Saori, sex, 2 positions
  t9GJ6Ol - Saori, sex, 3 positions

  8WgUUD8 - Kumiko, bad luck - no sex
  sMU99R0 - Kumiko, sex, 1 position
  WsKV7z2 - Kumiko, sex, 2 positions
  XaoWCBZ - Kumiko, sex, 3 positions

  8HNcgZq - Nami, bad luck - no sex
  WQBLD5K - Nami, sex, 1 position
  awWl2hx - Nami, sex, 2 positions
  HtrkwtI - Nami, sex, 3 positions

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)18:58 No.850264


  Doesn't work, just tells me to pay. Anyone got membership?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)18:59 No.850266

  Just right click -> play
  should work

>> [_] naksiloth !6xqjXqgnW. 11/19/08(Wed)19:05 No.850271

  btw i should ask how can i rip flash objects thru the sites?i mean html.i use opera should i
  install FF3 for that??

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)20:39 No.850305

  Just select view source -> find ".swf" and try and see if you have a match.
  This page has File :[<a href=""; for example,
  which is basically a url to the flash itself. Which you can save by selecting save page as.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)20:41 No.850306


  * how to save flash files from html pages for dummies

  here's an easy way, open the page in internet explorer, then check the browser cache (temporary
  internet files). copy the flash file, remove "[1]" from the file name and you're done

  in firefox its even easier, just be on the page with the flash and press CTRL+S, save the whole
  page. you'll get a folder, copy the flash file from it and you're done.

  in opera there's a save page-feature too but it doesnt save the flash file. maybe you can access
  the cache from there too but i havent checked.

  then there are a bunch of other ways too of course but since you're a dummie just use the firefox
  way (or ie way if you dont feel like getting ff)

  now get a bunch of cool, unique flash files and put them on /f/

  (btw if anyone knows a easy way to get flash files from a html page on opera, please share it.
  dummy-easy that is)

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)20:42 No.850307

  RAGE. anyway, that's one of the more advanced ways. dummies wont understand it.

  (ps, replace "dummies" in previous posts with "retards")

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)04:17 No.850398

  thank you sir, you have absolved one of my childhood fetish/memories. I am a cleaner soul now.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)04:18 No.850400

  Isn't there a threesome in deluxe too?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)08:14 No.850436

  Isn't there some kind of code you put in like the name slot or something that gives you max
  points in stats?

>> [_] Opera Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)09:49 No.850445


  You'll have trouble finding any useful file in Opera 9.5 or later, unless you have an idea
  exactly how big the file is, and better yet, the exact time you've downloaded it.
  (Opera changes filenames, and leaves out extensions.)

>> [_] Anonymous 11/20/08(Thu)13:13 No.850490

  Anyone tried that ganguro girl chat thing? Any good?

>> [_] naksiloth !6xqjXqgnW. 11/20/08(Thu)13:33 No.850495

  enter 20 as your name.when you write 20 as your name a space may appear before it delete it and
  move your way.
  99999 cash,99*any of the six item&gifts,175 all stats.
Created: 20/11 -2008 00:59:11 Last modified: 25/11 -2008 07:19:14 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:44:46