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This is resource UNEIOA0, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/3 -2009 11:50:07

Ended:7/3 -2009 22:05:43

Checked:27/3 -2009 20:25:18

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File :[War_Games_1983.swf] - (426 KB)
[_] [G] War Games Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)05:37 No.915459

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)05:49 No.915464


>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)06:26 No.915473

  It's a movie reference.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)06:33 No.915476

  how can we win or lose? wasn't it supposed to be we all lose? again movie reference.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)06:50 No.915480

  yeah seriously, ussr wins just with their first full scale attack on silos, wth...

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)06:51 No.915482

  >lost there life's

  Dear mother of god.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)09:02 No.915508



>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)09:13 No.915515

  259521683 Americans lost there life's

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)09:20 No.915519

  To be honest, this game is a lot like tic-tac-toe. The only way to win is to hope the computer
  player makes the mistake of not attacking your silos and subs first. If you wind up with far more
  silos than your opponent, then you can just decimate their population and rack up the score.
  You'll lose a lot of lives and a few silos in the process, but it works.

  However, if you just sit around attack population all day, or do 50% of each, your enemy can
  decimate your ability to attack.

  So, if two humans were to play this game against each other knowing the way to win, both would
  attack the silos, and only random chance would dictate who wins.

  In a reasonable simulation, however, this would result in mutual assured destruction regardless
  of silos/population, and the fallout would more than likely end most life on earth. So yes,
  nobody wins.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)09:47 No.915524

  fallout would not end life on earth, idiot. Nuclear winter itself is propaganda by the no nukes

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)09:48 No.915526

  Only thing this is retarded, Ef you got 30silos and ai has one (done that). When you shoot, 30 is
  taken from your warheads, and when they shoot with that one silo a lot more than one is deplayed,
  ie one silo destroyed six of my silos.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)09:49 No.915527

  Well, maybe not. But you could win through economic warfare, like what we're doing against the
  USSR right now with gas prices. When they were buying a lot of gas, we kept it high. When
  suddenly, they became a net exporter, we forced the price into the basement. After a while, their
  war infrastructure falls apart, and we can nuke them back to burning hell with impunity.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:16 No.915543

  A simulator that takes into account economic status as well would be difficult to maintain, I
  think. There are an awful lot of factors that enter in to economy, and few are predictable.

  You are correct nonetheless.

  Believe what you like.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:36 No.915553

  Defcon is a lot better than this

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)10:55 No.915571

  What the hell. I played the first time and destroyed all of the enemies silos; didn't get a great
  score. Then, I destroyed most of the silos and killed everyone in the enemy's nation; got second
  place. What the hell.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)11:19 No.915590

  Score is based on casualties for the most part.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)11:30 No.915591

  I won with a score of -265.

  America. FUCK YEAH.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)12:30 No.915630

  I love how it's a zombie that has 3rd place, lol

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)12:59 No.915650

  Woot! 1 million. All glory to the USSR!

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)13:20 No.915664

  /r/ song on URSS ownage over shit fucks americans

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)15:20 No.915732

  Russian National Anthem.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)15:41 No.915742


  technically it wouldn't end ALL life. Just us and most other multicellar organisms

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)15:42 No.915743

  You Won! The Americans Surrendered!

  206 Americans died, 14 million soviets died!

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/09(Sat)15:52 No.915748

  Same with US.

  If you don't care about loss of life, you target silos for the shortest game.
Created: 7/3 -2009 11:50:07 Last modified: 5/8 -2022 12:09:41 Server time: 05/01 -2025 08:02:40