File :[03.swf] - (997 KB)
[_] [H] /r/ #2 in this series Anonymous 10/12/08(Sun)03:05 No.835206
I have the first and third of these games, but am missing the second.
Searching swfchan is pointless because the file name is only fucking 02
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/08(Sun)14:09 No.835422
Still have no idea how to play this or what anything means.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/08(Sun)17:19 No.835487
Can someone explain this game?
I like what I've figured out to do, but I can't use anything past the vibrator, and I can't do
anything other than change her hair color, use the vibrator, whip, lick and candle.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/08(Sun)17:26 No.835488
VPA (Circle, Diamond, Circle)
Stand for the stages of stimulation each is in.
For the circles, you have to use something to make it wider and then you can use bigger tools.
For each time it changes colors and grows bigger, you can use one of the higher level tools.
On the bottom before the exit screen are:
1. Eels
2. Fisting
3. Anal Fist!
4. Scat
5. Piss
6. ... dunno
7. Made the game restart and her pregnant?