File :[~flow~.swf] - (48 KB)
[_] [G] /f/ needs more games Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)00:41 No.848680
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:54 No.848726
i cant go any lower..
>> [_] Â 11/16/08(Sun)04:27 No.848752
So I ate every fish in the sea, including the thing at the bottom and everything that tried to
eat me. Now what?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)06:21 No.848768
me too, is thAT IT?
pretty dang good but though
>> [_] Â 11/16/08(Sun)06:55 No.848774
Oh, if you google "flow" you can get the full one, when you eat the bottom creature you come back
to the top as something else
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)14:45 No.848862
gee, it's just like SPORE. I wonder where maxis got the idea??
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)15:18 No.848871
That was pretty awesome for a 48kb flash. Kinda reminded me of bubbletanks.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)16:24 No.848883
This is better then Spore
>> [_] Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)16:37 No.848886
you people never played this on the ps3 three years ago?